To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

Bush told us he had a surplus.

The most wealthy cleaned up on the tax cut.

And he borrowed to fight two wars.

Both parties are at fault for this crap.
We have tried the Vox and Black Sand approach before and lost.

Now we are going to do it fully the GOP mainstream approach and they can get on the train or be left at the station.

You keep making excellent points ... Especially about being left lonely at the train station.

The GOP listened to Democrats and hitched their wagon to Senator McCain ... While the Senator swooned over the admiration of Liberals for bucking the system.
It got Senator McCain and the GOP exactly what they deserved for their efforts ... Because the Democrats laughed at the sucker while he sat there crying in his beer at Grand Central.

Bush used the budget surplus Clinton gave him and used it as an excuse to cut taxes. A temporary surplus which justified ten years of tax cuts for the wealthy

Just a few corrections:

the so-called clinton surplus was an accounting trick.
the Bush tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, not just the rich
Obama continued the Bush tax rates because even a raving liberal knew that they were helping the economy

Bush himself declared he had a surplus and grandstanded that he was "giving the money back to the people who paid it" In reality, he was borrowing to pay for that tax cut

Everyone got a tax cut. But due to the huge disparity in income, those in the top 3% saw most of the money from that tax cut

Obama continued the Bush tax rates because he was weak and allowed himself to be bullied by Republicans who were holding unemployment benefits hostage. He learned a valuable lesson about giving in to extortion though

if you give every taxpayer a 5% tax cut, the guy paying 100K saves 5K and the guy paying 10K saves .5K. the guy paying 100K is still paying 10 times more than the other guy.

I know that you hate rich successful people because you aren't one of them. but they are paying the majority of taxes, before and after the bush/obama tax cuts.
Bush told us he had a surplus.

The most wealthy cleaned up on the tax cut.

And he borrowed to fight two wars.

Both parties are at fault for this crap.

bush and clinton both lied about the surplus, using the same accounting trick to claim it.

both parties authorized and funded Iraq and Afghanistan, and are still doing it today.

I know that bashing bush is the talking point of the 8 obama years, but lying about what happened just makes you look like a partisan fool
Just a few corrections:

the so-called clinton surplus was an accounting trick.
the Bush tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, not just the rich
Obama continued the Bush tax rates because even a raving liberal knew that they were helping the economy

Bush himself declared he had a surplus and grandstanded that he was "giving the money back to the people who paid it" In reality, he was borrowing to pay for that tax cut

Everyone got a tax cut. But due to the huge disparity in income, those in the top 3% saw most of the money from that tax cut

Obama continued the Bush tax rates because he was weak and allowed himself to be bullied by Republicans who were holding unemployment benefits hostage. He learned a valuable lesson about giving in to extortion though

if you give every taxpayer a 5% tax cut, the guy paying 100K saves 5K and the guy paying 10K saves .5K. the guy paying 100K is still paying 10 times more than the other guy.

I know that you hate rich successful people because you aren't one of them. but they are paying the majority of taxes, before and after the bush/obama tax cuts.

Most of the Bush tax cut went to the wealthy. Bush borrowed money (Debt) to pay for that tax cut. The wealthy were given a substantial tax cut for ten years with the understanding that it would "create jobs".....Didn't happen
Bush told us he had a surplus.

The most wealthy cleaned up on the tax cut.

And he borrowed to fight two wars.

Both parties are at fault for this crap.

bush and clinton both lied about the surplus, using the same accounting trick to claim it.

both parties authorized and funded Iraq and Afghanistan, and are still doing it today.

I know that bashing bush is the talking point of the 8 obama years, but lying about what happened just makes you look like a partisan fool

Congress voted for those wars only after Bush initiated conflict. Presidents don't need approval from congress until after 60 days of troop deployments when there is no declaration of war.

The most wealthy did the same thing everyone else did with the tax cut: they spent their money. Instead of a new TV they invested.
Bush himself declared he had a surplus and grandstanded that he was "giving the money back to the people who paid it" In reality, he was borrowing to pay for that tax cut

Everyone got a tax cut. But due to the huge disparity in income, those in the top 3% saw most of the money from that tax cut

Obama continued the Bush tax rates because he was weak and allowed himself to be bullied by Republicans who were holding unemployment benefits hostage. He learned a valuable lesson about giving in to extortion though

if you give every taxpayer a 5% tax cut, the guy paying 100K saves 5K and the guy paying 10K saves .5K. the guy paying 100K is still paying 10 times more than the other guy.

I know that you hate rich successful people because you aren't one of them. but they are paying the majority of taxes, before and after the bush/obama tax cuts.

Most of the Bush tax cut went to the wealthy. Bush borrowed money (Debt) to pay for that tax cut. The wealthy were given a substantial tax cut for ten years with the understanding that it would "create jobs".....Didn't happen

I just explained the 5% across the board tax cut to you, if you are too thick headed to comprehend basic math there is nothing more I can say.

the Bush era debt was to pay for stupid wars, not to cover the tax cuts. Congress raised the debt ceiling, no president does that on his own. not even the kenyan messiah has that power.
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Bush told us he had a surplus.

The most wealthy cleaned up on the tax cut.

And he borrowed to fight two wars.

Both parties are at fault for this crap.

bush and clinton both lied about the surplus, using the same accounting trick to claim it.

both parties authorized and funded Iraq and Afghanistan, and are still doing it today.

I know that bashing bush is the talking point of the 8 obama years, but lying about what happened just makes you look like a partisan fool

Congress voted for those wars only after Bush initiated conflict. Presidents don't need approval from congress until after 60 days of troop deployments when there is no declaration of war.

The most wealthy did the same thing everyone else did with the tax cut: they spent their money. Instead of a new TV they invested.

not true, congress authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco. Current intel is proving that Saddam had WMDs and that they were moved into Syria.

investing creates jobs just like buying a new TV. If you buy a TV from best buy or buy best buy stock, you help the economy either way.
if you give every taxpayer a 5% tax cut, the guy paying 100K saves 5K and the guy paying 10K saves .5K. the guy paying 100K is still paying 10 times more than the other guy.

I know that you hate rich successful people because you aren't one of them. but they are paying the majority of taxes, before and after the bush/obama tax cuts.

Most of the Bush tax cut went to the wealthy. Bush borrowed money (Debt) to pay for that tax cut. The wealthy were given a substantial tax cut for ten years with the understanding that it would "create jobs".....Didn't happen

I just explained the 5% across the board tax cut to you, if you are too thick headed to comprehend basic math there is nothing more I can say.

the Bush era debt was to pay for stupid wars, not to cover the tax cuts. Congress raised the deby ceiling, no president does that on his own. not even the kenyan messiah has that power.

Actually, you didn't explain anything other than we have a huge disparity in wealth in this country. 40% of the country controls two tenths of the wealth. 1% of the country controls 38% of the wealth
Any tax cut will benefit the guys with 38% of our wealth alot more than the guys who have two tenths

Bush tax cuts were a gift to the wealthy
Most of the Bush tax cut went to the wealthy. Bush borrowed money (Debt) to pay for that tax cut. The wealthy were given a substantial tax cut for ten years with the understanding that it would "create jobs".....Didn't happen

I just explained the 5% across the board tax cut to you, if you are too thick headed to comprehend basic math there is nothing more I can say.

the Bush era debt was to pay for stupid wars, not to cover the tax cuts. Congress raised the deby ceiling, no president does that on his own. not even the kenyan messiah has that power.

Actually, you didn't explain anything other than we have a huge disparity in wealth in this country. 40% of the country controls two tenths of the wealth. 1% of the country controls 38% of the wealth
Any tax cut will benefit the guys with 38% of our wealth alot more than the guys who have two tenths

Bush tax cuts were a gift to the wealthy

Yes, a guy with a 100K tax bill saves more dollars from a 5% cut than the guy with a 10K tax bill---------BFD, the rich guy is still paying 10 times more.

the gap between rich and poor has grown during obama's admin, guess he must love the rich more than Bush did.
I just explained the 5% across the board tax cut to you, if you are too thick headed to comprehend basic math there is nothing more I can say.

the Bush era debt was to pay for stupid wars, not to cover the tax cuts. Congress raised the deby ceiling, no president does that on his own. not even the kenyan messiah has that power.

Actually, you didn't explain anything other than we have a huge disparity in wealth in this country. 40% of the country controls two tenths of the wealth. 1% of the country controls 38% of the wealth

Any tax cut will benefit the guys with 38% of our wealth alot more than the guys who have two tenths

Bush tax cuts were a gift to the wealthy

Yes, a guy with a 100K tax bill saves more dollars from a 5% cut than the guy with a 10K tax bill---------BFD, the rich guy is still paying 10 times more.

the gap between rich and poor has grown during obama's admin, guess he must love the rich more than Bush did.

The definition of Middle Class hasn't changed since the 60's. If the incomes were updated to current ratio standards the poverty level would rise significantly. Wages haven't risen to compensate well enough for rises in inflation. Then the phrase upper-middle class was coined. Those are just the people who should be considered middle class to old standards.

It should be telling that they have changed the calculation of unemployment yet refuse to change the definition of income class structure.
Actually, you didn't explain anything other than we have a huge disparity in wealth in this country. 40% of the country controls two tenths of the wealth. 1% of the country controls 38% of the wealth

Any tax cut will benefit the guys with 38% of our wealth alot more than the guys who have two tenths

Bush tax cuts were a gift to the wealthy

Yes, a guy with a 100K tax bill saves more dollars from a 5% cut than the guy with a 10K tax bill---------BFD, the rich guy is still paying 10 times more.

the gap between rich and poor has grown during obama's admin, guess he must love the rich more than Bush did.

The definition of Middle Class hasn't changed since the 60's. If the incomes were updated to current ratio standards the poverty level would rise significantly. Wages haven't risen to compensate well enough for rises in inflation. Then the phrase upper-middle class was coined. Those are just the people who should be considered middle class to old standards. It should be telling that they have changed the calculation of unemployment yet refuse to change the definition of income class structure.

exactly right. 250K per year is not even near to upper middle class. It is solid middle class
Bush told us he had a surplus.

The most wealthy cleaned up on the tax cut.

And he borrowed to fight two wars.

Both parties are at fault for this crap.

bush and clinton both lied about the surplus, using the same accounting trick to claim it.

both parties authorized and funded Iraq and Afghanistan, and are still doing it today.

I know that bashing bush is the talking point of the 8 obama years, but lying about what happened just makes you look like a partisan fool

Congress voted for those wars only after Bush initiated conflict. Presidents don't need approval from congress until after 60 days of troop deployments when there is no declaration of war.

The most wealthy did the same thing everyone else did with the tax cut: they spent their money. Instead of a new TV they invested.

Not true. Bush went in AFTER Congress gave him a whopping BIPARTISAN green light - 40% od dems in the House and 60% of the dems in the Senate voted yay.
Plus Bush had a green light from the UN SC.
bush and clinton both lied about the surplus, using the same accounting trick to claim it.

both parties authorized and funded Iraq and Afghanistan, and are still doing it today.

I know that bashing bush is the talking point of the 8 obama years, but lying about what happened just makes you look like a partisan fool

Congress voted for those wars only after Bush initiated conflict. Presidents don't need approval from congress until after 60 days of troop deployments when there is no declaration of war.

The most wealthy did the same thing everyone else did with the tax cut: they spent their money. Instead of a new TV they invested.

Not true. Bush went in AFTER Congress gave him a whopping BIPARTISAN green light - 40% od dems in the House and 60% of the dems in the Senate voted yay.
Plus Bush had a green light from the UN SC.

Congress approved of granting the authority to invade if the President thought it was necessary, with most Democrats saying no.
Bush, and Bush alone (OK maybe it was Cheney) decided to invade

The UN did not support the invasion and asked for more time. They were denied
Congress voted for those wars only after Bush initiated conflict. Presidents don't need approval from congress until after 60 days of troop deployments when there is no declaration of war.

The most wealthy did the same thing everyone else did with the tax cut: they spent their money. Instead of a new TV they invested.

Not true. Bush went in AFTER Congress gave him a whopping BIPARTISAN green light - 40% od dems in the House and 60% of the dems in the Senate voted yay.
Plus Bush had a green light from the UN SC.

Congress approved of granting the authority to invade if the President thought it was necessary, with most Democrats saying no.
Bush, and Bush alone (OK maybe it was Cheney) decided to invade

The UN did not support the invasion and asked for more time. They were denied

Well technically 40% in House and 58% in the Senate (Dems) did vote "yes". Those aren't tiny numbers.

Too (after watching some speeches from the time) it was pretty darn clear what they were voting on - war or no war.
Congress voted for those wars only after Bush initiated conflict. Presidents don't need approval from congress until after 60 days of troop deployments when there is no declaration of war.

The most wealthy did the same thing everyone else did with the tax cut: they spent their money. Instead of a new TV they invested.

Not true. Bush went in AFTER Congress gave him a whopping BIPARTISAN green light - 40% od dems in the House and 60% of the dems in the Senate voted yay.
Plus Bush had a green light from the UN SC.

Congress approved of granting the authority to invade if the President thought it was necessary, with most Democrats saying no.
Bush, and Bush alone (OK maybe it was Cheney) decided to invade

The UN did not support the invasion and asked for more time. They were denied

The MAJORITY of the Senate dems said YAY. MAJORITY. And almost half of dems in the House also said yay - 40%. That is a whopping BIPARTISAN support of the decision to go to war, no matter how much you want to spin it.

No bill in obama era has such an impressive bipartisan support, than Iraq decision :lol:
Not even one.

and the signature failure obama legislation did not get even one republican vote.
Because it was destined to be a failure
I just explained the 5% across the board tax cut to you, if you are too thick headed to comprehend basic math there is nothing more I can say.

the Bush era debt was to pay for stupid wars, not to cover the tax cuts. Congress raised the deby ceiling, no president does that on his own. not even the kenyan messiah has that power.

Actually, you didn't explain anything other than we have a huge disparity in wealth in this country. 40% of the country controls two tenths of the wealth. 1% of the country controls 38% of the wealth
Any tax cut will benefit the guys with 38% of our wealth alot more than the guys who have two tenths

Bush tax cuts were a gift to the wealthy

Yes, a guy with a 100K tax bill saves more dollars from a 5% cut than the guy with a 10K tax bill---------BFD, the rich guy is still paying 10 times more.

the gap between rich and poor has grown during obama's admin, guess he must love the rich more than Bush did.

You are stupid, Redfish, displaying an incredible unwillingness to look at facts critically.

This is not a lack of intelligence on your part, just a refusal to look at facts.

Bush borrowed to finance the war.

The gap between rich and poor continue because of the Reagan-Bush tax policies.

And the guy who is paying more taxes is living far better than the schmuck paying 1/10th of his wages as taxes.
Not true. Bush went in AFTER Congress gave him a whopping BIPARTISAN green light - 40% od dems in the House and 60% of the dems in the Senate voted yay.
Plus Bush had a green light from the UN SC.

Congress approved of granting the authority to invade if the President thought it was necessary, with most Democrats saying no.
Bush, and Bush alone (OK maybe it was Cheney) decided to invade

The UN did not support the invasion and asked for more time. They were denied

The MAJORITY of the Senate dems said YAY. MAJORITY. And almost half of dems in the House also said yay - 40%. That is a whopping BIPARTISAN support of the decision to go to war, no matter how much you want to spin it.

No bill in obama era has such an impressive bipartisan support, than Iraq decision :lol:
Not even one.

and the signature failure obama legislation did not get even one republican vote.
Because it was destined to be a failure

Republicans are dicks....we know that
Congress approved of granting the authority to invade if the President thought it was necessary, with most Democrats saying no.
Bush, and Bush alone (OK maybe it was Cheney) decided to invade

The UN did not support the invasion and asked for more time. They were denied

The MAJORITY of the Senate dems said YAY. MAJORITY. And almost half of dems in the House also said yay - 40%. That is a whopping BIPARTISAN support of the decision to go to war, no matter how much you want to spin it.

No bill in obama era has such an impressive bipartisan support, than Iraq decision :lol:
Not even one.

and the signature failure obama legislation did not get even one republican vote.
Because it was destined to be a failure

Republicans are dicks....we know that

And Democrats are pussies. Your point?
Actually, you didn't explain anything other than we have a huge disparity in wealth in this country. 40% of the country controls two tenths of the wealth. 1% of the country controls 38% of the wealth
Any tax cut will benefit the guys with 38% of our wealth alot more than the guys who have two tenths

Bush tax cuts were a gift to the wealthy

Yes, a guy with a 100K tax bill saves more dollars from a 5% cut than the guy with a 10K tax bill---------BFD, the rich guy is still paying 10 times more.

the gap between rich and poor has grown during obama's admin, guess he must love the rich more than Bush did.

You are stupid, Redfish, displaying an incredible unwillingness to look at facts critically.

This is not a lack of intelligence on your part, just a refusal to look at facts.

Bush borrowed to finance the war.

The gap between rich and poor continue because of the Reagan-Bush tax policies.

And the guy who is paying more taxes is living far better than the schmuck paying 1/10th of his wages as taxes.

The gap is solely due to taxes?

How about we attribute some of that gap between rich and poor due to crony capitalism, and things like the gov't turning a blind eye on fraud after criminals wrecked the stock market in 2008. Obama has not sent a single Wall Street official to jail since the crash despite widespread, proven fraud - what kind of message does that send?

Or what about the fact that the Fed, under Obama's tenure, continues to bailout the banks with no end in sight. We print $50+ billion a month.

How come no one addresses these sorts of things?

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