To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

I have been thinking about doing this post for a long time, and really didn't know how to approach it. I know those on the left will use it as a tool to bash those on the right, but that would be a mistake. This is what I think the Republicans need to do in order to win national elections.

1. Be Inclusive. The message should always be the Republican Party represents all people, whether they are currently voting for you are not. It is completely stupid to me that Blacks vote 95% Democrat, particularly when you see what the Democrats have not done for blacks over the years...but you cannot concede any vote, and you have to reach out to everyone.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda. America is a center/right Country. Americans are generally tolerant people. If you are strongly Christian and those values inform your life, that's great. But not everyone sees the world the way you do, and not everyone wants your values shoved down their throat. When the Republican Party becomes about sticking wands up a woman's vagina, and talking about "legitimate rape," you've lost just about everyone in America.

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically. Stop with the RINO bullshit. Ideologically pure candidates have never gotten elected to National office. Dennis Kucinich anyone? Republicans have always stood for limited Government, self-reliance, a strong national defense, and fiscal responsibility. That should encompass a big tent. Stop excluding people because they are not pure enough. That is crazy and stupid. A guy like Peter King fits that definition. Chris Christie fits that definition. Lindsey Graham fits that definition. If they are not pure enough for you...consider the alternative. Obummer or Hillary? Get off your high horse.

4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. Let me be clear. I hate fucking Obama. He is the worst President in my lifetime. His policies are destroying America. I loathe the man. Many of you feel the same way. However, the Republican Party needs to be about more than Hating Obama. While the hatred is have to present a positive alternative or it just comes across as bitter and spiteful.

Okay folks. That's it. Have fun tearing this apart. :)

Get rid of the right wing SOCIAL nutcases--that only want to talk about things where nothing can be done anyway. IE: Abortion--Gay rights.

Stop bashing women on birth control crap--

Be inclusive of everyone.

And only promote FISCAL conservatism within government.
Damn it! Foiled again! You've exposed us. It's all because Obama is a negro. :lmao:

90% of what motivates you people is racism.

Frankly, I used to think the left was nuts at Bush and the Right was nuts about Clinton, but the batshittery has taken on a whole new turn with Obama.

100% of what motivates you people is head up your ass stoopidity.

The black, Indian, Asain and Hispanic kids I work with in Boy Scouts would sure be surprised to hear how racist I am. I guess I have them fooled. Asshat.

Joe is a bigot because he discriminates against Mormons. He blacklists them and refuses to do business with Mormons because of their faith. True story.

Remember that when he tosses around the racist charge.
Actually, you didn't explain anything other than we have a huge disparity in wealth in this country. 40% of the country controls two tenths of the wealth. 1% of the country controls 38% of the wealth
Any tax cut will benefit the guys with 38% of our wealth alot more than the guys who have two tenths

Bush tax cuts were a gift to the wealthy

Yes, a guy with a 100K tax bill saves more dollars from a 5% cut than the guy with a 10K tax bill---------BFD, the rich guy is still paying 10 times more.

the gap between rich and poor has grown during obama's admin, guess he must love the rich more than Bush did.

You are stupid, Redfish, displaying an incredible unwillingness to look at facts critically.

This is not a lack of intelligence on your part, just a refusal to look at facts.

Bush borrowed to finance the war.

The gap between rich and poor continue because of the Reagan-Bush tax policies.

And the guy who is paying more taxes is living far better than the schmuck paying 1/10th of his wages as taxes.

We get it. Bush is responsible for everything that has happened in the world for the last 50 years. We understand.

If the Reagan/Bush tax policies were so terrible why didn't obama change them in his first two years when he had both houses and could do anything he wanted? Could it be that even the flaming liberal obama realized that those policies were the only thing keeping the economy from a total crash?

and yes, a guy making 500K lives better than a guy making 50K. so what? Are you going to tell Oprah to give up 98% of her income so some welfare Mom can buy a BMW?

What exactly is it that you libs want?
I have been thinking about doing this post for a long time, and really didn't know how to approach it. I know those on the left will use it as a tool to bash those on the right, but that would be a mistake. This is what I think the Republicans need to do in order to win national elections.

1. Be Inclusive. The message should always be the Republican Party represents all people, whether they are currently voting for you are not. It is completely stupid to me that Blacks vote 95% Democrat, particularly when you see what the Democrats have not done for blacks over the years...but you cannot concede any vote, and you have to reach out to everyone.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda. America is a center/right Country. Americans are generally tolerant people. If you are strongly Christian and those values inform your life, that's great. But not everyone sees the world the way you do, and not everyone wants your values shoved down their throat. When the Republican Party becomes about sticking wands up a woman's vagina, and talking about "legitimate rape," you've lost just about everyone in America.

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically. Stop with the RINO bullshit. Ideologically pure candidates have never gotten elected to National office. Dennis Kucinich anyone? Republicans have always stood for limited Government, self-reliance, a strong national defense, and fiscal responsibility. That should encompass a big tent. Stop excluding people because they are not pure enough. That is crazy and stupid. A guy like Peter King fits that definition. Chris Christie fits that definition. Lindsey Graham fits that definition. If they are not pure enough for you...consider the alternative. Obummer or Hillary? Get off your high horse.

4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. Let me be clear. I hate fucking Obama. He is the worst President in my lifetime. His policies are destroying America. I loathe the man. Many of you feel the same way. However, the Republican Party needs to be about more than Hating Obama. While the hatred is have to present a positive alternative or it just comes across as bitter and spiteful.

Okay folks. That's it. Have fun tearing this apart. :)

Get rid of the right wing SOCIAL nutcases--that only want to talk about things where nothing can be done anyway. IE: Abortion--Gay rights.

Stop bashing women on birth control crap--

Be inclusive of everyone.

And only promote FISCAL conservatism within government.

said another way, you want half of the population to give up their ideas of what is moral, ethical, and right so that you can live in a world where anything goes.

abortion is murder
gay marriage is wrong
abortion is not birth control, condoms and pills are birth control
inclusive does not mean special priviledges for some

I do agree that we need fiscal conservatism in govt.
Actually, you didn't explain anything other than we have a huge disparity in wealth in this country. 40% of the country controls two tenths of the wealth. 1% of the country controls 38% of the wealth
Any tax cut will benefit the guys with 38% of our wealth alot more than the guys who have two tenths

Bush tax cuts were a gift to the wealthy

Yes, a guy with a 100K tax bill saves more dollars from a 5% cut than the guy with a 10K tax bill---------BFD, the rich guy is still paying 10 times more.

the gap between rich and poor has grown during obama's admin, guess he must love the rich more than Bush did.

You are stupid, Redfish, displaying an incredible unwillingness to look at facts critically.

This is not a lack of intelligence on your part, just a refusal to look at facts.

Bush borrowed to finance the war.

The gap between rich and poor continue because of the Reagan-Bush tax policies.

And the guy who is paying more taxes is living far better than the schmuck paying 1/10th of his wages as taxes.

The gap between the rich and poor is pure liberal operative BS. If we look at the difference in percentage then naturally if everyone's income goes up by the same percent then the gap will widen. But of course with the last seven years of democrat rule the lower class has taken a hit that and the rich have been taken care of. Any way, maybe Bush did borrow to finance the war, but since Iraq wrapped up where is the excess and where did Obama spend so much more money then Bush? Facts be the facts.

Congress approved of granting the authority to invade if the President thought it was necessary, with most Democrats saying no.
Bush, and Bush alone (OK maybe it was Cheney) decided to invade

The UN did not support the invasion and asked for more time. They were denied

The MAJORITY of the Senate dems said YAY. MAJORITY. And almost half of dems in the House also said yay - 40%. That is a whopping BIPARTISAN support of the decision to go to war, no matter how much you want to spin it.

No bill in obama era has such an impressive bipartisan support, than Iraq decision :lol:
Not even one.

and the signature failure obama legislation did not get even one republican vote.
Because it was destined to be a failure

Republicans are dicks....we know that

leftards are barinwashed morons in the pockets of big business - we know that, too
I have been thinking about doing this post for a long time, and really didn't know how to approach it. I know those on the left will use it as a tool to bash those on the right, but that would be a mistake. This is what I think the Republicans need to do in order to win national elections.

1. Be Inclusive. The message should always be the Republican Party represents all people, whether they are currently voting for you are not. It is completely stupid to me that Blacks vote 95% Democrat, particularly when you see what the Democrats have not done for blacks over the years...but you cannot concede any vote, and you have to reach out to everyone.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda. America is a center/right Country. Americans are generally tolerant people. If you are strongly Christian and those values inform your life, that's great. But not everyone sees the world the way you do, and not everyone wants your values shoved down their throat. When the Republican Party becomes about sticking wands up a woman's vagina, and talking about "legitimate rape," you've lost just about everyone in America.

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically. Stop with the RINO bullshit. Ideologically pure candidates have never gotten elected to National office. Dennis Kucinich anyone? Republicans have always stood for limited Government, self-reliance, a strong national defense, and fiscal responsibility. That should encompass a big tent. Stop excluding people because they are not pure enough. That is crazy and stupid. A guy like Peter King fits that definition. Chris Christie fits that definition. Lindsey Graham fits that definition. If they are not pure enough for you...consider the alternative. Obummer or Hillary? Get off your high horse.

4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. Let me be clear. I hate fucking Obama. He is the worst President in my lifetime. His policies are destroying America. I loathe the man. Many of you feel the same way. However, the Republican Party needs to be about more than Hating Obama. While the hatred is have to present a positive alternative or it just comes across as bitter and spiteful.

Okay folks. That's it. Have fun tearing this apart. :)

Get rid of the right wing SOCIAL nutcases--that only want to talk about things where nothing can be done anyway. IE: Abortion--Gay rights.

Stop bashing women on birth control crap--

Be inclusive of everyone.

And only promote FISCAL conservatism within government.

said another way, you want half of the population to give up their ideas of what is moral, ethical, and right so that you can live in a world where anything goes.

abortion is murder
gay marriage is wrong

abortion is not birth control, condoms and pills are birth control
inclusive does not mean special priviledges for some

I do agree that we need fiscal conservatism in govt.

Red, you are not God. The two things highlighted above are your personal beliefs. I respect that. But we do not live in a theocracy. How about this: I, and other American's respect your beliefs....and you respect their beliefs? America was built on religious freedom and tolerance. Republicans need to echo those values.
Get rid of the right wing SOCIAL nutcases--that only want to talk about things where nothing can be done anyway. IE: Abortion--Gay rights.

Stop bashing women on birth control crap--

Be inclusive of everyone.

And only promote FISCAL conservatism within government.

said another way, you want half of the population to give up their ideas of what is moral, ethical, and right so that you can live in a world where anything goes.

abortion is murder
gay marriage is wrong

abortion is not birth control, condoms and pills are birth control
inclusive does not mean special priviledges for some

I do agree that we need fiscal conservatism in govt.

Red, you are not God. The two things highlighted above are your personal beliefs. I respect that. But we do not live in a theocracy. How about this: I, and other American's respect your beliefs....and you respect their beliefs? America was built on religious freedom and tolerance. Republicans need to echo those values.

What in the hell does abortion have to do with a theocracy? What is the difference between a child one minute old and a child one minute from birth? Or do you think being against infanticide a religious decision? Does a person have to be religious to oppose gay marriage? First all before the laws are changed there is no such thing as gay marriage. Secondly there is financial considerations in changing the law and definition of marriage.

But I am glad you admit to knowing God.
Get rid of the right wing SOCIAL nutcases--that only want to talk about things where nothing can be done anyway. IE: Abortion--Gay rights.

Stop bashing women on birth control crap--

Be inclusive of everyone.

And only promote FISCAL conservatism within government.

said another way, you want half of the population to give up their ideas of what is moral, ethical, and right so that you can live in a world where anything goes.

abortion is murder
gay marriage is wrong

abortion is not birth control, condoms and pills are birth control
inclusive does not mean special priviledges for some

I do agree that we need fiscal conservatism in govt.

Red, you are not God. The two things highlighted above are your personal beliefs. I respect that. But we do not live in a theocracy. How about this: I, and other American's respect your beliefs....and you respect their beliefs? America was built on religious freedom and tolerance. Republicans need to echo those values.

I agree completely, but what we have today is the left FORCING their beliefs on the rest of us. At a minimum there should be a public referendum on these issues with the majority vote being the rule.

No, I am not God or anywhere close. But if you believe in God then you must believe in his teachings which are found in every religion in the world. all religions consider abortion murder and all religions ban homosexual marriage.

The majority belief should prevail if we truly live in a democratic republic.
said another way, you want half of the population to give up their ideas of what is moral, ethical, and right so that you can live in a world where anything goes.

abortion is murder
gay marriage is wrong

abortion is not birth control, condoms and pills are birth control
inclusive does not mean special priviledges for some

I do agree that we need fiscal conservatism in govt.

Red, you are not God. The two things highlighted above are your personal beliefs. I respect that. But we do not live in a theocracy. How about this: I, and other American's respect your beliefs....and you respect their beliefs? America was built on religious freedom and tolerance. Republicans need to echo those values.

I agree completely, but what we have today is the left FORCING their beliefs on the rest of us. At a minimum there should be a public referendum on these issues with the majority vote being the rule.

No, I am not God or anywhere close. But if you believe in God then you must believe in his teachings which are found in every religion in the world. all religions consider abortion murder and all religions ban homosexual marriage.

The majority belief should prevail if we truly live in a democratic republic.

Red, you and I agree. I find abortion personally repellant. I do not see how it is compatible within anyone's sincere religious beliefs. I think it would be impossible.

I respect anyone's sincere religious beliefs, as long as those beliefs do not advocate violence against others. I just personally believe (not fact..just my opinion) that the Republican Party can be true to its values and still be tolerant as the Founders intended (i.e. religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of thought).

It is definitely okay to stand up for your principles. I do not like it when others attempt to shove their beliefs down my throat. That is my only point.
back to the OP. what should the GOP do?

Nothing, sit back, relax, and watch the dems allow obama to destroy their party.
Get rid of the right wing SOCIAL nutcases--that only want to talk about things where nothing can be done anyway. IE: Abortion--Gay rights.

Stop bashing women on birth control crap--

Be inclusive of everyone.

And only promote FISCAL conservatism within government.

said another way, you want half of the population to give up their ideas of what is moral, ethical, and right so that you can live in a world where anything goes.

abortion is murder
gay marriage is wrong

abortion is not birth control, condoms and pills are birth control
inclusive does not mean special priviledges for some

I do agree that we need fiscal conservatism in govt.

Red, you are not God. The two things highlighted above are your personal beliefs. I respect that. But we do not live in a theocracy. How about this: I, and other American's respect your beliefs....and you respect their beliefs? America was built on religious freedom and tolerance. Republicans need to echo those values.

The view of abortion being murder has nothing to do with religion.....although many religions do have a view on it. Taking an innocent life is taking an innocent life. Tell me, would you view a hit and run differently if the person driving the car couldn't see the person they ran over and drove away from? You could tell yourself that it's different because that lump of life you hit might have been a bag of leafs on the road or an armadillo instead of a person.......but there is still a dead person lying in the road behind your car.
They are cannabalizing each other right now. This is just the beginning. The website deadline of November 30th will not be met. That is when all hell will break loose.

The Republicans just need to get the hell out of the way and watch the Democrats eat their own. It is going to get real, real ugly...and stay ugly for a long time.
said another way, you want half of the population to give up their ideas of what is moral, ethical, and right so that you can live in a world where anything goes.

abortion is murder
gay marriage is wrong

abortion is not birth control, condoms and pills are birth control
inclusive does not mean special priviledges for some

I do agree that we need fiscal conservatism in govt.

Red, you are not God. The two things highlighted above are your personal beliefs. I respect that. But we do not live in a theocracy. How about this: I, and other American's respect your beliefs....and you respect their beliefs? America was built on religious freedom and tolerance. Republicans need to echo those values.

I agree completely, but what we have today is the left FORCING their beliefs on the rest of us. At a minimum there should be a public referendum on these issues with the majority vote being the rule.

No, I am not God or anywhere close. But if you believe in God then you must believe in his teachings which are found in every religion in the world. all religions consider abortion murder and all religions ban homosexual marriage.

The majority belief should prevail if we truly live in a democratic republic.

So if we put a referendum on the ballot that men should be castrated at the age of 25 and it somehow passed, we should go through with it...right?'s the majority rule, right?
Yes, a guy with a 100K tax bill saves more dollars from a 5% cut than the guy with a 10K tax bill---------BFD, the rich guy is still paying 10 times more.

the gap between rich and poor has grown during obama's admin, guess he must love the rich more than Bush did.

You are stupid, Redfish, displaying an incredible unwillingness to look at facts critically.

This is not a lack of intelligence on your part, just a refusal to look at facts.

Bush borrowed to finance the war.

The gap between rich and poor continue because of the Reagan-Bush tax policies.

And the guy who is paying more taxes is living far better than the schmuck paying 1/10th of his wages as taxes.

The gap is solely due to taxes?

How about we attribute some of that gap between rich and poor due to crony capitalism, and things like the gov't turning a blind eye on fraud after criminals wrecked the stock market in 2008. Obama has not sent a single Wall Street official to jail since the crash despite widespread, proven fraud - what kind of message does that send?

Or what about the fact that the Fed, under Obama's tenure, continues to bailout the banks with no end in sight. We print $50+ billion a month.

How come no one addresses these sorts of things?

None of which excuses GOP cooperation and crony capitalism and sucking industry's dick.

We need to do better.

We mainstream right of center GOP need to serve the people, of which the socons and TeaPs are less than 20%.

The Redfish of this nation is not going to force their small minority way on the rest of us.
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You are stupid, Redfish, displaying an incredible unwillingness to look at facts critically.

This is not a lack of intelligence on your part, just a refusal to look at facts.

Bush borrowed to finance the war.

The gap between rich and poor continue because of the Reagan-Bush tax policies.

And the guy who is paying more taxes is living far better than the schmuck paying 1/10th of his wages as taxes.

The gap is solely due to taxes?

How about we attribute some of that gap between rich and poor due to crony capitalism, and things like the gov't turning a blind eye on fraud after criminals wrecked the stock market in 2008. Obama has not sent a single Wall Street official to jail since the crash despite widespread, proven fraud - what kind of message does that send?

Or what about the fact that the Fed, under Obama's tenure, continues to bailout the banks with no end in sight. We print $50+ billion a month.

How come no one addresses these sorts of things?

None of which excuses GOP cooperation and crony capitalism and sucking industry's dick.

We need to do better.

We mainstream right of center GOP need to serve the people, of which the socons and TeaPs are less than 20%.

The Redfish of this nation is not going to force their small minority way on the rest of us.

The Dems aren't involved in crony capitalism too? Come on!

What the heck do you call this?
Obama Signs Monsanto Protection Act
Red, you are not God. The two things highlighted above are your personal beliefs. I respect that. But we do not live in a theocracy. How about this: I, and other American's respect your beliefs....and you respect their beliefs? America was built on religious freedom and tolerance. Republicans need to echo those values.

I agree completely, but what we have today is the left FORCING their beliefs on the rest of us. At a minimum there should be a public referendum on these issues with the majority vote being the rule.

No, I am not God or anywhere close. But if you believe in God then you must believe in his teachings which are found in every religion in the world. all religions consider abortion murder and all religions ban homosexual marriage.

The majority belief should prevail if we truly live in a democratic republic.

So if we put a referendum on the ballot that men should be castrated at the age of 25 and it somehow passed, we should go through with it...right?'s the majority rule, right?

Not likely to pass, but, yes, if the majority vote for it. This is about democracy, majority rule-------not dictatorship and minority rule.

you crazy assed liberals preach about equality, but you endorse just the opposite. You endorse a system whereby all of the power and all of the money is concentrated in a tiny minority of super elites and everyone else is their pawn. You want the govt to run every aspect of your life. pathetic !
You are stupid, Redfish, displaying an incredible unwillingness to look at facts critically.

This is not a lack of intelligence on your part, just a refusal to look at facts.

Bush borrowed to finance the war.

The gap between rich and poor continue because of the Reagan-Bush tax policies.

And the guy who is paying more taxes is living far better than the schmuck paying 1/10th of his wages as taxes.

The gap is solely due to taxes?

How about we attribute some of that gap between rich and poor due to crony capitalism, and things like the gov't turning a blind eye on fraud after criminals wrecked the stock market in 2008. Obama has not sent a single Wall Street official to jail since the crash despite widespread, proven fraud - what kind of message does that send?

Or what about the fact that the Fed, under Obama's tenure, continues to bailout the banks with no end in sight. We print $50+ billion a month.

How come no one addresses these sorts of things?

None of which excuses GOP cooperation and crony capitalism and sucking industry's dick.

We need to do better.

We mainstream right of center GOP need to serve the people, of which the socons and TeaPs are less than 20%.

The Redfish of this nation is not going to force their small minority way on the rest of us.

Americans favor Tea Party principles over progressive ideas by 2-to-1 margin | The Daily Caller

sorry, but its not a minority view.
I agree completely, but what we have today is the left FORCING their beliefs on the rest of us. At a minimum there should be a public referendum on these issues with the majority vote being the rule.

No, I am not God or anywhere close. But if you believe in God then you must believe in his teachings which are found in every religion in the world. all religions consider abortion murder and all religions ban homosexual marriage.

The majority belief should prevail if we truly live in a democratic republic.

So if we put a referendum on the ballot that men should be castrated at the age of 25 and it somehow passed, we should go through with it...right?'s the majority rule, right?

Not likely to pass, but, yes, if the majority vote for it. This is about democracy, majority rule-------not dictatorship and minority rule.

So if the whites wanted to enslave blacks again and could theorehtically do it simply my majority rule standards...they could do it and you think that blacks should start riding the backs of busses once more... Do I have your position correct?

Curious; lets say that 34% vote for it, 33% vote no and 33% 34% enough to get them to pick your cotton again? Do you need a majority to vote to take away another's rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness or will a simple plurality work?


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