To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

Can life-saving treatment or stabilization be refused if the person cannot guarantee payment?

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act -1986 (EMTALA) covers requirements for any institution that participates in Medicare ...

"In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) to ensure public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay. Section 1867 of the Social Security Act imposes specific obligations on Medicare-participating hospitals that offer emergency services to provide a medical screening examination (MSE) when a request is made for examination or treatment for an emergency medical condition (EMC), including active labor, regardless of an individual's ability to pay. Hospitals are then required to provide stabilizing treatment for patients with EMCs. If a hospital is unable to stabilize a patient within its capability, or if the patient requests, an appropriate transfer should be implemented."

Individual states also have accompanying legislation … Such as the Baker Act in Florida and so on … They help identify what measures are required, as well as what problems fall under the category of “Emergency Medical Condition”.

As far as the EMTALA goes …

395.002 Definitions:
(8) "Emergency medical condition" means:

(a) A medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity, which may include severe pain, such that the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in any of the following:

1. Serious jeopardy to patient health, including a pregnant woman or fetus.
2. Serious impairment to bodily functions.
3. Serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.

It is still up to the institution to determine the definition of "Serious".

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In my ER if you present with strep throat here is exactly what will happen step by step. Liberals pay attention!!! Rachel Maddcow cannot educate you on this. I can. ER sees 140,000 people a year. We are the busiest ER in Virginia.

1. You will be asked your presenting problem.

2. You will be registered. Payment will be demanded. If you cannot pay, you will still be billed.

3. You will be triaged.

4. You will wait for hours because you are a dumbass who comes to an ER for a sore throat.

5. You will see a mid-level provider...not a doctor. That means a PA or NP. They will be irritated you have wasted their time coming to an ER for a sore throat. You have probably been waiting 5-6 hours at this point.

6. You will be discharged. If you did not pay during the registration process you will be billed. If you do not pay within 60 days, you will be sent to collections.

That is it. You have been informed.


Ignorant leftards love to spew the lies around not ever bothering to check if those myths are true EVER.

ER visits in MA INCREASED 25% after they converted to the universal healthcare - so it only increased costs exponentially.

That is exactly correct. Medicaid folks by far abuse our ER the most....because they have insurance. They are poor...they don't have transportation...they don't want to take the they call 911 for a tooth ache and get a free ambulance ride to the ER. The uninsured do not clog ER's. Obamacare vastly expands Medicaid. Those folks are generally poor, dumb, and often irresponsible. Those are the people that clog up ER's and are driving up costs.
Vox, we are both medical/mental health professionals that have been in healthcare for years. Libtards just got a cold hard dose of reality. My guess what we'll hear is....

[ame=]Cricket sound effect (1) - YouTube[/ame]
The echo chamber of the far right continues.

Regardless of how ACA is reformed (it won't be repealed), we will not be going back to the bad old days.
Vox, we are both medical/mental health professionals that have been in healthcare for years. Libtards just got a cold hard dose of reality. My guess what we'll hear is....

I wonder how long it will take them to figure out the EMTALA blows the shit out of the theory about a ... "Young man seriously injured while snowboarding ... Can't afford Emergency Medical Care ... Because he isn't insured through the ACA".

They are my representative to the government. If I do not like how I am being represented, they lose my vote

Given that Republicans only give a shit about the wealthy......I see no reason to give them my vote

have the rich gotten richer under Obama? has the gap between the wealthy and poor lessened? What about Obama himself? hasn't he firmly planted himself as a 1 percenter in his 5 years in office?

Which has nothing to do with why people will not vote Republican

Republicans have fallen on their swords to help the wealthy while they block bills to help working Americans

Democrats have labled Republicans as only being concerned about the rich....Why can't Republicans prove otherwise?

and obama has stuck his sword in the backs of the middle class. it has everything to do with it. the democrats block republican bills designed to help the middle class. no one is doing anything to help the middle class.
yep. Even though the website is belly-up (techie-speak) the benefits of the Act are being felt- no lifetime caps, children on parents insurance until 26, 85% of premiums must be spent on HC (no-brainer), women are not treated as a pre-existing conditions, etc...
The fact remains the TPM is responsible for the shutdown, according to a majority of Americans, and 80% of Americans do not like the TPM.

That is why the GOP mainstream will continue to minimalize the TPM during the next year.

had the democrats listened to the tea party we wouldn't have this obamcare mess. the tea party was right, the democrats were wrong
  • Thanks
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In my ER if you present with strep throat here is exactly what will happen step by step. Liberals pay attention!!! Rachel Maddcow cannot educate you on this. I can. ER sees 140,000 people a year. We are the busiest ER in Virginia.

1. You will be asked your presenting problem.

2. You will be registered. Payment will be demanded. If you cannot pay, you will still be billed.

3. You will be triaged.

4. You will wait for hours because you are a dumbass who comes to an ER for a sore throat.

5. You will see a mid-level provider...not a doctor. That means a PA or NP. They will be irritated you have wasted their time coming to an ER for a sore throat. You have probably been waiting 5-6 hours at this point.

6. You will be discharged. If you did not pay during the registration process you will be billed. If you do not pay within 60 days, you will be sent to collections.

That is it. You have been informed.


Ignorant leftards love to spew the lies around not ever bothering to check if those myths are true EVER.

ER visits in MA INCREASED 25% after they converted to the universal healthcare - so it only increased costs exponentially.

That is exactly correct. Medicaid folks by far abuse our ER the most....because they have insurance. They are poor...they don't have transportation...they don't want to take the they call 911 for a tooth ache and get a free ambulance ride to the ER. The uninsured do not clog ER's. Obamacare vastly expands Medicaid. Those folks are generally poor, dumb, and often irresponsible. Those are the people that clog up ER's and are driving up costs.

yes, I know. plus a lot of doctors do not take medicaid and walk-in clinics and urgent care clinics also do not take medicaid - same will happen with obamacare plans - therefore in order to avoid the hassle of a long wait for an appointment and a long drive to the needed doctor, the medicaid patients flock the ER for convenience.
The echo chamber of the far right continues.

Regardless of how ACA is reformed (it won't be repealed), we will not be going back to the bad old days.

You of course, have refuted nothing Vox and I have stated because you cannot. You are entitled to your opinion, but without the direct experience or knowledge, it means next to nothing.

The ACA will vastly increase healthcare costs as Vox and I have indicated. It is a disaster. Even the main stream media seems to have come to that consensus. You obviously feel differently, but a vast tide of facts and opinion are against you.
Vox, we are both medical/mental health professionals that have been in healthcare for years. Libtards just got a cold hard dose of reality. My guess what we'll hear is....

Cricket sound effect (1) - YouTube

yes, I know.

People who want to hear already did.

I am simply amazed at the scope of the Goebbels lies which are being fed to the people by the left and the LSM and they believe it.
yep. Even though the website is belly-up (techie-speak) the benefits of the Act are being felt- no lifetime caps, children on parents insurance until 26, 85% of premiums must be spent on HC (no-brainer), women are not treated as a pre-existing conditions, etc...

That's nice. It's like going to a candy store, isn't it? Question: How to pay for the goodies?

1. Make 80 year old grandmas pay for maternity care.

2. Make 25 year old men pay for breast exams.

3. Create a vast socialistic wealth re-distribution scheme that forces young, healthy, middle class folks to pay for the cadillac benefits you mention to a bunch of unemployed fuck ups.

Yep...sounds great!
yep. Even though the website is belly-up (techie-speak) the benefits of the Act are being felt- no lifetime caps, children on parents insurance until 26, 85% of premiums must be spent on HC (no-brainer), women are not treated as a pre-existing conditions, etc...

That's nice. It's like going to a candy store, isn't it? Question: How to pay for the goodies?

1. Make 80 year old grandmas pay for maternity care.

2. Make 25 year old men pay for breast exams.

3. Create a vast socialistic wealth re-distribution scheme that forces young, healthy, middle class folks to pay for the cadillac benefits you mention to a bunch of unemployed fuck ups.

Yep...sounds great!

Very good points ... And as you finished your comments ... It sounds more like what happens when the government gets involved ... And isn't "great" at all.

The echo chamber of the far right continues.

Regardless of how ACA is reformed (it won't be repealed), we will not be going back to the bad old days.

before obozocare:

no one was denied medical care--NO ONE--even illegals were give free medical care

those had insurance paid for those who did not via their premiums

the USA had the best medical system in the world

people with pre-existing conditions were sometimes denied insurance, but not treatment

There was no heathcare crisis that demanded a complete overhaul and govt takeover.

But, the truth is that ACA is not about healthcare, its about creeping socialism and a govt takeover of 1/6 of our economy. Its about a marxist collectivist president who hates this country and everything it stands for. Its about a negligent population who stood by and watched as this traitor destroyed our economy and our culture.
yep. Even though the website is belly-up (techie-speak) the benefits of the Act are being felt- no lifetime caps, children on parents insurance until 26, 85% of premiums must be spent on HC (no-brainer), women are not treated as a pre-existing conditions, etc...

you do know that children up to 26 piece does not apply to all pans. no insurance company is forced to allow you to keep your kids on your plan. you really have to stop believing the spin.
The echo chamber of the far right continues.

Regardless of how ACA is reformed (it won't be repealed), we will not be going back to the bad old days.

You of course, have refuted nothing Vox and I have stated because you cannot. You are entitled to your opinion, but without the direct experience or knowledge, it means next to nothing.

The ACA will vastly increase healthcare costs as Vox and I have indicated. It is a disaster. Even the main stream media seems to have come to that consensus. You obviously feel differently, but a vast tide of facts and opinion are against you.

Do not assume that Snake jockey is a real person. He/she/it is nothing but a left wing talking point repeater. He/she/it is not worth your time and effort.
The echo chamber of the far right continues.

Regardless of how ACA is reformed (it won't be repealed), we will not be going back to the bad old days.

before obozocare:

no one was denied medical care--NO ONE--even illegals were give free medical care


No one has the right to FREE HEALTHCARE

Healthcare should vae been reformed to make it affordable.


The echo chamber of the far right continues.

Regardless of how ACA is reformed (it won't be repealed), we will not be going back to the bad old days.

before obozocare:

no one was denied medical care--NO ONE--even illegals were give free medical care


No one has the right to FREE HEALTHCARE

Healthcare should vae been reformed to make it affordable.



yes, we agree. ACA makes it less affordable and will deny care to many people.

But you are going to encounter a large body of liberals and democrats who think that free medical care is a RIGHT. That kind of thinking got the UK and Canada into the mess that is their healthcare system, and is a major factor in the world economic mess.
yep. Even though the website is belly-up (techie-speak) the benefits of the Act are being felt- no lifetime caps, children on parents insurance until 26, 85% of premiums must be spent on HC (no-brainer), women are not treated as a pre-existing conditions, etc...

Great, no lifetime caps and kids can stay on insurance until 26...

But what about the fact that my premium went up about 200% 2013 vs 2014, lol?

I mean, what's more important: having your kid on your insurance until he's 26 or being able to afford your healthcare plan?
before obozocare:

no one was denied medical care--NO ONE--even illegals were give free medical care


No one has the right to FREE HEALTHCARE

Healthcare should vae been reformed to make it affordable.



yes, we agree. ACA makes it less affordable and will deny care to many people.

But you are going to encounter a large body of liberals and democrats who think that free medical care is a RIGHT. That kind of thinking got the UK and Canada into the mess that is their healthcare system, and is a major factor in the world economic mess.

FREE???? They don't mean FREE they mean take from one and give to another there is no FREE in this world. If there is a RIGHT to FREE health care then why in the hell am I being dropped next year and looking at over 10000 dollars for coverage? Where is the FREE in that. Liberals are hypocrites.

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