To Kill A Kid

Why did he bother calling 911 if he was planning on killing a black kid like so many here keep saying? Why would he alert the police what was going on if he planned to murder someone? There's no good answer for that other than he didn't PLAN anything.

Plus the fact Z went back to his truck once Martin was running....and Martin circled around and came back to confront him. Why??

I never said Z planned on murdering Martin. But he certainly loved playing policeman.

that's not a crime..answer the question

Did some witness say that Martin came back and approached Z? I don't know that for a fact. Maybe he did and asked why are you following me and an altercation followed. Who started it, it was a fist fight.... why bring a gun into a fist fight? Z's wounds were not life threatening.
Zimmerman lost him, and the little shit came back and clocked him.

When you're attacked by a weird, big stranger who won't speak to you, yeah, you bring a gun to a fist fight. That's what guns are for. To kill people who attack you.
WRONG!!! We can't say he's guilty. Our justice system presumes innocence.

We can't say for sure what really happens, but if we look at the time line established by the phone call, the autopsy and medical reports, Zimmerman's account of the incident is very plausible. Absent evidence contradicting his account, a court cannot convict.

What you said is right. And, "Absent evidence contradicting his account, a court cannot convict." is what many are dismissing. We need the cross examination of evidence.

And if Zimmerman's account can't be refuted? What then? Do we still convict him because it "feels good" to convict a white guy for killing a 17 year old black guy?

This whole case is not about evidence. It's about emotion. Had Martin been the one with a gun and killed Zimmerman while getting his head bashed in, he would be your hero, IF you had ever heard of him.

The whole thing is about race----defending a poor little black baby whose only crime was eating Skittles.
Ok, this is ridiculous. All this vilification of a dead kid is really kind of nasty. For a year, TM has been labeled every kind of negative name under the sun. Most recently in this thread he has been labeled a thug



1. A violent person, especially a criminal.

hoodlum - killer- cutthroat- gangster - murderer

Trayvon Martin

1. As a high school student, he got in a fight one time.
2. TM was found with an empty 5 dollar bag of weed one time.
3. TM damaged a school locker and had a necklace that wasn't his.

^^ In his entire life, these are the only things negative that anyone can say about him.


1. Witness #8 has come forth and accused Zimmerman of molesting her when they were kids. The incidents occurred at the Zimmerman household when she was 6 and 8, and continued until she was 16.

2. Zimmerman lied under oath about his finances in order to receive bail.

3. Zimmerman has been reported for Domestic Violence.

4. Zimmerman was arrested for two 3rd Class felonies. "Resisting Officer With Violence", and "Battery Of Law Enforcement Officer".

Now, look at the definition for THUG again.

Molesting = Cutthroat
Lied to court = C

Witness #8 has come forth and accused Zimmerman of molesting her when they were kids.

Wait a second. You're saying Zim molested Trayvon's girlfriend when they were kids?

Maybe we should wait for trial evidence.
Who was screaming for help?

A. The man who was in the process of pulling out a gun and killing someone.

B. The person who was followed at night who was scared enough to be running away, and who was about to be shot to death.

You should read this nice article. Then tell me again WHO you know for sure was screaming......

All the way back on February 27th, the local Orlando Fox station interviewed the witness who dialed 911. Almost none of the thousands of articles since have mentioned any of the details described by the witness. Some, however, have attributed false statements to this witness. On March 16th, the Sanford police department released new details to the Orlando Sentinel. Once again, these details have been ignored or changed by the media.
1.The witness reports that George Zimmerman was on the ground and Trayvon is on top of him punching him.
2.The witness says that George Zimmerman was screaming and yelling for help.
3.Police arrive and find Zimmerman bleeding on his face and the back of his head. He also has had grass stains on his back. All this confirms the story told by Zimmerman and the witness.
4.Police play the 911 tape for Trayvon Martin's father, who tells police that the voice screaming is not the voice of his son.
Zimmerman was on the ground being punched when he shot Trayvon Martin - Charleston Charleston Conservative |
I never said Z planned on murdering Martin. But he certainly loved playing policeman.

that's not a crime..answer the question

Did some witness say that Martin came back and approached Z? I don't know that for a fact. Maybe he did and asked why are you following me and an altercation followed. Who started it, it was a fist fight.... why bring a gun into a fist fight? Z's wounds were not life threatening.

This is Zimmerman's testimony. It's the state's job to disprove it. They can't.
WRONG!!! We can't say he's guilty. Our justice system presumes innocence.

We can't say for sure what really happens, but if we look at the time line established by the phone call, the autopsy and medical reports, Zimmerman's account of the incident is very plausible. Absent evidence contradicting his account, a court cannot convict.

What you said is right. And, "Absent evidence contradicting his account, a court cannot convict." is what many are dismissing. We need the cross examination of evidence.

And if Zimmerman's account can't be refuted? What then? Do we still convict him because it "feels good" to convict a white guy for killing a 17 year old black guy?

This whole case is not about evidence. It's about emotion. Had Martin been the one with a gun and killed Zimmerman while getting his head bashed in, he would be your hero, IF you had ever heard of him.

If Zimmerman's account cannot be refuted, then, we take it as the truth. But I still have a problem with "head bashed in." His head was not bashed in and you know it. There were no fractures. Head wounds bleed profusely and there were no puddles of blood, not even stitches, lol. He had a broken nose. And head wounds that were not particularly large. Not even medium sized.

If anyone I going to be held on race , it would be you, going for the white guy over a black, I would say. Feels good to root for the white guy over a black, does it?
Who was screaming for help?

A. The man who was in the process of pulling out a gun and killing someone.

B. The person who was followed at night who was scared enough to be running away, and who was about to be shot to death.

You should read this nice article. Then tell me again WHO you know for sure was screaming......

All the way back on February 27th, the local Orlando Fox station interviewed the witness who dialed 911. Almost none of the thousands of articles since have mentioned any of the details described by the witness. Some, however, have attributed false statements to this witness. On March 16th, the Sanford police department released new details to the Orlando Sentinel. Once again, these details have been ignored or changed by the media.
1.The witness reports that George Zimmerman was on the ground and Trayvon is on top of him punching him.
2.The witness says that George Zimmerman was screaming and yelling for help.
3.Police arrive and find Zimmerman bleeding on his face and the back of his head. He also has had grass stains on his back. All this confirms the story told by Zimmerman and the witness.
4.Police play the 911 tape for Trayvon Martin's father, who tells police that the voice screaming is not the voice of his son.
Zimmerman was on the ground being punched when he shot Trayvon Martin - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

He has grass stains on his back. But his head is bloodied from hitting concrete.
Witnesses testified that he was getting his head banged on the concrete. Have you heard of curbing? Thugs get a victim's head against a curb, then stomp it. It kills the victim.

Just because he didn't have a concussion doesn't mean he wasn't getting his head pounded. I have been bashed before, and you don't have to have a concussionn to lose consciousness, so whether or not he had a "head wound" or not is completely irrelevant. By the time you have a concussion, or are unconscious, it's too late to defend yourself. The point is to PREVENT injury. I was hit rapid fire, and lost consciousness, fell to the ground, and woke up on my back on the ground. No head wound necessary. I climbed up and got my face slammed into a wall. Still no head wound.

But I lost teeth later, and still have a click in the base of my point is, the speculation about the extend of Zimmerman's wounds, except to the degree that they support his version, is irrelevant.
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What you said is right. And, "Absent evidence contradicting his account, a court cannot convict." is what many are dismissing. We need the cross examination of evidence.

And if Zimmerman's account can't be refuted? What then? Do we still convict him because it "feels good" to convict a white guy for killing a 17 year old black guy?

This whole case is not about evidence. It's about emotion. Had Martin been the one with a gun and killed Zimmerman while getting his head bashed in, he would be your hero, IF you had ever heard of him.

If Zimmerman's account cannot be refuted, then, we take it as the truth. But I still have a problem with "head bashed in." His head was not bashed in and you know it. There were no fractures. Head wounds bleed profusely and there were no puddles of blood, not even stitches, lol. He had a broken nose. And head wounds that were not particularly large. Not even medium sized.

If anyone I going to be held on race , it would be you, going for the white guy over a black, I would say. Feels good to root for the white guy over a black, does it?

No sir. It feels good to root for the truth. So far, the EVIDENCE all points to Zimmerman's account being the truth. All the Prosecution has is 5 year old pictures of a 12 year old black kid and the threat of riots should Zimmerman be found "not guilty".
Why did Z decide he was suspicious?

Correct me if I'm wrong (I've made no conclusions about this case), but wasn't TM trespassing? Did he have his 'hoodie' up, thereby concealing his identity?

If that's true on both accounts, I think it would be reasonable to be suspicious, no?

I don't know this case very well. But, did his grandfather live in the complex and he was visiting him?

And, was it raining, so his hoodie was up, but if not, the kids all wear their hoodies up. It's a trend, not just for criminals.

Going back to the 911 call, there is no mention of trespassing or hoodies, but just about, "some on up to no good or something like that, the first lines...and these assholes always get away.

The 911 call is going to be a problem for Z. It painted a profiling and stalking. At least it did for me.

It painted a profiling and stalking.

Stalking? What's that?

Why is profiling bad?

(Goes to get a drink)

Goes to get a drink.....
THAT explains a lot.
You have a story in your head of some vicious white guy going out strapped, hunting for black kids to shoot. When the evidence doesn't support your fairy tale you shake your head and walk away, trying to leave the impression that we are racists that are glad another black kid is dead.
Zimmerman is pretty perceptive. He said the kid looked like he was high on drugs and as it turned out the tox screen did find marijuana in his system.
Not to get all technical, but the levels of THC that were found were very very low indicating that the use of pot was no where near the time of death. Marijuana remains in the body for upwards of a month.
Not to get all technical, but the levels of THC that were found were very very low indicating that the use of pot was no where near the time of death. Marijuana remains in the body for upwards of a month.

A white man probably put THC in his Skittles anyway---that little black boy wouldn't smoke pot.

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