To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections


Woodrow Wilson giving the printing of money back to the bankers was a terrible decision he immediately regretted. Alongside that with income tax you have the money system becoming a perpetual system of debt. Way worse than trying to reform health care.

Partially, but really, every other democracy did the same thing at the same time...

I think the thing was, the nation state itself was evolving at that point, with the end of the Monarchies and the beginning of the mass state.

Europe had done it right before the US. It was a German who pushed for the creation of the Fed for 10 years. But I digress.

Instead of what Republicans can do, or Democrats can do, what about what WE can do. Here I finally find a forum of politically motivated people who enjoy political debate, but each conversation runs in circles. It should be the goal of private citizens engaged in debate to reach the common ground our failed leaders cannot.

So far I've only seen the success of the current political hierarchy dividing people who might otherwise enjoy a glass of bourbon together.
Banging on ACA is good, but we have to do more than that. We have to sincerely down play the far right angst and fauxrage and encourage a healthy and sincere outreach to women and Hispanics and minorities.

Well that is where you get into generalizations ... Probably connected to where you live.

Where I live and vote ... The ACA is joke ... We take pride in our respect for women and no BS from the Democrats will ever change that.
The Hispanics around here are illegal immigrants for the most part ... And we show a driver's license when we vote already, so they won't make a difference ... Been that way for years.

We live with minorities to the extent that it is often difficult to determine if anyone is a minority.

There aren't any Klan meetings ... We have legal immigrants from all over the world ... And get along fine when everybody acts right.
The blacks and old folks pretty much vote for Democrats ... The rest are split around 60/40 Republican give or take ... And there aren't a whole lot of wishy-washy fence riders to fall one way or the other.

I listen to you sometimes and think ... "There is no way Jake could be a Conservative" ... But then I start thinking ... "Well, I guess Jake could be a Yankee ... Or even worse, the Northwest" ... I mean that would explain it.

I like the idea of a moon being made of muenster cheese to be certain however I'm more for Town House than Ritz.

I know, and kind of figured you would go for Town House ... You know, the way you always like to help out the little people.

Banging on ACA is good, but we have to do more than that. We have to sincerely down play the far right angst and fauxrage and encourage a healthy and sincere outreach to women and Hispanics and minorities.

Well that is where you get into generalizations ... Probably connected to where you live.

Where I live and vote ... The ACA is joke ... We take pride in our respect for women and no BS from the Democrats will ever change that.
The Hispanics around here are illegal immigrants for the most part ... And we show a driver's license when we vote already, so they won't make a difference ... Been that way for years.

We live with minorities to the extent that it is often difficult to determine if anyone is a minority.

There aren't any Klan meetings ... We have legal immigrants from all over the world ... And get along fine when everybody acts right.
The blacks and old folks pretty much vote for Democrats ... The rest are split around 60/40 Republican give or take ... And there aren't a whole lot of wishy-washy fence riders to fall one way or the other.

I listen to you sometimes and think ... "There is no way Jake could be a Conservative" ... But then I start thinking ... "Well, I guess Jake could be a Yankee ... Or even worse, the Northwest" ... I mean that would explain it.


I think he's a reformed Catholic.
So if the whites wanted to enslave blacks again and could theorehtically do it simply my majority rule standards...they could do it and you think that blacks should start riding the backs of busses once more... Do I have your position correct?

So if the moon was made of cheese ... We could take a roll of Ritz crackers and have lunch ... Not mention I like my scenario better, and we wouldn't even have to vote on it.


According to Redfish, majority should rule and they should be able to impose their will upon the minority.

His words; not mine.

I like the idea of a moon being made of muenster cheese to be certain however I'm more for Town House than Ritz.

kind of like the argument libs used when they tried to push through their background check law. oh, but 90% of America wants it. majority rules.
Republican's need to earn votes.

In order to do that, you have to offer the country something worth voting for.

And for the last 8 years, Republican's haven't offered jack shit.

Republicans haven't offered healthcare reform or doubled the number of people receiving free money. Maybe if they offered more free things instead of preaching hard work they'd have more voters, you're correct. As much as I hate the Republican Party they at least believe in making your own money.

I only agree with certain social issue stances of Democrats. Republicans preach self reliance.

Both are greedy political corporations, however.
Republicans haven't offered healthcare reform or doubled the number of people receiving free money. Maybe if they offered more free things instead of preaching hard work they'd have more voters, you're correct. As much as I hate the Republican Party they at least believe in making your own money.

I only agree with certain social issue stances of Democrats. Republicans preach self reliance.

Both are greedy political corporations, however.
Republican's need to understand they have to do something "for" the country, not "to" the country, if they expect to win votes.
Republicans haven't offered healthcare reform or doubled the number of people receiving free money. Maybe if they offered more free things instead of preaching hard work they'd have more voters, you're correct. As much as I hate the Republican Party they at least believe in making your own money.

I only agree with certain social issue stances of Democrats. Republicans preach self reliance.

Both are greedy political corporations, however.
Republican's need to understand they have to do something "for" the country, not "to" the country, if they expect to win votes.

That doesn't mean handouts or terrible access to health insurance.

Let's lower taxes and reduce spending. Pass a budget just to change things up.
No, idiocy is Sarah Palin comparing deficit spending with slavery, and then claiming it's not racist.

Sarah Palin is who? a private citizen who makes money on enraging the duped leftards by teasing them with provocative statements.

what does she have to do with your idiocy about racism of this failure in the WH?

Sorry, failure is getting us into two wars, causing two recessions, and letting a major city get washed out to Sea because your FEMA director's main qualification was running horse shows.

That would be your boy Bush.

Meanwhile, Obama killed Bin Laden, got us out of Iraq, turned the economy around, won a re-election and, oh, yeah, reformed health care.

Which is no doubt making the racists nuts.

Let's not forget when Obama allowed the biggest oil disaster to reach the shores of the gulf coast, because those countries offering help weren't union. Then after the cleanup, when those businesses depended upon the need to bring back vacation tourism the most, this president "for the middle class" chose the rich comforts of Martha's Vineyard instead.

Incidentally, you can't put all your focus on what needs to get done to prevent the largest environmental disaster in United States history from reaching the coast, when you're too busy touring the country stirring the war drum of blaming oil companies. He made the choice of which is to become the greater priority at that time.
Bobby Jindal, just saying.

As a Conservative resident in the State of Louisiana ... Don't get fooled by Bobby Jindal for one second.

He says the right things ... Will promise whatever sounds good to get elected ... But when he gets into office, he is far from a Conservative.
He gets behind legislation that will get him headlines on the national scene ... And peddles politics out of the mansion like Slick Willy did in Arkansas and the White House.

Governor Jindal is worse than John McCain ... Because he can actually make you believe it.

If you wonder why he got re-elected ... Then you only have to look at who he was running against ... Tara Hollis, a school teacher turned politician from Haynesville ... That couldn't beat a egg with a hammer.

So if the moon was made of cheese ... We could take a roll of Ritz crackers and have lunch ... Not mention I like my scenario better, and we wouldn't even have to vote on it.


According to Redfish, majority should rule and they should be able to impose their will upon the minority.

His words; not mine.

I like the idea of a moon being made of muenster cheese to be certain however I'm more for Town House than Ritz.

kind of like the argument libs used when they tried to push through their background check law. oh, but 90% of America wants it. majority rules.

And it would be just as wrong to hold a national referendum because of a disagreement with congressional action, right skippy?
According to Redfish, majority should rule and they should be able to impose their will upon the minority.

His words; not mine.

I like the idea of a moon being made of muenster cheese to be certain however I'm more for Town House than Ritz.

kind of like the argument libs used when they tried to push through their background check law. oh, but 90% of America wants it. majority rules.

And it would be just as wrong to hold a national referendum because of a disagreement with congressional action, right skippy?

does congress work for us or do we work for them? you seem to think they should be the ones telling us what to do.
I think anyone who votes for incumbents next year, regardless of party, is not thinking straightly.

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