To claim asylum you must be physically in the US .

Okay, so we can both conclude the reason you won't answer the question is because you don't care about any laws or process. All you care about is getting these filthy varmints in the country anyway you can legal or illegal. You want to use loopholes in the wording so these people can take advantage of us and work against US interest.

Thanks for playing.
Our own laws and international law and international agreements obligate the US to offer a judicial process or what we in the US call "due process" for any person or persons seeking asylum no matter how they arrive in the USA. A judicial procedure completely controlled by the USA determines whether an asylum seeker/applicant is accepted or rejected. Rejecting an applicant means deportation for the applicant.
Folks who support asylum seekers are simply asking that US laws be followed. Why the Trump administration insists on ignoring US law on this topic can only be speculated on.

WTF, now you loons want to site laws and call for "due process". Un-fucking-believable.

They just want to use unfortunately loopholes to continue this stampeded of illegals in this country. Every one of these leftists know quite well why the Democrat party has such a keen interest in this. It's just that not many of them are honest enough to say it.

We've been used and abused once again by people outside our country by taking our kindness and finding a way to turn our kindness against us. Trump is well aware of this and is trying to put it to a stop.

I'm not being partisan here. I'm very disappointed with our do-nothing Republican congress. They should have ended the amnesty program as soon as it became a problem for Trump. Had they done that, these caravan wouldn't' even be an issue today.

Not too sure if they actually want the illegals here. Seems the only game is to just disrupt as much as they can.

It's exactly what they want.

Every other race of people vote heavily Democrat except whites. The game plan is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in history. If the left can do that, we will be a single-party government forever.

So the goal is power. At some point in time, Democrats will regain leadership of the entire country. When that happens, blanket amnesty will be granted along with citizenship which includes voting rights.

At that point, the great experiment will end. We will devolve into Socialism and eventually Communism. Conservatism will be a thing of the past, only to be read about in history books if the new government doesn't destroy all evidence of history.
Yours is a common belief but that does not make it true. Republicans do better at the ballot box when there are more low skilled immigrants in the county. This may be because their participation is low and bring more republicans to the polls. The opposite is true with high skilled immigrants. Republicans do worse in counties with high skilled immigrants.

If we ignore immigration status we find that Hispanic voters favor democrats. Other ethnic groups tend to have mixed political leanings.

As the nation becomes more a nation of minorities the republican party will become a lot more interested in the minority vote and once again capture more minority votes as they did in the 20th century.

How immigrants help Republicans win elections
Did you know...most asylum applicants are not authorized to work in the US?
That is true, however there is more to it. An applicant for asylum by law can not obtain a work permit till their application is approved. Once approved, the asylee is eligible for job training, job counseling, and job search, food stamps, and limited healthcare benefits. Housing and cash benefits are not generally available from the government so most all asylee work or are supported by relatives.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

And by going to any US embassy or consulate in the world, you are then on US soil. Embassies & consulates are recognized as that country’s soil per international agreement. So by skipping past said facilities in Mexico & rejecting Mexico’s offer for asylum, it appears the true purpose of this caravan is pretty clear.
You guys just make up your own rules and laws. A person can not seek asylum at an Embassy or Consulate. Physically in the United States means physically in the USA.

How to Obtain Protection from a U.S. Embassy or Consulate
OK, the link confirms a person can not apply for asylum at an Embassy or Consulate. Thank you.
I see you avoided answering the question, instead, just giving more blah blah.

I answered the question, dope.
I told you there is an existing legal process.
An orderly process that has been in place for years. Trump created this shitshow to get dopes like yourself riled up.

It has obviously worked.

Okay, so we can both conclude the reason you won't answer the question is because you don't care about any laws or process. All you care about is getting these filthy varmints in the country anyway you can legal or illegal. You want to use loopholes in the wording so these people can take advantage of us and work against US interest.

Thanks for playing.
Our own laws and international law and international agreements obligate the US to offer a judicial process or what we in the US call "due process" for any person or persons seeking asylum no matter how they arrive in the USA. A judicial procedure completely controlled by the USA determines whether an asylum seeker/applicant is accepted or rejected. Rejecting an applicant means deportation for the applicant.
Folks who support asylum seekers are simply asking that US laws be followed. Why the Trump administration insists on ignoring US law on this topic can only be speculated on.

WTF, now you loons want to site laws and call for "due process". Un-fucking-believable.

They just want to use unfortunately loopholes to continue this stampeded of illegals in this country. Every one of these leftists know quite well why the Democrat party has such a keen interest in this. It's just that not many of them are honest enough to say it.

We've been used and abused once again by people outside our country by taking our kindness and finding a way to turn our kindness against us. Trump is well aware of this and is trying to put it to a stop.

I'm not being partisan here. I'm very disappointed with our do-nothing Republican congress. They should have ended the amnesty program as soon as it became a problem for Trump. Had they done that, these caravans wouldn't' even be an issue today.
The caravans are a political spectacle. Very few asylum applicants from these countries are accepted. The numbers of migrants at the border are no threat at all to the US. The denial rates for asylum by country between 2012 and 2017 were:
Mexico 88%
Hati 86%
El Savador 79%
Honduras 78%
Guatemala 74%

Denial rates at the border are actually much higher than these figures because they include those that come to the US legally and hire immigration lawyers. Also, these statistics are for a period in which the US was accepting an above average number asylum applicants. Under Trump, these figures will be much lower.

The big show at border is all about:
1. Democrats determine to show the mistreatment of these poor people by the administration.
2. The Trump administration's attempt to create a crisis where none exist to build support for a border wall and ultimately the next election.
Which nationalities get rejected the most for US asylum? - CNN
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apply at port of entry.

A port of entry is IN the US...and by law you must be granted a hearing
JHC. Can you even read?
"You may ask for ask for asylum at a point of-entry(airport, seaport or border crossing) or, if you are already in the United States you may file form I-589."
Exact quote from the OP's link you both failed to comprehend .

A port of entry is just that.
You are not officially in country until cleared by customs and immigration .

A port of entry is on American soil, fool.

So what do you call closing the port of entry when applicants arrive? Is that proper in your view?

See there is the issue.

Have you ever heard the statement, one person ruins it for everyone?

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

You don't get to just storm the border.

So logically if people are clashing with police and such, the solution is to close the border. This is naturally what will happen.

That's on them. Our ambassador was pleading with them to enter legally, and follow entry procedures. They are refusing, and trying to break our laws. So this is what happens.

Why are you angry at anyone other than the people who are breaking the law? We're not making them break the laws.
Isn’t asylum sought in the next country rather than 6 countries away?

It is, but the left ignores that part of the debate. Asylum is to escape danger of your country be it war torn, persecution of religion, crimes committed against you. Asylum is not because you're sick of your crappy country and want to move somewhere better. That's called immigration.

That's why I said they are using our laws and benevolence against us. Trump should end our asylum program once and for all. Abusers are becoming too much of a problem and it's costing us way too much money.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

So they give us their applications outside the US. If the application is approved, then they can come in and claim asylum. What's the problem?

The problem is like most Democrats, you want them sneaking in this country like they did under Ears and disappear after they make their claim never to be seen again.

Yup and that's just what happens. They get a time and date for a hearing but never show up.

I hope none of them set one foot inside America and I hope Mexico gets tired of these useless fucks and boots them out of Mexico and back to what ever shit hole they came from.

Oh and I would bet that NONE of them can prove they are persecuted in their native countries. I would also bet that they want into the US. Mexico offered them asylum and they refused and they could have asked for asylum from any of the countries they came through to get to our border. Not hard to figure out why they want into the US.

We sure don't need them here.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.
You do know there is a US embassy in Mexico city, right? If they had only wanted asylum, they could have applied there. Well, that is, if their intention was only asylum and not overstaying after the court date and disappearing in the country.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.
You do know there is a US embassy in Mexico city, right? If they had only wanted asylum, they could have applied there. Well, that is, if their intention was only asylum and not overstaying after the court date and disappearing in the country.

You can bet if they ever get into the US they WILL DISAPPEAR.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.
You do know there is a US embassy in Mexico city, right? If they had only wanted asylum, they could have applied there. Well, that is, if their intention was only asylum and not overstaying after the court date and disappearing in the country.

You can bet if they ever get into the US they WILL DISAPPEAR.

These so called asylum seekers fully intend to break our laws, not show up for their asylum hearing, commit identify theft, work illegally, why would we want that type of person to immigrate to the US?
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

So they give us their applications outside the US. If the application is approved, then they can come in and claim asylum. What's the problem?

The problem is like most Democrats, you want them sneaking in this country like they did under Ears and disappear after they make their claim never to be seen again.

Yup and that's just what happens. They get a time and date for a hearing but never show up.

I hope none of them set one foot inside America and I hope Mexico gets tired of these useless fucks and boots them out of Mexico and back to what ever shit hole they came from.

Oh and I would bet that NONE of them can prove they are persecuted in their native countries. I would also bet that they want into the US. Mexico offered them asylum and they refused and they could have asked for asylum from any of the countries they came through to get to our border. Not hard to figure out why they want into the US.

We sure don't need them here.

Another problem is we have Hispanic lawyers here in the country that go to these people and tell them what to say and how to answer questions when being interviewed for asylum. So not only are they coming here illegally, but they are lying on their application as well.

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There's already a legal process in place, dope.

If Trump doesn't like it, he should have used his congressional majority to change it. He did not.

I see you avoided answering the question, instead, just giving more blah blah.

I answered the question, dope.
I told you there is an existing legal process.
An orderly process that has been in place for years. Trump created this shitshow to get dopes like yourself riled up.

It has obviously worked.

Okay, so we can both conclude the reason you won't answer the question is because you don't care about any laws or process. All you care about is getting these filthy varmints in the country anyway you can legal or illegal. You want to use loopholes in the wording so these people can take advantage of us and work against US interest.

Thanks for playing.

I said none of that.

For the third time, there's already a legal process in place, dope.

Obviously you are the one who doesn't care for the law or process.

Trust me, you didn't have to say it.

Actually, for you to attribute it to me, I would have to have said it, dope.
I answered the question, dope.
I told you there is an existing legal process.
An orderly process that has been in place for years. Trump created this shitshow to get dopes like yourself riled up.

It has obviously worked.

Okay, so we can both conclude the reason you won't answer the question is because you don't care about any laws or process. All you care about is getting these filthy varmints in the country anyway you can legal or illegal. You want to use loopholes in the wording so these people can take advantage of us and work against US interest.

Thanks for playing.
Our own laws and international law and international agreements obligate the US to offer a judicial process or what we in the US call "due process" for any person or persons seeking asylum no matter how they arrive in the USA. A judicial procedure completely controlled by the USA determines whether an asylum seeker/applicant is accepted or rejected. Rejecting an applicant means deportation for the applicant.
Folks who support asylum seekers are simply asking that US laws be followed. Why the Trump administration insists on ignoring US law on this topic can only be speculated on.

WTF, now you loons want to site laws and call for "due process". Un-fucking-believable.

They just want to use unfortunately loopholes to continue this stampeded of illegals in this country. Every one of these leftists know quite well why the Democrat party has such a keen interest in this. It's just that not many of them are honest enough to say it.

We've been used and abused once again by people outside our country by taking our kindness and finding a way to turn our kindness against us. Trump is well aware of this and is trying to put it to a stop.

I'm not being partisan here. I'm very disappointed with our do-nothing Republican congress. They should have ended the amnesty program as soon as it became a problem for Trump. Had they done that, these caravan wouldn't' even be an issue today.

Not too sure if they actually want the illegals here. Seems the only game is to just disrupt as much as they can.

Trump is the one disrupting an established legal process, rube.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.
True. However there is a major problem in the law. If you can not legally enter the US, because you can't get a visa for any of a number of reason, your only alternative is to break the law in order to apply. Immigration regulations have circumvented the problem to some extent by the following procedure.

A person seeking asylum tells the customs and immigration agent at the border that he or she is seeking asylum. The person is then pulled from the line for further questioning. An agent ask several questions to determine if the person appears to meet the requirements of the law. If the person's responses don't satisfy the agent or they think the person is not telling the truth, the applicant is informed. If the person does meet the requirements, they are detained for further interviews with an asylum agent, investigation, and a court hearing.

This procedure is riddled with problems. First it's highly subjective. The agent is not required to be fluent in the applicant's native language. The applicant has to cover all points needed to have an application considered in just a few minutes. The appeal process is written for people legally in the US and is almost impossible for a person walking to the border unless he or she has an immigration lawyer.

What should happen is the law should be changed so the initial interview can be done by consulates or embassies, making the long dangerous trip to the border unnecessary for those who do not qualify which is over 80% of the people. It also would end most of the caravans.
True. However there is a major problem in the law. If you can not legally enter the US, because you can't get a visa for any of a number of reason, your only alternative is to break the law in order to apply.

No. Not true at all.

Applying for asylum at a port of entry is the legal and proper way to do so.
apply at port of entry.

A port of entry is IN the US...and by law you must be granted a hearing
JHC. Can you even read?
"You may ask for ask for asylum at a point of-entry(airport, seaport or border crossing) or, if you are already in the United States you may file form I-589."
Exact quote from the OP's link you both failed to comprehend .

A port of entry is just that.
You are not officially in country until cleared by customs and immigration .

A port of entry is on American soil, fool.

So what do you call closing the port of entry when applicants arrive? Is that proper in your view?

See there is the issue.

Have you ever heard the statement, one person ruins it for everyone?

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

You don't get to just storm the border.

So logically if people are clashing with police and such, the solution is to close the border. This is naturally what will happen.

That's on them. Our ambassador was pleading with them to enter legally, and follow entry procedures. They are refusing, and trying to break our laws. So this is what happens.

Why are you angry at anyone other than the people who are breaking the law? We're not making them break the laws.

Well, these criminals trying to storm the border, are ruining it for everyone.

I stopped right there. These aren't criminals. They're migrants. Looking to apply for asylum is not a crime.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.
True. However there is a major problem in the law. If you can not legally enter the US, because you can't get a visa for any of a number of reason, your only alternative is to break the law in order to apply. Immigration regulations have circumvented the problem to some extent by the following procedure.

A person seeking asylum tells the customs and immigration agent at the border that he or she is seeking asylum. The person is then pulled from the line for further questioning. An agent ask several questions to determine if the person appears to meet the requirements of the law. If the person's responses don't satisfy the agent or they think the person is not telling the truth, the applicant is informed. If the person does meet the requirements, they are detained for further interviews with an asylum agent, investigation, and a court hearing.

This procedure is riddled with problems. First it's highly subjective. The agent is not required to be fluent in the applicant's native language. The applicant has to cover all points needed to have an application considered in just a few minutes. The appeal process is written for people legally in the US and is almost impossible for a person walking to the border unless he or she has an immigration lawyer.

What should happen is the law should be changed so the initial interview can be done by consulates or embassies, making the long dangerous trip to the border unnecessary for those who do not qualify which is over 80% of the people. It also would end most of the caravans.
True. However there is a major problem in the law. If you can not legally enter the US, because you can't get a visa for any of a number of reason, your only alternative is to break the law in order to apply.

No. Not true at all.

Applying for asylum at a port of entry is the legal and proper way to do so.
No matter how many times you provide the laws with links Trumpicans will continue ro use Trump misinformation and lies to defend their misguided dishonest rants.
Isn’t asylum sought in the next country rather than 6 countries away?

It is, but the left ignores that part of the debate. Asylum is to escape danger of your country be it war torn, persecution of religion, crimes committed against you. Asylum is not because you're sick of your crappy country and want to move somewhere better. That's called immigration.

That's why I said they are using our laws and benevolence against us. Trump should end our asylum program once and for all. Abusers are becoming too much of a problem and it's costing us way too much money.
It is, but the left ignores that part of the debate.

It isn't. There is no such rule or law, dope.

People are free to seek asylum where they wish.
'To claim asylum you must be physically in the US'

To claim Asylum one must make the claim at a legal port of entry, NOT anywhere they choose after illegally entering the United States.

Poverty and because one 'wants to' is not a legal excuse for claiming asylum.

The VAST majority of asylum claims are denied...which is why illegals prefer to cross the border and disappear into the US population....
"The Immigration and Nationality Act ('INA')

Asylum has two basic requirements. First, an asylum applicant must establish that he or she fears persecution in their home country.
[4] Second, the applicant must prove that he or she would be persecuted on account of one of five protected grounds: race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or particular social group.

A refugee is a person who is outside his or her country of nationality (or place of
habitual residence if stateless) who, owing to a fear of persecution on account of a protected ground, is unable or unwilling to avail himself of the protection of the state. Protected grounds include race, nationality, religion, political opinion and membership of a particular social group. The signatories to these agreements are further obliged not to return or "refoul" refugees to the place where they would face persecution.

The preferred method for illegals to seek asylum is for them to apply at US Embassies in their country of origin or in the 1st country they come to after fleeing their own country (which would be Mexico)...NOT illegally crossing into the US and then filing for asylum. Doing so would ensure people are vetted prior to being allowed into the country, not given a court date, released, and hope they come back in 9 months to a year:

The majority of applications for resettlement to the United States are made to U.S. embassies in foreign countries and are reviewed by employees of the State Department. In these cases, refugee status has normally already been reviewed by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and recognized by the host country. For these refugees, the U.S. has stated its preferred order of solutions are: (1) repatriation of refugees to their country of origin, (2) integration of the refugees into their country of asylum and, last, (3) resettlement to a third country, such as the U.S., when the first two options are not viable"

Democrats prefer aiding and abetting illegals, illegal gangs, & human traffickers....bringing the illegals into the country and releasing them into the population while refusing to comply with / to enforce existing Immigration laws and while supporting federal law-violent Sanctuary well as continuing to support open borders.

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