To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

The echo chamber of the far right continues.

Regardless of how ACA is reformed (it won't be repealed), we will not be going back to the bad old days.

You of course, have refuted nothing Vox and I have stated because you cannot. You are entitled to your opinion, but without the direct experience or knowledge, it means next to nothing.

The ACA will vastly increase healthcare costs as Vox and I have indicated. It is a disaster. Even the main stream media seems to have come to that consensus. You obviously feel differently, but a vast tide of facts and opinion are against you.

Do not assume that Snake jockey is a real person. He/she/it is nothing but a left wing talking point repeater. He/she/it is not worth your time and effort.

come on, you know as well as I that Jake the Fake is a mainline Republican. He says it in almost all his posts. Most mainline Republicans are Obama book suckers so I believe the fake. :doubt: :doubt: :doubt: :doubt: :doubt:
The echo chamber of the far right continues.

Regardless of how ACA is reformed (it won't be repealed), we will not be going back to the bad old days.

before obozocare:

no one was denied medical care--NO ONE--even illegals were give free medical care


No one has the right to FREE HEALTHCARE

Healthcare should vae been reformed to make it affordable.



It was, just maybe not for you or me, and you always have the option to eat or not.
Just remember that it is all about branding, demographics and sales.
This is what the Democrats are peddling with their principles ... No Joke ... A special thanks to the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative and ProgressNow Colorado Education

No one has the right to FREE HEALTHCARE

Healthcare should vae been reformed to make it affordable.



yes, we agree. ACA makes it less affordable and will deny care to many people.

But you are going to encounter a large body of liberals and democrats who think that free medical care is a RIGHT. That kind of thinking got the UK and Canada into the mess that is their healthcare system, and is a major factor in the world economic mess.

FREE???? They don't mean FREE they mean take from one and give to another there is no FREE in this world. If there is a RIGHT to FREE health care then why in the hell am I being dropped next year and looking at over 10000 dollars for coverage? Where is the FREE in that. Liberals are hypocrites.

they mean FREE for THEM. they don't care about you or what you have to pay to support their voting base.
Nope, losers, we are not going back to the bad old ways.

We GOP brought this on ourselves, and now we all pay the price.
If the message is we need to try to but votes only slightly less cheaper than Dems -- forget it

Are you better off now than you were 8 years ago? We tried government running the economy and your household, how'd that work out for you?

[ame=]The Rights of Man - YouTube[/ame]

They believe in spreading the wealth. We believe in keeping our rights.

This administration has run amok.
Just remember that it is all about branding, demographics and sales.
This is what the Democrats are peddling with their principles ... No Joke ... A special thanks to the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative and ProgressNow Colorado Education

Those ads are fake right
Good post. #4 in particular. I feel like the hate for Obama has been too much of the focus. It's fine to not like him, or even hate him. But as you've pointed out, there needs to be more than that. Hate his healthcare law? Say so, but they need to also follow up with a thought out alternative plan that actually solves the issues our country is facing. "Repeal Obamacare" is not a solution to a problem we had well before Obama was ever in the picture.

But here's the problem. Hating Obama is all you guys have, really.

let's take healthcare, since you brought it up.

The first guy to offer universal insurance instead of single payer? Richard Nixon!

The people who suggested an individual mandate instead of single payer? The Heritage Foundation in the 1990's.

Oh, wait, who was the first guy who actually IMPLEMENTED these ideas on a state wide level? Mitt Romney!

And then the black guy decided, "Okay, let's go with your plan since I can't get a public option or medicare buy in to cover the gaps." (Incidently, either one would have solved all the problems we are currenlty having.)

And suddenly- you guys hate it.. Because Obama suggested it!

Damn it! Foiled again! You've exposed us. It's all because Obama is a negro. :lmao:

90% of what motivates you people is racism.

Frankly, I used to think the left was nuts at Bush and the Right was nuts about Clinton, but the batshittery has taken on a whole new turn with Obama.
But here's the problem. Hating Obama is all you guys have, really.

let's take healthcare, since you brought it up.

The first guy to offer universal insurance instead of single payer? Richard Nixon!

The people who suggested an individual mandate instead of single payer? The Heritage Foundation in the 1990's.

Oh, wait, who was the first guy who actually IMPLEMENTED these ideas on a state wide level? Mitt Romney!

And then the black guy decided, "Okay, let's go with your plan since I can't get a public option or medicare buy in to cover the gaps." (Incidently, either one would have solved all the problems we are currenlty having.)

And suddenly- you guys hate it.. Because Obama suggested it!

Damn it! Foiled again! You've exposed us. It's all because Obama is a negro. :lmao:

90% of what motivates you people is racism.

Frankly, I used to think the left was nuts at Bush and the Right was nuts about Clinton, but the batshittery has taken on a whole new turn with Obama.

Really guy? Sarcastic remarks and you take them seriously? Wow. Always looking for the victim card.
3 things that the republicans need to do to win back national power.
1. Pass a enforcement/amnesty bill--->helps you get back near the 44-45% Bush got within the Hispanic population.
2. Drop your fight against birth control--->This is hurting you with woman.
3. Drop your oppossion against gays. Who fucking cares?
But here's the problem. Hating Obama is all you guys have, really.

let's take healthcare, since you brought it up.

The first guy to offer universal insurance instead of single payer? Richard Nixon!

The people who suggested an individual mandate instead of single payer? The Heritage Foundation in the 1990's.

Oh, wait, who was the first guy who actually IMPLEMENTED these ideas on a state wide level? Mitt Romney!

And then the black guy decided, "Okay, let's go with your plan since I can't get a public option or medicare buy in to cover the gaps." (Incidently, either one would have solved all the problems we are currenlty having.)

And suddenly- you guys hate it.. Because Obama suggested it!

Damn it! Foiled again! You've exposed us. It's all because Obama is a negro. :lmao:

90% of what motivates you people is racism.

Frankly, I used to think the left was nuts at Bush and the Right was nuts about Clinton, but the batshittery has taken on a whole new turn with Obama.

you are such an idiot sometimes, it is unbelievable :lol:
3 things that the republicans need to do to win back national power.

1. Pass a enforcement/amnesty bill--->helps you get back near the 44-45% Bush got within the Hispanic population.

2. Drop your fight against birth control--->This is hurting you with woman.

3. Drop your oppossion against gays. Who fucking cares?

1. Republicans aren't going to pass an amnesty bill. Their constituents would vote them out the next election losing the gains they might make.

2. The lines of the birth control fight have been skewed. Republicans are against forced birth control. (Not to mention single males must now pay for maternity coverage. Unrelated I know)

3. I agree. Personal freedoms are hard to fight for when you oppress so many people.
Damn it! Foiled again! You've exposed us. It's all because Obama is a negro. :lmao:

90% of what motivates you people is racism.

Frankly, I used to think the left was nuts at Bush and the Right was nuts about Clinton, but the batshittery has taken on a whole new turn with Obama.

you are such an idiot sometimes, it is unbelievable :lol:

No, idiocy is Sarah Palin comparing deficit spending with slavery, and then claiming it's not racist.
Slavery is about control...

So I guess within there mind they're talking about cost of the interest will be kind of like slavery to our children.

I'd say driving over broken bridges, failed schools and a collapsed science infrastructure is probably worse.

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