To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

Yeah, pretty much what I'd expect from a quack...

...pompously proclaims the idiot stuck in the soviet propaganda lies circa 1982 :lmao:


Frankly, used to be a Republican, until my ex-boss fired me for getting sick and said, "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with a union."

Fact is, ObamaCare is going to be immensely popular, which is why it terrifies the GOP so much.


one more fakey "republican"

lying is ingrained into any leftard, plus the inability to hide their own stupidity :lol:

fact is we have never had such an epic fail in the WH as we have now
...pompously proclaims the idiot stuck in the soviet propaganda lies circa 1982 :lmao:


Frankly, used to be a Republican, until my ex-boss fired me for getting sick and said, "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with a union."

Fact is, ObamaCare is going to be immensely popular, which is why it terrifies the GOP so much.


one more fakey "republican"

lying is ingrained into any leftard, plus the inability to hide their own stupidity :lol:

fact is we have never had such an epic fail in the WH as we have now

You mean except for bush.

Frankly, when Bush became president, we had surpluses, peace, prosperity, 3% unemployment.

When he left, we had wars, ruined cities, huge deficits, 10% unemployment...

that's EPIC FAIL.

I just can't see how any sane person can say, "Wow, Bush was doing a great job, and then Obama came along."

Frankly, used to be a Republican, until my ex-boss fired me for getting sick and said, "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with a union."

Fact is, ObamaCare is going to be immensely popular, which is why it terrifies the GOP so much.


one more fakey "republican"

lying is ingrained into any leftard, plus the inability to hide their own stupidity :lol:

fact is we have never had such an epic fail in the WH as we have now

You mean except for bush.

Frankly, when Bush became president, we had surpluses, peace, prosperity, 3% unemployment.

When he left, we had wars, ruined cities, huge deficits, 10% unemployment...

that's EPIC FAIL.

I just can't see how any sane person can say, "Wow, Bush was doing a great job, and then Obama came along."

Bush was an OK president.

The failure we have in the WH now is the worst failure in American history - EPIC FAILURE :D

Frankly, used to be a Republican, until my ex-boss fired me for getting sick and said, "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with a union."

Fact is, ObamaCare is going to be immensely popular, which is why it terrifies the GOP so much.


one more fakey "republican"

lying is ingrained into any leftard, plus the inability to hide their own stupidity :lol:

fact is we have never had such an epic fail in the WH as we have now

You mean except for bush.

Frankly, when Bush became president, we had surpluses, peace, prosperity, 3% unemployment.

When he left, we had wars, ruined cities, huge deficits, 10% unemployment...

that's EPIC FAIL.

I just can't see how any sane person can say, "Wow, Bush was doing a great job, and then Obama came along."

Another retreat to the bushes ... A great place to find a little cover while you regroup and attempt to make another attack ... Before getting beat down and retreating again.

3 things that the republicans need to do to win back national power.
1. Pass a enforcement/amnesty bill--->helps you get back near the 44-45% Bush got within the Hispanic population.
2. Drop your fight against birth control--->This is hurting you with woman.
3. Drop your oppossion against gays. Who fucking cares?

  1. It's a liberal myth that Hispanics are all that concerned about amnesty for illegals.
  2. Republicans haven't opposed birth control, that I'm aware of.
  3. Opposing gay marriage doesn't equate to opposing gays.

How about opposing the repeal of DADT
or Opposing the recent bill against firing someone because they are gay?

Staunch opposition to Planned Parenthood, passing BS restrictions on abortion clinics such as the number of parking spaces it must have and the width of hallways in the clinic

Bripat...why do YOU oppose gay marriage when it, in no way, affects you?

one more fakey "republican"

lying is ingrained into any leftard, plus the inability to hide their own stupidity :lol:

fact is we have never had such an epic fail in the WH as we have now

You mean except for bush.

Frankly, when Bush became president, we had surpluses, peace, prosperity, 3% unemployment.

When he left, we had wars, ruined cities, huge deficits, 10% unemployment...

that's EPIC FAIL.

I just can't see how any sane person can say, "Wow, Bush was doing a great job, and then Obama came along."

Another retreat to the bushes ... A great place to find a little cover while you regroup and attempt to make another attack ... Before getting beat down and retreating again.


well, if there is nothing left in the defense of the epic fail in the WH now, the old adagio "but booooooosh" gets dusted :lol:

Frankly, used to be a Republican, until my ex-boss fired me for getting sick and said, "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with a union."

Fact is, ObamaCare is going to be immensely popular, which is why it terrifies the GOP so much.


one more fakey "republican"

lying is ingrained into any leftard, plus the inability to hide their own stupidity :lol:

fact is we have never had such an epic fail in the WH as we have now

You mean except for bush.

Frankly, when Bush became president, we had surpluses, peace, prosperity, 3% unemployment.

When he left, we had wars, ruined cities, huge deficits, 10% unemployment...

that's EPIC FAIL.

I just can't see how any sane person can say, "Wow, Bush was doing a great job, and then Obama came along."

I guess you forgot about the 9/11 attacks. Did Bush cause them too?

one more fakey "republican"

lying is ingrained into any leftard, plus the inability to hide their own stupidity :lol:

fact is we have never had such an epic fail in the WH as we have now

You mean except for bush.

Frankly, when Bush became president, we had surpluses, peace, prosperity, 3% unemployment.

When he left, we had wars, ruined cities, huge deficits, 10% unemployment...

that's EPIC FAIL.

I just can't see how any sane person can say, "Wow, Bush was doing a great job, and then Obama came along."

I guess you forgot about the 9/11 attacks. Did Bush cause them too?

Why did Bush slash taxes to pay for 9/11 and his two wars?
You know, If the democrats had only listened to the Tea Party and negotiated, they could have save themselves a lot of embarrasment. Shutting down the government was cheap compared to what it will cost to fix this mess the democrats rolled out.
You mean except for bush.

Frankly, when Bush became president, we had surpluses, peace, prosperity, 3% unemployment.

When he left, we had wars, ruined cities, huge deficits, 10% unemployment...

that's EPIC FAIL.

I just can't see how any sane person can say, "Wow, Bush was doing a great job, and then Obama came along."

I guess you forgot about the 9/11 attacks. Did Bush cause them too?

Why did Bush slash taxes to pay for 9/11 and his two wars?

It is a shame what GWB did and what 9/11, the y2k wind down and the dotcom crash did to the economy. GWB lead us out of Clinton's recession and the named events and we suffered little. Yes, the debt increased but what is to be expected? And remember according to Obama Afghanistan was the good war, hell he loves it so much he can't seem to end it.

Any way look at the percentage changes in the recp. and expenditures:
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Yeah, pretty much what I'd expect from a quack...

...pompously proclaims the idiot stuck in the soviet propaganda lies circa 1982 :lmao:


Frankly, used to be a Republican, until my ex-boss fired me for getting sick and said, "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with a union."

Fact is, ObamaCare is going to be immensely popular, which is why it terrifies the GOP so much.

the only think about obamcare that terrifies the republicans is the absolute mess it has made of the healthcare industry and the astronomical cost associated with its failure.

its time for you to spit out your bitter pill and man up. this country wasn't made great by whiners and people who aren't willing to stand on their own two feet.
I guess you forgot about the 9/11 attacks. Did Bush cause them too?

Why did Bush slash taxes to pay for 9/11 and his two wars?

It is a shame what GWB did and what 9/11, the y2k wind down and the dotcom crash did to the economy. GWB lead us out of Clinton's recession and the named events and we suffered little. Yes, the debt increased but what is to be expected? And remember according to Obama Afghanistan was the good war, hell he loves it so much he can't seem to end it.

Any way look at the percentage changes in the recp. and expenditures:

Bush used the budget surplus Clinton gave him and used it as an excuse to cut taxes. A temporary surplus which justified ten years of tax cuts for the wealthy
But here's the problem. Hating Obama is all you guys have, really.

let's take healthcare, since you brought it up.

The first guy to offer universal insurance instead of single payer? Richard Nixon!

The people who suggested an individual mandate instead of single payer? The Heritage Foundation in the 1990's.

Oh, wait, who was the first guy who actually IMPLEMENTED these ideas on a state wide level? Mitt Romney!

And then the black guy decided, "Okay, let's go with your plan since I can't get a public option or medicare buy in to cover the gaps." (Incidently, either one would have solved all the problems we are currenlty having.)

And suddenly- you guys hate it.. Because Obama suggested it!

Damn it! Foiled again! You've exposed us. It's all because Obama is a negro. :lmao:

90% of what motivates you people is racism.

Frankly, I used to think the left was nuts at Bush and the Right was nuts about Clinton, but the batshittery has taken on a whole new turn with Obama.

100% of what motivates you people is head up your ass stoopidity.

The black, Indian, Asain and Hispanic kids I work with in Boy Scouts would sure be surprised to hear how racist I am. I guess I have them fooled. Asshat.
Why did Bush slash taxes to pay for 9/11 and his two wars?

It is a shame what GWB did and what 9/11, the y2k wind down and the dotcom crash did to the economy. GWB lead us out of Clinton's recession and the named events and we suffered little. Yes, the debt increased but what is to be expected? And remember according to Obama Afghanistan was the good war, hell he loves it so much he can't seem to end it.

Any way look at the percentage changes in the recp. and expenditures:

Bush used the budget surplus Clinton gave him and used it as an excuse to cut taxes. A temporary surplus which justified ten years of tax cuts for the wealthy

Clinton didn't give anybody anything. The repeal of Steagle-Glass Act caused the housing bubble to collapse in only ten years. Clinton fought to have private monies treated as securities do bankers could profit off of everyone's losses.

The only president who truly had no debt during his presidency was Andrew Jackson. He abolished the private bank the bankers controlled and returned the printing of money to congress. Then Woodrow Wilson like a douche gave us the Fed in 1913. Debt skyrockets ever since.
We have tried the Vox and Black Sand approach before and lost.

Now we are going to do it fully the GOP mainstream approach and they can get on the train or be left at the station.
Why did Bush slash taxes to pay for 9/11 and his two wars?

It is a shame what GWB did and what 9/11, the y2k wind down and the dotcom crash did to the economy. GWB lead us out of Clinton's recession and the named events and we suffered little. Yes, the debt increased but what is to be expected? And remember according to Obama Afghanistan was the good war, hell he loves it so much he can't seem to end it.

Any way look at the percentage changes in the recp. and expenditures:

Bush used the budget surplus Clinton gave him and used it as an excuse to cut taxes. A temporary surplus which justified ten years of tax cuts for the wealthy

Just a few corrections:

the so-called clinton surplus was an accounting trick.
the Bush tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, not just the rich
Obama continued the Bush tax rates because even a raving liberal knew that they were helping the economy
You mean except for bush.

Frankly, when Bush became president, we had surpluses, peace, prosperity, 3% unemployment.

When he left, we had wars, ruined cities, huge deficits, 10% unemployment...

that's EPIC FAIL.

I just can't see how any sane person can say, "Wow, Bush was doing a great job, and then Obama came along."

I guess you forgot about the 9/11 attacks. Did Bush cause them too?

Why did Bush slash taxes to pay for 9/11 and his two wars?

to get us out of Clinton recession.
And he did
You mean except for bush.

Frankly, when Bush became president, we had surpluses, peace, prosperity, 3% unemployment.

When he left, we had wars, ruined cities, huge deficits, 10% unemployment...

that's EPIC FAIL.

I just can't see how any sane person can say, "Wow, Bush was doing a great job, and then Obama came along."

I guess you forgot about the 9/11 attacks. Did Bush cause them too?

Why did Bush slash taxes to pay for 9/11 and his two wars?

"his" two wars? congress authorized and funded both of those fiascos. Dems and pubs both voted for them. Bush did not, and could not, do it on his own.

both parties have blood on their hands and are responsible for the deaths of american kids and the waste of billions of dollars.

to blame it all on one person is the height of partisan bullshit.

It is a shame what GWB did and what 9/11, the y2k wind down and the dotcom crash did to the economy. GWB lead us out of Clinton's recession and the named events and we suffered little. Yes, the debt increased but what is to be expected? And remember according to Obama Afghanistan was the good war, hell he loves it so much he can't seem to end it.

Any way look at the percentage changes in the recp. and expenditures:

Bush used the budget surplus Clinton gave him and used it as an excuse to cut taxes. A temporary surplus which justified ten years of tax cuts for the wealthy

Just a few corrections:

the so-called clinton surplus was an accounting trick.
the Bush tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, not just the rich
Obama continued the Bush tax rates because even a raving liberal knew that they were helping the economy

Bush himself declared he had a surplus and grandstanded that he was "giving the money back to the people who paid it" In reality, he was borrowing to pay for that tax cut

Everyone got a tax cut. But due to the huge disparity in income, those in the top 3% saw most of the money from that tax cut

Obama continued the Bush tax rates because he was weak and allowed himself to be bullied by Republicans who were holding unemployment benefits hostage. He learned a valuable lesson about giving in to extortion though

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