To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections


VA benefit reform is an issue worthy of discussion. Even welfare reform. But if you did 20 years you receive a monthly check at half of your highest earnings while serving. Not everyone deals with the same frustration as vets and find it hard to relate.

My issue with welfare and low income benefits is how poorly the programs are run. So much fraud ensues in all these programs. Not to mention that the government believes it's ok to randomly drug test active duty service members while leaving the free assistance recipients unaccountable for following the law.

Instead of sending $25 million to Kenya for a voter ID program (which would be racist here) use that money to pay for drug tests for anyone requesting government assistance.

Muddy's main frustration in life is that he's a heartless asshole, and doesn't understand why the rest of the world isn't.

I would agree, some of the programs are poorly run. But the real problem is that we don't garuntee every American a renumerative job.

I'd have no problem if we replace Welfare with Workfare.

Drug testing... meh, kind of a waste of money.

How could we guarantee every American a job? And why should that be the government's responsibility. Ever since the New Deal it seems government responsibility keeps becoming more and more of what charity used to do.

Why would drug testing be a waste of money? If working men and women have to be drug tested then why not the freeloaders? The least hey can do is prove they are following the law.
Which has nothing to do with why people will not vote Republican

Republicans have fallen on their swords to help the wealthy while they block bills to help working Americans

Democrats have labled Republicans as only being concerned about the rich....Why can't Republicans prove otherwise?

Unlike in 1995 when the government shutdown was decidedly blamed on Republicans in a 46-27% margin … The recent shutdown produced a 39-36% margin blaming the Republicans.
More telling numbers report that when asked if their party "should stand by your principles, even if it means causing a government shutdown" … 49% of Republicans said it was, to the 18% of Democrats that replied the same.

As I have always said … If you don't have any principles worth standing up for … It is easy to be a Democrat and win.


Shutdown is a different issue and Republicans once again screwed the pooch on that one

The issue at hand is the branding of what currently passes as the Republican Party

- In bed with the wealthy
- Anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-minority
- Fractured party with no leadership
- The Party of NO
- The Party of Stupid

You can try to brand it any way you want ... But when 82% of the people in your party say that principles don't matter ... Your brand sucks.

Unlike in 1995 when the government shutdown was decidedly blamed on Republicans in a 46-27% margin … The recent shutdown produced a 39-36% margin blaming the Republicans.
More telling numbers report that when asked if their party "should stand by your principles, even if it means causing a government shutdown" … 49% of Republicans said it was, to the 18% of Democrats that replied the same.

As I have always said … If you don't have any principles worth standing up for … It is easy to be a Democrat and win.


Shutdown is a different issue and Republicans once again screwed the pooch on that one

The issue at hand is the branding of what currently passes as the Republican Party

- In bed with the wealthy
- Anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-minority
- Fractured party with no leadership
- The Party of NO
- The Party of Stupid

You can try to brand it any way you want ... But when 82% of the people in your party say that principles don't matter ... Your brand sucks.


Once again you are taking a quote out of context.
The fact remains the TPM is responsible for the shutdown, according to a majority of Americans, and 80% of Americans do not like the TPM.

That is why the GOP mainstream will continue to minimalize the TPM during the next year.
Shutdown is a different issue and Republicans once again screwed the pooch on that one

The issue at hand is the branding of what currently passes as the Republican Party

- In bed with the wealthy
- Anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-minority
- Fractured party with no leadership
- The Party of NO
- The Party of Stupid

You can try to brand it any way you want ... But when 82% of the people in your party say that principles don't matter ... Your brand sucks.


Once again you are taking a quote out of context.

I understood what you said ... And it doesn't make a difference if you don't have any principles ... You are selling a load of crap.
The only amazing part ... Is that the people who believe it ... Are not necessarily the ones paying for it.

Post facts contrary to:

It costs $91, for example, to treat a patient with strep throat in a doctor's office. Treating that same patient in the emergency room costs more than three times as much - $321.

Where do the uninsured get treatment? Not in a doctors office...they wait in emergency rooms and get the $321 treatment instead of the $91 treatment. That drives all our costs up.

Would you rather pay $321 for that individual's care or $91? By subsidizing the individual's purchase of insurance through the exchanges, we are paying the $91 instead of the $321.

The best, most efficient and cost effective way to deliver health care to all Americans would be to simply lower the age of Medicare to zero and cover everyone with basic healthcare that includes a drug plan (after we allow Medicare to negotiate the price of drugs like other countries do). Insurance companies could still exist to sell Cadillac supplement plans to those that can afford more comprehensive coverage.

Oh well...instead we have the ACA...proposed by the conservative Heritage Foundation, introduced as Legislation by Republican Presidential nominee Bob Dole, implemented in Massachusetts by Republican Governor and Presidential nominee Mitt Romney (who once touted parts of 'Romneycare' as a national model) and signed into law by moderate Democrat Barack Obama.

and people have the nerve to call it "Socialist Healthcare"...

total bullshit.
first of all you will not even get registered in the ER if you do not pay straightforward 150-200 in the ER -cash or credit card :D
a visit to walk in clinic is going to cost 75-100 at the maximum and there are more of those type of clinics now than the gas stations - it is a striving business

NOBODY goes to the ER for the strep throat. NOBODY.
Unless it is a complicated one and then ER is the right place to go

Seriously...just do a little bit of fucking research...

The main reason that so many emergency room visits are for non-urgent care is that hospital EDs are required by federal law to provide care to all patients, regardless of their ability to pay. Since they cannot be turned away, patients without health insurance, or the necessary funds to pay out-of-pocket costs, often utilize emergency rooms as their main health care provider. This puts ERs under tremendous strain, and limits their ability to more quickly attend to health emergencies.

Emergency Rooms vs. Urgent Care: Differences in Services and Costs

I love how liberals always talk about ER care like they know WTF they are talking about. I have worked in an ER for over six years. Do you? Vox is right. You get hit up for cash the second you get registered in an ER. They will still treat you, but everybody gets billed, and money is demanded up front. doesn't matter.
4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. Let me be clear. I hate fucking Obama. He is the worst President in my lifetime. His policies are destroying America. I loathe the man. Many of you feel the same way. However, the Republican Party needs to be about more than Hating Obama. While the hatred is have to present a positive alternative or it just comes across as bitter and spiteful.

Okay folks. That's it. Have fun tearing this apart. :)

Good post. #4 in particular. I feel like the hate for Obama has been too much of the focus. It's fine to not like him, or even hate him. But as you've pointed out, there needs to be more than that. Hate his healthcare law? Say so, but they need to also follow up with a thought out alternative plan that actually solves the issues our country is facing. "Repeal Obamacare" is not a solution to a problem we had well before Obama was ever in the picture.

But here's the problem. Hating Obama is all you guys have, really.

let's take healthcare, since you brought it up.

The first guy to offer universal insurance instead of single payer? Richard Nixon!

The people who suggested an individual mandate instead of single payer? The Heritage Foundation in the 1990's.

Oh, wait, who was the first guy who actually IMPLEMENTED these ideas on a state wide level? Mitt Romney!

And then the black guy decided, "Okay, let's go with your plan since I can't get a public option or medicare buy in to cover the gaps." (Incidently, either one would have solved all the problems we are currenlty having.)

And suddenly- you guys hate it.. Because Obama suggested it!

Damn it! Foiled again! You've exposed us. It's all because Obama is a negro. :lmao:
That is a false stereotype perpetrated by liberals.

And republicans could easily refute that stereotype by proving they actually care about working Americans
They can't do it

Specially when you keep your fingers in your ears so you can't hear it.......
here is the problem. Extremist progresives think that the ONLY way to care about people is to spend other peoples money. To them, government money IS caring.

I've made the point dozens of times that just because they disagree with the method, does not mean that conservatives and the GOP don't care.

The main difference between how we care for people and how they care for people is once we have given aid to someone who needs it, that person learns how to help themselves and no longer needs government.

The extremists like rightwinger HAVE to have people dependent upon government, or they cease to have any self worth and can no longer hold onto power.
Good post. #4 in particular. I feel like the hate for Obama has been too much of the focus. It's fine to not like him, or even hate him. But as you've pointed out, there needs to be more than that. Hate his healthcare law? Say so, but they need to also follow up with a thought out alternative plan that actually solves the issues our country is facing. "Repeal Obamacare" is not a solution to a problem we had well before Obama was ever in the picture.

But here's the problem. Hating Obama is all you guys have, really.

let's take healthcare, since you brought it up.

The first guy to offer universal insurance instead of single payer? Richard Nixon!

The people who suggested an individual mandate instead of single payer? The Heritage Foundation in the 1990's.

Oh, wait, who was the first guy who actually IMPLEMENTED these ideas on a state wide level? Mitt Romney!

And then the black guy decided, "Okay, let's go with your plan since I can't get a public option or medicare buy in to cover the gaps." (Incidently, either one would have solved all the problems we are currenlty having.)

And suddenly- you guys hate it.. Because Obama suggested it!

Damn it! Foiled again! You've exposed us. It's all because Obama is a negro. :lmao:
Not just any negro...He's the magic one!

If anyone disagrees with me, provide the Constitutional language that authorizes the Federal Courts to invalidate any law that has been passed by Congress, and signed into Law by the President.

Uh...Article III...


The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.


The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority;--to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls;--to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction;--to controversies to which the United States shall be a party;--to controversies between two or more states;--between a state and citizens of another state;--between citizens of different states;--between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens or subjects.[...]​

There is no specific language allowing any Federal Court to invalidate or declare any law duly passed by the Congress and signed into Law by the President as Unconstitutional. The language you have provided does not grant that power or authorization. You have provided nothing. Google Marbury vs Madison and educate yourself.

All Law in the United States comes from only one source. Rule by consent of the governed expressed through our duly elected legislators. Period. All Law is derived from the People. The courts have zero power to create law, or nullify law. Only We the People may do that through our Legislative Branch of Government.

FYI...I have debated this point with a Federal Appellate Attorney who has tried cases before the Supreme Court. He and others have readily conceded the Courts do not have Constitutional authority to invalid any Law. Period.
total bullshit.
first of all you will not even get registered in the ER if you do not pay straightforward 150-200 in the ER -cash or credit card :D
a visit to walk in clinic is going to cost 75-100 at the maximum and there are more of those type of clinics now than the gas stations - it is a striving business

NOBODY goes to the ER for the strep throat. NOBODY.
Unless it is a complicated one and then ER is the right place to go

Seriously...just do a little bit of fucking research...

The main reason that so many emergency room visits are for non-urgent care is that hospital EDs are required by federal law to provide care to all patients, regardless of their ability to pay. Since they cannot be turned away, patients without health insurance, or the necessary funds to pay out-of-pocket costs, often utilize emergency rooms as their main health care provider. This puts ERs under tremendous strain, and limits their ability to more quickly attend to health emergencies.

Emergency Rooms vs. Urgent Care: Differences in Services and Costs

I love how liberals always talk about ER care like they know WTF they are talking about. I have worked in an ER for over six years. Do you? Vox is right. You get hit up for cash the second you get registered in an ER. They will still treat you, but everybody gets billed, and money is demanded up front. doesn't matter.

Can life-saving treatment or stabilization be refused if the person cannot guarantee payment?
Seriously...just do a little bit of fucking research...

The main reason that so many emergency room visits are for non-urgent care is that hospital EDs are required by federal law to provide care to all patients, regardless of their ability to pay. Since they cannot be turned away, patients without health insurance, or the necessary funds to pay out-of-pocket costs, often utilize emergency rooms as their main health care provider. This puts ERs under tremendous strain, and limits their ability to more quickly attend to health emergencies.

Emergency Rooms vs. Urgent Care: Differences in Services and Costs

I love how liberals always talk about ER care like they know WTF they are talking about. I have worked in an ER for over six years. Do you? Vox is right. You get hit up for cash the second you get registered in an ER. They will still treat you, but everybody gets billed, and money is demanded up front. doesn't matter.

Can life-saving treatment or stabilization be refused if the person cannot guarantee payment?

Steps that must be taken to make healthcare affordable:

1- deregulate it

2- abolish medicaid, medicare, and Obama Hellcare

3- remind the narcotized that hospitals are NOT required to render care if they can not pay for the same

a lot of rationalizing/deflection going on here about why theres nothing to the Repubs shedding voters like a sinking ship. Coddling the wealthy & forcing poor unwed mothers to have babies will only get you so many votes from the "Base". The rest of Murica don't want anything to do w/ that zany agenda. :eusa_hand:

Their main prob is that they NEED the votes from the SOCON busybodies & Teaparty "blow it up if we don't get 100% of what we want" factions of their party. Without those votes, they would be a permanent minority. Until they can marginalize the crazies, no Indies or Undecideds will go anywhere near voting for them.
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Seriously...just do a little bit of fucking research...

The main reason that so many emergency room visits are for non-urgent care is that hospital EDs are required by federal law to provide care to all patients, regardless of their ability to pay. Since they cannot be turned away, patients without health insurance, or the necessary funds to pay out-of-pocket costs, often utilize emergency rooms as their main health care provider. This puts ERs under tremendous strain, and limits their ability to more quickly attend to health emergencies.

Emergency Rooms vs. Urgent Care: Differences in Services and Costs

I love how liberals always talk about ER care like they know WTF they are talking about. I have worked in an ER for over six years. Do you? Vox is right. You get hit up for cash the second you get registered in an ER. They will still treat you, but everybody gets billed, and money is demanded up front. doesn't matter.

Can life-saving treatment or stabilization be refused if the person cannot guarantee payment?

step throat is not a situation when a life saving treatment and even stabilization is required.
unless it is full blown septic shock because of the COMPLICATIONS of the strep throat.
Payment is still required upon registering.

you don't know what you are talking about.
Seriously...just do a little bit of fucking research...

The main reason that so many emergency room visits are for non-urgent care is that hospital EDs are required by federal law to provide care to all patients, regardless of their ability to pay. Since they cannot be turned away, patients without health insurance, or the necessary funds to pay out-of-pocket costs, often utilize emergency rooms as their main health care provider. This puts ERs under tremendous strain, and limits their ability to more quickly attend to health emergencies.

Emergency Rooms vs. Urgent Care: Differences in Services and Costs

I love how liberals always talk about ER care like they know WTF they are talking about. I have worked in an ER for over six years. Do you? Vox is right. You get hit up for cash the second you get registered in an ER. They will still treat you, but everybody gets billed, and money is demanded up front. doesn't matter.

Can life-saving treatment or stabilization be refused if the person cannot guarantee payment?

See highlight.
Some people go there...that does not change the number of people going to emergency rooms for non urgent care.

Again, why do you think you (your insurance, actually) pay $15 dollars for a $2 box of tissues during a stay in the hospital?

yes, it does change a lot.

people coming to the ER are being charged upfront at least 150$ - and if your reason for coming is really not that emergent - you are much better off going to those urgent care/walk-in clinics, otherwise you are not only paying twice as much, you wait five times as much.

Why the hospital is charging as much as it does is a totally different item of discussion.

I simply object to your example, because it is not the main reason people go to the ER. If they do - they usually really need to, not because of the lack of insurance, but because the medical necessity and severity.

And obamacare is not going to solve it - because it is much cheaper to pay for a sore throat visit in an urgent care clinic 75-100 than to pay a premium, deductible and a co-pay afterwards.

Never, once, did I say that routine visits were the main reason people went to the ER, you pulled that one out of your fourth point of contact. What I said was that the insured pay more because of the uninsured. You have provided nothing to counter that claim.

you did put an example of the strep throat - and that is a bullshit. People do not go the the ER for the strep throat unless it is a complication of one and then they SHOULD go there.
They are my representative to the government. If I do not like how I am being represented, they lose my vote

Given that Republicans only give a shit about the wealthy......I see no reason to give them my vote

have the rich gotten richer under Obama? has the gap between the wealthy and poor lessened? What about Obama himself? hasn't he firmly planted himself as a 1 percenter in his 5 years in office?

Which has nothing to do with why people will not vote Republican

Republicans have fallen on their swords to help the wealthy while they block bills to help working Americans

Democrats have labled Republicans as only being concerned about the rich....Why can't Republicans prove otherwise?

I could not care less what a bully is naming anybody. the best method is to ignore the lying bully.

Oh, and BTW, dimocraps care ONLY about the Wall street and big business. They could not care less about the middle class. So piss off.
In my ER if you present with strep throat here is exactly what will happen step by step. Liberals pay attention!!! Rachel Maddcow cannot educate you on this. I can. ER sees 140,000 people a year. We are the busiest ER in Virginia.

1. You will be asked your presenting problem.

2. You will be registered. Payment will be demanded. If you cannot pay, you will still be billed.

3. You will be triaged.

4. You will wait for hours because you are a dumbass who comes to an ER for a sore throat.

5. You will see a mid-level provider...not a doctor. That means a PA or NP. They will be irritated you have wasted their time coming to an ER for a sore throat. You have probably been waiting 5-6 hours at this point.

6. You will be discharged. If you did not pay during the registration process you will be billed. If you do not pay within 60 days, you will be sent to collections.

That is it. You have been informed.
In my ER if you present with strep throat here is exactly what will happen step by step. Liberals pay attention!!! Rachel Maddcow cannot educate you on this. I can. ER sees 140,000 people a year. We are the busiest ER in Virginia.

1. You will be asked your presenting problem.

2. You will be registered. Payment will be demanded. If you cannot pay, you will still be billed.

3. You will be triaged.

4. You will wait for hours because you are a dumbass who comes to an ER for a sore throat.

5. You will see a mid-level provider...not a doctor. That means a PA or NP. They will be irritated you have wasted their time coming to an ER for a sore throat. You have probably been waiting 5-6 hours at this point.

6. You will be discharged. If you did not pay during the registration process you will be billed. If you do not pay within 60 days, you will be sent to collections.

That is it. You have been informed.


Ignorant leftards love to spew the lies around not ever bothering to check if those myths are true EVER.

ER visits in MA INCREASED 25% after they converted to the universal healthcare - so it only increased costs exponentially.

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