To claim asylum you must be physically in the US .

I'm sorry, but I just don't see the political advantage one way or the other. Yes, laws need to be changed, but good luck finding the people to do it. Piglosi and her clan certainly won't, and they plan on spending most of their time trying to remove Trump from office than anything else that needs to be addressed by Congress.
all congress has to do this next month is pass a one line bill written like the president's EO..

New executive order making immigrants ineligible for asylum if they arrive in the U.S. without papers. It's really quite simple and they can do while they have the House.
Telling 4,000 people that walked 2,000 miles to get to the border that they have go back home and get more identification should be good for another riot at the border which would certainly please Trump immensely.
BTW, Mexico requires ids at both their southern and northern border.

Too bad. Why are we pandering to these people in any way? Now we're supposed to feel threatened by them besides? How did this country become so sissified?
If we don't want to offer asylum, take the law off the books but don't slam the door in their face after they walked two thousands miles to apply.

So who's stopping them from applying? They can apply and wait in Mexican tents until a decision is made.
Trump tried to but the courts stopped him. I'm sure most these migrants see little or no progress. The initial processing is done by agents at the border and takes only minutes. There's is no reason whey it should take 3 months to process these people. According to local paper, the biggest problems is lack of communications.
all congress has to do this next month is pass a one line bill written like the president's EO..

New executive order making immigrants ineligible for asylum if they arrive in the U.S. without papers. It's really quite simple and they can do while they have the House.
Telling 4,000 people that walked 2,000 miles to get to the border that they have go back home and get more identification should be good for another riot at the border which would certainly please Trump immensely.
BTW, Mexico requires ids at both their southern and northern border.

Too bad. Why are we pandering to these people in any way? Now we're supposed to feel threatened by them besides? How did this country become so sissified?
If we don't want to offer asylum, take the law off the books but don't slam the door in their face after they walked two thousands miles to apply.

So who's stopping them from applying? They can apply and wait in Mexican tents until a decision is made.
Trump tried to but the courts stopped him. I'm sure most these migrants see little or no progress. The initial processing is done by agents at the border and takes only minutes. There's is no reason whey it should take 3 months to process these people. According to local paper, the biggest problems is lack of communications.

I don't know what you're talking about. Mexico already busted a guy in the caravan for being an M-16 gang member who was waiting to get in.

These people need to be vetted. These people need to be investigated as to their claim. It's not like these people are Americans who are on social media and the internet. There are no records of these people and our government needs to locate any possible records from their governments.

I'm an American who was born and raised here. I have a Commercial Drivers License which means I've already been checked out repeatedly by the government. And with all that, it still took me a month to obtain my CCW after I submitted all necessary information. That's just how our government works.
I don't know what you're talking about. Mexico already busted a guy in the caravan for being an M-16 gang member who was waiting to get in.

If that's true...that's one out of what...5,000?

Of COURSE they are vetted. In fact very few are ever actually given asylum
Timmy the silly OP still won't tell us why he wants them to get into America....

He doesn't...and they won't.

It's actually rare for asylum seekers who come across the border to get asylum.

He's telling you what the LAW states.

We are a nation of laws...correct?
Yes, that isthe law. Wouldnt it be great if these immigrants actually obeyed the law, rather than rushing the border while throwing rocks?
Timmy the silly OP still won't tell us why he wants them to get into America....

He doesn't...and they won't.

It's actually rare for asylum seekers who come across the border to get asylum.

He's telling you what the LAW states.

We are a nation of laws...correct?
Yes, that isthe law. Wouldnt it be great if these immigrants actually obeyed the law, rather than rushing the border while throwing rocks?
There're two sides to the story, actually three. Trump supporters side, Trump critics side, and what actually occurred.

For supporters of Trump who advocate a crackdown on immigration, the events of Sunday showed migrants storming a protected border, confirming fears of an "invasion" of migrants defying U.S. laws.

For Trump's critics and pro-immigration activists, the scene showed American patrol agents firing tear gas at an unarmed crowd including children, reinforcing horror over the way the U.S. is treating immigrants.

What actually happened was U.S. agents closed a major border crossing and fired tear gas at migrants attempting to cross into the U.S. from Tijuana, Mexico. The migrants, many of whom had been part of a caravan of Central American asylum-seekers, were protesting the slow pace with which the U.S. has been processing asylum claims. As migrants stormed the border, border patrol agents fired tear gas and migrants threw rocks. This could have been avoided if the authorities would have told the migrants that the border was going to be temporary closed and asylum process would resume. The migrants believed that they would not be given a chance to apply for asylum which is what started the demonstration that turned into a riot.

I don't know what that's trying to prove except these invaders believe they have an entitlement.

It doesn't matter what our troops did or didn't do, they have no right to try and break down that temporary border IN OUR COUNTRY! They have no right to break it down, they have no right to asylum, and they have no right to be here. These are foreigners. They have no US rights whatsoever.

That's like saying a magazine salesman at your door got frustrated because he thought you would not welcome his presence, so he broke down the door to talk to you about buying magazines. You wouldn't stand for it. You'd probably shoot the guy right after he entered your doorway. That's the way it should be.
Actually our laws do give them the right to apply for asylum. The law requires they be in the country to apply. So when we shutdown processing, close the border, Trump get's the riot he's hopping for. You can always force desperate people to break the law. What Trump is doing is really pretty clever.

BTW There is no law requiring that magazine salesman be in your house to sell their magazines.
Timmy the silly OP still won't tell us why he wants them to get into America....

He doesn't...and they won't.

It's actually rare for asylum seekers who come across the border to get asylum.

He's telling you what the LAW states.

We are a nation of laws...correct?
Yes, that isthe law. Wouldnt it be great if these immigrants actually obeyed the law, rather than rushing the border while throwing rocks?
Timmy the silly OP still won't tell us why he wants them to get into America....

He doesn't...and they won't.

It's actually rare for asylum seekers who come across the border to get asylum.

He's telling you what the LAW states.

We are a nation of laws...correct?
Yes, that isthe law. Wouldnt it be great if these immigrants actually obeyed the law, rather than rushing the border while throwing rocks?
There're two sides to the story, actually three. Trump supporters side, Trump critics side, and what actually occurred.

For supporters of Trump who advocate a crackdown on immigration, the events of Sunday showed migrants storming a protected border, confirming fears of an "invasion" of migrants defying U.S. laws.

For Trump's critics and pro-immigration activists, the scene showed American patrol agents firing tear gas at an unarmed crowd including children, reinforcing horror over the way the U.S. is treating immigrants.

What actually happened was U.S. agents closed a major border crossing and fired tear gas at migrants attempting to cross into the U.S. from Tijuana, Mexico. The migrants, many of whom had been part of a caravan of Central American asylum-seekers, were protesting the slow pace with which the U.S. has been processing asylum claims. As migrants stormed the border, border patrol agents fired tear gas and migrants threw rocks. This could have been avoided if the authorities would have told the migrants that the border was going to be temporary closed and asylum process would resume. The migrants believed that they would not be given a chance to apply for asylum which is what started the demonstration that turned into a riot.

I don't know what that's trying to prove except these invaders believe they have an entitlement.

It doesn't matter what our troops did or didn't do, they have no right to try and break down that temporary border IN OUR COUNTRY! They have no right to break it down, they have no right to asylum, and they have no right to be here. These are foreigners. They have no US rights whatsoever.

That's like saying a magazine salesman at your door got frustrated because he thought you would not welcome his presence, so he broke down the door to talk to you about buying magazines. You wouldn't stand for it. You'd probably shoot the guy right after he entered your doorway. That's the way it should be.
Actually our laws do give them the right to apply for asylum. The law requires they be in the country to apply. So when we shutdown processing, close the border, Trump get's the riot he's hopping for. You can always force desperate people to break the law. What Trump is doing is really pretty clever.

BTW There is no law requiring that magazine salesman be in your house to sell their magazines.

Just as there is no law that foreigners have a right to enter this country. As for asylum, the border chief in charge stated on a CNN interview not one of the people that broke through the barrier asked for asylum. They hurled rocks and bottles at our agents, fought with them while being apprehended, but not one asked for an asylum application.

In other words they are only using our generosity against us like so many have in the past. Thank God we have a leader like Trump to recognize that. They only want to claim asylum to get into the country and disappear like so many before them. They find some sanctuary city to hide in and never have another worry again. It simply has to stop.
Actually our laws do give them the right to apply for asylum. The law requires they be in the country to apply. So when we shutdown processing, close the border, Trump get's the riot he's hopping for. You can always force desperate people to break the law. What Trump is doing is really pretty clever.

BTW There is no law requiring that magazine salesman be in your house to sell their magazines.
Asylum laws require them to claim asylum in the first nation they reach...which is skip over Mexico to get asylum in the United States is not acceptable under the law....The asylum law that states that they must be on American soil was written to accommodate people flying into the states not people sneaking over the fence.....but I will ask you the same question I've been asking all liberals without getting an answer...maybe you can answer it....Why do you want them to get into the United States? simple question that no one seems to want to answer....give it a try...
Just like most of the immigration problems, we can fix asylum by changing the law, not circumventing it and trying to turn it into a national crisis for political reasons.

I'm sorry, but I just don't see the political advantage one way or the other. Yes, laws need to be changed, but good luck finding the people to do it. Piglosi and her clan certainly won't, and they plan on spending most of their time trying to remove Trump from office than anything else that needs to be addressed by Congress.
all congress has to do this next month is pass a one line bill written like the president's EO..

New executive order making immigrants ineligible for asylum if they arrive in the U.S. without papers. It's really quite simple and they can do while they have the House.
Telling 4,000 people that walked 2,000 miles to get to the border that they have go back home and get more identification should be good for another riot at the border which would certainly please Trump immensely.
BTW, Mexico requires ids at both their southern and northern border.

Too bad. Why are we pandering to these people in any way? Now we're supposed to feel threatened by them besides? How did this country become so sissified?
If we don't want to offer asylum, take the law off the books but don't slam the door in their face after they walked two thousands miles to apply.
No one guaranteed them before they left. We don’t have open borders. Are you also thinking they all decided at the same time to walk? Really? :auiqs.jpg:
I don't know what you're talking about. Mexico already busted a guy in the caravan for being an M-16 gang member who was waiting to get in.

If that's true...that's one out of what...5,000?

Of COURSE they are vetted. In fact very few are ever actually given asylum
History shows 88% of Mexicans will be rejected and 75% of Central Americans. However, this includes people that are living in US and those that enter with a visa and hire lawyers. The chance of walking up to the border and applying are much less. I doubt that more than 300 people will be accepted out 5,000. That's only .03% of the immigrants that will legally enter the country this year.
Last edited:
I don't know what you're talking about. Mexico already busted a guy in the caravan for being an M-16 gang member who was waiting to get in.

If that's true...that's one out of what...5,000?

Of COURSE they are vetted. In fact very few are ever actually given asylum
It’s one they found. Do you know there aren’t more? He came alone eh?
Timmy the silly OP still won't tell us why he wants them to get into America....

He doesn't...and they won't.

It's actually rare for asylum seekers who come across the border to get asylum.

He's telling you what the LAW states.

We are a nation of laws...correct?
Yes, that isthe law. Wouldnt it be great if these immigrants actually obeyed the law, rather than rushing the border while throwing rocks?
Timmy the silly OP still won't tell us why he wants them to get into America....

He doesn't...and they won't.

It's actually rare for asylum seekers who come across the border to get asylum.

He's telling you what the LAW states.

We are a nation of laws...correct?
Yes, that isthe law. Wouldnt it be great if these immigrants actually obeyed the law, rather than rushing the border while throwing rocks?
There're two sides to the story, actually three. Trump supporters side, Trump critics side, and what actually occurred.

For supporters of Trump who advocate a crackdown on immigration, the events of Sunday showed migrants storming a protected border, confirming fears of an "invasion" of migrants defying U.S. laws.

For Trump's critics and pro-immigration activists, the scene showed American patrol agents firing tear gas at an unarmed crowd including children, reinforcing horror over the way the U.S. is treating immigrants.

What actually happened was U.S. agents closed a major border crossing and fired tear gas at migrants attempting to cross into the U.S. from Tijuana, Mexico. The migrants, many of whom had been part of a caravan of Central American asylum-seekers, were protesting the slow pace with which the U.S. has been processing asylum claims. As migrants stormed the border, border patrol agents fired tear gas and migrants threw rocks. This could have been avoided if the authorities would have told the migrants that the border was going to be temporary closed and asylum process would resume. The migrants believed that they would not be given a chance to apply for asylum which is what started the demonstration that turned into a riot.
There’s the mayor of Tijuana too, I trust him. You? Why do you hate Americans?
Timmy the silly OP still won't tell us why he wants them to get into America....

He doesn't...and they won't.

It's actually rare for asylum seekers who come across the border to get asylum.

He's telling you what the LAW states.

We are a nation of laws...correct?
Yes, that isthe law. Wouldnt it be great if these immigrants actually obeyed the law, rather than rushing the border while throwing rocks?
Timmy the silly OP still won't tell us why he wants them to get into America....

He doesn't...and they won't.

It's actually rare for asylum seekers who come across the border to get asylum.

He's telling you what the LAW states.

We are a nation of laws...correct?
Yes, that isthe law. Wouldnt it be great if these immigrants actually obeyed the law, rather than rushing the border while throwing rocks?
There're two sides to the story, actually three. Trump supporters side, Trump critics side, and what actually occurred.

For supporters of Trump who advocate a crackdown on immigration, the events of Sunday showed migrants storming a protected border, confirming fears of an "invasion" of migrants defying U.S. laws.

For Trump's critics and pro-immigration activists, the scene showed American patrol agents firing tear gas at an unarmed crowd including children, reinforcing horror over the way the U.S. is treating immigrants.

What actually happened was U.S. agents closed a major border crossing and fired tear gas at migrants attempting to cross into the U.S. from Tijuana, Mexico. The migrants, many of whom had been part of a caravan of Central American asylum-seekers, were protesting the slow pace with which the U.S. has been processing asylum claims. As migrants stormed the border, border patrol agents fired tear gas and migrants threw rocks. This could have been avoided if the authorities would have told the migrants that the border was going to be temporary closed and asylum process would resume. The migrants believed that they would not be given a chance to apply for asylum which is what started the demonstration that turned into a riot.

I don't know what that's trying to prove except these invaders believe they have an entitlement.

It doesn't matter what our troops did or didn't do, they have no right to try and break down that temporary border IN OUR COUNTRY! They have no right to break it down, they have no right to asylum, and they have no right to be here. These are foreigners. They have no US rights whatsoever.

That's like saying a magazine salesman at your door got frustrated because he thought you would not welcome his presence, so he broke down the door to talk to you about buying magazines. You wouldn't stand for it. You'd probably shoot the guy right after he entered your doorway. That's the way it should be.
Actually our laws do give them the right to apply for asylum. The law requires they be in the country to apply. So when we shutdown processing, close the border, Trump get's the riot he's hopping for. You can always force desperate people to break the law. What Trump is doing is really pretty clever.

BTW There is no law requiring that magazine salesman be in your house to sell their magazines.
Post a link
Just the size of many of the women in the Caravan would suggest they were doing just fine where they were...fat and happy...why do the libs want them to get in????????
I don't know what you're talking about. Mexico already busted a guy in the caravan for being an M-16 gang member who was waiting to get in.

If that's true...that's one out of what...5,000?

Of COURSE they are vetted. In fact very few are ever actually given asylum
It’s one they found. Do you know there aren’t more? He came alone eh?
Ray From Cleveland that stupid fk thinks they’ll raise their hands!
California is already lost due to illegal immigrants voting...and their little democrat off spring...the rest of America does not want to look like California where voter integrity has been pissed away.....and one party rules with passing laws like vote harvesting...just another way to rig elections....
California is already lost due to illegal immigrants voting...and their little democrat off spring...the rest of America does not want to look like California where voter integrity has been pissed away.....and one party rules with passing laws like vote harvesting...just another way to rig elections....

Sure, and look how California government panders to these people. Do we want that kind of leadership over the entire country?
He doesn't...and they won't.

It's actually rare for asylum seekers who come across the border to get asylum.

He's telling you what the LAW states.

We are a nation of laws...correct?
Yes, that isthe law. Wouldnt it be great if these immigrants actually obeyed the law, rather than rushing the border while throwing rocks?
He doesn't...and they won't.

It's actually rare for asylum seekers who come across the border to get asylum.

He's telling you what the LAW states.

We are a nation of laws...correct?
Yes, that isthe law. Wouldnt it be great if these immigrants actually obeyed the law, rather than rushing the border while throwing rocks?
There're two sides to the story, actually three. Trump supporters side, Trump critics side, and what actually occurred.

For supporters of Trump who advocate a crackdown on immigration, the events of Sunday showed migrants storming a protected border, confirming fears of an "invasion" of migrants defying U.S. laws.

For Trump's critics and pro-immigration activists, the scene showed American patrol agents firing tear gas at an unarmed crowd including children, reinforcing horror over the way the U.S. is treating immigrants.

What actually happened was U.S. agents closed a major border crossing and fired tear gas at migrants attempting to cross into the U.S. from Tijuana, Mexico. The migrants, many of whom had been part of a caravan of Central American asylum-seekers, were protesting the slow pace with which the U.S. has been processing asylum claims. As migrants stormed the border, border patrol agents fired tear gas and migrants threw rocks. This could have been avoided if the authorities would have told the migrants that the border was going to be temporary closed and asylum process would resume. The migrants believed that they would not be given a chance to apply for asylum which is what started the demonstration that turned into a riot.

I don't know what that's trying to prove except these invaders believe they have an entitlement.

It doesn't matter what our troops did or didn't do, they have no right to try and break down that temporary border IN OUR COUNTRY! They have no right to break it down, they have no right to asylum, and they have no right to be here. These are foreigners. They have no US rights whatsoever.

That's like saying a magazine salesman at your door got frustrated because he thought you would not welcome his presence, so he broke down the door to talk to you about buying magazines. You wouldn't stand for it. You'd probably shoot the guy right after he entered your doorway. That's the way it should be.
Actually our laws do give them the right to apply for asylum. The law requires they be in the country to apply. So when we shutdown processing, close the border, Trump get's the riot he's hopping for. You can always force desperate people to break the law. What Trump is doing is really pretty clever.

BTW There is no law requiring that magazine salesman be in your house to sell their magazines.

Just as there is no law that foreigners have a right to enter this country. As for asylum, the border chief in charge stated on a CNN interview not one of the people that broke through the barrier asked for asylum. They hurled rocks and bottles at our agents, fought with them while being apprehended, but not one asked for an asylum application.

In other words they are only using our generosity against us like so many have in the past. Thank God we have a leader like Trump to recognize that. They only want to claim asylum to get into the country and disappear like so many before them. They find some sanctuary city to hide in and never have another worry again. It simply has to stop.
Once captured and in custody is when they ask for asylum
Yes, that isthe law. Wouldnt it be great if these immigrants actually obeyed the law, rather than rushing the border while throwing rocks?
Yes, that isthe law. Wouldnt it be great if these immigrants actually obeyed the law, rather than rushing the border while throwing rocks?
There're two sides to the story, actually three. Trump supporters side, Trump critics side, and what actually occurred.

For supporters of Trump who advocate a crackdown on immigration, the events of Sunday showed migrants storming a protected border, confirming fears of an "invasion" of migrants defying U.S. laws.

For Trump's critics and pro-immigration activists, the scene showed American patrol agents firing tear gas at an unarmed crowd including children, reinforcing horror over the way the U.S. is treating immigrants.

What actually happened was U.S. agents closed a major border crossing and fired tear gas at migrants attempting to cross into the U.S. from Tijuana, Mexico. The migrants, many of whom had been part of a caravan of Central American asylum-seekers, were protesting the slow pace with which the U.S. has been processing asylum claims. As migrants stormed the border, border patrol agents fired tear gas and migrants threw rocks. This could have been avoided if the authorities would have told the migrants that the border was going to be temporary closed and asylum process would resume. The migrants believed that they would not be given a chance to apply for asylum which is what started the demonstration that turned into a riot.

I don't know what that's trying to prove except these invaders believe they have an entitlement.

It doesn't matter what our troops did or didn't do, they have no right to try and break down that temporary border IN OUR COUNTRY! They have no right to break it down, they have no right to asylum, and they have no right to be here. These are foreigners. They have no US rights whatsoever.

That's like saying a magazine salesman at your door got frustrated because he thought you would not welcome his presence, so he broke down the door to talk to you about buying magazines. You wouldn't stand for it. You'd probably shoot the guy right after he entered your doorway. That's the way it should be.
Actually our laws do give them the right to apply for asylum. The law requires they be in the country to apply. So when we shutdown processing, close the border, Trump get's the riot he's hopping for. You can always force desperate people to break the law. What Trump is doing is really pretty clever.

BTW There is no law requiring that magazine salesman be in your house to sell their magazines.

Just as there is no law that foreigners have a right to enter this country. As for asylum, the border chief in charge stated on a CNN interview not one of the people that broke through the barrier asked for asylum. They hurled rocks and bottles at our agents, fought with them while being apprehended, but not one asked for an asylum application.

In other words they are only using our generosity against us like so many have in the past. Thank God we have a leader like Trump to recognize that. They only want to claim asylum to get into the country and disappear like so many before them. They find some sanctuary city to hide in and never have another worry again. It simply has to stop.
Once captured and in custody is when they ask for asylum
Deport their illegal ass. I have no sympathy for criminals

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