To:scotus cc: Obama


Gold Member
May 11, 2011

If a tax penalty for not making a proper health insurance plan available to your employees violates the religious liberty of Christian business owners who do not believe contraception is moral - does a tax credit for hiring veterans of war violate the religious liberty of Quaker business owners who do not believe violence is ever acceptable? If NO - then does that mean if the ACA is re-written as a credit for participation rather than a penalty for non-participation, it would not violate religious liberty?
wow, what garbage

so did you ALL know you don't believe contraception IS MORAL?

You can buy a condom for CHEAP

you people are for CHOICE all as long it FOR YOUR CAUSE..women choice aka ABORTION

Go cry us all a river and save a monthly allowance for your OWN birth control
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If a tax penalty for not making a proper health insurance plan available to your employees violates the religious liberty of Christian business owners who do not believe contraception is moral - does a tax credit for hiring veterans of war violate the religious liberty of Quaker business owners who do not believe violence is ever acceptable? If NO - then does that mean if the ACA is re-written as a credit for participation rather than a penalty for non-participation, it would not violate religious liberty?

The whole law is a farce.
wow, what garbage

so did you ALL know you don't believe contraception IS MORAL?

You can buy a condom for CHEAP

you people are for CHOICE all as long it FOR YOUR CAUSE..women choice aka ABORTION

Go cry us all a river and save a monthly allowance for your OWN birth control


If a tax penalty for not making a proper health insurance plan available to your employees violates the religious liberty of Christian business owners who do not believe contraception is moral - does a tax credit for hiring veterans of war violate the religious liberty of Quaker business owners who do not believe violence is ever acceptable? If NO - then does that mean if the ACA is re-written as a credit for participation rather than a penalty for non-participation, it would not violate religious liberty?

WTF is wrong with the left, is there even an ounce of honestly remaining in the left.

This ruling changed almost nothing in Obamacare. People and companies will still be forced to buy the very expensive, to the middle class, Obamacare. Retirees will still be forced off their promised company sponsored health care onto the expensive Obamacare. None of the changes. This is a very narrow ruling that is all. The problem for the left about the ruling is that the left just can't stand not getting their own way regardless of how trifle. Sad, pitiful really.
Scotus just upheld a law signed by Bill Clinton. What a bunch of crybabies the left are.

If a tax penalty for not making a proper health insurance plan available to your employees violates the religious liberty of Christian business owners who do not believe contraception is moral - does a tax credit for hiring veterans of war violate the religious liberty of Quaker business owners who do not believe violence is ever acceptable? If NO - then does that mean if the ACA is re-written as a credit for participation rather than a penalty for non-participation, it would not violate religious liberty?

WTF is wrong with the left, is there even an ounce of honestly remaining in the left.

This ruling changed almost nothing in Obamacare. People and companies will still be forced to buy the very expensive, to the middle class, Obamacare. Retirees will still be forced off their promised company sponsored health care onto the expensive Obamacare. None of the changes. This is a very narrow ruling that is all. The problem for the left about the ruling is that the left just can't stand not getting their own way regardless of how trifle. Sad, pitiful really.

they have no shame in lying, misleading, fibbing to the people in order to get them to vote for their party
Obama is leading the Democrat party into the gutter so they a found NEW thing to whip up their base..

If NO - then does that mean if the ACA is re-written as a credit for participation rather than a penalty for non-participation, it would not violate religious liberty?

I don't think so. Then again that's not how it was rammed through. They screwed the pooch and claiming the right or the court is wrong is just whining.

If a tax penalty for not making a proper health insurance plan available to your employees violates the religious liberty of Christian business owners who do not believe contraception is moral - does a tax credit for hiring veterans of war violate the religious liberty of Quaker business owners who do not believe violence is ever acceptable? If NO - then does that mean if the ACA is re-written as a credit for participation rather than a penalty for non-participation, it would not violate religious liberty?

WTF is wrong with the left, is there even an ounce of honestly remaining in the left.

This ruling changed almost nothing in Obamacare. People and companies will still be forced to buy the very expensive, to the middle class, Obamacare. Retirees will still be forced off their promised company sponsored health care onto the expensive Obamacare. None of the changes. This is a very narrow ruling that is all. The problem for the left about the ruling is that the left just can't stand not getting their own way regardless of how trifle. Sad, pitiful really.

You get very emotional when you talk. Try using thoughts more and emotions less.

Now that I have read more about the opinion it seems it does only apply to whore pills. If I need coverage for antibiotics to treat an STD I caught while bumming a nun in the bathroom of a boy's school - my employer cannot deny that based on their religious beliefs that bumming nuns in the bathroom of a boys school is immoral. It applies only to women and only to their reproductive systems.

It is good to see the misogyny continue, wouldn't you say?
Scotus just upheld a law signed by Bill Clinton. What a bunch of crybabies the left are.

I've yet to see anyone with a logical response to the questions posed in the OP.

Simple Yes no answers are all that is required.
don't let these people like poopoopahdodo, the Democrat party and NARAL LIE TO YOU...haven't you people HAD ENOUGH of them?
a lot links in the article at the site


NARAL lies about which drugs SCOTUS ruled on in Hobby Lobby case

8:27 pm, Jun 30, 2014 Lauren Enriquez 7 Comments

NARAL added to its tidy collection of lies today when the group released a meme that juxtaposed Viagra and a pack of regular, hormonal birth control pills. Over the picture of Viagra was stamped the word “Covered.” Over the picture of the pack of birth control pills were stamped the words, “Not covered Why does this matter? Because it’s a lie that many pro-abortion advocates believe, and are spreading throughout social media with abandon.

So let’s set the record straight: Today’s SCOTUS ruling did NOT ban low-dose hormonal contraceptives (although a strong case can be made for the abortifacient qualities of those). The ruling did NOT ban any normal form of contraception. Today’s ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby simply exempted the company, and others with similar objections, to covering abortion-causing drugs and devices. These are so-called “emergency contraceptives,” and they’re normally used after unprotected sex to prevent a pregnancy from occurring, or expel one that has begun. Specifically, the Hobby Lobby case dealt with four: Ella, Plan B, and two IUDs. (By the way, this and this are what the two drugs in question look like.)

These four drugs and devices — which even the pro-abortion Mother Jones cites — are all capable of causing abortions in addition to acting as normal contraceptives. It’s a mode of action that other contraceptives do not have. This is why the Green family of Hobby Lobby and the Hahn family of Conestoga Wood objected to providing them free of charge to employees. The abortion lobby continues to gain throngs of supporters who are outraged by a misnomer, that the Supreme Court banned contraception. This is so far from the truth as to be laughable.

all of it with comments at:
NARAL lies about which drugs SCOTUS ruled on in Hobby Lobby case | Live Action News
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The far left and the far right have been dropped since last fall from having any meaningful input into the political process in DC, and their influence in most of the states is waning.

You out there on both sides have become farces because you deny reality.
don't let these people like poopoopahdodo, the Democrat party and NARAL LIE TO YOU...haven't you people HAD ENOUGH of them?
a lot links in the article at the site


NARAL lies about which drugs SCOTUS ruled on in Hobby Lobby case

8:27 pm, Jun 30, 2014 Lauren Enriquez 7 Comments

NARAL added to its tidy collection of lies today when the group released a meme that juxtaposed Viagra and a pack of regular, hormonal birth control pills. Over the picture of Viagra was stamped the word “Covered.” Over the picture of the pack of birth control pills were stamped the words, “Not covered.” Why does this matter? Because it’s a lie that many pro-abortion advocates believe, and are spreading throughout social media with abandon.

So let’s set the record straight: Today’s SCOTUS ruling did NOT ban low-dose hormonal contraceptives (although a strong case can be made for the abortifacient qualities of those). The ruling did NOT ban any normal form of contraception. Today’s ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby simply exempted the company, and others with similar objections, to covering abortion-causing drugs and devices. These are so-called “emergency contraceptives,” and they’re normally used after unprotected sex to prevent a pregnancy from occurring, or expel one that has begun. Specifically, the Hobby Lobby case dealt with four: Ella, Plan B, and two IUDs. (By the way, this and this are what the two drugs in question look like.)

These four drugs and devices — which even the pro-abortion Mother Jones cites — are all capable of causing abortions in addition to acting as normal contraceptives. It’s a mode of action that other contraceptives do not have. This is why the Green family of Hobby Lobby and the Hahn family of Conestoga Wood objected to providing them free of charge to employees. The abortion lobby continues to gain throngs of supporters who are outraged by a misnomer, that the Supreme Court banned contraception. This is so far from the truth as to be laughable.

all of it with comments at:
NARAL lies about which drugs SCOTUS ruled on in Hobby Lobby case | Live Action News

ObamaCare requires employers provide health care free of charge to their employees?


I need to have a talk with LSU!

The far left and the far right have been dropped since last fall from having any meaningful input into the political process in DC, and their influence in most of the states is waning.

You out there on both sides have become farces because you deny reality.


The religious extremists run the SCOTUS.
I've yet to see anyone with a logical response to the questions posed in the OP.
Simple Yes no answers are all that is required.

The Court will answer your question when they see a case that contains it. Until then, they don't care about your question, or you.
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If a tax penalty for not making a proper health insurance plan available to your employees violates the religious liberty of Christian business owners who do not believe contraception is moral - does a tax credit for hiring veterans of war violate the religious liberty of Quaker business owners who do not believe violence is ever acceptable? If NO - then does that mean if the ACA is re-written as a credit for participation rather than a penalty for non-participation, it would not violate religious liberty?

WTF is wrong with the left, is there even an ounce of honestly remaining in the left.

This ruling changed almost nothing in Obamacare. People and companies will still be forced to buy the very expensive, to the middle class, Obamacare. Retirees will still be forced off their promised company sponsored health care onto the expensive Obamacare. None of the changes. This is a very narrow ruling that is all. The problem for the left about the ruling is that the left just can't stand not getting their own way regardless of how trifle. Sad, pitiful really.

You get very emotional when you talk. Try using thoughts more and emotions less.

Now that I have read more about the opinion it seems it does only apply to whore pills. If I need coverage for antibiotics to treat an STD I caught while bumming a nun in the bathroom of a boy's school - my employer cannot deny that based on their religious beliefs that bumming nuns in the bathroom of a boys school is immoral. It applies only to women and only to their reproductive systems.

It is good to see the misogyny continue, wouldn't you say?

Aren't the 5 who voted to continue keeping women down Catholics as well?
WTF is wrong with the left, is there even an ounce of honestly remaining in the left.

This ruling changed almost nothing in Obamacare. People and companies will still be forced to buy the very expensive, to the middle class, Obamacare. Retirees will still be forced off their promised company sponsored health care onto the expensive Obamacare. None of the changes. This is a very narrow ruling that is all. The problem for the left about the ruling is that the left just can't stand not getting their own way regardless of how trifle. Sad, pitiful really.

You get very emotional when you talk. Try using thoughts more and emotions less.

Now that I have read more about the opinion it seems it does only apply to whore pills. If I need coverage for antibiotics to treat an STD I caught while bumming a nun in the bathroom of a boy's school - my employer cannot deny that based on their religious beliefs that bumming nuns in the bathroom of a boys school is immoral. It applies only to women and only to their reproductive systems.

It is good to see the misogyny continue, wouldn't you say?

Aren't the 5 who voted to continue keeping women down Catholics as well?

Are there that many Catholics on the Court?
wow, what garbage

so did you ALL know you don't believe contraception IS MORAL?

You can buy a condom for CHEAP

you people are for CHOICE all as long it FOR YOUR CAUSE..women choice aka ABORTION

Go cry us all a river and save a monthly allowance for your OWN birth control

hobby lobbies HC covered 9 different Birth cant even get this right you old hag

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