To Kill A Kid


Is the word I'm looking for.

If someone followed me at night, not in uniform, and I am committing no crime, then I LITERALLY RUN to get away from them, but they STILL continue to appear to be after me...

I'm forced to make a decision.

If they know the area better than me and cut me off at the path and confront me, at that point, I'm going to already be poised to fight for my life.

What y'all are doing is acting like it's totally acceptable to work someone up into a rage. To provoke someone to anger. To incite fear, intimidation, and bully a KID. To use the fact that you're a cop, neighborhood watch, or your position to totally mess with someone else who wasn't bothering you.. against the advice of trained professionals.

Then... that person is supposed to politely answer all of your inquiries in the night.


How can I say this?.....

Zimmerman may not have meant to... but that's how blacks were treated a long time ago. Without meaning to... maybe.... Zimmerman was placing TM in a position where many people just like TM felt they would rather die, than be subjected to live or be persecuted in that fashion like so many blacks historically have had to suffer.

This subtle point, apparently, no one sees.

Except maybe TM, who may have decided to die, before letting this unregistered, unable to beat a teen, fat, disobedient failed cop handle him in such a manner.

So GZ, indignant about the attitude of one who he made to have the attitude, decided he needed To Kill A Kid.
If someone followed me at night, not in uniform, and I am committing no crime, then I LITERALLY RUN to get away from them, but they STILL continue to appear to be after me...

More unsubstantiated assumptions that are not supported by evidence.

You were saying something about disingenuous...:eusa_whistle:
Ummmm, yeah. We do know that TM was RUNNING AWAY from a man stalking him at night.

Running? What evidence was there that he was running?

From what I heard, he walked away and Zimmerman lost sight of him until he doubled back and attacked.

Martin was not being stalked. He was being observed because he was unfamiliar to Zimmerman who, as a Neighborhood Watch volunteer, was familiar with most residents.

The neighborhood had had several break-ins and Zimmerman was simply vigilant. That was, after all, his JOB.

If you listen to the 911 tape, you will hear Zim talking to dispatch....

Zimmerman: Ok, now he's running!

Wow. An unarmed kid walking home from the store. A stranger in the night starts following him.

The kid gets scared and runs away.

Police tell Zim to not follow the kid.

The kid thinks he's gotten away, but Zim pops back up on him!

TM gets even more frightened.

At this point, either GZ cornered the kid, and the kid fought for his life, OR TM STOOD HIS GROUND, and demanded to know why he was being chased in the night!

THEN...GZ admits to "reaching to his side" to get his phone, but his right side is where he kept his gun. FACT.

Now, if you were TM, AFTER ALL OF THIS, would you just let an unidentified man who was stalking and chasing after you in the night pull a gun on you too?!

IF... he did punch him first, that's what any human being in their right mind would've done as well!

Or risk being kidnapped, raped, robbed, shot, or killed... WITHOUT PUTTING UP A FIGHT!

How in the hell do you blame a person for putting up a fight against someone pulling a gun on them in the dark?


Hey are making your own story here...stick to the facts. Right now we only have what GZ said in the 911 tape and the day after with the can use that without adding the extra stuff.

Once you assume and start predicting to make your story, then you will lose people. Stick to what we have.
Soooooo, you do understand I'm dragging y'all around this topic right? I should be ashamed of how I'm treating y'all!

Like how about this....???

Imagine. Screaming "HELP!!!".... at the same time you're pulling out a gun and killing someone!

^^ Put down your phone, and TRY TO DO THAT!!

Then, you will have an epiphany!

You're welcome.

Solomon, I am surprised at the posters that are giving you a hard time. They are generally more opened minded than this. Your points are well made and I think we have to wait for the trial and the evidence to come in. I, for one, want to hear the evidence and the cross examination.

Is the word I'm looking for.

If someone followed me at night, not in uniform, and I am committing no crime, then I LITERALLY RUN to get away from them, but they STILL continue to appear to be after me...

I'm forced to make a decision.

If they know the area better than me and cut me off at the path and confront me, at that point, I'm going to already be poised to fight for my life.

What y'all are doing is acting like it's totally acceptable to work someone up into a rage. To provoke someone to anger. To incite fear, intimidation, and bully a KID. To use the fact that you're a cop, neighborhood watch, or your position to totally mess with someone else who wasn't bothering you.. against the advice of trained professionals.

Then... that person is supposed to politely answer all of your inquiries in the night.


How can I say this?.....

Zimmerman may not have meant to... but that's how blacks were treated a long time ago. Without meaning to... maybe.... Zimmerman was placing TM in a position where many people just like TM felt they would rather die, than be subjected to live or be persecuted in that fashion like so many blacks historically have had to suffer.

This subtle point, apparently, no one sees.

Except maybe TM, who may have decided to die, before letting this unregistered, unable to beat a teen, fat, disobedient failed cop handle him in such a manner.

So GZ, indignant about the attitude of one who he made to have the attitude, decided he needed To Kill A Kid.

You're a psychotic paranoid imbecile
I'm going to explain this VERY SLOWLY....

Zimmerman is the only person who says TM attacked him first.

That's the only thing anyone can say against TM in this case.

Now, what y'all are doing, is taking his word for this, and vilifying a heretofore innocent KID who was shot to death.

Your idiocy remains, no matter how slowly you speak.

Is the word I'm looking for.

If someone followed me at night, not in uniform, and I am committing no crime, then I LITERALLY RUN to get away from them, but they STILL continue to appear to be after me...

I'm forced to make a decision.

If they know the area better than me and cut me off at the path and confront me, at that point, I'm going to already be poised to fight for my life.

What y'all are doing is acting like it's totally acceptable to work someone up into a rage. To provoke someone to anger. To incite fear, intimidation, and bully a KID. To use the fact that you're a cop, neighborhood watch, or your position to totally mess with someone else who wasn't bothering you.. against the advice of trained professionals.

Then... that person is supposed to politely answer all of your inquiries in the night.


How can I say this?.....

Zimmerman may not have meant to... but that's how blacks were treated a long time ago. Without meaning to... maybe.... Zimmerman was placing TM in a position where many people just like TM felt they would rather die, than be subjected to live or be persecuted in that fashion like so many blacks historically have had to suffer.

This subtle point, apparently, no one sees.

Except maybe TM, who may have decided to die, before letting this unregistered, unable to beat a teen, fat, disobedient failed cop handle him in such a manner.

So GZ, indignant about the attitude of one who he made to have the attitude, decided he needed To Kill A Kid.

You're a psychotic paranoid imbecile

dd, Don't even repond to Solomon. Your nonexistent debating skills leads you to a natural fail. Name calling doesn't work.

Is the word I'm looking for.

If someone followed me at night, not in uniform, and I am committing no crime, then I LITERALLY RUN to get away from them, but they STILL continue to appear to be after me...

I'm forced to make a decision.

If they know the area better than me and cut me off at the path and confront me, at that point, I'm going to already be poised to fight for my life.

What y'all are doing is acting like it's totally acceptable to work someone up into a rage. To provoke someone to anger. To incite fear, intimidation, and bully a KID. To use the fact that you're a cop, neighborhood watch, or your position to totally mess with someone else who wasn't bothering you.. against the advice of trained professionals.

Then... that person is supposed to politely answer all of your inquiries in the night.


How can I say this?.....

Zimmerman may not have meant to... but that's how blacks were treated a long time ago. Without meaning to... maybe.... Zimmerman was placing TM in a position where many people just like TM felt they would rather die, than be subjected to live or be persecuted in that fashion like so many blacks historically have had to suffer.

This subtle point, apparently, no one sees.

Except maybe TM, who may have decided to die, before letting this unregistered, unable to beat a teen, fat, disobedient failed cop handle him in such a manner.

So GZ, indignant about the attitude of one who he made to have the attitude, decided he needed To Kill A Kid.

Without meaning to... maybe.... Zimmerman was placing TM in a position where many people just like TM felt they would rather die, than be subjected to live or be persecuted in that fashion like so many blacks historically have had to suffer.

Whitey dissed him.....can't let him get away with that.....I'm going to beat his head on the sidewalk.....because of slavery.
Wow, TM was a hero! :cuckoo:

Is the word I'm looking for.

If someone followed me at night, not in uniform, and I am committing no crime, then I LITERALLY RUN to get away from them, but they STILL continue to appear to be after me...

I'm forced to make a decision.

If they know the area better than me and cut me off at the path and confront me, at that point, I'm going to already be poised to fight for my life.

What y'all are doing is acting like it's totally acceptable to work someone up into a rage. To provoke someone to anger. To incite fear, intimidation, and bully a KID. To use the fact that you're a cop, neighborhood watch, or your position to totally mess with someone else who wasn't bothering you.. against the advice of trained professionals.

Then... that person is supposed to politely answer all of your inquiries in the night.


How can I say this?.....

Zimmerman may not have meant to... but that's how blacks were treated a long time ago. Without meaning to... maybe.... Zimmerman was placing TM in a position where many people just like TM felt they would rather die, than be subjected to live or be persecuted in that fashion like so many blacks historically have had to suffer.

This subtle point, apparently, no one sees.

Except maybe TM, who may have decided to die, before letting this unregistered, unable to beat a teen, fat, disobedient failed cop handle him in such a manner.

So GZ, indignant about the attitude of one who he made to have the attitude, decided he needed To Kill A Kid.

You're a psychotic paranoid imbecile

dd, Don't even repond to Solomon. Your nonexistent debating skills leads you to a natural fail. Name calling doesn't work.

Despite the fact that you just engaged in it.

Proving that you are actually correct. It doesn't work.

On the other hand, nothing said by queen.po-it is worth debate anyway. S/he just keeps spouting meaningless racist garbage in lieu of ever composing a coherent thought into a post.

You two are clearly kindred spirits.

Is the word I'm looking for.

If someone followed me at night, not in uniform, and I am committing no crime, then I LITERALLY RUN to get away from them, but they STILL continue to appear to be after me...

I'm forced to make a decision.

If they know the area better than me and cut me off at the path and confront me, at that point, I'm going to already be poised to fight for my life.

What y'all are doing is acting like it's totally acceptable to work someone up into a rage. To provoke someone to anger. To incite fear, intimidation, and bully a KID. To use the fact that you're a cop, neighborhood watch, or your position to totally mess with someone else who wasn't bothering you.. against the advice of trained professionals.

Then... that person is supposed to politely answer all of your inquiries in the night.


How can I say this?.....

Zimmerman may not have meant to... but that's how blacks were treated a long time ago. Without meaning to... maybe.... Zimmerman was placing TM in a position where many people just like TM felt they would rather die, than be subjected to live or be persecuted in that fashion like so many blacks historically have had to suffer.

This subtle point, apparently, no one sees.

Except maybe TM, who may have decided to die, before letting this unregistered, unable to beat a teen, fat, disobedient failed cop handle him in such a manner.

So GZ, indignant about the attitude of one who he made to have the attitude, decided he needed To Kill A Kid.

You're a psychotic paranoid imbecile

dd, Don't even repond to Solomon. Your nonexistent debating skills leads you to a natural fail. Name calling doesn't work.

Who died and make you king?

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