To the "Anti-vaxxers"

The vast majority of the medical community recommends the vaccine.

You're an idiot.

When you quote a number and speak for others, that requires a link.
The reality is doctors remain slightly skeptical of the mRNA vaccines and only recommend it as being slightly better than the virus itself.

Over the past months, millions of people in the U.S. have been safely vaccinated. The FDA and CDC continue to carefully monitor each of the authorized COVID-19 vaccines for safety concerns.

These organizations are being thorough and transparent. One example is that in April 2021 the CDC and FDA paused administration of the J&J vaccine so they could review data on a few reported cases of serious blood clots following vaccination with that vaccine. After this review, the FDA and CDC determined that the benefits of the J&J vaccine outweigh the risk of this very rare side effect, and authorized vaccination with the J&J shot to resume.

Similarly, after observing rare occurrences of myocarditis following the second injection of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, the CDC released information for the public.

They will continue to communicate with the public about their findings and any possible safety issues with this or any other COVID-19 vaccine. Any potential safety risks of COVID-19 vaccines must be weighed against the known serious risk of harm due to the COVID-19 infection and the benefits of protection that the vaccines offer.
figure 3 is as close as i can find that would be your reference point. thank you.

i do wonder about black republicans and so forth, but the question was where you got this and you have provided that to back up what you said.

Thank you.

Kaz says that I misunderstood my graph. Would you say that’s accurate? Just curious of your input since you seem pretty level-headed.
you don't read well. 96% of those surveyed, not 96% of doctors. That's called spinning asshat. from your own fking link.,

96 percent of surveyed U.S. physicians have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19, with no significant difference in vaccination rates across regions. Of the physicians who are not yet vaccinated, an additional 45 percent do plan to get vaccinated.

The sample should be a decent representation of the population.
But the medical experts are still unchanged in that the vaccines are NOT fully tested or safe.
They still are not FDA approved, do not specifically target covid-19, are migrating so that different parts of the body are being attacked, are causing anaphylactic deaths, could cause deadly allergic over reactions, etc.
Nothing has changed from when Trump pushed these same vaccines.

They still recommend it. I’ll go with their input. Thanks anyway.
When you quote a number and speak for others, that requires a link.

I provided you with a link that showed Republicans are less likely to be vaccinated than black people.

You didn’t understand that link. What happened there?
So you think they only surveyed doctors they knew would be one way or they other?

How does that work?

sure, just like the pollers call all demofks for everything else. It's really quite simple. Oh, and for the record another time, I don't believe any poll. Even if the poll was how I believe I don't believe it. Ask anyone in here. I'm consistent with that message. So it's all hogwash.
sure, just like the pollers call all demofks for everything else. It's really quite simple. Oh, and for the record another time, I don't believe any poll. Even if the poll was how I believe I don't believe it. Ask anyone in here. I'm consistent with that message. So it's all hogwash.
So you’re saying is that you simply don’t care. You’re gonna think what you want to think regardless of anything

Why even pretend to debate then?
So you’re saying is that you simply don’t care. You’re gonna think what you want to think regardless of anything

Why even pretend to debate then?
oh I care, I care that you all misrepresent reality. certainly, you believe pooh flung material from stupid polls . Where no one knows who actually answered the poll.
When you quote a number and speak for others, that requires a link.
The reality is doctors remain slightly skeptical of the mRNA vaccines and only recommend it as being slightly better than the virus itself.

Over the past months, millions of people in the U.S. have been safely vaccinated. The FDA and CDC continue to carefully monitor each of the authorized COVID-19 vaccines for safety concerns.

These organizations are being thorough and transparent. One example is that in April 2021 the CDC and FDA paused administration of the J&J vaccine so they could review data on a few reported cases of serious blood clots following vaccination with that vaccine. After this review, the FDA and CDC determined that the benefits of the J&J vaccine outweigh the risk of this very rare side effect, and authorized vaccination with the J&J shot to resume.

Similarly, after observing rare occurrences of myocarditis following the second injection of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, the CDC released information for the public.

They will continue to communicate with the public about their findings and any possible safety issues with this or any other COVID-19 vaccine. Any potential safety risks of COVID-19 vaccines must be weighed against the known serious risk of harm due to the COVID-19 infection and the benefits of protection that the vaccines offer.
Your link says that the vaccines are safe and effective

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