To claim asylum you must be physically in the US .

Once they turned down the offer of asylum they lost the right to ask it of us.

Making shit up again?

They can still ask . Sure makes thier case worse .
They can ask to be taller and thinner too. Once asylum is refused the right to ask for asylum someplace else is terminated .
Not sure what you mean by some place else. If you are applying for US asylum at the border and the customs agent is not convince that there is creditable fear, then you will be denied. If the agent believes you are not telling the truth then he can hold you for summary deportation and you would not be able to enter the country legally for 5 years. In either case the petitioner can request that his petition be reviewed by a judge. If the petition is accepted, then the person may continue the asylum process. If not, the person will be deported. The petitioner can still continue the appeal but it would probably require a lawyer and could take up a year. So for most petitioners, if they are turned down by an agent at the border, that is most likely the end unless they can afford a lawyer.

The best way to get asylum is to enter the country with a visa, hire an immigration lawyer to represent you. The lawyer will help prepare the petition on the appropriate forms submit them and request an asylum interview and if the interview and background check is successful, he will represent you at you at your asylum hearing. Chances are much better than petitioning at the border. Of course most of the people in a caravan can't do that.

Can You Request Asylum At The U.S. Border?

And you STILL haven't articulated anything that is OUR problem, or in any way obligates us to the marching mob.
We don't offer asylum or refugee status or protection for victims of human trafficking, or millions of dollars in aid to Haiti, or relief to victims of war in Syria, or life saving medical supplies to African countries because it's our problem. We do it because it's the right thing to do.
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Mexico, the first country they entered offered asylum.
There is where they should stay.

These people are not escaping persecution. They will not get economic asylum in the U.S.
Get over it.

We are not responsible for the failed corrupt regimes to our south and their failure to take care of their own citizens.

The U.S. has every right like any sovereign country to determine how many and who emigrates.

Not if you don't feel safe in Mexico... You are running from danger... The same gangs (which come from US) are operating in Mexico as in Honduras..
Even so US has to let them in so they can make that case. Asylum Seekers have the right to due process as well...
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

So they give us their applications outside the US. If the application is approved, then they can come in and claim asylum. What's the problem?

The problem is like most Democrats, you want them sneaking in this country like they did under Ears and disappear after they make their claim never to be seen again.

Have you even read the OP... The point is you can't apply for Asylum from outside the country...
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .
You can't cross over another neutral nation to get here to claim many times do you need to hear that before you get it?.....
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .
You can't cross over another neutral nation to get here to claim many times do you need to hear that before you get it?.....

Well, if that is actually the case, you should have no problem providing a link, or telling us what post you previously posted it in to back up your claim. Link?
I'm sorry, but I just don't see the political advantage one way or the other. Yes, laws need to be changed, but good luck finding the people to do it. Piglosi and her clan certainly won't, and they plan on spending most of their time trying to remove Trump from office than anything else that needs to be addressed by Congress.
all congress has to do this next month is pass a one line bill written like the president's EO..

New executive order making immigrants ineligible for asylum if they arrive in the U.S. without papers. It's really quite simple and they can do while they have the House.
Telling 4,000 people that walked 2,000 miles to get to the border that they have go back home and get more identification should be good for another riot at the border which would certainly please Trump immensely.
BTW, Mexico requires ids at both their southern and northern border.

Sorry, but I fail to see how their hike - which we didn't ask them to make and, in fact, have repeatedly told them NOT to make - engenders any sort of obligation on our part. Is there some heretofore secret section of the Immigration and Naturalization Code that says, "But if you make pointless effort and then have a riot, you get to bypass the normal requirements"?

BTW, no one gives a shit what Mexico does and doesn't require for their borders. Last time I checked, Mexico isn't part of the US government, and has no authority in regards to our immigration laws.
My reply was to a previous post. How the migrants got to the border is irrelevant as far as asylum laws are concerned but is relevant in regard to their determination to present their petition for asylum. Nobody spends two months walking 1700 miles without good reason. They are well aware that they are not likely to be accepted but it's likely their best option.

Actually, a lot of people do care what Mexico does on their southern border. They are demanding that Mexico tighten security and in effect stop the caravans which is ridiculous. Mexico has relativity open borders and they're under no obligation to change their policy just because of US immigration laws.

Mexico allows them to use their country as a boardwalk to the United States. Of course they bear some responsibility. If we had people running guns to the drug lords in Mexico and our government welcomed it with open arms, wouldn't you think Mexico would have a legitimate complaint against us?

Allies and trading partners should look out for each other. We look out for Mexico by sending over 320 million taxpayer dollars a year, the least they can do for that money is try to keep these people away from our border.

Have been complaining for years...
Trump echoes Mexican president, says lax US gun laws help arm drug cartels

Even Trump agrees with them until some told him who the gun lobby are...
Well, if that is actually the case, you should have no problem providing a link, or telling us what post you previously posted it in to back up your claim. Link?
I'll do you one better...they have even admitted it on CNN...its in our asylum laws...look it up...hey...why do you want them to get in?....
Not if you don't feel safe in Mexico...
There is no logical reason for them to feel unsafe in Mexico...they could have gone south....why do you want them to get in?....

They could have gone south? Umm...............might wanna check out a map sometime. The countries they were fleeing are SOUTH of Mexico. Why would they go back? And, who are you to determine how they do or don't feel? Are you qualified to hear cases and decide who stays and who doesn't?
Well, if that is actually the case, you should have no problem providing a link, or telling us what post you previously posted it in to back up your claim. Link?
I'll do you one better...they have even admitted it on CNN...its in our asylum laws...look it up...hey...why do you want them to get in?....

So, no link. Got it, this is more crap you pulled out of your ass.
Not if you don't feel safe in Mexico...
There is no logical reason for them to feel unsafe in Mexico...they could have gone south....why do you want them to get in?....

They could have gone south? Umm...............might wanna check out a map sometime. The countries they were fleeing are SOUTH of Mexico. Why would they go back? And, who are you to determine how they do or don't feel? Are you qualified to hear cases and decide who stays and who doesn't?

Why do you want them to get into America?.....Many of them accepted the asylum deal in Mexico already...but why do you want them here instead of in Mexico?....
Not if you don't feel safe in Mexico...
There is no logical reason for them to feel unsafe in Mexico...they could have gone south....why do you want them to get in?....

Mexico Is Suffering Its Bloodiest Year in Modern History. Here's Why.

South is where the problems are coming from... US is the closet safe harbour.. The law simply states that the can as for Asylum at the border and it doesn't need to be a port of entry... That is how international and US law works... Judge said so only a few weeks ago...
Well, if that is actually the case, you should have no problem providing a link, or telling us what post you previously posted it in to back up your claim. Link?
I'll do you one better...they have even admitted it on CNN...its in our asylum laws...look it up...hey...why do you want them to get in?....

So, no link. Got it, this is more crap you pulled out of your ass.

Individuals generally must make their claim for asylum in the first country they enter after fleeing persecution if that country is considered a “safe third country.”

United States Seeks to Reject Asylum Seekers by Designating Mexico a Safe Third Country

There are exceptions but they are very if Mexico wanted to arrest you due to a political or religious reason...then you can claim that Mexico is not a safe haven...but we in the USA have determined Mexico to be that ends it...get it dummy?....
Not if you don't feel safe in Mexico...
There is no logical reason for them to feel unsafe in Mexico...they could have gone south....why do you want them to get in?....

They could have gone south? Umm...............might wanna check out a map sometime. The countries they were fleeing are SOUTH of Mexico. Why would they go back? And, who are you to determine how they do or don't feel? Are you qualified to hear cases and decide who stays and who doesn't?

Why do you want them to get into America?.....Many of them accepted the asylum deal in Mexico already...but why do you want them here instead of in Mexico?....

So, no link. Got it, this is more crap you pulled out of your ass.
Find your own fucking link Popeye...why do you want them to get in?....

Just what I thought, you can't provide a link for your claims because they are bullshit. Thanks for clearing that up.
South is where the problems are coming from... US is the closet safe harbour.. The law simply states that the can as for Asylum at the border and it doesn't need to be a port of entry... That is how international and US law works... Judge said so only a few weeks ago...
It must be religious or a political claim...not that Mexico has do we dummy....
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

So they give us their applications outside the US. If the application is approved, then they can come in and claim asylum. What's the problem?

The problem is like most Democrats, you want them sneaking in this country like they did under Ears and disappear after they make their claim never to be seen again.
Yep, they can get in line and we'll open a single door at a port of entry. Outside that door will be a stack of asylum applications. Inside, an ICE agent backed by a platoon of the First Cavalry, fully armed. Give the ICE agent a single rubber stamp and an ink pad. The stamp should read, "Rejected".

The first question on the form should be, "have you been offered asylum from any other country?
The second should read, "Have you in the past 24 hours, fled for your life from your home country?

The legalese should read, "Under penalty of perjury, punishable by 25 years in US Federal Prison, I certify that these statements are true.

The form should be written in English only.

Then let them line up for an application. Should take about two years or so.

Really should read the Constitution, there is a bit in there about due process...
Not if you don't feel safe in Mexico...
There is no logical reason for them to feel unsafe in Mexico...they could have gone south....why do you want them to get in?....

They could have gone south? Umm...............might wanna check out a map sometime. The countries they were fleeing are SOUTH of Mexico. Why would they go back? And, who are you to determine how they do or don't feel? Are you qualified to hear cases and decide who stays and who doesn't?

Why do you want them to get into America?.....Many of them accepted the asylum deal in Mexico already...but why do you want them here instead of in Mexico?....

So, no link. Got it, this is more crap you pulled out of your ass.
Find your own fucking link Popeye...why do you want them to get in?....

Just what I thought, you can't provide a link for your claims because they are bullshit. Thanks for clearing that up.
Some libs are soooooo stupid you must show them the link twice.....

United States Seeks to Reject Asylum Seekers by Designating Mexico a Safe Third Country
Yep, they can get in line and we'll open a single door at a port of entry. Outside that door will be a stack of asylum applications. Inside, an ICE agent backed by a platoon of the First Cavalry, fully armed. Give the ICE agent a single rubber stamp and an ink pad. The stamp should read, "Rejected".

The law also guarantees them a hearing.

You may not like it....but it's the law
Okay, put a judge in with the ICE agent, and give him the rubber stamp.


Again that is not due process...

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