To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee taken off Mississippi school reading list

I read that book during one of my high school years I believe it was and I don't remember there being any bad language in it.

God bless you always!!!

Holly (class of 2000)

P.S. Forgive me if this is a dumb question, what difference does being required to read these books make at the end of the day?
It was a very poorly written piece of literature and in fact was propaganda. It should never have been presented in public schools because of those facts. But it was. Guess why.

Mississippi is draining the Swamp of academia apparently!
The book accurately portrays a time when Democrats were in charge of the South and the blacks were victimized by rampant racism.

Lets bite this in the rear right now, southern Democrats, called dixiecrats.
OMG, leave it to Mississippi. Will they go to book burning next?

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee taken off Mississippi school reading list

To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee’s classic novel about racism and the American south, has been removed from a junior-high reading list in a Mississippi school district because the language in the book “makes people uncomfortable”.

OMG, leave it to Mississippi. Will they go to book burning next?

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee taken off Mississippi school reading list

To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee’s classic novel about racism and the American south, has been removed from a junior-high reading list in a Mississippi school district because the language in the book “makes people uncomfortable”.

Are you not aware that Attucus Finch is exposed as a racist in a subsequent novel? Glorifying racists now are we?
If it makes them uncomfortable there is a simple solution. Don't read it

Book banning is sooooo Fascist

is "taken off the reading list" the SAME as 'banning'?
My junior high had a library------and there was also a reading list for each grade. The reading list was what each student was SUPPOSED to read that year-----and the library had lots of books.-----most of which were not on any "reading list"----Now and then specific books were REMOVED FROM THE LIBRARY ---<<< a kind of drastic move. A modification of the reading lists was no big deal-----anyone who wanted ---could go to the library
I just hope that when the children of these folks grow up and find out that the rest of society is familiar with things of which their parents deliberately kept them ignorant, they go back to their parents, confront them, kick their butts, and have nothing more to do with them. Children of this sort of parents, don't blame the rest of society for your parents' ignorance and bad parenting, confront Big Daddy and Big Mommy. Same with people who got pregnant too young or whose parents got them involved in marriage and parenthood too early instead of giving them knowledge, and a chance to get an education and see the world. Parents need to be held accountable for harming their children, cultists included.
How ironic. Burning this book to protect the children who listen to 'Nigga muh fuckah Nigga muh fuckah Nigga muh fuckah Nigga muh fuckah Nigga muh fuckah bitch bitch bitch Nigga muh fuckah' on their phones all day.
OMG, leave it to Mississippi. Will they go to book burning next?

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee taken off Mississippi school reading list

To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee’s classic novel about racism and the American south, has been removed from a junior-high reading list in a Mississippi school district because the language in the book “makes people uncomfortable”.

Good,its nothing more than leftist snowflake crap anyways. I hope the fraud Anne Franks Diary is next. That crap was so boring in 6th grade I failed the test bc I refused to waste my time reading the book or watching that boring movie and then refused to take the test! LMAO
The school board is comprised of a majority of white southern snowflakes.
btw, how do you abide people who hate you?

just wondering
Muslims have nothing in common with liberals and Democrats, but they insist in trying to befriend us.

We are opposed to homo's and their perverted agenda. Abortion is forbidden in our religion. We believe in the death penalty, and support the 2nd Amendment. We are against legalizing marijuana and other drugs.

Republicans are missing out on a large voting block.

Hopefully that will change. ...... :cool:
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