To Build or Not to Build. That's the Dam Question?

To Build or Not to Build more Dams? What say you?

  • No, don't build them

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  • I don't give a damn about a Dam!

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Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
To Build or Not to Build. That's the Dam Question?

Should places like California build more Dams? Even though some are almost EMPTY? That's the Dam question.

Some say, the Dams are the answer. Some say they are relics of the past. Some say they kill the environment and fish. Others say, and I agree, they are needed to Store Water for times of drought.

So here's the Damned Question. To Build or Not to Build more Dams? What say you?

To build or not to build, that's the dam question in dry California | PBS NewsHour

Across California, after years of punishing drought, reservoirs that normally fill canals and make crops bloom are greatly depleted or even empty. Some say that getting more water into storage by building more dams is key. But dams also create problems for native fish, and some see them as a waste of money that may not provide sufficient supply. Special correspondent Spencer Michels reports.

H.R.2898 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Western Water and American Food Security Act of 2015

Passed House. To build more dams.........
Here's Washington state blowing them up to save the fish.

Perhaps they don't give a Damn about Dams.:(
A better question would be whether or not South Carolina will get the federal funding to rebuild the dams that crumbled during that torrential rain in October. Some of them were almost a century old.
A better question would be whether or not South Carolina will get the federal funding to rebuild the dams that crumbled during that torrential rain in October. Some of them were almost a century old.
That of course is another issue. Not that it's an issue, but it is separate to the water shortage issues of California.

There are many infrastructure issues in this country.

The situation in the drought regions is to Store more water when drought isn't there. But environmentalist have contributed to the water shortage by allowing it to flow into the ocean to save the smelt.

California Dumps a Trillion Gallons of Fresh Water in the Ocean; Declares Water Shortage

California is dumping trillions of gallons of fresh water into the ocean, creating a man-made disaster, to protect an non-endangered bait fish.
I am cool with building more dams. I also think we should take care of the dams that are in desperate need of repair as well.
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Why would California dump Trillions of gallons of water into the ocean in a drought?


Gov. Jerry Brown, D-Calif.

McClintock said the restrictions are not coming because reserves are tapped out but because humans are not the government's first priority.

"We're now in the fourth year of the worst drought in the history of California," he said. "Yet, Brown and the environmental left continue to release what little water remains behind our dams, not for essential human consumption but rather to adjust the water temperatures in the rivers so the fish are happy."

The state is now in the fourth year of the drought, and water reserves are running frighteningly low. McClintock said it’s a result of stunningly stupid policies dating back to the last time Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown was in office.

“We haven’t built a major dam in this state since 1979,” McClintock said. “Meanwhile, the population has nearly doubled. We aren’t going to solve our water problems until we begin building more dams. We can’t build more dams as long as the radical environmental laws make their construction impossible.”

Bone-dry California dumps water to ‘make fish happy’
I am cool with building more dams. I also think we should take care of the dams that are in desperate need of repair as well.

CA could have been using this DRY period to expand reservoir capacity that already exist. They would not need to build new. Too busy cashing pension checks.

Feds order limits to flushing Lake Sacajawea in effort to save smelt

At issue is the city’s ability to flush Lake Sacajawea with Cowlitz River water, which it does every year between May and October. The fresh water keeps it from becoming stagnant, smelly and gross.

Flushing can continue this year, but by 2016 the city will have to dredge the intake — and spend more than $1.6 million on improvements — to be able to get any water out of the river.

But it can’t dredge without a permit, and NMFS won’t let one be issued if even a single endangered smelt is “taken” during May and June — key months for flushing the lake, and also critical months for smelt eggs and larvae.

The intake for the lake water at the Fisher’s Lane plant is routinely silted in, so the city often dredged to keep water flowing at its normal 3.6 million gallons per day.

But the city’s dredging permits expired in 2012, and NMFS waited until this winter to tell the city that not a single smelt egg or larvae could be swallowed up by the Fisher’s Lane intake during the critical May and June months. That would push flushing back to July through December, when smelt eggs and larvae aren’t as prevalent in the river — unless the city netted three times a day for a week straight in May to determine no larvae was going to the lake.

If the city couldn’t flush until July, the lake would quickly start to deteriorate. Warm weather and little rain in the summer means algae blooms and other smelly effects.

Let the Algae BLOOM............LET THE WATERS TURN STAGNANT.............LET THE CITIZENS INHALE THE STINK..................

For what...............................

They allow Trillions of Gallons of Water to flow into the oceans in a time of drought.

They refuse to vote for passage of Dams that would increase water storage.

They fight tooth and nail to build De-Salination plants until they are desperate for water.

They then Fine their own people for watering the lawns.

They restrict the flow of water to farmers as they save the smelt, and as a result are turning the fertile land back into desert.


Very simple. The farms will come back when California gets water again. But, if the delta smelt go extinct, then they are gone forever. And what eats the delta smelt. You might look that up.

When speaking of dams, one cannot just simply throw a dam across any area where the hills are close together. That has been done a number of times with catastrophic results.

St. Francis Dam disaster: Mulholland’s tragic mistake

To visit the site of the St. Francis Dam, drive up San Francisquito Canyon Road from the intersection with Copper Hill Road. Go up the canyon 7.2 miles and park just past the bridge. Walk north to the curve' the mass of concrete at the right side is what remains of the base of the dam.

What's the worst disaster in California history?

Most people know this one. If you said the great San Francisco earthquake and fires in 1906, you would be correct. Roughly 2,000 lives were lost.

Now, in terms of lives lost, what's the second worst disaster in California history?

I'll give you a minute. ... Don't know? That's OK. Most people don't. The answer is the St. Francis Dam disaster of March 12, 1928.

No one knows the true cost in lives lost, but it is estimated that more than 600 people were drowned, mangled by debris or impaled by trees when the concrete dam failed moments before midnight. The failed dam unleashed a wall of water that sped under cover of darkness from San Francisquito Canyon, located nearly five miles northeast of the Santa Clarita Valley, to the Pacific Ocean.

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