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To My White Male Friends...

Does racism exist in society today?

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we deserve that hatred because our ancestors did not prevent the black Africans from selling their own kind

White slave owners were forced by blacks to own black slaves and mistreat them? :eek: What kind of moronic excuse is that?

You are not just a racist, you are a dumber than dirt racist.

You are the subject of the OP because you lack the empathy to put yourself in the shoes of others.


show me mistreated slaves and I'll have empathy for them

guess I'm racist for stating that too

Treatment of slaves in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Firstly, I'm not "defending" anything. I'm countering your one-sided view that only whites are to be blamed for slavery.

Actually you did defend slavery and you failed to take my statement in context. I was sarcastically responding to Squeezeberry's racist statement about blaming whites.

I'll send you 100 bucks if you can show me where I "defended" slavery. What I did was offer historical facts concerning slaving. Offering facts is a not a "defense" of anything at all. Try hard not to read between the lines and/or make stuff up as you go.
Let me address the OP in an honest manner based on some personal experience:

I grew up in a California city that was primarily white and Hispanic. Although I got along with most of my Hispanic classmates one thing became clear when the lunch bell rang. The whites would migrate to one area of the school grounds and the Hispanics would move to another area. This wasn't the case 100% of the time but certainly the vast majority of the time. It seemed to be a natural phenomena and nobody seemed to have a problem with it. There was always this underlying tension and no amount of good intentions or gestures of friendship changed it in the 12 years I went to public school. The handful of Vietnamese (25 or 30 students) would almost ALWAYS find a secluded area of their own.

Since then, I've lived in 9 different States of our great nation. I've lived in or around a number of big cities. There are several things that all big cities have in common but one of them is the fact that the various races (when left to their own devices) generally migrate and congregate with folks of like color. There's almost always a "Chinatown"; a black side of town; a white side of town; and a Hispanic side of town; etc. It's nature in action! And while "enlightened" Liberals do their very best to force these folks into one, big, happy melting pot they can't seem to overcome a person's natural, genetic inclination to seek out folks of like kind.

Liberals, today, want to call everyone "racist" when it's convenient and politically correct to do so but the fact of the matter is that the majority of white Liberals wouldn't dare walk down the street in an all-black neighborhood after dark. Most wouldn't walk down a Hispanic neighborhood at 10:30PM either. They want everyone to think that they're "enlightened" and PC but in their personal lives they know better than to place themselves in harm's way or to enter the city's "danger zone." Now I don't happen to call their sensible decision "racist" at all. I call it self-preservation. But most wouldn't hesitate to call ME a "racist" for simply recognizing the obvious.

Fact: There are different races on earth. When we look at global demographics we can't help but note that the various races are generally segregated on a global scale. Scandinavia is mostly white while the Congo is mostly black while Brazil is mostly Hispanic while China is mostly Oriental while the Mideast is mostly Arabic, etc. American cites reflect the exact same, general statistics on a micro-scale. When we really think about it is there really anything wrong with that? I don't believe there is. I remember a Disneyland ride when I was a kid called "It's A Small World." The really cool thing about this ride is that it reflected the fact that different peoples had different and unique cultures. Each group dressed differently; had architecture unique to its own culture; spoke different languages; etc. I find that kind diversity and uniqueness very interesting and beautiful in its own way. How horrible would it be if all these various cultures were lost in a vast melting pot of sameness!!!

It isn't a matter of cultural differences which also exist within races.

It is matter of how other races are treated. This is about the attitude adopted about other races. There is constant contact between people of different races in this nation. We all work in the same buildingd, drive on the same roads, eat in the same places, watch the same movies, etc, etc. That is reality so we need to treat each other as equals because that is the basis for this nation and we as Americans must uphold the principles on which this country was founded upon.

Here is a misnomer: All peoples are "equal." That simply isn't true. Let's just look at whites compared to other whites. I've known some really big folks; some really small folks; some smart ones and some dumb ones. Some whites are prosperous while others are deadbeats. Some believe in Socialism while others believe in Individual Responsibility. Some are rich while others are poor. Some strong ... others weak. So this idea of "equality" is a false foundation right from the beginning.

Then, we venture into the realm of the various races on earth. All races have been on the planet for thousands and thousands of years. Each have had ample opportunity to create their own circumstances based on their collective intelligence, talents, collective forethought, desires, and collective motivation. During all of that time, some races raised themselves to higher standards of living while others have chosen to sit in the dirt and eat grubs. Why? Because there is an obvious lack of "equality." As far as I'm concerned, if one race is happy living in grass huts and eating tree bark then who am I to force them to live to a higher standard?

Once again you are taking what I have said out of context.

I specifically referred to the races here in America. And in this nation we have this concept of Equality Under the Law. Everyone is equal no matter how rich or poor, dumb or smart, etc, etc. Now if you can prove otherwise that just because someone in this nation has a different skin color to yours they are not equal then you might have a point.

But so far you have to reach to the ends of the earth to justify your own "position" because you certainly cannot justify it here in America.

True. The everyone must obey the law "equally." Also, everyone has an "equal" right to seek life, liberty, and happiness. From that perspective, everyone is "equal" but that's where it ends. If one person pursues happiness by hard work and the sweat of his brow and ends up succeeding then he is far ahead of another person who opts to wait for that proverbial handout.
I sure wish people would learn what real racism is.

privileged white males......a stereotype bordering on prejudice.....definitely hate speech.

Try this mental exercise.

Imagine that you are a black male walking down the street where you live. If none of your friends and neighbors knew that it was you how would they perceive you? How do you perceive a black male walking down your own street?

Can you answer those questions honestly?
Do you understand the definitions of racism, prejudice, stereotype?

Your mental exercise is nothing more than an attempt to justify your position.

Living and growing up in the East Bay Area as a child, as a white I was alway in the minority and grew up around every race.

I would not look at a black walking down My street any different than I would any other race.

What you are doing is falling victim to a stereotype based upon your own prejudice.
Firstly, I'm not "defending" anything. I'm countering your one-sided view that only whites are to be blamed for slavery.

Actually you did defend slavery and you failed to take my statement in context. I was sarcastically responding to Squeezeberry's racist statement about blaming whites.

what racist statement?

the one that blacks hate whites because of slavery?

hell, you are proving my point
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That's horrible. Cops did that for speeding or something?

1) We don't really know WHO whipped this person or if he was even whipped. May have fallen into a briar patch for all we know or could have been whipped by a bigger black dude.
2) If he WAS whipped by a slave owner could it be possible it was because he raped a child or the man's wife? Conjecture on my part but we simply don't know the facts.

It would have been totally wrong to whip anyone for absolutely no reason.
That's horrible. Cops did that for speeding or something?

1) We don't really know WHO whipped this person or if he was even whipped. May have fallen into a briar patch for all we know or could have been whipped by a bigger black dude.
2) If he WAS whipped by a slave owner could it be possible it was because he raped a child or the man's wife? Conjecture on my part but we simply don't know the facts.

It would have been totally wrong to whip anyone for absolutely no reason.


More excuses for slavery!

Did you read anything in that link?

An 1850 publication provided slaveholders with guidance on how to produce the "ideal slave":[5]
    1. Maintain strict discipline and unconditional submission.
    2. Create a sense of personal inferiority, so that slaves "know their place."
    3. Instill fear.
    4. Teach servants to take interest in their master's enterprise.
    5. Deprive access to education and recreation, to ensure that slaves remain uneducated, helpless and dependent.
According to historians David Brion Davis and Eugene Genovese, treatment of slaves was harsh and inhumane. During work and outside of it, slaves suffered physical abuse, since the government allowed it. Treatment was usually harsher on large plantations, which were often managed by overseers and owned by absentee slaveholders. Small slaveholders worked together with their slaves and sometimes treated them more humanely.[6]

Besides slaves' being vastly overworked, they suffered brandings, shootings, and "floggings." Flogging was a term often used to describe the average lashing or whipping a slave would receive for misbehaving. Many times a slave would also simply be put through "wanton cruelties" or unprovoked violent beatings or punishments.[7]

Working conditions
In 1740, following the Stono Rebellion, Maryland limited slaves' working hours to 15 per day in the Summer and 14 in the Winter, with no work permitted on Sunday. Historian Charles Johnson writes that such laws were not only motivated by compassion, but also by the desire to pacify slaves and prevent future revolts. Slave working conditions were often made worse by the plantation's need for them to work overtime to sustain themselves in regards to food and shelter.[12][13]

Punishment and abuse
Slaves were punished by whipping, shackling, hanging, beating, burning, mutilation, branding and imprisonment. Punishment was often meted out in response to disobedience or perceived infractions, but sometimes abuse was performed to re-assert the dominance of the master (or overseer) over the slave.[30]

They were punished with knives, guns, field tools and nearby objects. The whip was the most common instrument used against a slave; one said “The only punishment that I ever heard or knew of being administered slaves was whipping”, although he knew several who were beaten to death for offenses such as "sassing" a white person, hitting another "negro", "fussing" or fighting in quarters.[31]

Slaves who worked and lived on plantations were the most frequently punished. Punishment could be administered by the plantation owner or master, his wife, children (white males) or (most often) the overseer or driver.

Slave overseers were authorized to whip and punish slaves. One overseer told a visitor, "Some Negroes are determined never to let a white man whip them and will resist you, when you attempt it; of course you must kill them in that case."[32] A former slave describes witnessing females being whipped: “They usually screamed and prayed, though a few never made a sound.”[33] If the woman was pregnant, workers might dig a hole for her to rest her belly while being whipped. After slaves were whipped, overseers might order their wounds be burst and rubbed with turpentine and red pepper. An overseer reportly took a brick, ground it into a powder, mixed it with lard and rubbed it all over a slave.[31]'

Slaves were punished for a number of reasons: working too slowly, breaking a law (for example, running away), leaving the plantation without permission or insubordination. Myers and Massy describe the practices: “The punishment of deviant slaves was decentralized, based on plantations, and crafted so as not to impede their value as laborers.”[34] Whites punished slaves publicly to set an example. A man named Harding describes an incident in which a woman assisted several men in a minor rebellion: “The women he hoisted up by the thumbs, whipp’d and slashed her with knives before the other slaves till she died.”[35] Men and women were sometimes punished differently; according to the 1789 report of the Virginia Committee of the Privy Council, males were often shackled but women and girls were left free.[35]

The branding of slaves for identification was common during the colonial era; however, by the nineteenth century it was used primarily as punishment.[36] Mutilation (such as castration, or amputating ears) was a relatively common punishment during the colonial era and still used in 1830. Any punishment was permitted for runaway slaves, and many bore wounds from shotgun blasts or dog bites used by their captors.[36]

In 1717 Maryland law provided that slaves were not entitled to a jury trial for a misdemeanor, and empowered county judges to impose a punishment of up to 40 lashes.[37] In 1729, the colony passed a law permitting punishment for slaves including hanging, decapitation, and cutting the body into four quarters for public display.[24]

In 1740, South Carolina passed a law prohibiting cruelty to slaves; however, slaves could still be killed under some circumstances. The anti-cruelty law prohibited cutting out the tongue, putting out the eye, castration, scalding, burning and amputating limbs, but permitted whipping, beating, putting in irons and imprisonment.[38]
It would have been totally wrong to whip anyone for absolutely no reason.
No question, but I was making fun of the fact that this is the year 2014 with a black president. No one is beating slaves here.

black America didn't get that memo

Taxpayers could give every black a 3-story home; an Escalade; a 100 year supply of food; free gold teeth; cellphones with unlimited text messaging; and a $10,000 per month Welfare check and they'd STILL claim that "whitey is keeping them down." Not too sure there's much more we can do for them.
It would have been totally wrong to whip anyone for absolutely no reason.
No question, but I was making fun of the fact that this is the year 2014 with a black president. No one is beating slaves here.

black America didn't get that memo

Taxpayers could give every black a 3-story home; an Escalade; a 100 year supply of food; free gold teeth; cellphones with unlimited text messaging; and a $10,000 per month Welfare check and they'd STILL claim that "whitey is keeping them down." Not too sure there's much more we can do for them.

4% of African slaves were imported to north America.

100% of the bitching and whining comes from their descendants
To my white male Facebook friends - Salon.com

This post originally appeared on Cera Byer's Facebook page.

This post is for my white male Facebook friends.

Some of the most disturbing, subtle, insidious, racist comments I’ve seen over the past few weeks have been from my white male Facebook friends. I know a lot of my friends are just mass defriending people, but I’m not quite there yet, because I’m (foolishly, naively) hoping I can reach some of you in a way that creates some kind of change. I know, I know, who ever had his mind changed from something he read on the Internet? But here I am, tilting at windmills.

First, let me say, I’m not addressing you to put you on the defensive. I don’t want to fight. But I really am hoping to reach your heart. So please start with holding what I’m going to say in love and openness, and see if you can let this reach your heart before you fight it with your brain meats.

Next, let me say, this doesn’t apply to all of you. There are some great allies, advocates and freedom fighters among my friends, and I ask you to join this discussion.

OK, let’s do this.

My white male friend, you might actually believe in your heart that you are not racist. You might actually believe that this country is full of equality and justice, and get offended at the idea that it’s not, so this might be really difficult for you.

When people tell us that something we believe to be true is actually not 100 percent true, or maybe not true for everyone, we can experience cognitive dissonance. One way to respond to this is to walk away, or get defensive. Another way to respond is to compassionately lean in to it; lean in to our discomfort, our fear, our panic, our incredulity, our doubt. Open ourselves to the idea that our beliefs are just ideas that we go out and seek support for, and therefore there are other ideas out there that could become our beliefs, very easily, if we were willing to open ourselves up and expand our frame of reference.

That is what I’m inviting you to do here — open yourself up, compassionately expand your frame of reference.


I’d like to invite a thought exercise.

Your child comes to you and says, “Dad, I’m being harassed, bullied, threatened and terrorized at school.”

And you say, “That is impossible. You go to a good school. All the adults I know say it is a good school, so you must be fine. Go back out there.”

And you walk away, convinced that your child must be wrong. You’ve abandoned your child, because you’re not taking his or her report as possibly accurate.

Your wife or sister comes to you and says, “I am being harassed, threatened and terrorized out on the street by men. I experience gender inequality on a daily basis. I live in some degree of constant fear for my personal safety, just because I am a woman.”

And you say, “That is impossible. Sexism is over. Women now occupy relatively high places of power in this country. You are fine.”

And you walk away, convinced that your loved one must be wrong. You have abandoned her, because you are not taking her report as possibly accurate.

Your friends, community, neighbors, co-workers of color come to you and say, “I am harassed, threatened, terrorized on the street by police officers. I am experiencing systemic inequality on a daily basis. I live in constant fear that myself, my brother, my son, will be unfairly convicted of a crime, or shot on the street, simply because of what we look like.”

And you say, “That is impossible. Racism has been conquered. We have a black president. Everyone lives an equal life here.”

And you walk away, convinced that this person is wrong. You have abandoned them, because you are not taking their report as possibly accurate.

My question to you is: In any of these cases, have you done your best?



There is plenty more at the link but the question above is what needs to be addressed in my opinion.

When you hear about racism happening to others how do you react?

Do you turn your back and deny that it is happening?

Or do you trust that they are telling the truth and try to address the very real problem they are facing?

As privileged white males we have an obligation and a duty that comes with being at the top of the pecking order and that is to ensure that we do not abuse our position.

There is ample evidence that racism is still an ongoing problem in society today. The sentences handed down to blacks for the same crimes committed by whites are longer. That is indisputable and clear factual evidence that we still have a problem.

So where do you stand?

Are you willing to face up to your brother, your father, your uncle, your coworker, your friend who says things that are racist and call them on it?

Because that is what a real man does in a situation like the one we are facing in society today.
Good now copy and paste this to all your other friends,the white race is not the torch bearer of racism,people are.
Unfortunately this thread has degenerated into a place for racists to spread their hatred and bile.

Coyote Please close this thread. Thank you.
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