To Kill A Kid

(Laughs deep within myself at the utter absurdities and legalistic gymnastics being performed in order to slander an unarmed kid in favor of a misguided trigger-happy vigilante)
Legalistic gymnastics?

What a nutbar. He probably thinks that means something.
The word "nutbar" is SLANG for crazy or eccentric person.

The greatest people in history were often widely regarded as "crazy" or eccentric by their contemporaries.

Thank you.

Since you're using SLANG, exactly where then is the line drawn for one's comprehension of the meaning of a word?

Can you dig it?

^^My bad, that is not an inquiry pertaining to your archaeological abilities.
Zimmerman also had history supporting blacks that were mistreated by cops.


I don't know the whole story. It's been linked to several times in Martin/Zimmerman threads. As I remember, family members of a white cop beat the crap out of a black kid and Zimmerman Rose a stink until they were held accountable.The article I found has a broken link, but I found the video of the beating on youtube. Read a few of the comments. This is the story I'm referring to.

[ame=]Cops Son Caught On Camera Punching Homeless Man - YouTube[/ame]

The comments are all over the place. Supporters of Zimmerman, supporters of Trayvon, etc.
Sorry Gracie, I have been trolling a fair bit tonight, which is unlike me.

But my opinion is based on the number of posts which have stated that Trayvon was a thug because he was suspended from school.
I bet that if he was white, the fury would be directed at Zimmerman.

You would lose. Whites don't huddle together and throw all reasoning out the window if another white person get screwed around.

No, but they do if the dead person is white and the shooter is black.

on what planet ?
he was 17, that's not a kid

There was plenty of outcry, mostly b/c libtardians assumed Jorge Zimmerman was white.

2 lies from the jump off, so I didn't bother to read anymore bullshit

17 is a kid.

That kid can't drink beer or smoke, legally.

"whoa Martha, we can't stop this guy from beating the hell out of us. He's only 17."
So what would you do if you were walking down a dark street and a stranger was following close behind you?

Zimmerman was told not to follow Trayvon, he ignored those orders because he wanted to play the hero.

he ignored those orders because he wanted to play the hero.

Who do you feel had the authority to tell Zimmermann to walk or not walk where he wished?

He called the police, and was told to remain in his car.

When he said he was going to follow Martin, the dispatcher said YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THAT. Does that sound like an order to you??? Why don't you get the story straight so you can tell the truth?
What we know for a fact is that TM was not charged with any crime while walking to and from the store to buy Skittles.

Also, I've never heard of a burglar trying to do a crime while talking on the phone to his girlfriend, eating Skittles, and right in front his house.

If he was RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS HOUSE, why didn't he just go IN his house and avoid the whole thing? If he was worried about the guy following him, he would have been safer just to go inside. But no, when GZ went back to his truck, Martin followed him. That then made Martin the aggressor.....and stupid.
Is there video footage of Trayvon attacking Zimmerman? Anything other than the say so of the person who shot him?

Didn't think so.

There is a time line established by a phone call and forensic evidence supports Zimmerman's account of the incident.

I don't know about you, but I am influenced by facts, not emotion.

I go with facts, too, and the fact that he was told not to follow is a big one for me.

AGAIN....He was NOT told not to follow. Why do you keep up with that lie?
So what would you do if you were walking down a dark street and a stranger was following close behind you?

Walk faster and get home....OR....turn around and ask WTF? Probably the latter, knowing me.

Walk faster, and the stranger walks faster, and before you know it, you are being raped.


Goofy ass Solomon just said Martin was right in front of his house...if that's true why didn't Martin just go inside?
I think we have WAY too many people identifying with Trayvon here and instead of going with the real story they react to their own fears and fantasies. If Zimmerman was out "hunting down" blacks as some people have suggested he wouldn't have called 9-1-1. If Trayvon was so scared as people have suggested, he had plenty of opportunity to just go to his dad's house. No one saw anyone "reach" for anything as people have suggested.
Its called common sense.

If you follow someone you suspect of committing a crime, you suffer the consequences of that.

What should the consequences be for repeatedly bashing someone's skull into the pavement? Should a white guy do time for following a black, but the black get a free ride for bashing a skull?

You are arguing from an emotional position, Noomi. Try to put the emotions aside and look at this from logic.

I don't think I am arguing from an emotional point of view, I think I am seeing that Zimmerman made choices that led to the confrontation and therefore the death of a child.
Zimmermans choice to follow Trayvon resulted in the death of the boy. That fact cannot be disputed.

Wrong was Martin following GZ back to his truck and beating the shit out of him that resulted in his death. He should have just gone home like a good little boy.
Do you know that it is possible to injure yourself to add weight to your claims that you were attacked?

Really? Did he manage to punch himself in the face with Trayvon's fists too?

The only person who could tell us what happened is dead.

yet you and so many others want to try to tell us what happened between Zimmerman and the little boy. Can't you sort out reality from your own version of what YOU think MIGHT have happened ?
Just so I have the facts straight.

Armed man, out of the blue, begins chasing unarmed 17 year old.

Armed man with gun told to stop chasing unarmed 17 year old.

Man corners 17 year old anyway, shoots and kills unarmed 17 year old.

Man with gun pleads self defense and stand your ground? Is that what happened?
Just so I have the facts straight.

Armed man, out of the blue, begins chasing unarmed 17 year old.

Armed man with gun told to stop chasing unarmed 17 year old.

Man corners 17 year old anyway, shoots and kills unarmed 17 year old.

Man with gun pleads self defense and stand your ground? Is that what happened?


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