To Kill A Kid

"17 year old black KIDS are some of the most violent creatures on this planet." ~ Ernie S.

1. So, you support Zimmerman's position that night. It's likely that Zimmerman felt the same way as you do.

2. Historically, "violent creatures" are habitually HUNTED down and killed.

3. If a 17 year old black male KID is inherently a violent creature, what exactly does that make the huge black MAN who's son is gunned down in the street unarmed against a grown man, and then who sees that killer set free?

@ Ernie S.

I stated facts, fool.
The most common cause of death for young black males is homicide and 95% of young, black homicide victims are killed by other young black males.

What you fail to see here is that this took place at night. Zimmerman was not face to face with Martin in a well lighted environment. He was following a man, over 6 feet tall wearing a hooded sweat shirt.
Zimmerman likely had no idea how old Martin was until he was told by police.

Again! Martin's age is irrelevant.
A kid doing nothing wrong

And you know this how?

If Zimmerman's account is correct, that kid sure as shit did something wrong when he attacked the man enough to spill blood.

I'm not supporting either side; I wasn't there when it happened, but your assurance that the kid did nothing wrong is speculative at best.
Who was screaming for help?

A. The man who was in the process of pulling out a gun and killing someone.

B. The person who was followed at night who was scared enough to be running away, and who was about to be shot to death.
Who was screaming for help?

A. The man who was in the process of pulling out a gun and killing someone.

B. The person who was followed at night who was scared enough to be running away, and who was about to be shot to death.

Or, the guy getting his head bashed in. Again, you weren't there, so neither of us knows for sure. You don't know who yelled for help and you don't know that TM was scared or that he was running away....and either do I.
A kid doing nothing wrong

And you know this how?

If Zimmerman's account is correct, that kid sure as shit did something wrong when he attacked the man enough to spill blood.

I'm not supporting either side; I wasn't there when it happened, but your assurance that the kid did nothing wrong is speculative at best.

There was no crime found that TM was doing when GZ began stalking him. So TM was "doing nothing wrong".

Also, we must first BELIEVE Zim that TM attacked him. The same TM who was RUNNING AWAY from GZ moments earlier. IF.... we believe that, doesn't TM have a right to STAND HIS GROUND? Instead of continuing to run from someone? Also, is "spilling blood" justifiable reason to kill a man?

If someone punches you in the face, can you blow their head off?

If someone slaps you, can you run them over in your car?
Who was screaming for help?

A. The man who was in the process of pulling out a gun and killing someone.

B. The person who was followed at night who was scared enough to be running away, and who was about to be shot to death.

Hmm let's consider who was screaming for help. Was it the buff 17 year old young man who had been suspended from school who found some fat white guy following him, or the fat white guy who's nose was broken by a punch to the face and then had his head pounded into the pavement?

The act of following someone is not against the law. It is not inherently threatening, nor is it painful. I can assure you that having your nose broken, hurts like a motherfucker.

If we believe what Zimmerman says, which IS supported by evidence, the first crime to take place was an assault by a young man who justifiably ended up dead.

That said, we don't have the whole story. I'll reserve my final judgment until the trial concludes.
A kid doing nothing wrong

And you know this how?

If Zimmerman's account is correct, that kid sure as shit did something wrong when he attacked the man enough to spill blood.

I'm not supporting either side; I wasn't there when it happened, but your assurance that the kid did nothing wrong is speculative at best.

There was no crime found that TM was doing when GZ began stalking him. So TM was "doing nothing wrong".

Also, we must first BELIEVE Zim that TM attacked him. The same TM who was RUNNING AWAY from GZ moments earlier. IF.... we believe that, doesn't TM have a right to STAND HIS GROUND? Instead of continuing to run from someone? Also, is "spilling blood" justifiable reason to kill a man?

If someone punches you in the face, can you blow their head off?

If someone slaps you, can you run them over in your car?

Also, we must first BELIEVE Zim that TM attacked him.

GZ had injuries that support his claim.

The same TM who was RUNNING AWAY from GZ moments earlier.

Why didn't he continue running away, innocent yute that he was?
The police confirmed 14 cries for help, and witnesses confirmed it was the guy in the red sweater, being pinned and hit by the big guy in the hoodie.

One guy said he walked out, saw Zimmerman getting the crap beat out of him, zimmerman asked for help...the guy went back to his house and called 911.

Nobody helped because they were scared. And not of Zimmerman. The neighborhood was dangerous, people were being robbed, homes were being burgled, one person had been shot.

Wonder what the crime rate is there now that Trayvon's out of the area?
Ummmm, yeah. We do know that TM was RUNNING AWAY from a man stalking him at night.

How odd that a kid running away would have been shot in the chest at point blank range by the person he's allegedly running from..

How does that come about?
I know how to speak English.

I know how to listen to a 911 recording.

I know TM had committed no crime.

I know what dispatch advised GZ.

I know TM was a minor that is now dead.

I know it took months and untold amount of protests to get the police to even charge GZ.

I know that you are wrong on everything you just said you know.

Actually, I don't, but I do know you are wrong. Trayvon was shot on 26 Feb. and Zimmerman was officially charged by the special prosecutor on 11 April. That, for the people who cannot use a calender, is just a bit over a month and a half. for the record, the police wanted to charge him the same night, but the local DA didn't think it was a good idea.

Since you know something that is demonstrably not true, you really don't know anything.
"Following someone at night is not inherently threatening.." ~ Ernie S.

(Not just typing "LOL", but literally laughing out loud about that comment!)
Ummmm, yeah. We do know that TM was RUNNING AWAY from a man stalking him at night.

Running? What evidence was there that he was running?

From what I heard, he walked away and Zimmerman lost sight of him until he doubled back and attacked.

Martin was not being stalked. He was being observed because he was unfamiliar to Zimmerman who, as a Neighborhood Watch volunteer, was familiar with most residents.

The neighborhood had had several break-ins and Zimmerman was simply vigilant. That was, after all, his JOB.
Ummmm, yeah. We do know that TM was RUNNING AWAY from a man stalking him at night.

he was running from some guy. TM didn't even know he had a gun. TM was so damn afraid that he game back. If TM was truly afraid then he's dumb as a post.

"Some guy"? The guy he was running from was Zim. And the "story" that he came back and attacked Zim is just that. A story told by the killer.
Is there video footage of Trayvon attacking Zimmerman? Anything other than the say so of the person who shot him?

Didn't think so.

There is a time line established by a phone call and forensic evidence supports Zimmerman's account of the incident.

I don't know about you, but I am influenced by facts, not emotion.

I go with facts, too, and the fact that he was told not to follow is a big one for me.

Here is a transcript of the 911 call, why don't you point out where he was told not to follow for the rest of us who can't find it.

By the way, I used the Mother Jones transcript so you couldn't try to argue they edited it to make Zimmerman look good.

Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police | Mother Jones

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