To claim asylum you must be physically in the US .

According to border patrol, none of them asked for asylum. They threw rocks and bottles instead.

Because the border was closed, dope.


Because the border was closed, they couldn't speak to a border agent, ICE agent or anybody in the military? Dope.

How do they get to access to a closed border crossing, dope?

Im sure they were handing out asylum forms.:laugh2:

Haven't you learned by now that if you challenge me, I'm going to defeat you?

Interview with the border chief. Pay very close attention to what he says between the 4:30 and 5:30 minute line. Before you don't even watch it and cry foul, it's a report from one of your very own: The Communist News Network. If you want to learn more, watch the entire interview.

San Diego Border Patrol Chief: Asylum-Seekers Would Surrender, Not Throw Rocks

So what was their intention then?
Walk 2k miles to what, throw rocks?

You defeat yourself every time with you poorly applied, dopey logic.

If they wanted to accept asylum claims, they wouldn't have closed the border.
that is the fking question. congratulations you made it to the right question. Why would someone who is seeking asylum throw rocks. Can you answer? I can, it's because that is not their intended goal. It is quite simple. I'm still curious as to why you take a non citizen's view over citizens. seems quite odd. seems you hate your own country.
Okay smarty pants, explain the 11 million.

Who have come here over many years (as much as 20 and some times more)...

Half of whom came in on visas and overstayed...

WTF are you talking about?
you get that over staying a visa is illegal right? Please tell us you can say that much.
I'd ask why you included 11 million in your cryptic nonsense but I'd get some stupid reply so...never mind
Okay smarty pants, explain the 11 million.

Who have come here over many years (as much as 20 and some times more)...

Half of whom came in on visas and overstayed...

WTF are you talking about?
you get that over staying a visa is illegal right? Please tell us you can say that much.
I'd ask why you included 11 million in your cryptic nonsense but I'd get some stupid reply so...never mind
well factually, I never mentioned 11 million. someone else did. but hey, way to look foolish as always. DOH!

And, I noticed you avoided answering my question. go figure on that as well. so typical loser left.
I heard business wants to hire them here. They need people to work in the Rust Belt.

Republicans aren’t smart enough, they don’t study, they don’t want to learn, and they can’t do the jobs
Businesses have always sought slave/cheap labor....liberals used to be against that....what has changed?....
So you admit the Republicans can’t learn they aren’t smart enough and they can’t do the job.
Finally a right winger who’s honest.
I heard business wants to hire them here. They need people to work in the Rust Belt.

Republicans aren’t smart enough, they don’t study, they don’t want to learn, and they can’t do the jobs
Businesses have always sought slave/cheap labor....liberals used to be against that....what has changed?....
So you admit the Republicans can’t learn they aren’t smart enough and they can’t do the job.
Finally a right winger who’s honest.
duh dude, it's why there is Trump. That is why he was sent to DC to clean up the swamp. no one said it wasn't both sides. You should listen to his inauguration speech.
I heard business wants to hire them here. They need people to work in the Rust Belt.

Republicans aren’t smart enough, they don’t study, they don’t want to learn, and they can’t do the jobs
Businesses have always sought slave/cheap labor....liberals used to be against that....what has changed?....
So you admit the Republicans can’t learn they aren’t smart enough and they can’t do the job.
Finally a right winger who’s honest.
duh dude, it's why there is Trump. That is why he was sent to DC to clean up the swamp. no one said it wasn't both sides. You should listen to his inauguration speech.
And look at his cabinet. Half of them had to resign because they just couldn’t hide from their crimes. The other half are going to be under investigation starting in January.
How do you know ? Oh yeah, you cons make shit up all the time.
Pictures do not lie...unless they are on CNN....
Video can lie after right wingers finish with it.
See O’keefe and info wars.

Some Migrants Acted 'Criminal' in Clash with CBP: Tijuana Mayor

"The Mayor of Tijuana, Mexico called actions by some members of the migrant caravan that forced a brief closure of the San Ysidro Port of Entry on Sunday “criminal” and said it was unfair to Tijuana residents.

Citing an economic study, Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastélum said the hours-long closure cost his city 129 million pesos, or roughly $6.3 million, in revenue.

“That’s not fair for the people in Tijuana,” Mayor Gastélum said.

Gastélum said the actions of some migrants were also unfair to others among the caravan."
I heard business wants to hire them here. They need people to work in the Rust Belt.

Republicans aren’t smart enough, they don’t study, they don’t want to learn, and they can’t do the jobs
Businesses have always sought slave/cheap labor....liberals used to be against that....what has changed?....
So you admit the Republicans can’t learn they aren’t smart enough and they can’t do the job.
Finally a right winger who’s honest.
duh dude, it's why there is Trump. That is why he was sent to DC to clean up the swamp. no one said it wasn't both sides. You should listen to his inauguration speech.
And look at his cabinet. Half of them had to resign because they just couldn’t hide from their crimes. The other half are going to be under investigation starting in January.
they got fired because they keep turning out to be swamp creatures. this fking country is infested with these creatures. I'm against them. you?
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

If you come into the U.S. without permission, you're illegally here.
People that plea for asylum at the border crossing are given permission to enter the US if the agent is convinced the person appears to have a creditable case. Generally, they are held in detention until they are interviewed by an asylum agent.

So we should build new facilities to hold thens of thousands in detention while they are waiting for an agent? What happens when it gets to hundreds of thousands?
Just like most of the immigration problems, we can fix asylum by changing the law, not circumventing it and trying to turn it into a national crisis for political reasons.
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Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

If you come into the U.S. without permission, you're illegally here.
People that plea for asylum at the border crossing are given permission to enter the US if the agent is convinced the person appears to have a creditable case. Generally, they are held in detention until they are interviewed by an asylum agent.

So we should build new facilities to hold thens of thousands in detention while they are waiting for an agent? What happens when it gets to hundreds of thousands?
Just like most of the immigration problems, we can fix asylum by changing the law, not circumventing it and trying to turn it into a national crisis for political reasons.

I'm sorry, but I just don't see the political advantage one way or the other. Yes, laws need to be changed, but good luck finding the people to do it. Piglosi and her clan certainly won't, and they plan on spending most of their time trying to remove Trump from office than anything else that needs to be addressed by Congress.
Because the border was closed, dope.


Because the border was closed, they couldn't speak to a border agent, ICE agent or anybody in the military? Dope.

How do they get to access to a closed border crossing, dope?

Im sure they were handing out asylum forms.:laugh2:

Haven't you learned by now that if you challenge me, I'm going to defeat you?

Interview with the border chief. Pay very close attention to what he says between the 4:30 and 5:30 minute line. Before you don't even watch it and cry foul, it's a report from one of your very own: The Communist News Network. If you want to learn more, watch the entire interview.

San Diego Border Patrol Chief: Asylum-Seekers Would Surrender, Not Throw Rocks

So what was their intention then?
Walk 2k miles to what, throw rocks?

You defeat yourself every time with you poorly applied, dopey logic.

If they wanted to accept asylum claims, they wouldn't have closed the border.

Their intention was to be treated the way others were treated under DumBama: Catch and Release. They also knew how the Democrats came to their side to defend them the last batch that came around, and assumed the media and Democrats would win that battle again.

The greatest asset anybody who wants to break our laws have are Democrats. Criminals depend on them.
More dopey logic.

The border was closed, dope.
Not a single application was made.

Catch and release is not the law either.
Trump is free to come up with a solution that doesn't require that. We all know though that is not what you or they see as the problem.

It's only a dopey excuse.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.
What deformed straw man are you arguing with? There’s a process for asylum seekers. That process is come to a boarder crossing station (or embassy), and apply that for it there. That is not what people who AVOID boarder checkpoints and stations are doing. They may do it when caught, but it is not what those people are doing. The process does not involve sneaking into the country, and shouting olly olly oxenfree (or asylum in this case). That’s not asylum, asylum is for people like Asia bibi, the Muslims or Christians in China, people who are actually being persecuted by their governments and are not safe. It’s not for people looking to work here, because they’re hard work will go much further here than their home country. That’s a sympathetic cause, but the US clearly cannot solve these other countries problems by importing ALL of them. That’s not a viable solution It also excacerbates our own problems when we do not know who is crossing the boarder, and with what. Are they who they say they are? Are they bringing drugs, an invasive species of something, disease? These questions need to be accounted for, which is why ALL countries have and need secure boarders.

There are most certainly economic consequences to immigration, plenty can be good. But when there is illegal immigration, it is mainly not good. If you come here illegally, generally that means you are willing to work for lower wages, and without the pricey benefits that our workplaces are required to offer to both American citizens AND legal immigrants. You’re not going to complain about it like any other legal resident would, because it’s way more than you’d be making other wise. This stunts the need for these workplaces to offer competitive wages to draw in labor. BTW this negative consequence doesn’t just apply to illegal immigrant (although it certainly exaggerates it), it also applies to immigration if highly educated skilled positions. Since the inception of the J waiver program, the importation of foreign nationals with STEM degrees drove down wages for American citizens with PhD’s. Why pay an American the going rate when an enigineer from China who is ecstatic about making 80 cents on the dollar less than their American counterpart. And let’s not forget, taking less with a fraction of student debt. These are real consequences. The whole line of “they’re taking jobs no one else wants to do,” is simple minded lazy thinking. Wrong, they are taking wages that Americans are unwilling to take, not jobs, lower wages.

That doesn’t mean there aren’t any benefits to immigration, there are. But they are significantly minimized when done so illegally, while the negatives are exaggerated. This isn’t a win win situation, it is a very nuanced one with legit consequences. Stop being lazy thinkers.

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