To claim asylum you must be physically in the US .


^ More productive than talking to Hutch.
taking a whiz on an electrical fence is more productive n less painful.

Then maybe we should use them at the border. I'm sure they have to go somewhere. :auiqs.jpg:
If you come into the U.S. without permission, you're illegally here.
People that plea for asylum at the border crossing are given permission to enter the US if the agent is convinced the person appears to have a creditable case. Generally, they are held in detention until they are interviewed by an asylum agent.

So we should build new facilities to hold thens of thousands in detention while they are waiting for an agent? What happens when it gets to hundreds of thousands?
Just like most of the immigration problems, we can fix asylum by changing the law, not circumventing it and trying to turn it into a national crisis for political reasons.

I'm sorry, but I just don't see the political advantage one way or the other. Yes, laws need to be changed, but good luck finding the people to do it. Piglosi and her clan certainly won't, and they plan on spending most of their time trying to remove Trump from office than anything else that needs to be addressed by Congress.
Just about everything going on at the border is about getting political advantage. Trump needs a crisis at the border to get funding for his border wall and to show his resolve. Democrats need to show Trump as inhumane and ineffective at dealing with the situation.

Judging from previous caravans, there will be no more that 300 to 500 admitted into the asylum program. The migrants represent little if any danger to the country.

In the background this report was released yesterday,
undocumented immigrants living in the USA reached a 12-year low in 2016, continuing a decade-long decline in which that population fell from a high of 12.2 million in 2007 to 10.7 million in 2016, according to a report released Tuesday. Slowly but surely the undocumented immigrant problem is getting smaller which is a good thing because at the rate Trump is deporting, it will take over 50 years to remove them. In spite of all the grandstanding Trump is doing, he is deporting less than Obama.
Number of undocumented immigrants in USA falls to 12-year low, researchers say
So the President convinced illegals to attempt to tear down border fencing, attack US Agents, and storm the border just so he would have more leverage to build a wall?

How nice of the 'peaceful women and children' to do that for him....
Actress Anne Hathaway reminded me that overwhelming ignorance is not just a problem for snowflakes on this is shared by snowflakes everywhere, even in / especially in Hollywood...

Anne Hathaway says 'my country gassed children' in post against use of tear gas at border

"Anne Hathaway says 'my country gassed children'"

"Anne Hathaway slammed President Donald Trump in a post on social media Tuesday where the actress shared an image of Central American migrants running from tear gas while at the U.S.- Mexico border wall and said, "My country gassed children."

Anne is so incredibly stupid and brainwashed by the Leftist Fake News media that she is unaware that President Obama gassed illegals - to include women and children - reportedly more than 80 times while President ... Yet was never bothered by it ... Until NOW.

Hypocritical selective partisan faux outrage - a side effect of letting your children grow up to be stupid / Democrats.

Don't let your kids grow up to be Democrats! As John Wayne used to say, 'Life is hard - it's harder if you're stupid'.

Of course, Democrats also prove being stupid is a good thing. According to former FBI Director Comey, the only thing that kept Hillary out of prison was that she was TOO STUPID to know she was breaking laws.

People that plea for asylum at the border crossing are given permission to enter the US if the agent is convinced the person appears to have a creditable case. Generally, they are held in detention until they are interviewed by an asylum agent.

So we should build new facilities to hold thens of thousands in detention while they are waiting for an agent? What happens when it gets to hundreds of thousands?
Just like most of the immigration problems, we can fix asylum by changing the law, not circumventing it and trying to turn it into a national crisis for political reasons.

I'm sorry, but I just don't see the political advantage one way or the other. Yes, laws need to be changed, but good luck finding the people to do it. Piglosi and her clan certainly won't, and they plan on spending most of their time trying to remove Trump from office than anything else that needs to be addressed by Congress.
Just about everything going on at the border is about getting political advantage. Trump needs a crisis at the border to get funding for his border wall and to show his resolve. Democrats need to show Trump as inhumane and ineffective at dealing with the situation.

Judging from previous caravans, there will be no more that 300 to 500 admitted into the asylum program. The migrants represent little if any danger to the country.

In the background this report was released yesterday,
undocumented immigrants living in the USA reached a 12-year low in 2016, continuing a decade-long decline in which that population fell from a high of 12.2 million in 2007 to 10.7 million in 2016, according to a report released Tuesday. Slowly but surely the undocumented immigrant problem is getting smaller which is a good thing because at the rate Trump is deporting, it will take over 50 years to remove them. In spite of all the grandstanding Trump is doing, he is deporting less than Obama.
Number of undocumented immigrants in USA falls to 12-year low, researchers say
So the President convinced illegals to attempt to tear down border fencing, attack US Agents, and storm the border just so he would have more leverage to build a wall?

How nice of the 'peaceful women and children' to do that for him....
No, but he did send thousands of US soldiers to the border with no purpose at all except to aggravate the situation. His threats of closing down the border station and his insults directed at the migrants was clearly meant to escalate the situation by provoking attacks on the border.

Trump has made it clear that he is going to do everything he can to stop these people from applying for asylum even thou our laws give them a right to do so. For thousands of people who have been traveling for two months just to partition for asylum, wouldn't you think they would be just a bit upset.

There would no crisis at all if Trump shut up and allowed ICE with it's 20,000 agents backed back the National Guard to handle the situation as they have done many times. But that's not going happen because Trump needs a crisis so he going to do everything he can to provoke one.
No, but he did send thousands of US soldiers to the border with no purpose at all except to aggravate the situation.
Thank you for that butt-hurt opinion, as wrong as it was.

The military put up border fencing - which the criminals attempted to tear down before being tear-gassed. They put up tents / temp housing for the BPAs and DHS agents sent there in a law enforcement capacity. They were also sent there to provide protection for the agents should they come under attack from the same criminals who pushed their way past Mexico's police and military...

...but, please, continue with your misinformed rant...
More dopey logic.

The border was closed, dope.
Not a single application was made.

Catch and release is not the law either.
Trump is free to come up with a solution that doesn't require that. We all know though that is not what you or they see as the problem.

It's only a dopey excuse.

As I suspected, you didn’t watch the video. Surprise surprise. Then you come back making the same phony claims that were already disproven.

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Phony claim?

The border wasn't closed?

Of course it was. Why? Why was it closed?

So dopes like yourself could cry about a mob.

Your phony claim that these people didn't have the ability to ask for asylum when the video (that you never watched) had the border patrol chief say that dozens of migrants broke through the barriers and not one addressed an agent to claim asylum.

Think for a moment how stupid your theory is: you say the migrants couldn't get to any agent to claim asylum, yet three of the agents were struck by projectiles thrown from these same immigrants.

WATCH THE VIDEO and learn something for a change.

Watch the narrative they want you to hear.

Obviously if they wanted to process these people, they would not have closed the border.

The closure was meant to give dopes like yourself the odea that there is some sort of crisis.
The fact is, they could easily have used the extra resources there to process those people in an orderly fashion.

Oh please. These are the same people that not only rushed to break down the barriers, but attacked our border forces. These are not good people. That's only what you're puppet string pullers tell you. WTF do you think they told the women to take their children and get in front of the crowd before they started hurling rocks at them? Because they knew any and every lying lib media organization out there was going to report it that way.

This is the United States border for crying out loud, not an ice-cream store stand. We don't have our people take orders from them, especially since we know well ahead of time they are all ineligible under the US asylum laws.

As the chief points out the obvious (not subject to liberal understanding) these people are not here for asylum, they are here to get into the country anyway they can. Asylum seekers do just that--seek asylum. And not one of the dozens of people who broke down that fence and ran past hundreds of our agents did that.
Oh please. These are the same people that not only rushed to break down the barriers, but attacked our border forces. These are not good people.

My point exactly about dopey narratives and the dopes that believe them.

That didn't happen, liar.
1. Obviously everyone in the caravan who illegally forced their way to just outside our border fences are NOT Asylum seekers, fleeing oppression/death/persecution, otherwise once they got here and saw they could not just illegally cross the border as always and sign up for 'free stuff' many illegals are reportedly turning around and going home.

2. A 'FACT' should be if you attempt to destroy US Border Fences, if you attack US Agents by any means (shoot them, stab them, throw rocks at them, etc...), if you are a criminal / violent gang are not going to be allowed into the US for any reason. Buh-Bye....

Of course you left out the part where the border was closed.

I wonder how many would have simply gotten in line if it were open.

What, exactly, do you think it means to say "the border is closed"? Do you think they just shut off the lights, locked the doors, hung up a big "CLOSED" sign, and went home for a beer?

It means it's closed, dope.

Closed to traffic. Either vehicle or foot traffic.
It means it's officers and workers are not processing any entrants. The road was closed. The pedestrian entrances were closed.

What do you imagine it means?

View attachment 231651

View attachment 231652

It means, DOPE, that they aren't allowing regular passage through, BUT THEY'RE STILL THERE. You may not know this, sitting in your leftist LaLa-Land wherever the fuck you are, but those of us who live near the border know that the "closed" doesn't mean "abandoned". The Border Patrol is still hanging around. Which means if you have a legitimate asylum request, you can still find someone to make it to.


Closed means not open for business.
It means they arent processing anyone, dope.

See above. You clearly need to read things multiple times for the English to sink in.
As I suspected, you didn’t watch the video. Surprise surprise. Then you come back making the same phony claims that were already disproven.

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Phony claim?

The border wasn't closed?

Of course it was. Why? Why was it closed?

So dopes like yourself could cry about a mob.

Your phony claim that these people didn't have the ability to ask for asylum when the video (that you never watched) had the border patrol chief say that dozens of migrants broke through the barriers and not one addressed an agent to claim asylum.

Think for a moment how stupid your theory is: you say the migrants couldn't get to any agent to claim asylum, yet three of the agents were struck by projectiles thrown from these same immigrants.

WATCH THE VIDEO and learn something for a change.

Watch the narrative they want you to hear.

Obviously if they wanted to process these people, they would not have closed the border.

The closure was meant to give dopes like yourself the odea that there is some sort of crisis.
The fact is, they could easily have used the extra resources there to process those people in an orderly fashion.

Oh please. These are the same people that not only rushed to break down the barriers, but attacked our border forces. These are not good people. That's only what you're puppet string pullers tell you. WTF do you think they told the women to take their children and get in front of the crowd before they started hurling rocks at them? Because they knew any and every lying lib media organization out there was going to report it that way.

This is the United States border for crying out loud, not an ice-cream store stand. We don't have our people take orders from them, especially since we know well ahead of time they are all ineligible under the US asylum laws.

As the chief points out the obvious (not subject to liberal understanding) these people are not here for asylum, they are here to get into the country anyway they can. Asylum seekers do just that--seek asylum. And not one of the dozens of people who broke down that fence and ran past hundreds of our agents did that.
Oh please. These are the same people that not only rushed to break down the barriers, but attacked our border forces. These are not good people.

My point exactly about dopey narratives and the dopes that believe them.

That didn't happen, liar.

Here. Educate yourself. Even NPR has more of a clue than you do.

FACT CHECK: What's Happening On The U.S.-Mexico Border?
As I suspected, you didn’t watch the video. Surprise surprise. Then you come back making the same phony claims that were already disproven.

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Phony claim?

The border wasn't closed?

Of course it was. Why? Why was it closed?

So dopes like yourself could cry about a mob.

Your phony claim that these people didn't have the ability to ask for asylum when the video (that you never watched) had the border patrol chief say that dozens of migrants broke through the barriers and not one addressed an agent to claim asylum.

Think for a moment how stupid your theory is: you say the migrants couldn't get to any agent to claim asylum, yet three of the agents were struck by projectiles thrown from these same immigrants.

WATCH THE VIDEO and learn something for a change.

Watch the narrative they want you to hear.

Obviously if they wanted to process these people, they would not have closed the border.

The closure was meant to give dopes like yourself the odea that there is some sort of crisis.
The fact is, they could easily have used the extra resources there to process those people in an orderly fashion.

Oh please. These are the same people that not only rushed to break down the barriers, but attacked our border forces. These are not good people. That's only what you're puppet string pullers tell you. WTF do you think they told the women to take their children and get in front of the crowd before they started hurling rocks at them? Because they knew any and every lying lib media organization out there was going to report it that way.

This is the United States border for crying out loud, not an ice-cream store stand. We don't have our people take orders from them, especially since we know well ahead of time they are all ineligible under the US asylum laws.

As the chief points out the obvious (not subject to liberal understanding) these people are not here for asylum, they are here to get into the country anyway they can. Asylum seekers do just that--seek asylum. And not one of the dozens of people who broke down that fence and ran past hundreds of our agents did that.
Oh please. These are the same people that not only rushed to break down the barriers, but attacked our border forces. These are not good people.

My point exactly about dopey narratives and the dopes that believe them.

That didn't happen, liar.
so we got bored and lobbed "safe" tear gas over the wall at 'em cause we're collecting points to see how many innocents we can make suffer?

when obama did it, any idea how many total "tear gas 2000" points he collected?
Phony claim?

The border wasn't closed?

Of course it was. Why? Why was it closed?

So dopes like yourself could cry about a mob.

Your phony claim that these people didn't have the ability to ask for asylum when the video (that you never watched) had the border patrol chief say that dozens of migrants broke through the barriers and not one addressed an agent to claim asylum.

Think for a moment how stupid your theory is: you say the migrants couldn't get to any agent to claim asylum, yet three of the agents were struck by projectiles thrown from these same immigrants.

WATCH THE VIDEO and learn something for a change.

Watch the narrative they want you to hear.

Obviously if they wanted to process these people, they would not have closed the border.

The closure was meant to give dopes like yourself the odea that there is some sort of crisis.
The fact is, they could easily have used the extra resources there to process those people in an orderly fashion.

Oh please. These are the same people that not only rushed to break down the barriers, but attacked our border forces. These are not good people. That's only what you're puppet string pullers tell you. WTF do you think they told the women to take their children and get in front of the crowd before they started hurling rocks at them? Because they knew any and every lying lib media organization out there was going to report it that way.

This is the United States border for crying out loud, not an ice-cream store stand. We don't have our people take orders from them, especially since we know well ahead of time they are all ineligible under the US asylum laws.

As the chief points out the obvious (not subject to liberal understanding) these people are not here for asylum, they are here to get into the country anyway they can. Asylum seekers do just that--seek asylum. And not one of the dozens of people who broke down that fence and ran past hundreds of our agents did that.
Oh please. These are the same people that not only rushed to break down the barriers, but attacked our border forces. These are not good people.

My point exactly about dopey narratives and the dopes that believe them.

That didn't happen, liar.
so we got bored and lobbed "safe" tear gas over the wall at 'em cause we're collecting points to see how many innocents we can make suffer?

when obama did it, any idea how many total "tear gas 2000" points he collected?

No one "rushed to break down barriers" or "attack our border forces", dope.
Of course you left out the part where the border was closed.

I wonder how many would have simply gotten in line if it were open.

What, exactly, do you think it means to say "the border is closed"? Do you think they just shut off the lights, locked the doors, hung up a big "CLOSED" sign, and went home for a beer?

It means it's closed, dope.

Closed to traffic. Either vehicle or foot traffic.
It means it's officers and workers are not processing any entrants. The road was closed. The pedestrian entrances were closed.

What do you imagine it means?

View attachment 231651

View attachment 231652

It means, DOPE, that they aren't allowing regular passage through, BUT THEY'RE STILL THERE. You may not know this, sitting in your leftist LaLa-Land wherever the fuck you are, but those of us who live near the border know that the "closed" doesn't mean "abandoned". The Border Patrol is still hanging around. Which means if you have a legitimate asylum request, you can still find someone to make it to.


Closed means not open for business.
It means they arent processing anyone, dope.

See above. You clearly need to read things multiple times for the English to sink in.

Yes, closed doesn't mean closed it really means we're actually open but you have to ask one of the officers there to keep you out.

Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

If you come into the U.S. without permission, you're illegally here.
People that plea for asylum at the border crossing are given permission to enter the US if the agent is convinced the person appears to have a creditable case. Generally, they are held in detention until they are interviewed by an asylum agent.

So we should build new facilities to hold thens of thousands in detention while they are waiting for an agent? What happens when it gets to hundreds of thousands?
Just like most of the immigration problems, we can fix asylum by changing the law, not circumventing it and trying to turn it into a national crisis for political reasons.

I'm sorry, but I just don't see the political advantage one way or the other. Yes, laws need to be changed, but good luck finding the people to do it. Piglosi and her clan certainly won't, and they plan on spending most of their time trying to remove Trump from office than anything else that needs to be addressed by Congress.
all congress has to do this next month is pass a one line bill written like the president's EO..

New executive order making immigrants ineligible for asylum if they arrive in the U.S. without papers. It's really quite simple and they can do while they have the House.
If you come into the U.S. without permission, you're illegally here.
People that plea for asylum at the border crossing are given permission to enter the US if the agent is convinced the person appears to have a creditable case. Generally, they are held in detention until they are interviewed by an asylum agent.

So we should build new facilities to hold thens of thousands in detention while they are waiting for an agent? What happens when it gets to hundreds of thousands?
Just like most of the immigration problems, we can fix asylum by changing the law, not circumventing it and trying to turn it into a national crisis for political reasons.

I'm sorry, but I just don't see the political advantage one way or the other. Yes, laws need to be changed, but good luck finding the people to do it. Piglosi and her clan certainly won't, and they plan on spending most of their time trying to remove Trump from office than anything else that needs to be addressed by Congress.
all congress has to do this next month is pass a one line bill written like the president's EO..

New executive order making immigrants ineligible for asylum if they arrive in the U.S. without papers. It's really quite simple and they can do while they have the House.

Can and will are two different things. While we have a President of conviction, we still have a RINO Congress. They say they are all for this or all for that, but when push comes to shove, they cower in the corner and make excuses.

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People that plea for asylum at the border crossing are given permission to enter the US if the agent is convinced the person appears to have a creditable case. Generally, they are held in detention until they are interviewed by an asylum agent.

So we should build new facilities to hold thens of thousands in detention while they are waiting for an agent? What happens when it gets to hundreds of thousands?
Just like most of the immigration problems, we can fix asylum by changing the law, not circumventing it and trying to turn it into a national crisis for political reasons.

I'm sorry, but I just don't see the political advantage one way or the other. Yes, laws need to be changed, but good luck finding the people to do it. Piglosi and her clan certainly won't, and they plan on spending most of their time trying to remove Trump from office than anything else that needs to be addressed by Congress.
all congress has to do this next month is pass a one line bill written like the president's EO..

New executive order making immigrants ineligible for asylum if they arrive in the U.S. without papers. It's really quite simple and they can do while they have the House.

Can and will are two different things. While we have a President of conviction, we still have a RINO Congress. They say they are all for this or all for that, but when push comes to shove, they cower in the corner and make excuses.

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I was telling you all they had to do to resolve the matter. A one line bill. Just imagine that effort to copy one line from an EO and say yea or nay.
As I suspected, you didn’t watch the video. Surprise surprise. Then you come back making the same phony claims that were already disproven.

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Phony claim?

The border wasn't closed?

Of course it was. Why? Why was it closed?

So dopes like yourself could cry about a mob.

Your phony claim that these people didn't have the ability to ask for asylum when the video (that you never watched) had the border patrol chief say that dozens of migrants broke through the barriers and not one addressed an agent to claim asylum.

Think for a moment how stupid your theory is: you say the migrants couldn't get to any agent to claim asylum, yet three of the agents were struck by projectiles thrown from these same immigrants.

WATCH THE VIDEO and learn something for a change.

Watch the narrative they want you to hear.

Obviously if they wanted to process these people, they would not have closed the border.

The closure was meant to give dopes like yourself the odea that there is some sort of crisis.
The fact is, they could easily have used the extra resources there to process those people in an orderly fashion.

Oh please. These are the same people that not only rushed to break down the barriers, but attacked our border forces. These are not good people. That's only what you're puppet string pullers tell you. WTF do you think they told the women to take their children and get in front of the crowd before they started hurling rocks at them? Because they knew any and every lying lib media organization out there was going to report it that way.

This is the United States border for crying out loud, not an ice-cream store stand. We don't have our people take orders from them, especially since we know well ahead of time they are all ineligible under the US asylum laws.

As the chief points out the obvious (not subject to liberal understanding) these people are not here for asylum, they are here to get into the country anyway they can. Asylum seekers do just that--seek asylum. And not one of the dozens of people who broke down that fence and ran past hundreds of our agents did that.
Oh please. These are the same people that not only rushed to break down the barriers, but attacked our border forces. These are not good people.

My point exactly about dopey narratives and the dopes that believe them.

That didn't happen, liar.

It didn’t? So the border patrol chief is lying and you’re telling the truth. How liberal of you. Then why didn’t CNN challenge him on his statement?

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