To the "Anti-vaxxers"

Sure. This Kamala Harris quote always comes up.

"Well, I think that's going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump. And it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he's talking about. I will not take his word for it. He wants us to inject bleach. I — no, I will not take his word."

"If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it."

I’m not sure if you guys misunderstood what she said or if your sources lied to you. But what she said should be perfectly clear.

As I previously stated: They wouldn’t trust it if it was only Trump saying it was safe. They needed an actual medical professional to approve of it.

That’s exactly what I get from her comments. Why are we getting different meaning from her comments?
because the only reason she wouldn't take the vaccine was TRUMP.

the problem was trump was not the ONLY one saying it was fine to take, now was he? you just chose not to trust anyone who was on "trumps side".

now, we're supposed to simply trust a CDC that contradicts themselves daily and clearly shows they are "out to get" trump supporters by any means necessary?

or - feel free to show me the think about blacks being fine with taking the vaccine.

i'm giving you direct quotes and facts, and you're simply disagreeing on an opinion level. how am i supposed to have a valid conversation with someone who changes the circumstances of the conversation to what you need it to be *at the time*?

it's like you trying to present actual facts to me and i simply gave an opinion saying you are wrong. how long would your patience last in that scenario?
because the only reason she wouldn't take the vaccine was TRUMP.

the problem was trump was not the ONLY one saying it was fine to take, now was he? you just chose not to trust anyone who was on "trumps side".

now, we're supposed to simply trust a CDC that contradicts themselves daily and clearly shows they are "out to get" trump supporters by any means necessary?

or - feel free to show me the think about blacks being fine with taking the vaccine.

i'm giving you direct quotes and facts, and you're simply disagreeing on an opinion level. how am i supposed to have a valid conversation with someone who changes the circumstances of the conversation to what you need it to be *at the time*?

it's like you trying to present actual facts to me and i simply gave an opinion saying you are wrong. how long would your patience last in that scenario?

It’s clear from her words that she doesn’t trust Trump’s recommendation of a vaccine. She trusts the medical community’s input on vaccines.

I guess we just disagree if we can’t see eye to eye on that.
Vaccinated people can still get sick. They’re less likely to get seriously sick and die.
biden said they don't get sick.

you won't trust trump but you will trust biden. did trump ever make such a wild claim? and no he never said to drink bleach so don't bother with that one.

kinda speaks volumes you don't care about facts, just attacking a targeted mindset you don't like.
figure 3 is as close as i can find that would be your reference point. thank you.

i do wonder about black republicans and so forth, but the question was where you got this and you have provided that to back up what you said.
Not true. You have nothing.

You don't know that Biden and the Democrats were warning the country about Trump's vaccine, LOL. Sure you don't. Obviously you do know that. You're just very comfortable lying after all the experience you have being a Democrat and lying your fucking ass off all the time. Now the lies just flow with ease
You’re referencing an article from 7 months ago when the vaccines were first becoming available.

Doctors are now 96% likely to be vaccinated.

You’re an idiot.
you don't read well. 96% of those surveyed, not 96% of doctors. That's called spinning asshat. from your own fking link.,

96 percent of surveyed U.S. physicians have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19, with no significant difference in vaccination rates across regions. Of the physicians who are not yet vaccinated, an additional 45 percent do plan to get vaccinated.
and? since when does being in the minority make someone wrong?

it's this binary ass thinking people are glued to in which they refuse to allow anything other than what THEY feel to be right that has us all fucked up like this.
Being in the minority certainly doesn’t make you right
Sure. This Kamala Harris quote always comes up.

"Well, I think that's going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump. And it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he's talking about. I will not take his word for it. He wants us to inject bleach. I — no, I will not take his word."

"If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it."

I’m not sure if you guys misunderstood what she said or if your sources lied to you. But what she said should be perfectly clear.

As I previously stated: They wouldn’t trust it if it was only Trump saying it was safe. They needed an actual medical professional to approve of it.

That’s exactly what I get from her comments. Why are we getting different meaning from her comments?

But the medical experts are still unchanged in that the vaccines are NOT fully tested or safe.
They still are not FDA approved, do not specifically target covid-19, are migrating so that different parts of the body are being attacked, are causing anaphylactic deaths, could cause deadly allergic over reactions, etc.
Nothing has changed from when Trump pushed these same vaccines.
But the medical experts are still unchanged in that the vaccines are NOT fully tested or safe.
They still are not FDA approved, do not specifically target covid-19, are migrating so that different parts of the body are being attacked, are causing anaphylactic deaths, could cause deadly allergic over reactions, etc.
Nothing has changed from when Trump pushed these same vaccines.
More bullshit from our Kremlin troll

96% of those surveyed, and yet that doesn't say that quantity of doctors. BTW, how many doctors do you think exist in the US?
So you think they only surveyed doctors they knew would be one way or they other?

How does that work?

You claimed that I didn’t provide a link showing that black people are more likely to be vaccinated than Republicans.

Was that claim of yours true or not?

Yes, my claim was true because you only showed me one link, and it was defective.
The numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated did not add up to 100% but something like 180%.
I never saw any good proof from you.
And I showed you 3 links saying Blacks were the least vaccinated, even less than republicans.
And I know I saw more than 3 links saying how unvaccinated Blacks were.
My anecdotal experience was like a dozen or so articles lamenting low vax rates for Blacks.

Nor do I get the whole point, since some Blacks are Republicans, and Blacks also have reason to distrust the white medical profession after things like the Tuskegee Experiment.
More bullshit from our Kremlin troll


More proof you have nothing.
You can't just type "link".
You have to state what it is you are questioning.
It is you who are acting like a mindless bot.
You are not making any sort of point at all.

And I do NOT have to provide a link to prove these vaccines are untested because they are NOT FDA approved.
When they are fully tested, then they will be FDA approved.
See how that is supposed to work?

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