‘To Stop the Multiplication of the Unfit’

Does anyone think Michelle Malkin doesn't use birth control?

Michelle is a mother. what the fuck is your stupid point? the article is about Margaret Sanger and planned parenthood.
I have no idea what Sanger was about nor what her values were, they are irrelevant today. What matters is the right of all women to make their family decisions based on their life and their personal values, not the ideology of any wing of any party. That planned parenhood does good is noted by many women who use their services, the right has no right to enter into the personal freedom of another and impose on them their desires. If you want lots of children go for it, but leave others alone. If you want less abortion, support education. If you want living healthy children, support programs that help those in need. If you want to be labeled a hypocrite continue to criticize those who sometimes help women make tough life decisions and don't simply preach. Words are too easy for the soapbox orator and really useless.


There are many people who support what you are saying, but there is a common thread in many of their comments. That is: while we do not oppose your "right" to make personal family decisions, we do object to the fact that you make your decisions without concern for whether you can afford, financially or emotionally, to rear your "decisions" without relying on the public to assist you. Once you decide to depend on public money to support your "personal family decisions", you have invited the public into your personal life. Planned Parenthood provides all kinds of birth control, for "poor" women. It would be nice if their decisions involved NOT having children the taxpayer has to raise.
and yet santorum thinks women should bare the children of rapist? abortion is a non issue both parties have proven that......

all this talk of abortion is simply an issue of distraction

"...women should bare the children..."

I'm shoulder to shoulder to you on any punishment you can think of for the rapist...
...but what, exactly, is the crime of the 'child' you reference such that it should be put to death?

Ummm...I'm guessing the crimes of the father being visited on the child?...Good point, though.
wow, that is just so inhumane.

What is sick is what we hear from you on the left. If you happen to have sex and by golly you get that unwanted pregnancy out of it...just abort abort abort...it's simple and painless, forget the mental guilt afterwards of realizing you just killed YOUR OWN CHILD.

Now, any comment on the article?

Let me repeat my question to you:

Do you think it's wrong to discourage poor women from having babies? Especially, many babies?

What exactly do you mean by "discourage"?

I would think that this would fall under the "education" category. You know, teach 'em what causes babies, give them access to prevention, and maybe even encourage them to improve their own circumstances before bringing children into their lives.
And yet,

...stop having so many babies!!!!!!!!!

Especially if you are 13 yrs old.

Malkin channeling Sanger is just plain stupid and very typical of Professional Sicko Malkin but -

if the R's get their way, 13 year olds and everyone else will be forced to have babies. There will be no contraception and no abortion.

And, R's will make sure there is no help for all those unwanted babies they forced women to bear.

Get the damn rw's out of our bedrooms, out of our private lives.

I'll go for that, as long as you agree to get the damned lw's out of our refrigerators, you know...our private lives.
What matters is the right of all women to make their family decisions based on their life and their personal values, not the ideology of any wing of any party. _

So, by your way of thinking society has no place interfering with the 'rights' of this woman:
Illinois Mother Kills Two Children With Shotgun, Hits Three Pedestrians With Car: Cops

right? Especially men, right? I mean, if men don't like that sort of thing then they shouldn't do it! (insert sophisticated laughter)

You do know that lots of women make family decisions based on their personal religious values, don't you?
lots of links in article at site.


By Michelle Malkin • February 10, 2012 09:06 AM

‘To Stop the Multiplication of the Unfit’
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2012

If you aren’t creeped out by the No Birth Control Left Behind rhetoric of the White House and Planned Parenthood, you aren’t listening closely enough. The anesthetic of progressive benevolence always dulls the senses. Wake up.

When a bunch of wealthy white women and elite Washington bureaucrats defend the trampling of religious liberties in the name of “increased access” to “reproductive services” for “poor” women, the ghost of Margaret Sanger is cackling.

As she wrote in her autobiography, Sanger founded Planned Parenthood in 1916 “to stop the multiplication of the unfit.” This, she boasted, would be “the most important and greatest step towards race betterment.” While she oversaw the mass murder of black babies, Sanger cynically recruited minority activists to front her death racket. She conspired with eugenics financier and businessman Clarence Gamble to “hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities” to sell their genocidal policies as community health and welfare services.

Outright murder wouldn’t sell. But wrapping it under the egalitarian cloak of “women’s health” — and adorning it with the moral authority of black churches — would. Sanger and Gamble called their deadly campaign “The Negro Project.”

In other writings, historian Mike Perry found, Sanger attacked programs that provided “medical and nursing facilities to slum mothers” because they “facilitate the function of maternity” when “the absolute necessity is to discourage it.” In an essay included in her writing collection held by the Library of Congress, Sanger urged her abortion clinic colleagues to “breed a race of thoroughbreds.” Nationwide “birth control bureaus” would propagate the proper “science of breeding” to stop impoverished, non-white women from “breeding like weeds.”

Speaking with CBS veteran journalist Mike Wallace in 1957, long after her racist views had supposedly mellowed, Sanger again revealed her true colors: “I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world — that have disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically. Delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things just marked when they’re born. That to me is the greatest sin — that people can — can commit.”

read it all at.
Michelle Malkin

The flag of elitist fascism is always carried by the left, disguised as enlightened egalitarianism, progressivism, name it what you will. It's the turning of a group into non persons. The Poor, The Rich, the undeserving. It's always THEM against US REAL PEOPLE, who are strangely never defined.
Hitler is laughing.
By the way, this entire paragraph is a bastardization of what Sanger wrote and believed. It is no way accurate.

It is entirely accurate.. deal with it and stop being so stupid... you lefties readily embrace and promote a culture of death and misery.

well no, seeing how typically the people who want war tend to be conservatives lately.
But you are a liar so this is nothing new seeing this from you

What on Earth are you babbling about now plastic balls?
By the way, this entire paragraph is a bastardization of what Sanger wrote and believed. It is no way accurate.

It is entirely accurate.. deal with it and stop being so stupid... you lefties readily embrace and promote a culture of death and misery.

well no, seeing how typically the people who want war tend to be conservatives lately.
But you are a liar so this is nothing new seeing this from you
Really?? Lately? It seems to me that you've got your partisan blinders on again, or does Libya not ring a bell with you?

Do the 3 carrier battle groups around Iran take their orders from conservatives, or the Commander in Chief Barry Obama?

Are the recently imposed sanctions on that country a product of this Administration?

Take your time...
It is entirely accurate.. deal with it and stop being so stupid... you lefties readily embrace and promote a culture of death and misery.

well no, seeing how typically the people who want war tend to be conservatives lately.
But you are a liar so this is nothing new seeing this from you
Really?? Lately? It seems to me that you've got your partisan blinders on again, or does Libya not ring a bell with you?

Do the 3 carrier battle groups around Iran take their orders from conservatives, or the Commander in Chief Barry Obama?

Are the recently imposed sanctions on that country a product of this Administration?

Take your time...

Iran wouldn't be a problem if Bush hadn't invaded Iraq. Just sayin'.
well no, seeing how typically the people who want war tend to be conservatives lately.
But you are a liar so this is nothing new seeing this from you
Really?? Lately? It seems to me that you've got your partisan blinders on again, or does Libya not ring a bell with you?

Do the 3 carrier battle groups around Iran take their orders from conservatives, or the Commander in Chief Barry Obama?

Are the recently imposed sanctions on that country a product of this Administration?

Take your time...

Iran wouldn't be a problem if Bush hadn't invaded Iraq. Just sayin'.

Uhm.. who was president when Iranians invaded our sovereign territory and held 52 Americans captive for over a year back in... the seventies?
well no, seeing how typically the people who want war tend to be conservatives lately.
But you are a liar so this is nothing new seeing this from you
Really?? Lately? It seems to me that you've got your partisan blinders on again, or does Libya not ring a bell with you?

Do the 3 carrier battle groups around Iran take their orders from conservatives, or the Commander in Chief Barry Obama?

Are the recently imposed sanctions on that country a product of this Administration?

Take your time...

Iran wouldn't be a problem if Bush hadn't invaded Iraq. Just sayin'.

Oh boy! I love it when you make stupid statements like this. You think they weren't still pissed from ol Jimmy Carters crap? Maybe the wars we backed Saddam in against them? Get real, skippy.
And yet,

in just about every discussion around here about the poor, about social spending, welfare etc.,

the first admonition to those poor you hear from the Right is...

...stop having so many babies!!!!!!!!!

No it's not, and you never hear, "kill those babies!" from the right but the exact sentiment is militantly insisted upon from the left.

i've never seen any pro choicer say this. Ever.

'Pro abortionist' you mean, and I said "the exact sentiment." Your lack of English skills continues to cause you problems.
What matters is the right of all women to make their family decisions based on their life and their personal values, not the ideology of any wing of any party. _

So, by your way of thinking society has no place interfering with the 'rights' of this woman:
Illinois Mother Kills Two Children With Shotgun, Hits Three Pedestrians With Car: Cops

right? Especially men, right? I mean, if men don't like that sort of thing then they shouldn't do it! (insert sophisticated laughter)

you are a fucking moron.

That's not an answer. That's ok, everyone knows what you on the pro-death left are all about anyway.
Does anyone think Michelle Malkin doesn't use birth control?

If she does, does anyone think she doesn't pay for it herself? Does anyone think she doesn't take responsibility for it herself? Keep digging, you partisan hack.
Thank goodness someone's just getting on with it!!!
Planned Parenthood announced Tuesday the grand opening of its long-planned $8 billion Abortionplex, a sprawling abortion facility that will allow the organization to terminate unborn lives with an efficiency never before thought possible.

During a press conference, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards told reporters that the new state-of-the-art fetus-killing facility located in the nation's heartland offers quick, easy, in-and-out abortions to all women, and represents a bold reinvention of the group's long-standing mission and values.
Planned Parenthood Opens $8 Billion Abortionplex | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Let me repeat my question to you:

Do you think it's wrong to discourage poor women from having babies? Especially, many babies?

What exactly do you mean by "discourage"?

I would think that this would fall under the "education" category. You know, teach 'em what causes babies, give them access to prevention, and maybe even encourage them to improve their own circumstances before bringing children into their lives.

I don't think that's really what lies at the heart of NYcarbineer's definition of "discourage."

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