To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

The old folks need to gtfo of congress. Career politicians passing districts down to their friends and children is just wrong. Government by the people should include more than a small percentage raking in salaries by voting our money to themselves.
Yeah, pretty much what I'd expect from a quack...

...pompously proclaims the idiot stuck in the soviet propaganda lies circa 1982 :lmao:


Frankly, used to be a Republican, until my ex-boss fired me for getting sick and said, "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with a union."

Fact is, ObamaCare is going to be immensely popular, which is why it terrifies the GOP so much.

If Obamacare is so popular, then why the gimmicks to get young people to join? Should it not simply be able to sell itself on its own merits?

It doesn't look good for a president to apologize for misleading the American people concerning "if you like your health care, you can keep it - period." What happens next when families don't find their $2,500 a year savings in health care premium costs? You DO realize the Republicans will recycle that clip promise by Obama when families see the actual costs they face? His words could come back to haunt him as promises and reality collide. How many apologies and excuses does this president think he can get away with?
kind of like the argument libs used when they tried to push through their background check law. oh, but 90% of America wants it. majority rules.

And it would be just as wrong to hold a national referendum because of a disagreement with congressional action, right skippy?

does congress work for us or do we work for them? you seem to think they should be the ones telling us what to do.

Congress works for us as we have the power to remove the entire House every 2 years and 1/3 of the Senate every 2 years as well.

Do I think we work for them?

Not at all but if you don't like the way your congressperson votes, you should vote them out of office, move to another district/state, or try to explain to them why they are not representing your views;

Not short-circuit the system by calling for a national referendum to impose your will on the minority.
Don't think he can win, but since we know Cruz can't, Jindal is a start in the right direction.

I can see where Governor Jindal would be your choice ... I mean he isn't a Conservative ... And he has always been more interested in the "Beltway" than the people he has been elected to serve.

Don't think he can win, but since we know Cruz can't, Jindal is a start in the right direction.

I can see where Governor Jindal would be your choice ... I mean he isn't a Conservative ... And he has always been more interested in the "Beltway" than the people he has been elected to serve.


Jindal is a non-starter as a serious candidate for President. His only real hope is some serious self-implosion/choosing-not-to-run by the heavyweights in the Party (no pun intended at Christie and Gingrich).

Frankly, used to be a Republican, until my ex-boss fired me for getting sick and said, "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with a union."

Fact is, ObamaCare is going to be immensely popular, which is why it terrifies the GOP so much.


one more fakey "republican"

lying is ingrained into any leftard, plus the inability to hide their own stupidity :lol:

fact is we have never had such an epic fail in the WH as we have now

You mean except for bush.

Frankly, when Bush became president, we had surpluses, peace, prosperity, 3% unemployment.

When he left, we had wars, ruined cities, huge deficits, 10% unemployment...

that's EPIC FAIL.

I just can't see how any sane person can say, "Wow, Bush was doing a great job, and then Obama came along."

Actually if you want to look at 3% unemployment rate, you'd have to go all the way back to 1952. The highest unemployment figures President George W. Bush saw was 6%. President Obama could only dream of such numbers as he walked into 5.8% in 2008 and his lowest achievement was 8.1%. Figures are according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Data 16 years and older, government link below. A success story for this administration?

SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Jindal is a non-starter as a serious candidate for President. His only real hope is some serious self-implosion/choosing-not-to-run by the heavyweights in the Party (no pun intended at Christie and Gingrich).

I would have to agree with you there.

I mean if you can say something about Governor Jindal to a Conservative or even a Republican in the state of Louisiana ... And they don't start laughing ... Then you would be the first.
People elsewhere only see what Governor Jindal makes sure they see ... He supports legislation that gets him National headlines ... Trying to fool people into believing he is something that he isn't.

It is true he can win an election in the state of Louisiana ... Hell, people like me voted for him ... But only because who he runs against are absolute nutcases and it would be hard for some Democrats down here to get elected in Vermont.

Jindal is a non-starter as a serious candidate for President. His only real hope is some serious self-implosion/choosing-not-to-run by the heavyweights in the Party (no pun intended at Christie and Gingrich).

I would have to agree with you there.

I mean if you can say something about Governor Jindal to a Conservative or even a Republican in the state of Louisiana ... And they don't start laughing ... Then you would be the first.
People elsewhere only see what Governor Jindal makes sure they see ... He supports legislation that gets him National headlines ... Trying to fool people into believing he is something that he isn't.

It is true he can win an election in the state of Louisiana ... Hell, people like me voted for him ... But only because who he runs against are absolute nutcases and it would be hard for some Democrats down here to get elected in Vermont.


I don't know where you live, but I live in La and Jindal has done a very good job. I want him to run against Landrieu next year.
I don't know where you live, but I live in La and Jindal has done a very good job. I want him to run against Landrieu next year.

Well ... I can certainly agree that Governor Jindal would be an improvement over Senator Landrieu.
I live in Northern Louisiana ... Nowhere near Baton Rouge or further into Cajun politics.
I can admit that we hold government to a higher standard than some people do ... And if you think Governor Jindal would make a good presidential candidate ... I can only pity the day he gets in office.

I don't know where you live, but I live in La and Jindal has done a very good job. I want him to run against Landrieu next year.

Well ... I can certainly agree that Governor Jindal would be an improvement over Senator Landrieu.
I live in Northern Louisiana ... Nowhere near Baton Rouge or further into Cajun politics.
I can admit that we hold government to a higher standard than some people do ... And if you think Governor Jindal would make a good presidential candidate ... I can only pity the day he gets in office.


I don't see him as POTUS, maybe VP. But the lib/media machine would attack his indian heritage and his real first name. The left are much more racist than anyone on the right.
Don't think he can win, but since we know Cruz can't, Jindal is a start in the right direction.

I can see where Governor Jindal would be your choice ... I mean he isn't a Conservative ... And he has always been more interested in the "Beltway" than the people he has been elected to serve..

Both Jindal and Christie are conservatives, simply not reactionaries from the far right.
I can see where Governor Jindal would be your choice ... I mean he isn't a Conservative ... And he has always been more interested in the "Beltway" than the people he has been elected to serve..

Both Jindal and Christie are conservatives, simply not reactionaries from the far right.

I said I could see where you would choose Governor Jindal ... That doesn't mean that you have a clue what a Conservative would do.

And it would be just as wrong to hold a national referendum because of a disagreement with congressional action, right skippy?

does congress work for us or do we work for them? you seem to think they should be the ones telling us what to do.

Congress works for us as we have the power to remove the entire House every 2 years and 1/3 of the Senate every 2 years as well.

Do I think we work for them?

Not at all but if you don't like the way your congressperson votes, you should vote them out of office, move to another district/state, or try to explain to them why they are not representing your views;

Not short-circuit the system by calling for a national referendum to impose your will on the minority.

move to another district because your politician is not doing his job? that seems a little inconvenient to the citizen. but what you are really saying here is the majority rules, because the majority will vote in or out who ever does their bidding. in the end, the minority is imposed on or moves to another district. in either scenario the minority gets imposed upon.
I can see where Governor Jindal would be your choice ... I mean he isn't a Conservative ... And he has always been more interested in the "Beltway" than the people he has been elected to serve..

Both Jindal and Christie are conservatives, simply not reactionaries from the far right.

I said I could see where you would choose Governor Jindal ... That doesn't mean that you have a clue what a Conservative would do..

I do understand what far right conservatism is, and you don't understand that America's cultural and historical narrative has moved beyond the reach of your reactionary stronghold.
I do understand what far right conservatism is, and you don't understand that America's cultural and historical narrative has moved beyond the reach of your reactionary stronghold.

Conservative Ideas are not reactionary at all … Although you may view Conservative as reactionary.

Conservative ideas are based in principles that sustain a balance that reflects the need for people to be self reliant and with a minimal intrusion from the Federal Government.
If you propose legislation that abandons those principles … Then you would be stupid to think Conservatives wouldn't object.

Now if the best you have to offer … Is the idea that Conservatives should abandon their principles … Just so they can become as meaningless as you … Forget it!

I do understand what far right conservatism is, and you don't understand that America's cultural and historical narrative has moved beyond the reach of your reactionary stronghold.

Conservative Ideas are not reactionary at all … Although you may view Conservative as reactionary.

Conservative ideas are based in principles that sustain a balance that reflects the need for people to be self reliant and with a minimal intrusion from the Federal Government.
If you propose legislation that abandons those principles … Then you would be stupid to think Conservatives wouldn't object.

Now if the best you have to offer … Is the idea that Conservatives should abandon their principles … Just so they can become as meaningless as you … Forget it! .

Believe that you can create electoral majorities if you wish. You can't.

Far right reactionary conservatism is now off the electoral playbook for a majority in Congress.
said another way, you want half of the population to give up their ideas of what is moral, ethical, and right so that you can live in a world where anything goes.

abortion is murder
gay marriage is wrong

abortion is not birth control, condoms and pills are birth control
inclusive does not mean special priviledges for some

I do agree that we need fiscal conservatism in govt.

Red, you are not God. The two things highlighted above are your personal beliefs. I respect that. But we do not live in a theocracy. How about this: I, and other American's respect your beliefs....and you respect their beliefs? America was built on religious freedom and tolerance. Republicans need to echo those values.

I agree completely, but what we have today is the left FORCING their beliefs on the rest of us. At a minimum there should be a public referendum on these issues with the majority vote being the rule.

No, I am not God or anywhere close. But if you believe in God then you must believe in his teachings which are found in every religion in the world. all religions consider abortion murder and all religions ban homosexual marriage.

The majority belief should prevail if we truly live in a democratic republic.

I understand your views of religion and how they can help mold the direction of society. However, I have also come to the understanding that no teachings or examples can be found by Jesus to impart His views to government for them to accept. The belief in God and the moral values to be found, can only be made through a personal decision and realization of an individual's need for God. You can't force such a view, as even the bible discusses freedom of choice to accept or deny. That is the mercy of God, one which he doesn't require robots but desires free will from each of us. Based upon that knowledge, you can't dictate how someone else is to believe, neither can government dictate how you ought to openly display your faith. Republicans need to accept that fact most of all, especially if they honestly want to pursue a more limited form of government. We need to return to a government based upon freedom to pursue individual liberty as our Founders had spoken of and desired, not smothered through tyrant policies where government "thinks" it knows best of everyone. We got to remove ourselves from that 'big brother' ideology, one where both sides (Republican and Democrat, liberal AND conservative) are guilty of playing.
While I thanked you for the post, I find you missed something - the ability to manage!

Every time the GOP runs senators for office, they lose. What the GOP need to do is tap the number of Republican governors with good track records who can show their ability to deal with government issues.

As the Dumbocrats are likely to anoint Hilary who has shown absolutely NO ability to properly administer anything, the only choice the GOP has is to run someone the public can see as more qualified.

To do that, we need to castrate the Beltway Republicans and put those across the country in charge.
Believe that you can create electoral majorities if you wish. You can't.

Oh ... I don't, but then again I am a Conservative ... Not a so-called Republican pretending they have clue what the hell they are talking about.
The only thing you have to remember ... Is that if you think being more liberal is going to help the Republicans win ... Then you are dead wrong.

If anyone wants a Liberal ... There are plenty of Democrats to vote for.
I have been thinking about doing this post for a long time, and really didn't know how to approach it. I know those on the left will use it as a tool to bash those on the right, but that would be a mistake. This is what I think the Republicans need to do in order to win national elections.

1. Be Inclusive. The message should always be the Republican Party represents all people, whether they are currently voting for you are not. It is completely stupid to me that Blacks vote 95% Democrat, particularly when you see what the Democrats have not done for blacks over the years...but you cannot concede any vote, and you have to reach out to everyone.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda. America is a center/right Country. Americans are generally tolerant people. If you are strongly Christian and those values inform your life, that's great. But not everyone sees the world the way you do, and not everyone wants your values shoved down their throat. When the Republican Party becomes about sticking wands up a woman's vagina, and talking about "legitimate rape," you've lost just about everyone in America.

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically. Stop with the RINO bullshit. Ideologically pure candidates have never gotten elected to National office. Dennis Kucinich anyone? Republicans have always stood for limited Government, self-reliance, a strong national defense, and fiscal responsibility. That should encompass a big tent. Stop excluding people because they are not pure enough. That is crazy and stupid. A guy like Peter King fits that definition. Chris Christie fits that definition. Lindsey Graham fits that definition. If they are not pure enough for you...consider the alternative. Obummer or Hillary? Get off your high horse.

4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. Let me be clear. I hate fucking Obama. He is the worst President in my lifetime. His policies are destroying America. I loathe the man. Many of you feel the same way. However, the Republican Party needs to be about more than Hating Obama. While the hatred is have to present a positive alternative or it just comes across as bitter and spiteful.

Okay folks. That's it. Have fun tearing this apart. :)

I think you are missing the big one: "Stop pretending that government can never work." The GOP seems locked into the idea that the counter to policies and laws they don't like is to have no policy at all. They cover the lack of a budget proposal, health care financing proposal, immigration proposal, etc. with some nice sound bites. You can't play defense forever in politics. People elect people to get things done. Exactly what does the GOP want to get done?

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