To claim asylum you must be physically in the US .

apply at port of entry.

A port of entry is IN the US...and by law you must be granted a hearing
JHC. Can you even read?
"You may ask for ask for asylum at a point of-entry(airport, seaport or border crossing) or, if you are already in the United States you may file form I-589."
Exact quote from the OP's link you both failed to comprehend .

A port of entry is just that.
You are not officially in country until cleared by customs and immigration .

A port of entry is on American soil, fool.

So what do you call closing the port of entry when applicants arrive? Is that proper in your view?

See there is the issue.

Have you ever heard the statement, one person ruins it for everyone?

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

You don't get to just storm the border.

So logically if people are clashing with police and such, the solution is to close the border. This is naturally what will happen.

That's on them. Our ambassador was pleading with them to enter legally, and follow entry procedures. They are refusing, and trying to break our laws. So this is what happens.

Why are you angry at anyone other than the people who are breaking the law? We're not making them break the laws.

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

I stopped right there. These aren't criminals. They're migrants. Looking to apply for asylum is not a crime.
They are migrants only via the legal immigration process.
Do you have Any comprehension that words have definitions and meaning?
A port of entry is IN the US...and by law you must be granted a hearing
JHC. Can you even read?
"You may ask for ask for asylum at a point of-entry(airport, seaport or border crossing) or, if you are already in the United States you may file form I-589."
Exact quote from the OP's link you both failed to comprehend .

A port of entry is just that.
You are not officially in country until cleared by customs and immigration .

A port of entry is on American soil, fool.

So what do you call closing the port of entry when applicants arrive? Is that proper in your view?

See there is the issue.

Have you ever heard the statement, one person ruins it for everyone?

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

You don't get to just storm the border.

So logically if people are clashing with police and such, the solution is to close the border. This is naturally what will happen.

That's on them. Our ambassador was pleading with them to enter legally, and follow entry procedures. They are refusing, and trying to break our laws. So this is what happens.

Why are you angry at anyone other than the people who are breaking the law? We're not making them break the laws.

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

I stopped right there. These aren't criminals. They're migrants. Looking to apply for asylum is not a crime.
They are migrants only via the legal immigration process.
Do you have Any comprehension that words have definitions and meaning?
it is not a crime to seek asylum in the US.
JHC. Can you even read?
"You may ask for ask for asylum at a point of-entry(airport, seaport or border crossing) or, if you are already in the United States you may file form I-589."
Exact quote from the OP's link you both failed to comprehend .

A port of entry is just that.
You are not officially in country until cleared by customs and immigration .

A port of entry is on American soil, fool.

So what do you call closing the port of entry when applicants arrive? Is that proper in your view?

See there is the issue.

Have you ever heard the statement, one person ruins it for everyone?

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

You don't get to just storm the border.

So logically if people are clashing with police and such, the solution is to close the border. This is naturally what will happen.

That's on them. Our ambassador was pleading with them to enter legally, and follow entry procedures. They are refusing, and trying to break our laws. So this is what happens.

Why are you angry at anyone other than the people who are breaking the law? We're not making them break the laws.

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

I stopped right there. These aren't criminals. They're migrants. Looking to apply for asylum is not a crime.
They are migrants only via the legal immigration process.
Do you have Any comprehension that words have definitions and meaning?
it is not a crime to seek asylum in the US.
Typical liberal trick attempt of “restating” and rebuking what was Never stated to begin with
Seeking asylum has requirements. Because a mass of people may wish to seek asylum does not mean they qualify for it. When they keep coming anyway they are not asylum seekers but rather a group trying to forcibly and illegally enter the country. Not migrants and not asylum candidates.
A port of entry is IN the US...and by law you must be granted a hearing
JHC. Can you even read?
"You may ask for ask for asylum at a point of-entry(airport, seaport or border crossing) or, if you are already in the United States you may file form I-589."
Exact quote from the OP's link you both failed to comprehend .

A port of entry is just that.
You are not officially in country until cleared by customs and immigration .

A port of entry is on American soil, fool.

So what do you call closing the port of entry when applicants arrive? Is that proper in your view?

See there is the issue.

Have you ever heard the statement, one person ruins it for everyone?

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

You don't get to just storm the border.

So logically if people are clashing with police and such, the solution is to close the border. This is naturally what will happen.

That's on them. Our ambassador was pleading with them to enter legally, and follow entry procedures. They are refusing, and trying to break our laws. So this is what happens.

Why are you angry at anyone other than the people who are breaking the law? We're not making them break the laws.

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

I stopped right there. These aren't criminals. They're migrants. Looking to apply for asylum is not a crime.
They are migrants only via the legal immigration process.
Do you have Any comprehension that words have definitions and meaning?

No, they're migrants as they are moving from one place to another. Our legal process has no bearing on that definition.

Applying for asylum at a port of entry is the proper and legal way to do so.
A port of entry is on American soil, fool.

So what do you call closing the port of entry when applicants arrive? Is that proper in your view?

See there is the issue.

Have you ever heard the statement, one person ruins it for everyone?

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

You don't get to just storm the border.

So logically if people are clashing with police and such, the solution is to close the border. This is naturally what will happen.

That's on them. Our ambassador was pleading with them to enter legally, and follow entry procedures. They are refusing, and trying to break our laws. So this is what happens.

Why are you angry at anyone other than the people who are breaking the law? We're not making them break the laws.

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

I stopped right there. These aren't criminals. They're migrants. Looking to apply for asylum is not a crime.
They are migrants only via the legal immigration process.
Do you have Any comprehension that words have definitions and meaning?
it is not a crime to seek asylum in the US.
Typical liberal trick attempt of “restating” and rebuking what was Never stated to begin with
Seeking asylum has requirements. Because a mass of people may wish to seek asylum does not mean they qualify for it. When they keep coming anyway they are not asylum seekers but rather a group trying to forcibly and illegally enter the country. Not migrants and not asylum candidates.

The border crossing was closed. No applications were taken. You have no idea who in that group would qualify. We have an orderly process that takes those applications and determines their eligibility.
A port of entry is on American soil, fool.

So what do you call closing the port of entry when applicants arrive? Is that proper in your view?

See there is the issue.

Have you ever heard the statement, one person ruins it for everyone?

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

You don't get to just storm the border.

So logically if people are clashing with police and such, the solution is to close the border. This is naturally what will happen.

That's on them. Our ambassador was pleading with them to enter legally, and follow entry procedures. They are refusing, and trying to break our laws. So this is what happens.

Why are you angry at anyone other than the people who are breaking the law? We're not making them break the laws.

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

I stopped right there. These aren't criminals. They're migrants. Looking to apply for asylum is not a crime.
They are migrants only via the legal immigration process.
Do you have Any comprehension that words have definitions and meaning?
it is not a crime to seek asylum in the US.
Typical liberal trick attempt of “restating” and rebuking what was Never stated to begin with
Seeking asylum has requirements. Because a mass of people may wish to seek asylum does not mean they qualify for it. When they keep coming anyway they are not asylum seekers but rather a group trying to forcibly and illegally enter the country. Not migrants and not asylum candidates.
seeking asylum is a natural right. Let's upgrade Ellis Island to solve that dilemma.
Timmy the silly OP still won't tell us why he wants them to get into America....

He doesn't...and they won't.

It's actually rare for asylum seekers who come across the border to get asylum.

He's telling you what the LAW states.

We are a nation of laws...correct?
how are they supposed to get into the country to ask then?
Yep, they can get in line and we'll open a single door at a port of entry. Outside that door will be a stack of asylum applications. Inside, an ICE agent backed by a platoon of the First Cavalry, fully armed. Give the ICE agent a single rubber stamp and an ink pad. The stamp should read, "Rejected".

The law also guarantees them a hearing.

You may not like it....but it's the law
why don't they show up then?
Timmy the silly OP still won't tell us why he wants them to get into America....

Who said I want them in? I’m just setting the record straight on How asylum works .

The record wasn't crooked. Learn the difference between "What people are saying" and "The half-assed way Timmy comprehends what people are saying".

I get so very tired of leftists "discovering things" everyone else knew for years and expecting us to applaud their "brilliance".

Who are you kidding . Every righty out there calls these asylum people “illegal immigrants and criminals “ . Which is factually false .

But that doesn’t fit the gop propaganda .

Who are you kidding? I don't respect your perception of reality on anything else, so why would I accept your assertion that "Everyone says" something? And don't even get me started on your imbecilic conflation of illegal immigrants and "asylum people".

I didn't think it was possible for you to be more mouthbreathingly stupid and uninformed than you normally are . . . and then you started talking about immigration law, and proved that you could.
Many are criminals...very few are women and children

And you can support that with what? Trump TWEETS?

In fact you have no idea about how many if any are criminals or how many children are among that group
Who are you kidding? I don't respect your perception of reality on anything else, so why would I accept your assertion that "Everyone says" something? And don't even get me started on your imbecilic conflation of illegal immigrants and "asylum people".

I didn't think it was possible for you to be more mouthbreathingly stupid and uninformed than you normally are . . . and then you started talking about immigration law, and proved that you could.

This from someone who got the law regarding asylum exactly backwards
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.
U.S. Asylum was not necessary. Mexico offered.


Now, go fuck yourself in your communist ass.


Asylum in Mexico simply means you will not be deported for being in the country. There is no real protection in Mexico for asylees, nor are there programs to help getting a job, nor benefits such as food stamps and healthcare.

Asylum seekers in Mexico have increased 700% in the last year, completely overwhelming the system. Wait times run many months.
JHC. Can you even read?
"You may ask for ask for asylum at a point of-entry(airport, seaport or border crossing) or, if you are already in the United States you may file form I-589."
Exact quote from the OP's link you both failed to comprehend .

A port of entry is just that.
You are not officially in country until cleared by customs and immigration .

A port of entry is on American soil, fool.

So what do you call closing the port of entry when applicants arrive? Is that proper in your view?

See there is the issue.

Have you ever heard the statement, one person ruins it for everyone?

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

You don't get to just storm the border.

So logically if people are clashing with police and such, the solution is to close the border. This is naturally what will happen.

That's on them. Our ambassador was pleading with them to enter legally, and follow entry procedures. They are refusing, and trying to break our laws. So this is what happens.

Why are you angry at anyone other than the people who are breaking the law? We're not making them break the laws.

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

I stopped right there. These aren't criminals. They're migrants. Looking to apply for asylum is not a crime.
They are migrants only via the legal immigration process.
Do you have Any comprehension that words have definitions and meaning?
it is not a crime to seek asylum in the US.
It’s not a crime to seek to increase your wealth. However, the methods you employ can make it illegal. The same thing with the methods the illegals try to employ.
Facts just rip feelings to shreds
A port of entry is on American soil, fool.

So what do you call closing the port of entry when applicants arrive? Is that proper in your view?

See there is the issue.

Have you ever heard the statement, one person ruins it for everyone?

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

You don't get to just storm the border.

So logically if people are clashing with police and such, the solution is to close the border. This is naturally what will happen.

That's on them. Our ambassador was pleading with them to enter legally, and follow entry procedures. They are refusing, and trying to break our laws. So this is what happens.

Why are you angry at anyone other than the people who are breaking the law? We're not making them break the laws.

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

I stopped right there. These aren't criminals. They're migrants. Looking to apply for asylum is not a crime.
They are migrants only via the legal immigration process.
Do you have Any comprehension that words have definitions and meaning?
it is not a crime to seek asylum in the US.
It’s not a crime to seek to increase your wealth. However, the methods you employ can make it illegal. The same thing with the methods the illegals try to employ.
Facts just rip feelings to shreds
We should be upgrading Ellis Island, to avoid this problem in the future.
See there is the issue.

Have you ever heard the statement, one person ruins it for everyone?

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

You don't get to just storm the border.

So logically if people are clashing with police and such, the solution is to close the border. This is naturally what will happen.

That's on them. Our ambassador was pleading with them to enter legally, and follow entry procedures. They are refusing, and trying to break our laws. So this is what happens.

Why are you angry at anyone other than the people who are breaking the law? We're not making them break the laws.

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

I stopped right there. These aren't criminals. They're migrants. Looking to apply for asylum is not a crime.
They are migrants only via the legal immigration process.
Do you have Any comprehension that words have definitions and meaning?
it is not a crime to seek asylum in the US.
It’s not a crime to seek to increase your wealth. However, the methods you employ can make it illegal. The same thing with the methods the illegals try to employ.
Facts just rip feelings to shreds
We should be upgrading Ellis Island, to avoid this problem in the future.
Lord have mercy. Ellis island is in New York, 2,500 miles from where they are demanding illegal entry
Should we parade their shit show across the nation to get them to Ellis island????
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.
U.S. Asylum was not necessary. Mexico offered.


Now, go fuck yourself in your communist ass.


Asylum in Mexico simply means you will not be deported for being in the country. There is no real protection in Mexico for asylees, nor are there programs to help getting a job, nor benefits such as food stamps and healthcare.

Asylum seekers in Mexico have increased 700% in the last year, completely overwhelming the system. Wait times run many months.

Can't wait till we get to that point, huh????

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