To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

It’s not a matter of being over or under myself. It’s just a matter of fact. Anybody wants to engage in an objective conversation with me I am more than willing and able.
Evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.

I have a good question for you and your liberal ilk.

Why aren’t you objecting to the fantasy based indictment which Bragg extracted from that GJ? You do realize that this prosecution is purely political, don’t you.?

Ok. Two good questions.
You said whether it was criminal was up to the DOJ. That's not accurate. Whether to prosecute is up to the DOJ. What she did was criminal.

That's why there are degrees of crimes. What Hilary did was a much graver offense than driving a little over the speed limit. She operated an unsecure email server where she conducted Dept of State business on. Sec State is a serious office. It not like the Sec of interior, or the Sec of transportation. She did so to avoid FOIA requests, because she knew she was going to run for President. All the other reasons they gave were bull shit. You know that and so does everyone else. It wasnt about them not having the device she was used to, whatever device she wanted they would have gotten and set it up however she liked. She was the fucking Sec of State for crying out loud. And because she did that, unknown amounts of classified information were exposed. And it wasnt exposed like Trump and Biden exposed classified. There's a huge difference in documents being in someone's garage or their home and them being on an unsecure server that's connected to the internet. A server that was associated with the Sec of State's email address. Any adversary who wanted to access that server would have been able to at least know where it was on the network.

And they didnt prosecute her precisely because of who she was. Had you or I pulled some shit like she did we'd still be in jail.

That's an objective take on the Hillary BS.
Hillary wasn’t prosecuted precisely because of what you said, a determination on the degree of the crime. Mainly, was there criminal intent or not. People with top-secret clearance break these rules all the time. Sometimes they get a slap on the wrist sometimes they get a criminal prosecution. It’s determined on a case by case basis. Trumps DOJ determined that it was not severe enough to warrant a prosecution. That’s just facts.
Evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.

I have a good question for you and your liberal ilk.

Why aren’t you objecting to the fantasy based indictment which Bragg extracted from that GJ? You do realize that this prosecution is purely political, don’t you.?

Ok. Two good questions.
Thank you for the questions. I’ll give them a direct answer. I’m not objecting because I haven’t seen the evidence behind the accusations. Also, it will all get bore out in court, if the evidence this week, the case will get tossed or truffle you found not guilty. That’s our court system works. And I still have faith in it. I don’t think the prosecution is purely political. There has to be substance behind what’s going on. Do you think Trump is completely innocent of everything he’s accused of ?
Hillary wasn’t prosecuted precisely because of what you said, a determination on the degree of the crime. Mainly, was there criminal intent or not. People with top-secret clearance break these rules all the time. Sometimes they get a slap on the wrist sometimes they get a criminal prosecution. It’s determined on a case by case basis. Trumps DOJ determined that it was not severe enough to warrant a prosecution. That’s just facts.
She wasnt prosecuted because her name was Hillary Clinton. Had you done the exact same thing she did you'd have found yourself in jail. Right wrong or indifferent that's just real.
Thank you for the questions. I’ll give them a direct answer. I’m not objecting because I haven’t seen the evidence behind the accusations. Also, it will all get bore out in court, if the evidence this week, the case will get tossed or truffle you found not guilty. That’s our court system works. And I still have faith in it. I don’t think the prosecution is purely political. There has to be substance behind what’s going on. Do you think Trump is completely innocent of everything he’s accused of ?
That’s some stuff to unpack.

I believe you are commenting more on how the judicial system is supposed to work than about how it does work. Our legal system is great when it works properly. It kinda sucks otherwise.

I don’t buy a singles thing in Bragg’s fantasy indictment.
Underlying what?
Jake, don’t be obtuse. The indictment charges a felony 34 times for different dates and different book entries, etc). The felony has to be premised on a false filing on a business record PLUS it has to have been done with the intent to hide an underlying crime.

Without that “plus,” it’s just a misdemeanor. And the statute of limitations for a misdemeanor has already run out.
Thank you for the questions. I’ll give them a direct answer. I’m not objecting because I haven’t seen the evidence behind the accusations. Also, it will all get bore out in court, if the evidence this week, the case will get tossed or truffle you found not guilty. That’s our court system works. And I still have faith in it. I don’t think the prosecution is purely political. There has to be substance behind what’s going on. Do you think Trump is completely innocent of everything he’s accused of ?
The crux of this entire thing is the payoff to the porn star that the DA is claiming was an illegal attempt to sway the election illegally. There is absolutely nothing that indicates this was anything but a commonplace NDA with a settlement that happens literally every day in the USA.

That is quite a stretch and if that one supposition is proven false the entire case collapses
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She wasnt prosecuted because her name was Hillary Clinton. Had you done the exact same thing she did you'd have found yourself in jail. Right wrong or indifferent that's just real.
Didnt Ivanka Trump and Jared get caught with classified material been sent over the personal email accounts?
That’s some stuff to unpack.

I believe you are commenting more on how the judicial system is supposed to work than about how it does work. Our legal system is great when it works properly. It kinda sucks otherwise.

I don’t buy a singles thing in Bragg’s fantasy indictment.
Well, like with all Americans, I believe our judicial system is innocent until proven guilty. So if they do some thing that is inappropriate, they can be held to account. Until then, I assume it is operating as it should.
Sure, but whether it was criminal or not is up the the DOJ and Trumps team didn’t decide to go after it.

How am I not being objective?
Wrong, it's not up to the DOJ. You think the law is whatever the AG or the FBI director says it is?
Didnt Ivanka Trump and Jared get caught with classified material been sent over the personal email accounts?

A review into her emails revealed she had used her private address to contact government officials.
Ms Trump sent the emails before she was briefed on the rules, her lawyer says."

"Ms Trump stopped using her personal address for government correspondence after she was informed that she should not be doing so, the official said."


Doesnt say anything about classified emails being a part of this.
Hillary wasn’t prosecuted precisely because of what you said, a determination on the degree of the crime. Mainly, was there criminal intent or not. People with top-secret clearance break these rules all the time. Sometimes they get a slap on the wrist sometimes they get a criminal prosecution. It’s determined on a case by case basis. Trumps DOJ determined that it was not severe enough to warrant a prosecution. That’s just facts.
The law specifically states that criminal intent isn't required to prosecute. You only proved that you are a corrupt douchebag,
Didnt Ivanka Trump and Jared get caught with classified material been sent over the personal email accounts?

You'll notice that she didnt set up a private unsecure server with the direct intent to avoid using her Government email.
Well, like with all Americans, I believe our judicial system is innocent until proven guilty. So if they do some thing that is inappropriate, they can be held to account. Until then, I assume it is operating as it should.
You’re allowed to believe whatever you wish. But I’ve seen differently.
Jake, don’t be obtuse. The indictment charges a felony 34 times for different dates and different book entries, etc). The felony has to be premised on a false filing on a business record PLUS it has to have been done with the intent to hide an underlying crime.

Without that “plus,” it’s just a misdemeanor. And the statute of limitations for a misdemeanor has already run out.
It’s cute that you think you know better than the NY DA.

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