To Kill A Kid

Ok, this is ridiculous. All this vilification of a dead kid is really kind of nasty. For a year, TM has been labeled every kind of negative name under the sun. Most recently in this thread he has been labeled a thug



1. A violent person, especially a criminal.

hoodlum - killer- cutthroat- gangster - murderer

Trayvon Martin

1. As a high school student, he got in a fight one time.
2. TM was found with an empty 5 dollar bag of weed one time.
3. TM damaged a school locker and had a necklace that wasn't his.

^^ In his entire life, these are the only things negative that anyone can say about him.


1. Witness #8 has come forth and accused Zimmerman of molesting her when they were kids. The incidents occurred at the Zimmerman household when she was 6 and 8, and continued until she was 16.

2. Zimmerman lied under oath about his finances in order to receive bail.

3. Zimmerman has been reported for Domestic Violence.

4. Zimmerman was arrested for two 3rd Class felonies. "Resisting Officer With Violence", and "Battery Of Law Enforcement Officer".

Now, look at the definition for THUG again.

Molesting = Cutthroat
Lied to court = C

Witness #8 has come forth and accused Zimmerman of molesting her when they were kids.

Wait a second. You're saying Zim molested Trayvon's girlfriend when they were kids?

Not relevant to this case.

Just pointing out that poit-lite has the witnesses screwed up. Witness #8 is TM's girlfriend who was on the phone.

But it would be really ironic if Zim did molest #8 when they were kids, then shot her boyfriend all those years later.
Wait a second. You're saying Zim molested Trayvon's girlfriend when they were kids?

Not relevant to this case.

Just pointing out that poit-lite has the witnesses screwed up. Witness #8 is TM's girlfriend who was on the phone.

But it would be really ironic if Zim did molest #8 when they were kids, then shot her boyfriend all those years later.

I think the accusations are going to get a LOT worse before this is over.

According to this it was witness # 9, not # 8.
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No he didn't - Zimmerman hasn't been found innocent yet, so you can't say either way what did or didn't happen.
The only person who could dispute Zimmermans story is dead.

That is not how it works. Since he has not been found guilty he is, by definition, innocent.

noomi's ignorance is astounding.

Coriolis effect, perhaps? Maybe the legal system spins in the opposite direction in Australia.
OMG! TM beat on an innocent civilian.
TM died. Oops.

No he didn't - Zimmerman hasn't been found innocent yet, so you can't say either way what did or didn't happen.
The only person who could dispute Zimmermans story is dead.

That is not how it works. Since he has not been found guilty he is, by definition, innocent.

Quite right. Then, by his own actions, proven guilty, if decided guilty. That is the marvelous plan of our own court system.

But of course, there's always hiccups in the best laid plans. Look at the Casey Anthony trial.
There is a conflicting account of what happened.

TM's girlfriend was on the phone when TM and GZ made contact.

Her story (under oath), is the opposite of what GZ says.

She says that GZ approached TM, asked what he was doing, and then she heard a bump (contact), and then the phone went dead.

Now, why haven't any of you explained your position from HER testimony as opposed to GZ's perspective?

There is a conflicting account of what happened.

TM's girlfriend was on the phone when TM and GZ made contact.

Her story (under oath), is the opposite of what GZ says.

She says that GZ approached TM, asked what he was doing, and then she heard a bump (contact), and then the phone went dead.

Now, why haven't any of you explained your position from HER testimony as opposed to GZ's perspective?


because she lied
There is a conflicting account of what happened.

TM's girlfriend was on the phone when TM and GZ made contact.

Her story (under oath), is the opposite of what GZ says.

She says that GZ approached TM, asked what he was doing, and then she heard a bump (contact), and then the phone went dead.

Now, why haven't any of you explained your position from HER testimony as opposed to GZ's perspective?


Because her claims are not supported by the time line established by the 911 call and the injuries to both parties. But you think we should believe her why? Because she's a cute black girl?
Why don't you provide a link to that "testimony" you say exists?

It's nebulous, at best. Initially, the prosecution said she was 16 and they wouldn't release information about her because she was so young..then it turned out hey, she's not 16, she's 18...I don't think she is going to make a very good "witness" and I doubt her "testimony" has any value except perhaps to make Zimmerman's defense for him.
There is a conflicting account of what happened.

TM's girlfriend was on the phone when TM and GZ made contact.

Her story (under oath), is the opposite of what GZ says.

She says that GZ approached TM, asked what he was doing, and then she heard a bump (contact), and then the phone went dead.

Now, why haven't any of you explained your position from HER testimony as opposed to GZ's perspective?


Because her claims are not supported by the time line established by the 911 call and the injuries to both parties. But you think we should believe her why? Because she's a cute black girl?

who lied about her age (well maybe the state lied about her age)

but she did lie under oath about her hospital visit
There is a conflicting account of what happened.

TM's girlfriend was on the phone when TM and GZ made contact.

Her story (under oath), is the opposite of what GZ says.

She says that GZ approached TM, asked what he was doing, and then she heard a bump (contact), and then the phone went dead.

Now, why haven't any of you explained your position from HER testimony as opposed to GZ's perspective?


She's lying.
Why don't you provide a link to that "testimony" you say exists?

It's nebulous, at best. Initially, the prosecution said she was 16 and they wouldn't release information about her because she was so young..then it turned out hey, she's not 16, she's 18...I don't think she is going to make a very good "witness" and I doubt her "testimony" has any value except perhaps to make Zimmerman's defense for him.

one would expect the defense to question

why her written statement is so obviously different from her

deposition with crump
Why don't you provide a link to that "testimony" you say exists?

It's nebulous, at best. Initially, the prosecution said she was 16 and they wouldn't release information about her because she was so young..then it turned out hey, she's not 16, she's 18...I don't think she is going to make a very good "witness" and I doubt her "testimony" has any value except perhaps to make Zimmerman's defense for him.

There has been no trial, and therefore no 'testimony.' She has already shown herself to be unreliable, and I agree, she will likely make the Zimmerman case.

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