To claim asylum you must be physically in the US .

Walking in and applying for asylum is the process, dope. The legal process.

You're not worried about any process, you're a puppet who carries the water for your party that wants as many illegals in this country they can stuff in.

So let's say that they apply for asylum on our soil, and then sent back over the line to Mexico to wait for their hearing. You would be okay with that?

There's already a legal process in place, dope.

If Trump doesn't like it, he should have used his congressional majority to change it. He did not.

I see you avoided answering the question, instead, just giving more blah blah.

I answered the question, dope.
I told you there is an existing legal process.
An orderly process that has been in place for years. Trump created this shitshow to get dopes like yourself riled up.

It has obviously worked.

Okay, so we can both conclude the reason you won't answer the question is because you don't care about any laws or process. All you care about is getting these filthy varmints in the country anyway you can legal or illegal. You want to use loopholes in the wording so these people can take advantage of us and work against US interest.

Thanks for playing.
Our own laws and international law and international agreements obligate the US to offer a judicial process or what we in the US call "due process" for any person or persons seeking asylum no matter how they arrive in the USA. A judicial procedure completely controlled by the USA determines whether an asylum seeker/applicant is accepted or rejected. Rejecting an applicant means deportation for the applicant.
Folks who support asylum seekers are simply asking that US laws be followed. Why the Trump administration insists on ignoring US law on this topic can only be speculated on.
You're not worried about any process, you're a puppet who carries the water for your party that wants as many illegals in this country they can stuff in.

So let's say that they apply for asylum on our soil, and then sent back over the line to Mexico to wait for their hearing. You would be okay with that?

There's already a legal process in place, dope.

If Trump doesn't like it, he should have used his congressional majority to change it. He did not.

I see you avoided answering the question, instead, just giving more blah blah.

I answered the question, dope.
I told you there is an existing legal process.
An orderly process that has been in place for years. Trump created this shitshow to get dopes like yourself riled up.

It has obviously worked.

Okay, so we can both conclude the reason you won't answer the question is because you don't care about any laws or process. All you care about is getting these filthy varmints in the country anyway you can legal or illegal. You want to use loopholes in the wording so these people can take advantage of us and work against US interest.

Thanks for playing.
Our own laws and international law and international agreements obligate the US to offer a judicial process or what we in the US call "due process" for any person or persons seeking asylum no matter how they arrive in the USA. A judicial procedure completely controlled by the USA determines whether an asylum seeker/applicant is accepted or rejected. Rejecting an applicant means deportation for the applicant.
Folks who support asylum seekers are simply asking that US laws be followed. Why the Trump administration insists on ignoring US law on this topic can only be speculated on.

Okay, so I'll ask you the same question I asked Starskey: If we accepted their claim, sent them back to Mexico to await their hearing, would you be okay with that?
You're not worried about any process, you're a puppet who carries the water for your party that wants as many illegals in this country they can stuff in.

So let's say that they apply for asylum on our soil, and then sent back over the line to Mexico to wait for their hearing. You would be okay with that?

There's already a legal process in place, dope.

If Trump doesn't like it, he should have used his congressional majority to change it. He did not.

I see you avoided answering the question, instead, just giving more blah blah.

I answered the question, dope.
I told you there is an existing legal process.
An orderly process that has been in place for years. Trump created this shitshow to get dopes like yourself riled up.

It has obviously worked.

Okay, so we can both conclude the reason you won't answer the question is because you don't care about any laws or process. All you care about is getting these filthy varmints in the country anyway you can legal or illegal. You want to use loopholes in the wording so these people can take advantage of us and work against US interest.

Thanks for playing.

I said none of that.

For the third time, there's already a legal process in place, dope.

Obviously you are the one who doesn't care for the law or process.

Trust me, you didn't have to say it.
You're not worried about any process, you're a puppet who carries the water for your party that wants as many illegals in this country they can stuff in.

So let's say that they apply for asylum on our soil, and then sent back over the line to Mexico to wait for their hearing. You would be okay with that?

There's already a legal process in place, dope.

If Trump doesn't like it, he should have used his congressional majority to change it. He did not.

I see you avoided answering the question, instead, just giving more blah blah.

I answered the question, dope.
I told you there is an existing legal process.
An orderly process that has been in place for years. Trump created this shitshow to get dopes like yourself riled up.

It has obviously worked.

Okay, so we can both conclude the reason you won't answer the question is because you don't care about any laws or process. All you care about is getting these filthy varmints in the country anyway you can legal or illegal. You want to use loopholes in the wording so these people can take advantage of us and work against US interest.

Thanks for playing.
Our own laws and international law and international agreements obligate the US to offer a judicial process or what we in the US call "due process" for any person or persons seeking asylum no matter how they arrive in the USA. A judicial procedure completely controlled by the USA determines whether an asylum seeker/applicant is accepted or rejected. Rejecting an applicant means deportation for the applicant.
Folks who support asylum seekers are simply asking that US laws be followed. Why the Trump administration insists on ignoring US law on this topic can only be speculated on.

WTF, now you loons want to site laws and call for "due process". Un-fucking-believable.
There's already a legal process in place, dope.

If Trump doesn't like it, he should have used his congressional majority to change it. He did not.

I see you avoided answering the question, instead, just giving more blah blah.

I answered the question, dope.
I told you there is an existing legal process.
An orderly process that has been in place for years. Trump created this shitshow to get dopes like yourself riled up.

It has obviously worked.

Okay, so we can both conclude the reason you won't answer the question is because you don't care about any laws or process. All you care about is getting these filthy varmints in the country anyway you can legal or illegal. You want to use loopholes in the wording so these people can take advantage of us and work against US interest.

Thanks for playing.
Our own laws and international law and international agreements obligate the US to offer a judicial process or what we in the US call "due process" for any person or persons seeking asylum no matter how they arrive in the USA. A judicial procedure completely controlled by the USA determines whether an asylum seeker/applicant is accepted or rejected. Rejecting an applicant means deportation for the applicant.
Folks who support asylum seekers are simply asking that US laws be followed. Why the Trump administration insists on ignoring US law on this topic can only be speculated on.

WTF, now you loons want to site laws and call for "due process". Un-fucking-believable.

They just want to use unfortunately loopholes to continue this stampeded of illegals in this country. Every one of these leftists know quite well why the Democrat party has such a keen interest in this. It's just that not many of them are honest enough to say it.

We've been used and abused once again by people outside our country by taking our kindness and finding a way to turn our kindness against us. Trump is well aware of this and is trying to put it to a stop.

I'm not being partisan here. I'm very disappointed with our do-nothing Republican congress. They should have ended the amnesty program as soon as it became a problem for Trump. Had they done that, these caravans wouldn't' even be an issue today.
There's already a legal process in place, dope.

If Trump doesn't like it, he should have used his congressional majority to change it. He did not.

I see you avoided answering the question, instead, just giving more blah blah.

I answered the question, dope.
I told you there is an existing legal process.
An orderly process that has been in place for years. Trump created this shitshow to get dopes like yourself riled up.

It has obviously worked.

Okay, so we can both conclude the reason you won't answer the question is because you don't care about any laws or process. All you care about is getting these filthy varmints in the country anyway you can legal or illegal. You want to use loopholes in the wording so these people can take advantage of us and work against US interest.

Thanks for playing.
Our own laws and international law and international agreements obligate the US to offer a judicial process or what we in the US call "due process" for any person or persons seeking asylum no matter how they arrive in the USA. A judicial procedure completely controlled by the USA determines whether an asylum seeker/applicant is accepted or rejected. Rejecting an applicant means deportation for the applicant.
Folks who support asylum seekers are simply asking that US laws be followed. Why the Trump administration insists on ignoring US law on this topic can only be speculated on.

WTF, now you loons want to site laws and call for "due process". Un-fucking-believable.

Personally, I wouldn't be surprised to hear you say, "well I didn't say that, find a post where I said that". You fricken clowns should feel embarrassed for how fricken stupid you are.
I see you avoided answering the question, instead, just giving more blah blah.

I answered the question, dope.
I told you there is an existing legal process.
An orderly process that has been in place for years. Trump created this shitshow to get dopes like yourself riled up.

It has obviously worked.

Okay, so we can both conclude the reason you won't answer the question is because you don't care about any laws or process. All you care about is getting these filthy varmints in the country anyway you can legal or illegal. You want to use loopholes in the wording so these people can take advantage of us and work against US interest.

Thanks for playing.
Our own laws and international law and international agreements obligate the US to offer a judicial process or what we in the US call "due process" for any person or persons seeking asylum no matter how they arrive in the USA. A judicial procedure completely controlled by the USA determines whether an asylum seeker/applicant is accepted or rejected. Rejecting an applicant means deportation for the applicant.
Folks who support asylum seekers are simply asking that US laws be followed. Why the Trump administration insists on ignoring US law on this topic can only be speculated on.

WTF, now you loons want to site laws and call for "due process". Un-fucking-believable.

They just want to use unfortunately loopholes to continue this stampeded of illegals in this country. Every one of these leftists know quite well why the Democrat party has such a keen interest in this. It's just that not many of them are honest enough to say it.

We've been used and abused once again by people outside our country by taking our kindness and finding a way to turn our kindness against us. Trump is well aware of this and is trying to put it to a stop.

I'm not being partisan here. I'm very disappointed with our do-nothing Republican congress. They should have ended the amnesty program as soon as it became a problem for Trump. Had they done that, these caravan wouldn't' even be an issue today.

Not too sure if they actually want the illegals here. Seems the only game is to just disrupt as much as they can.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.
True. However there is a major problem in the law. If you can not legally enter the US, because you can't get a visa for any of a number of reason, your only alternative is to break the law in order to apply. Immigration regulations have circumvented the problem to some extent by the following procedure.

A person seeking asylum tells the customs and immigration agent at the border that he or she is seeking asylum. The person is then pulled from the line for further questioning. An agent ask several questions to determine if the person appears to meet the requirements of the law. If the person's responses don't satisfy the agent or they think the person is not telling the truth, the applicant is informed. If the person does meet the requirements, they are detained for further interviews with an asylum agent, investigation, and a court hearing.

This procedure is riddled with problems. First it's highly subjective. The agent is not required to be fluent in the applicant's native language. The applicant has to cover all points needed to have an application considered in just a few minutes. The appeal process is written for people legally in the US and is almost impossible for a person walking to the border unless he or she has an immigration lawyer.

What should happen is the law should be changed so the initial interview can be done by consulates or embassies, making the long dangerous trip to the border unnecessary for those who do not qualify which is over 80% of the people. It also would end most of the caravans.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.
You also have to be fleeing for your life and afraid to go home.

You left that and other info off. Wonder why.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.
U.S. Asylum was not necessary. Mexico offered.


Now, go fuck yourself in your communist ass.


I see you avoided answering the question, instead, just giving more blah blah.

I answered the question, dope.
I told you there is an existing legal process.
An orderly process that has been in place for years. Trump created this shitshow to get dopes like yourself riled up.

It has obviously worked.

Okay, so we can both conclude the reason you won't answer the question is because you don't care about any laws or process. All you care about is getting these filthy varmints in the country anyway you can legal or illegal. You want to use loopholes in the wording so these people can take advantage of us and work against US interest.

Thanks for playing.
Our own laws and international law and international agreements obligate the US to offer a judicial process or what we in the US call "due process" for any person or persons seeking asylum no matter how they arrive in the USA. A judicial procedure completely controlled by the USA determines whether an asylum seeker/applicant is accepted or rejected. Rejecting an applicant means deportation for the applicant.
Folks who support asylum seekers are simply asking that US laws be followed. Why the Trump administration insists on ignoring US law on this topic can only be speculated on.

WTF, now you loons want to site laws and call for "due process". Un-fucking-believable.

They just want to use unfortunately loopholes to continue this stampeded of illegals in this country. Every one of these leftists know quite well why the Democrat party has such a keen interest in this. It's just that not many of them are honest enough to say it.

We've been used and abused once again by people outside our country by taking our kindness and finding a way to turn our kindness against us. Trump is well aware of this and is trying to put it to a stop.

I'm not being partisan here. I'm very disappointed with our do-nothing Republican congress. They should have ended the amnesty program as soon as it became a problem for Trump. Had they done that, these caravans wouldn't' even be an issue today.
------------------------------- its gone on too long and that was thee day after 'reagan - bush' started to problem .
There's already a legal process in place, dope.

If Trump doesn't like it, he should have used his congressional majority to change it. He did not.

I see you avoided answering the question, instead, just giving more blah blah.

I answered the question, dope.
I told you there is an existing legal process.
An orderly process that has been in place for years. Trump created this shitshow to get dopes like yourself riled up.

It has obviously worked.

Okay, so we can both conclude the reason you won't answer the question is because you don't care about any laws or process. All you care about is getting these filthy varmints in the country anyway you can legal or illegal. You want to use loopholes in the wording so these people can take advantage of us and work against US interest.

Thanks for playing.
Our own laws and international law and international agreements obligate the US to offer a judicial process or what we in the US call "due process" for any person or persons seeking asylum no matter how they arrive in the USA. A judicial procedure completely controlled by the USA determines whether an asylum seeker/applicant is accepted or rejected. Rejecting an applicant means deportation for the applicant.
Folks who support asylum seekers are simply asking that US laws be followed. Why the Trump administration insists on ignoring US law on this topic can only be speculated on.

WTF, now you loons want to site laws and call for "due process". Un-fucking-believable.
and the left keeps using ASYLUM as if thats what this is.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

And by going to any US embassy or consulate in the world, you are then on US soil. Embassies & consulates are recognized as that country’s soil per international agreement. So by skipping past said facilities in Mexico & rejecting Mexico’s offer for asylum, it appears the true purpose of this caravan is pretty clear.
I answered the question, dope.
I told you there is an existing legal process.
An orderly process that has been in place for years. Trump created this shitshow to get dopes like yourself riled up.

It has obviously worked.

Okay, so we can both conclude the reason you won't answer the question is because you don't care about any laws or process. All you care about is getting these filthy varmints in the country anyway you can legal or illegal. You want to use loopholes in the wording so these people can take advantage of us and work against US interest.

Thanks for playing.
Our own laws and international law and international agreements obligate the US to offer a judicial process or what we in the US call "due process" for any person or persons seeking asylum no matter how they arrive in the USA. A judicial procedure completely controlled by the USA determines whether an asylum seeker/applicant is accepted or rejected. Rejecting an applicant means deportation for the applicant.
Folks who support asylum seekers are simply asking that US laws be followed. Why the Trump administration insists on ignoring US law on this topic can only be speculated on.

WTF, now you loons want to site laws and call for "due process". Un-fucking-believable.

They just want to use unfortunately loopholes to continue this stampeded of illegals in this country. Every one of these leftists know quite well why the Democrat party has such a keen interest in this. It's just that not many of them are honest enough to say it.

We've been used and abused once again by people outside our country by taking our kindness and finding a way to turn our kindness against us. Trump is well aware of this and is trying to put it to a stop.

I'm not being partisan here. I'm very disappointed with our do-nothing Republican congress. They should have ended the amnesty program as soon as it became a problem for Trump. Had they done that, these caravan wouldn't' even be an issue today.

Not too sure if they actually want the illegals here. Seems the only game is to just disrupt as much as they can.

It's exactly what they want.

Every other race of people vote heavily Democrat except whites. The game plan is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in history. If the left can do that, we will be a single-party government forever.

So the goal is power. At some point in time, Democrats will regain leadership of the entire country. When that happens, blanket amnesty will be granted along with citizenship which includes voting rights.

At that point, the great experiment will end. We will devolve into Socialism and eventually Communism. Conservatism will be a thing of the past, only to be read about in history books if the new government doesn't destroy all evidence of history.
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

And by going to any US embassy or consulate in the world, you are then on US soil. Embassies & consulates are recognized as that country’s soil per international agreement. So by skipping past said facilities in Mexico & rejecting Mexico’s offer for asylum, it appears the true purpose of this caravan is pretty clear.
You guys just make up your own rules and laws. A person can not seek asylum at an Embassy or Consulate. Physically in the United States means physically in the USA.
Isn’t asylum sought in the next country rather than 6 countries away?
Last edited:
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

And by going to any US embassy or consulate in the world, you are then on US soil. Embassies & consulates are recognized as that country’s soil per international agreement. So by skipping past said facilities in Mexico & rejecting Mexico’s offer for asylum, it appears the true purpose of this caravan is pretty clear.
You guys just make up your own rules and laws. A person can not seek asylum at an Embassy or Consulate. Physically in the United States means physically in the USA.

How to Obtain Protection from a U.S. Embassy or Consulate
Don’t believe the righty propaganda about “applying the right way”. You actually have to be in the US to claim asylum. So if someone walks up to the border and claims asylum they aren’t illegal .

Obtaining Asylum in the United States

To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.

And by going to any US embassy or consulate in the world, you are then on US soil. Embassies & consulates are recognized as that country’s soil per international agreement. So by skipping past said facilities in Mexico & rejecting Mexico’s offer for asylum, it appears the true purpose of this caravan is pretty clear.
If the law said that asylum seekers must apply in the US or US territory, then embassies and consulates would qualify. However the asylum law specifies ports of entry and C&I offices which forces asylum seekers to come to the US to apply.

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