To muslims: Do you believe Muhammad is a good role model for muslims?

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
Should muslims still follow/adopt his morals today, in this modern age? Also let us know which hadith you accept if any. Islam seems to have changed since the 7th century. May be you should change your ideals and models of behavior too? I do not intent to insult somebody. Really.
Prophet Muhammad is the very best example for all of mankind to follow.

What century we are in is irrelevant. .... :cool:
Prophet Muhammad is the very best example for all of mankind to follow.

What century we are in is irrelevant. .... :cool:
Using religious figures as modern role models carries with it the peril of
religious followers having to look to lesser men for answers when novel questions of morality come up. Muhammad, Jesus, Buddha, etc. may have been wise men but far too many stupid men who claim to speak for them are telling the faithful to hate.
The actions of Muhammad don't affect you directly but it does affect 1.5 billion people on this planet. You can come forward with your argument when those 1.5 billion people have thought "that was 1400 years ago lets move on" and people are still trying to "load" posts with these topics.
No. Then most prophets, disciples and 'holy men' usually aren't, as they date back to when science was just getting started and people believed that the earth was flat,
that shellfish couldn't be frozen or chilled as the need arises, and that holy war and knocking off the next door tribe was a neat idea.
Prophet Muhammad is the very best example for all of mankind to follow.

What century we are in is irrelevant. .... :cool:

Only if you want to be a homicidal, antisemitic pedophile with designs on world domination and the enslavement of all females.

Sorry, but Mohammed was a barbaric, power-hungry shaman of a cult he concocted to control the equally barbaric dune baboons that littered the desert about a century and a half ago.

The ways of Islam, if followed as Mohammed demanded has no place in a civilized world.

If you don't believe me, read the Qur'an and Islam's other holy scriptures and you will see for yourself.

ISIS is the best example of Islam being practiced in accordance with Mohammad's teachings, regardless of how the "Muslims" and Liberal media try to paint Islam as peaceful during the slaughter.

Islam, in its true form is incompatible with the 21st century. Period.

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