To preserve our democracy we must prosecute Trump

Democrats are hell bent on DESTROYING OUR DEMOCRACY give me a fukkn break!!!!
Only one party has tried to overthrow the government, and it ain't Democrats.
haha apparently you don’t know much about american history.
Actually yes, I do.
did you forget what the dems did when the GOP won? they started a civil war!

then when trump won? they started riots and insurrections for four years! attempting to stop him getting sworn in, firemombed court houses, broke into the executive branch...dems leaders encouraged and people did get in the faces of Govt employees who were out to dinner...etc etc
We must prevent any future would be dictators from attempting to become a dictator in our nation;

Donald trump was elected and re-elected president.

The first duty all patriotic Americans have is to make sure the real winner of legally cast ballots is in the WH. That is not the case right now.

You are a traitor who supports another traitor who actually is the real threat of a dictator if the machines and the fraud ballot dumps are not busted....

He was elected, but failed to be re-elected. He couldn't convince the legislatures, the state houses, the courts, or the US Congress, because it just wasn't true. Not only that, but the only people he convinced were trumpers and there wasn't enough of them to show up at the polls to vote, compared with those that did not want him as president, anymore. Hell, he couldn't even get a good insurrection out of his supporter, just an ignorant poorly organized mob, to try to take over the capital.
Only one party has tried to overthrow the government, and it ain't Democrats.
The DEMs have created a immigrant invasion crisis, they are playing lapdog to China and they are empowering all of America's enemies. A security failure at the Capitol doesn't even move the needle when you compare what the Democratic Party does everyday to undermine America.
Communist democrats will realize that if they lose the house in 2022 and the presidency in 2024 the government will be overthrown and a new government installed. Don't you realize that? Do you intend to stop it?

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