To Remove Lead Water Pipes, First You Must Find Them

Safe drinking water for everyone in America is an important goal, and Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan makes a $111 billion investment toward that. While the majority of the funding goes to modernizing water treatment and delivery systems and remediating potentially harmful chemicals like PFAS, what’s gotten the most attention is a $45 billion initiative to “replace 100 percent of the nation’s lead pipes and service lines.”

If we could manage to do this, it would make a huge difference. Lead exposure has been credibly linked to stunted child development, kidney disease, auditory problems, brain damage, behavioral challenges, and more provocatively, crime. We eliminated leaded gasoline and paint in the 1970s and yet it still lingers as a persistent problem. And part of that comes through water tainted as it flows through lead pipes.

But if you want to replace all the lead water pipes in America, the first thing you have to do is find all the lead water pipes in America.

This sounds like it has the makings of a chaotic nightmare. I don't have a problem with it as long as homeowners are not having to come up with money to replace them.
in all my 45 yrs of working on old houses I have never seen a single lead water pipe,, they are used fro drain pipes but not water pipes because they cant handle the pressure,,
Shhhhh! You don't want to educate the left! Let them remain ignorant.

And yes lead is a very malleable material lol

Only place I've ever seen those pipes is under toilets and on main waste trunk line connections.
Hate remodels that have that old shit

Ok. What are your thoughts on the plan, the amount of money being spent, the potential for fraud here?

What has become very clear is that there is an over abundance of trust in people about those things that we don't know about. By we I mean me. do we navigate this?

its a local problem and only they should pay for it not the feds/us
Safe drinking water for everyone in America is an important goal, and Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan makes a $111 billion investment toward that. While the majority of the funding goes to modernizing water treatment and delivery systems and remediating potentially harmful chemicals like PFAS, what’s gotten the most attention is a $45 billion initiative to “replace 100 percent of the nation’s lead pipes and service lines.”

If we could manage to do this, it would make a huge difference. Lead exposure has been credibly linked to stunted child development, kidney disease, auditory problems, brain damage, behavioral challenges, and more provocatively, crime. We eliminated leaded gasoline and paint in the 1970s and yet it still lingers as a persistent problem. And part of that comes through water tainted as it flows through lead pipes.

But if you want to replace all the lead water pipes in America, the first thing you have to do is find all the lead water pipes in America.

This sounds like it has the makings of a chaotic nightmare. I don't have a problem with it as long as homeowners are not having to come up with money to replace them.
in all my 45 yrs of working on old houses I have never seen a single lead water pipe,, they are used fro drain pipes but not water pipes because they cant handle the pressure,,
That's interesting. I don't know anything about the water pipes in old houses (or new ones or in general).
maybe I'm missing something,, but lead pipes would crush if you buried them and burst if you put them under the pressure water is put under,,
So, is the article misleading then? The author probably doesn't know a lot about pipes either so I am not saying it is lintentionally misleading. Maybe misinformed is closer to what I am looking for.
Yes. Democrats concentrate on crap that does NOT matter. How? By SCARING folks.
Safe drinking water for everyone in America is an important goal, and Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan makes a $111 billion investment toward that. While the majority of the funding goes to modernizing water treatment and delivery systems and remediating potentially harmful chemicals like PFAS, what’s gotten the most attention is a $45 billion initiative to “replace 100 percent of the nation’s lead pipes and service lines.”

If we could manage to do this, it would make a huge difference. Lead exposure has been credibly linked to stunted child development, kidney disease, auditory problems, brain damage, behavioral challenges, and more provocatively, crime. We eliminated leaded gasoline and paint in the 1970s and yet it still lingers as a persistent problem. And part of that comes through water tainted as it flows through lead pipes.

But if you want to replace all the lead water pipes in America, the first thing you have to do is find all the lead water pipes in America.

This sounds like it has the makings of a chaotic nightmare. I don't have a problem with it as long as homeowners are not having to come up with money to replace them.
in all my 45 yrs of working on old houses I have never seen a single lead water pipe,, they are used fro drain pipes but not water pipes because they cant handle the pressure,,
Shhhhh! You don't want to educate the left! Let them remain ignorant.

And yes lead is a very malleable material lol

Only place I've ever seen those pipes is under toilets and on main waste trunk line connections.
Hate remodels that have that old shit

Ok. What are your thoughts on the plan, the amount of money being spent, the potential for fraud here?

What has become very clear is that there is an over abundance of trust in people about those things that we don't know about. By we I mean me. do we navigate this? What am I looking for?

Nix the plan. The federal governments role is to protect us and our border not micromanage individual communities.
If local communities want their pipes replaced they need to petition their local authorities and place a tax on the ballot for approval.

End thread
Not a big deal that should take 5 pages of Americans spamming each other. If you want the lead pipes to stay, support Trump. If you think they should be removed, support Biden.

As a Canadian I'm leaning toward leaving them all in place.
Government has no right spending OPM for social programs such as replaceing perfectly good pipes. It's communism, socialism, pinko, bleeding heart librul lies.

You Americans can take it from here, I'm outta it.
Good, you've got enough problems of your own up there. We don't need any unsolicited comments from busybodies up north anyway.
View attachment 478872

Lead was used in the solder mixture to solder copper pipes together. You'd have to use a lot of solder at that joint to make the water toxic. Most of the copper pipes in my area have been replaced with PVC because copper pipes don't last forever.

I think some of the old cast iron sewer pipes were lined with lead to make them last longer because lead doesn't rust like cast iron, not sure on that though, but then that isn't drinking water.



I don't think solder ever comes in contact with the water on a copper pipe joint if it is done right. So that is a non-issue as well.
It is time to replace much of the cast iron america needs to step up to the plate
Cast iron is almost exclusively used for mains (in the street)and drains and is neither lead nor the issue here.
Older homes are full of cast iron but that's on the homeowners to deal with not our tax dollars
The bottom line is that no iron or steel pipe will last forever. Every home owner will at some point be forced to deal with plumbing issues. The public should not be forced to pay for it. Newer construction has dealt with this with the introduction of PVC and Pex pipe for potable water and ABS for sewage. People who buy older homes are either stupid or naive to think that plumbing lasts forever.

What you are missing is that

A. Pipes that SUPPLY our homes are aging and as common infrastructure, need upgrading (which costs money).

B. LEAD pipes are a particular problem because they are POISON>
View attachment 478872

Lead was used in the solder mixture to solder copper pipes together. You'd have to use a lot of solder at that joint to make the water toxic. Most of the copper pipes in my area have been replaced with PVC because copper pipes don't last forever.

I think some of the old cast iron sewer pipes were lined with lead to make them last longer because lead doesn't rust like cast iron, not sure on that though, but then that isn't drinking water.



I don't think solder ever comes in contact with the water on a copper pipe joint if it is done right. So that is a non-issue as well.
It is time to replace much of the cast iron america needs to step up to the plate
Cast iron is almost exclusively used for mains (in the street)and drains and is neither lead nor the issue here.
Older homes are full of cast iron but that's on the homeowners to deal with not our tax dollars
The bottom line is that no iron or steel pipe will last forever. Every home owner will at some point be forced to deal with plumbing issues. The public should not be forced to pay for it. Newer construction has dealt with this with the introduction of PVC and Pex pipe for potable water and ABS for sewage. People who buy older homes are either stupid or naive to think that plumbing lasts forever.

What you are missing is that

A. Pipes that SUPPLY our homes are aging and as common infrastructure, need upgrading (which costs money).

B. LEAD pipes are a particular problem because they are POISON>

View attachment 478872

Lead was used in the solder mixture to solder copper pipes together. You'd have to use a lot of solder at that joint to make the water toxic. Most of the copper pipes in my area have been replaced with PVC because copper pipes don't last forever.

I think some of the old cast iron sewer pipes were lined with lead to make them last longer because lead doesn't rust like cast iron, not sure on that though, but then that isn't drinking water.



I don't think solder ever comes in contact with the water on a copper pipe joint if it is done right. So that is a non-issue as well.
It is time to replace much of the cast iron america needs to step up to the plate
Cast iron is almost exclusively used for mains (in the street)and drains and is neither lead nor the issue here.
Older homes are full of cast iron but that's on the homeowners to deal with not our tax dollars
The bottom line is that no iron or steel pipe will last forever. Every home owner will at some point be forced to deal with plumbing issues. The public should not be forced to pay for it. Newer construction has dealt with this with the introduction of PVC and Pex pipe for potable water and ABS for sewage. People who buy older homes are either stupid or naive to think that plumbing lasts forever.

What you are missing is that

A. Pipes that SUPPLY our homes are aging and as common infrastructure, need upgrading (which costs money).

B. LEAD pipes are a particular problem because they are POISON>

its a local issue not a fed one
There are no lead pipes feeding water ya moron.
Except for the 10 million American homes that have lead pipes feeding water into their homes.

So you were only off by 10 million.
They are on waste lines. In 30 years I have never seen lead lines feeding any supply in the thousands of homes I've worked in
Bullshit. Virtually ANY home built before 1960 has a lead feed pipe unless it has been replaced
What we need to do is get Sydney Powell to go on FOX and say Iranian intelligence is poisoning our children by putting lead in the water. Then the GQPers will commit $200 billion to it immediately. Then show fake videos on FOX of shit blowing up, and use the money to fix the pipes.
So what are the chances of some kid getting lead poisoning in today time?
Pretty high actually
its a local issue not a fed one
"Local issues" that local authorities cannot afford to deal with without hefty property tax increases.
OK so raise the taxs on those effected,, not my job to pay for utilities for someone 1000 miles away,,

we have enough problems of our own,,
I don't think solder ever comes in contact with the water on a copper pipe joint if it is done right. So that is a non-issue as well.
The solder is what makes the joints watertight, of course it comes into contact with the water. That's why they banned it.
How many copper pipes have you soldered? None, didn't think so. I made my living working with just that medium. The configuration of the soldered joint never allows the water to contact the solder. The solder just holds the pipe in place. Just STFU, you don't know shit.
So what are the chances of some kid getting lead poisoning in today time?
Pretty high actually
its a local issue not a fed one
"Local issues" that local authorities cannot afford to deal with without hefty property tax increases.
OK so raise the taxs on those effected,, not my job to pay for utilities for someone 1000 miles away,,

we have enough problems of our own,,
And when your municipality has problems YOU can't'll come running for Federal money.

Fuck off.
So what are the chances of some kid getting lead poisoning in today time?
Pretty high actually
its a local issue not a fed one
"Local issues" that local authorities cannot afford to deal with without hefty property tax increases.
OK so raise the taxs on those effected,, not my job to pay for utilities for someone 1000 miles away,,

we have enough problems of our own,,
And when your municipality has problems YOU can't'll come running for Federal money.

Fuck off.

not me,, cause I'm not a useless drone that thinks what I need should be provided by others,,,
How many copper pipes have you soldered? None, didn't think so. I made my living working with just that medium. The configuration of the soldered joint never allows the water to contact the solder. The solder just holds the pipe in place. Just STFU, you don't know shit.
WTF are you talking about?

You have some special soldering technique?

You either have no idea what you're talking about or you're an outright liar. NO ONE solders that perfectly . Oh and we're actually talking about lead PIPES ...not so much replacing lead soldered copper pipes.
And when your municipality has problems YOU can't'll come running for Federal money.
Of course they will. Every single one of them. Just like the slimy puke Ted Cruz, who votes down disaster relief for other States, then grabs it with both hands when something bad happens in Texas. People like him stay in office because they reflect the values of their constituency.
I don't think solder ever comes in contact with the water on a copper pipe joint if it is done right. So that is a non-issue as well.
The solder is what makes the joints watertight, of course it comes into contact with the water. That's why they banned it.
How many copper pipes have you soldered? None, didn't think so. I made my living working with just that medium. The configuration of the soldered joint never allows the water to contact the solder. The solder just holds the pipe in place. Just STFU, you don't know shit.
if solder doesnt come into contact with the water then what stops the water from coming into contact with it and making it water tight???

sounds like youre the one that doesnt know shit of which you speak,,,
So what are the chances of some kid getting lead poisoning in today time?
Pretty high actually
its a local issue not a fed one
"Local issues" that local authorities cannot afford to deal with without hefty property tax increases.
OK so raise the taxs on those effected,, not my job to pay for utilities for someone 1000 miles away,,

we have enough problems of our own,,
And when your municipality has problems YOU can't'll come running for Federal money.

Fuck off.

not me,, cause I'm not a useless drone that thinks what I need should be provided by others,,,
You are indeed a useless drone.
So what are the chances of some kid getting lead poisoning in today time?
Pretty high actually
its a local issue not a fed one
"Local issues" that local authorities cannot afford to deal with without hefty property tax increases.
OK so raise the taxs on those effected,, not my job to pay for utilities for someone 1000 miles away,,

we have enough problems of our own,,
And when your municipality has problems YOU can't'll come running for Federal money.

Fuck off.

not me,, cause I'm not a useless drone that thinks what I need should be provided by others,,,
You are indeed a useless drone.

I'm not the one asking you or anyone else to pay for me or my communities needs,,,

we can pay for it ourselves,,,

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