To claim asylum you must be physically in the US .

See there is the issue.

Have you ever heard the statement, one person ruins it for everyone?

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

You don't get to just storm the border.

So logically if people are clashing with police and such, the solution is to close the border. This is naturally what will happen.

That's on them. Our ambassador was pleading with them to enter legally, and follow entry procedures. They are refusing, and trying to break our laws. So this is what happens.

Why are you angry at anyone other than the people who are breaking the law? We're not making them break the laws.

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

I stopped right there. These aren't criminals. They're migrants. Looking to apply for asylum is not a crime.
They are migrants only via the legal immigration process.
Do you have Any comprehension that words have definitions and meaning?
it is not a crime to seek asylum in the US.
Typical liberal trick attempt of “restating” and rebuking what was Never stated to begin with
Seeking asylum has requirements. Because a mass of people may wish to seek asylum does not mean they qualify for it. When they keep coming anyway they are not asylum seekers but rather a group trying to forcibly and illegally enter the country. Not migrants and not asylum candidates.

The border crossing was closed. No applications were taken. You have no idea who in that group would qualify. We have an orderly process that takes those applications and determines their eligibility.

According to border patrol, none of them asked for asylum. They threw rocks and bottles instead.
I heard business wants to hire them here. They need people to work in the Rust Belt.

Republicans aren’t smart enough, they don’t study, they don’t want to learn, and they can’t do the jobs.

Sure they want to hire them, for less than half of what a US citizen would make. That's one of the many problems here.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.
U.S. Asylum was not necessary. Mexico offered.


Now, go fuck yourself in your communist ass.


Asylum in Mexico simply means you will not be deported for being in the country. There is no real protection in Mexico for asylees, nor are there programs to help getting a job, nor benefits such as food stamps and healthcare.

Asylum seekers in Mexico have increased 700% in the last year, completely overwhelming the system. Wait times run many months.
what's the difference there to here?
I stopped right there. These aren't criminals. They're migrants. Looking to apply for asylum is not a crime.
They are migrants only via the legal immigration process.
Do you have Any comprehension that words have definitions and meaning?
it is not a crime to seek asylum in the US.
Typical liberal trick attempt of “restating” and rebuking what was Never stated to begin with
Seeking asylum has requirements. Because a mass of people may wish to seek asylum does not mean they qualify for it. When they keep coming anyway they are not asylum seekers but rather a group trying to forcibly and illegally enter the country. Not migrants and not asylum candidates.

The border crossing was closed. No applications were taken. You have no idea who in that group would qualify. We have an orderly process that takes those applications and determines their eligibility.

According to border patrol, none of them asked for asylum. They threw rocks and bottles instead.

Because the border was closed, dope.

Isn’t asylum sought in the next country rather than 6 countries away?

It is, but the left ignores that part of the debate. Asylum is to escape danger of your country be it war torn, persecution of religion, crimes committed against you. Asylum is not because you're sick of your crappy country and want to move somewhere better. That's called immigration.

That's why I said they are using our laws and benevolence against us. Trump should end our asylum program once and for all. Abusers are becoming too much of a problem and it's costing us way too much money.
It is, but the left ignores that part of the debate.

It isn't. There is no such rule or law, dope.

People are free to seek asylum where they wish.

FIRM RESETTEMENT BAR This type of bar usually occurs when the applicant flees the home country and then resettles in another country before coming to the United States. If the applicant is a refugee and leaves the home country because of war and wide-spread persecution on account of membership in a particular clan or tribe or religious or political affiliation, and then goes on to a neighboring country where the applicant can find temporary safety, the government attorney will argue that the applicant has firmly resettled in that country and does not need to look further for safety in the United States.

Bars or Disqualifying Factors to Asylum | Law Offices of Alice Vacek Aranda, PLLC
Timmy the silly OP still won't tell us why he wants them to get into America....

Who said I want them in? I’m just setting the record straight on How asylum works .

The record wasn't crooked. Learn the difference between "What people are saying" and "The half-assed way Timmy comprehends what people are saying".

I get so very tired of leftists "discovering things" everyone else knew for years and expecting us to applaud their "brilliance".

Who are you kidding . Every righty out there calls these asylum people “illegal immigrants and criminals “ . Which is factually false .

But that doesn’t fit the gop propaganda .

Who are you kidding? I don't respect your perception of reality on anything else, so why would I accept your assertion that "Everyone says" something? And don't even get me started on your imbecilic conflation of illegal immigrants and "asylum people".

I didn't think it was possible for you to be more mouthbreathingly stupid and uninformed than you normally are . . . and then you started talking about immigration law, and proved that you could.

Everything is said was true .
apply at port of entry.

A port of entry is IN the US...and by law you must be granted a hearing
JHC. Can you even read?
"You may ask for ask for asylum at a point of-entry(airport, seaport or border crossing) or, if you are already in the United States you may file form I-589."
Exact quote from the OP's link you both failed to comprehend .

A port of entry is just that.
You are not officially in country until cleared by customs and immigration .

A port of entry is on American soil, fool.

So what do you call closing the port of entry when applicants arrive? Is that proper in your view?

See there is the issue.

Have you ever heard the statement, one person ruins it for everyone?

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

You don't get to just storm the border.

So logically if people are clashing with police and such, the solution is to close the border. This is naturally what will happen.

That's on them. Our ambassador was pleading with them to enter legally, and follow entry procedures. They are refusing, and trying to break our laws. So this is what happens.

Why are you angry at anyone other than the people who are breaking the law? We're not making them break the laws.
They are storming the border because they believe the only way that they will be allowed to submit their application for asylum is by climb over the wall. We need to be sure they understand that their application will be considered when they reach the border agents and that there is no need to violate the law. However an orderly process is not what Trump needs. He needs a crisis and what better way to appeal to his base than to have immigrants storming the border.
apply at port of entry.

A port of entry is IN the US...and by law you must be granted a hearing
JHC. Can you even read?
"You may ask for ask for asylum at a point of-entry(airport, seaport or border crossing) or, if you are already in the United States you may file form I-589."
Exact quote from the OP's link you both failed to comprehend .

A port of entry is just that.
You are not officially in country until cleared by customs and immigration .

A port of entry is on American soil, fool.

So what do you call closing the port of entry when applicants arrive? Is that proper in your view?

See there is the issue.

Have you ever heard the statement, one person ruins it for everyone?

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

You don't get to just storm the border.

So logically if people are clashing with police and such, the solution is to close the border. This is naturally what will happen.

That's on them. Our ambassador was pleading with them to enter legally, and follow entry procedures. They are refusing, and trying to break our laws. So this is what happens.

Why are you angry at anyone other than the people who are breaking the law? We're not making them break the laws.
They are storming the border because they believe the only way that they will be allowed to submit their application for asylum is by climb over the wall. We need to be sure they understand that their application will be considered when they reach the border agents and that there is no need to violate the law. However an orderly process is not what Trump needs. He needs a crisis and what better way to appeal to his base than to have immigrants storming the border.
they came here with bad intel.
apply at port of entry.

A port of entry is IN the US...and by law you must be granted a hearing
JHC. Can you even read?
"You may ask for ask for asylum at a point of-entry(airport, seaport or border crossing) or, if you are already in the United States you may file form I-589."
Exact quote from the OP's link you both failed to comprehend .

A port of entry is just that.
You are not officially in country until cleared by customs and immigration .

A port of entry is on American soil, fool.

So what do you call closing the port of entry when applicants arrive? Is that proper in your view?

See there is the issue.

Have you ever heard the statement, one person ruins it for everyone?

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

You don't get to just storm the border.

So logically if people are clashing with police and such, the solution is to close the border. This is naturally what will happen.

That's on them. Our ambassador was pleading with them to enter legally, and follow entry procedures. They are refusing, and trying to break our laws. So this is what happens.

Why are you angry at anyone other than the people who are breaking the law? We're not making them break the laws.
They are storming the border because they believe the only way that they will be allowed to submit their application for asylum is by climb over the wall. We need to be sure they understand that their application will be considered when they reach the border agents and that there is no need to violate the law. However an orderly process is not what Trump needs. He needs a crisis and what better way to appeal to his base than to have immigrants storming the border.
Now that you think about it, with the invasion of the diseased criminal horde, if it gets too out of hand, then President Trump under executive powers could declare a state of emergency and declare Martial Law. At that point, no more elections until the country gets back to normal operations. If I were you libtards, I would be at the border telling those sick bastards to go home or expect 20 years of President Trump...Can you imagine the butt hurt liberals all crying about how unfair it is that they cant get rid of President Trump.....Bwaaaahhhaaaahhhaaaaaaa
Martial law - Wikipedia
Martial Law is the imposition of direct military control of normal civilian functions of government, especially in response to a temporary emergency such as invasion or major disaster, or in an occupied territory.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.
You do know there is a US embassy in Mexico city, right? If they had only wanted asylum, they could have applied there. Well, that is, if their intention was only asylum and not overstaying after the court date and disappearing in the country.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.
You do know there is a US embassy in Mexico city, right? If they had only wanted asylum, they could have applied there. Well, that is, if their intention was only asylum and not overstaying after the court date and disappearing in the country.

You can bet if they ever get into the US they WILL DISAPPEAR.
According to Justice Department data from the last five available years, around 60 to 75 percent of non-detained migrants have attended their immigration court proceedings. There is no numbers on asylum seekers but it's reasonable to assume that a person that spent a month traveling a thousand miles or more mostly on foot, passed the initial interview at the boarder, prepared their asylum petition, passed their official interview with an asylum agent, and passed their background check is not going to blow it by missing their hearing. These people may be uneducated and poor, but they are not crazy.
Majority of undocumented immigrants show up for court
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

So they give us their applications outside the US. If the application is approved, then they can come in and claim asylum. What's the problem?

The problem is like most Democrats, you want them sneaking in this country like they did under Ears and disappear after they make their claim never to be seen again.

It's harder to enslave people who can go to the courts to sue you
The right way is to get approval for a temporary visa and then apply. Is the OP suggesting people should come here illegally and then apply for refugee status?

The OP is just telling you what the law is . So you don’t have to wallow in ignorance. Although you seem to enjoy ignorance.

no it isnt. You don't have to be in the United States to apply for asylum.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

If you come into the U.S. without permission, you're illegally here.
People that plea for asylum at the border crossing are given permission to enter the US if the agent is convinced the person appears to have a creditable case. Generally, they are held in detention until they are interviewed by an asylum agent.
See there is the issue.

Have you ever heard the statement, one person ruins it for everyone?

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

You don't get to just storm the border.

So logically if people are clashing with police and such, the solution is to close the border. This is naturally what will happen.

That's on them. Our ambassador was pleading with them to enter legally, and follow entry procedures. They are refusing, and trying to break our laws. So this is what happens.

Why are you angry at anyone other than the people who are breaking the law? We're not making them break the laws.

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

I stopped right there. These aren't criminals. They're migrants. Looking to apply for asylum is not a crime.
They are migrants only via the legal immigration process.
Do you have Any comprehension that words have definitions and meaning?
it is not a crime to seek asylum in the US.
Typical liberal trick attempt of “restating” and rebuking what was Never stated to begin with
Seeking asylum has requirements. Because a mass of people may wish to seek asylum does not mean they qualify for it. When they keep coming anyway they are not asylum seekers but rather a group trying to forcibly and illegally enter the country. Not migrants and not asylum candidates.

The border crossing was closed. No applications were taken. You have no idea who in that group would qualify. We have an orderly process that takes those applications and determines their eligibility.
There is a process but under Trump it's not working because he doesn't want it work. He wants a crisis at border.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

So they give us their applications outside the US. If the application is approved, then they can come in and claim asylum. What's the problem?

The problem is like most Democrats, you want them sneaking in this country like they did under Ears and disappear after they make their claim never to be seen again.

Think about it . If that was the process the INS would be bombarded with millions of apps every year .

God do any of you ever put a thought into anything you say?

And that's exactly what happened under Hussein. Ever hear of Catch and Release?

Right . Cause our immigration courts are swamped. Better to spend wall money on more courts and agents .

By the way , catch and release is way cheaper than jailing everyone .

Not letting them in the country is even cheaper
Timmy the silly OP still won't tell us why he wants them to get into America....

Who said I want them in? I’m just setting the record straight on How asylum works .

The record wasn't crooked. Learn the difference between "What people are saying" and "The half-assed way Timmy comprehends what people are saying".

I get so very tired of leftists "discovering things" everyone else knew for years and expecting us to applaud their "brilliance".

Who are you kidding . Every righty out there calls these asylum people “illegal immigrants and criminals “ . Which is factually false .

But that doesn’t fit the gop propaganda .

Who are you kidding? I don't respect your perception of reality on anything else, so why would I accept your assertion that "Everyone says" something? And don't even get me started on your imbecilic conflation of illegal immigrants and "asylum people".

I didn't think it was possible for you to be more mouthbreathingly stupid and uninformed than you normally are . . . and then you started talking about immigration law, and proved that you could.

Everything is said was true .

I'm sure you "think" so.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.
U.S. Asylum was not necessary. Mexico offered.


Now, go fuck yourself in your communist ass.


Asylum in Mexico simply means you will not be deported for being in the country. There is no real protection in Mexico for asylees, nor are there programs to help getting a job, nor benefits such as food stamps and healthcare.

Asylum seekers in Mexico have increased 700% in the last year, completely overwhelming the system. Wait times run many months.
what's the difference there to here?
The biggest difference in US asylum compared to Mexico is there are actual programs to help the asylee to get a green card, find a job, housing, and assist in getting settled in the US. After the 1st year, the asylee can apply for legal residency and eventually apply for citizenship. During your first year, your asylum can be terminated for any criminal activity or if the reason for asylum no longer exists.
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The right way is to get approval for a temporary visa and then apply. Is the OP suggesting people should come here illegally and then apply for refugee status?

The OP is just telling you what the law is . So you don’t have to wallow in ignorance. Although you seem to enjoy ignorance.

no it isnt. You don't have to be in the United States to apply for asylum.
Your application can be submitted by legal counsel but you still have to appear for your interview(s) in person and your hearing.

The way to get asylum is to come to the US on a visa, hire an immigration lawyer, to help prepare your petition, attend interviews and your hearing, and represent you in court. Your chance of getting asylum is much greater than walking up to a border crossing and asking for asylum. Unfortunately, most of the people deserving asylum can't afford lawyers, travel expenses, and staying in the US.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

And by going to any US embassy or consulate in the world, you are then on US soil. Embassies & consulates are recognized as that country’s soil per international agreement. So by skipping past said facilities in Mexico & rejecting Mexico’s offer for asylum, it appears the true purpose of this caravan is pretty clear.
If the law said that asylum seekers must apply in the US or US territory, then embassies and consulates would qualify. However the asylum law specifies ports of entry and C&I offices which forces asylum seekers to come to the US to apply.
It doesn't matter. Trump isn't going to let them in. The law doesn't require the government to let people in for any reason.

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