To Kill A Kid

He called the police, and was told to remain in his car.

I'm pretty sure the person he was speaking with did not have the authority to order him to do anything.

If Zimmerman stayed in his car, Trayvon would be alive today.

You are absolutely right, but Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch volunteer and his job was to protect his neighbors' property. He broke no laws in leaving his car, He broke no law following Martin.
Martin, however attacked and assaulted Zimmerman. Zimmerman had every right to defend himself IF we are to believe Zimmerman's account that is supported by the time line and forensic evidence.
There is NO evidence that supports Zimmerman killing Martin because of his complexion, no matter how much you emote on the case.
No, he didn't. In this country, you don't have the right to attack and try to kill someone for following you.

Following is not a crime.

You do have a right to protect yourself when you're attacked, however

Really? Like this?:

Kenneth Roop – a 52 year old man from Cape Coral, Florida – shot a door-to-door delivery man first in the shoulder and while the man lay bleeding to death he shot him in the head.

America has a gun problem: Florida man shoots door-to-door salesman in the head ?for effect? | Death and Taxes

The door to door salesman must have hit him with a frozen steak. I guess he got what he deserved, eh, Allie?

Still waiting, Allie.

Irrelevant, Jake.
Sorry Gracie, I have been trolling a fair bit tonight, which is unlike me.

But my opinion is based on the number of posts which have stated that Trayvon was a thug because he was suspended from school.
I bet that if he was white, the fury would be directed at Zimmerman.

You would lose. Whites don't huddle together and throw all reasoning out the window if another white person get screwed around.

No, but they do if the dead person is white and the shooter is black.

That happens so seldom... 95% of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks.
In the rare instance where a white guy does shoot a black, we automatically get Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton on the scene stirring up trouble. We get emotionally driven Liberal foreigners telling us how racist we are and we get the Media telling us that if the white perpetrator isn't convicted, there will be riots.

When was the last time whites rioted when a black perp was acquitted?
He followed, and made the situation worse.

Please give me a link to the "You can't follow me" law.

Its called common sense.

If you follow someone you suspect of committing a crime, you suffer the consequences of that.

What should the consequences be for repeatedly bashing someone's skull into the pavement? Should a white guy do time for following a black, but the black get a free ride for bashing a skull?

You are arguing from an emotional position, Noomi. Try to put the emotions aside and look at this from logic.
I'm pretty sure the person he was speaking with did not have the authority to order him to do anything.

If Zimmerman stayed in his car, Trayvon would be alive today.

You are absolutely right, but Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch volunteer and his job was to protect his neighbors' property. He broke no laws in leaving his car, He broke no law following Martin.
Martin, however attacked and assaulted Zimmerman. Zimmerman had every right to defend himself IF we are to believe Zimmerman's account that is supported by the time line and forensic evidence.
There is NO evidence that supports Zimmerman killing Martin because of his complexion, no matter how much you emote on the case.

Zimmerman had a history of making 911 calls regarding black youth in the area.
Please give me a link to the "You can't follow me" law.

Its called common sense.

If you follow someone you suspect of committing a crime, you suffer the consequences of that.

What should the consequences be for repeatedly bashing someone's skull into the pavement? Should a white guy do time for following a black, but the black get a free ride for bashing a skull?

You are arguing from an emotional position, Noomi. Try to put the emotions aside and look at this from logic.

I don't think I am arguing from an emotional point of view, I think I am seeing that Zimmerman made choices that led to the confrontation and therefore the death of a child.
Zimmermans choice to follow Trayvon resulted in the death of the boy. That fact cannot be disputed.
If Zimmerman stayed in his car, Trayvon would be alive today.

You are absolutely right, but Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch volunteer and his job was to protect his neighbors' property. He broke no laws in leaving his car, He broke no law following Martin.
Martin, however attacked and assaulted Zimmerman. Zimmerman had every right to defend himself IF we are to believe Zimmerman's account that is supported by the time line and forensic evidence.
There is NO evidence that supports Zimmerman killing Martin because of his complexion, no matter how much you emote on the case.

Zimmerman had a history of making 911 calls regarding black youth in the area.
Zimmerman also had history supporting blacks that were mistreated by cops.
Its called common sense.

If you follow someone you suspect of committing a crime, you suffer the consequences of that.

What should the consequences be for repeatedly bashing someone's skull into the pavement? Should a white guy do time for following a black, but the black get a free ride for bashing a skull?

You are arguing from an emotional position, Noomi. Try to put the emotions aside and look at this from logic.

I don't think I am arguing from an emotional point of view, I think I am seeing that Zimmerman made choices that led to the confrontation and therefore the death of a child.
Zimmermans choice to follow Trayvon resulted in the death of the boy. That fact cannot be disputed.

You are right. But, you must be made to understand that following an unfamiliar character in the neighborhood was his job.

Years ago, I did a couple of shifts/week on the neighborhood watch. After a while, you learned who belonged and who didn't. You learned to look for specific behavior and yes, specific types of people.
The 75 year old lady that lives in the corner house with the white fence arouses no suspicion when she walks to the store a block over, but the 18 year old black kid that doesn't live on that block and is walking slow, sets off bells and whistles. I would watch him until he left the area and if he left thesidewalk and I lost sight of him, I may just follow.
If then, he ran up to me, punched me in the face hard enough to break my nose, then jumped on top of me and started bashing my head into the pavement, I would put 2 rounds in his chest.
You are absolutely right, but Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch volunteer and his job was to protect his neighbors' property. He broke no laws in leaving his car, He broke no law following Martin.
Martin, however attacked and assaulted Zimmerman. Zimmerman had every right to defend himself IF we are to believe Zimmerman's account that is supported by the time line and forensic evidence.
There is NO evidence that supports Zimmerman killing Martin because of his complexion, no matter how much you emote on the case.

Zimmerman had a history of making 911 calls regarding black youth in the area.
Zimmerman also had history supporting blacks that were mistreated by cops.

Zimmerman had a history of making 911 calls regarding black youth in the area.
Zimmerman also had history supporting blacks that were mistreated by cops.


I don't know the whole story. It's been linked to several times in Martin/Zimmerman threads. As I remember, family members of a white cop beat the crap out of a black kid and Zimmerman Rose a stink until they were held accountable.The article I found has a broken link, but I found the video of the beating on youtube. Read a few of the comments. This is the story I'm referring to.

[ame=]Cops Son Caught On Camera Punching Homeless Man - YouTube[/ame]
We are all familiar with The Zimmerman Case. Yet often, I think we forget that a kid was killed. A kid doing nothing wrong. Now, NORMALLY in America, this would be a cause for outrage! Lynch mobs have been formed for less!

But for some reason, there is unprecedented support for GZ's killing of an unarmed kid doing nothing wrong.

Why is that?

Let's look at this subtle treachery on behalf of the Justice Department of Florida...

1. Florida charged Zimmerman with Murder2. Ok, Florida already knew they had a law called "Stand Your Ground". In SYG, a person may kill you if you feel they are threatening your life. So WHY charge GZ with something that YOU ALREADY KNOW is going to tough as hell to prosecute? When you also ALREADY KNOW that the kid was innocent, and was killed by an adult who was asked not to engage the KID!

Why not MAKE SURE the killer doesn't slip through your slippery state laws, and charge him with something YOU KNOW you can convict him on?

Let's look at this odd phenomenon called The Sanford Police Department...

If Zimmerman's story is true the kid was assaulting him. I might have a different dictionary, but that seems like it would not fall under the heading of doing nothing wrong.
Try to understand this...

George Zimmerman did NOT have a job to follow anyone around.

If you are in a neighborhood watch program, that unit must be REGISTERED with the local police department.

George Zimmerman's unit WAS NOT legally registered with the local police.

This means that GZ was on his own, following a child around at night with a loaded gun.

Guess what happened when Zim finally consulted with the local police?

That's right! They gave him accurate, professional, and wise advice concerning known protocol and procedure for a private citizen to help police apprehend or interrogate a possible suspect.

Following the path of negligence that led to his unit being unregistered, GZ continued on the Road To Perdition, and instigated a tragic situation that led him To Kill A Kid!

Now, you good people tell us that the kid who had done no wrong that night is all kinds of names, the menace in this fiasco, and deserved to be killed!

In the words of Flo from 'Diner', "Kiss My Grits!!"
Try to understand this...

George Zimmerman did NOT have a job to follow anyone around.

If you are in a neighborhood watch program, that unit must be REGISTERED with the local police department.

George Zimmerman's unit WAS NOT legally registered with the local police.

This means that GZ was on his own, following a child around at night with a loaded gun.

Guess what happened when Zim finally consulted with the local police?

That's right! They gave him accurate, professional, and wise advice concerning known protocol and procedure for a private citizen to help police apprehend or interrogate a possible suspect.

Following the path of negligence that led to his unit being unregistered, GZ continued on the Road To Perdition, and instigated a tragic situation that led him To Kill A Kid!

Now, you good people tell us that the kid who had done no wrong that night is all kinds of names, the menace in this fiasco, and deserved to be killed!

In the words of Flo from 'Diner', "Kiss My Grits!!"

This means that GZ was on his own, following a child around at night with a loaded gun.

You're allowed to follow people around, even if they're black thugs.

Now, you good people tell us that the kid who had done no wrong

No, we're talking about the thug who beat on GZ. You know, the 17 year old thug. The black one.

is all kinds of names, the menace in this fiasco, and deserved to be killed!

You pound a guy's head on the pavement, bad things might happen to you.
In an effort to appear as if I am taking KS seriously, I will set aside his nonsensical ramblings in the OP to ask this...

How do you know the kid was doing nothing wrong?

Who's to say he wasn't casing the houses he passed?

Just playing the Devil's advocate here...

He doesn't know anything. Nor does anyone else. The trial hasn't happened yet. So the whole thread is nonsensical as are all the others.
I know how to speak English.

I know how to listen to a 911 recording.

I know TM had committed no crime.

I know what dispatch advised GZ.

I know TM was a minor that is now dead.

I know it took months and untold amount of protests to get the police to even charge GZ.
Oh joy, another mentally ill usmb poster who cannot track a concept to its LOGICAL conclusion; who will not actually debate but just post logical fallacy and nonsensical garbage.

We need more of those.

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