To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

The dumbass DA doesn't cite any laws being violated!

Secondly Trump was not in control of his empire during the Presidency as he had signed off all operation controls the day before he was sworn in as President:

The Trump Indictment Is Even More Silly Than Anyone Imagined….

April 4, 2023 | Sundance |


The indictment of Donald J. Trump IS HERE and the “statement of facts” IS HERE. The situation, as it is represented within the text, is even more laughable than we could have imagined. It is no wonder why the FEC, DOJ and Mueller Teams took a pass on the allegations. The entire legal construct collapses on its face.


bolding mine


The Judge should dismiss this empty Indictment as NO statute violations are listed in it.

Really are you leftists being that easily snookered by an empty Indictment?

This isn’t about the law…

this is a political lynching as an opening move and signal to democrat party prosecutors across the country to start indicting any Republican they can put their hooks in…….
I'm not a big fan of this indictment, but:

Their argument HAS to be "there's nothing there, no crimes, at all, period", because they don't want to have to answer the question, "is he above the law?"

No…you hack………this isn’t about the law at all…….this is a political lynching as the next step for the democrats to keep power……….
I'm not a big fan of this indictment, but:

Their argument HAS to be "there's nothing there, no crimes, at all, period", because they don't want to have to answer the question, "is he above the law?"

Are liberals so stupid they don't understand what a non-starter "no one is above the law" is?

We don't have a LAW system, we have a JUSTICE system. So you don't usually get stopped for going two MPH over the speed limit, and if you are stopped for that, you don't have your license revoked and get thrown in jail, even if the law allows for that. If that should happen, everyone would recognize it for a gross miscarriage of justice rather than parrot "no one is above the law".

I'm so sick of this really idiotic statement.
Are liberals so stupid they don't understand what a non-starter "no one is above the law" is?

We don't have a LAW system, we have a JUSTICE system. So you don't usually get stopped for going two MPH over the speed limit, and if you are stopped for that, you don't have your license revoked and get thrown in jail, even if the law allows for that. If that should happen, everyone would recognize it for a gross miscarriage of justice rather than parrot "no one is above the law".

I'm so sick of this really idiotic statement.

It is the simple statement of corrupt human beings…..they take a truth, and hollow it out…..

No one is above the law is a true statement……..then they use it as cover for evil……to use the law as a weapon for their own power…and smug assholes like mac1958 think they are clever when they used the hollowed out truth to attack normal people who actually believe in it…..
It is the simple statement of corrupt human beings…..they take a truth, and hollow it out…..

No one is above the law is a true statement……..then they use it as cover for evil……to use the law as a weapon for their own power…and smug assholes like mac1958 think they are clever when they used the hollowed out truth to attack normal people who actually believe in it…..

Mac1958 is a poser on the level of Alvin Bragg to be honest, and has been for some time.
The Indictment is dead on arrival since no statute violations are cited thus no crime to prosecute.
Did you read the indictment? Clearly you didn’t. You can’t file an indictment without listing what law was violated. Do oh think the judge wouldn’t have noticed?
The dumbass DA doesn't cite any laws being violated!

Secondly Trump was not in control of his empire during the Presidency as he had signed off all operation controls the day before he was sworn in as President:

The Trump Indictment Is Even More Silly Than Anyone Imagined….

April 4, 2023 | Sundance |


The indictment of Donald J. Trump IS HERE and the “statement of facts” IS HERE. The situation, as it is represented within the text, is even more laughable than we could have imagined. It is no wonder why the FEC, DOJ and Mueller Teams took a pass on the allegations. The entire legal construct collapses on its face.


bolding mine


The Judge should dismiss this empty Indictment as NO statute violations are listed in it.

Really are you leftists being that easily snookered by an empty Indictment?
An indictment with no crimes.

What a clown Bragg is.
Wow… this is the most uninformed post I’ve read today.

You obviously didn’t read the charges as each one cites the law that was violated. Each statute is named.

Secondly, these charges apply to actions taken during his campaign. Before he was president.

The fact you didn’t know these things show how utterly ignorant you are. Study up before you engage
What is the underlying crime he was allegedly trying to cover up?
No…you hack………this isn’t about the law at all…….this is a political lynching as the next step for the democrats to keep power……….
Haven’t y’all been cheering on political lynchings for the last 7 years?! Drain the swamp, lock her up… etc etc etc
Haven’t y’all been cheering on political lynchings for the last 7 years?! Drain the swamp, lock her up… etc etc etc

Hilary actually committed your butt buddy James Comey admitted...he just refused to actually prosecute her actual crimes....he wanted the democrat party pay day...
Hilary actually committed your butt buddy James Comey admitted...he just refused to actually prosecute her actual crimes....he wanted the democrat party pay day...
Trump fired Comey and his admin could have perused anything. They didn’t. How do you know trump didn’t commit crimes as well. You haven’t seen the evidence
Trump fired Comey and his admin could have perused anything. They didn’t. How do you know trump didn’t commit crimes as well. You haven’t seen the evidence
How do we know you didn't commit crimes? Should you be arrested becuase you haven't proved your innocence?

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