To the "Anti-vaxxers"

There’s plenty of doubt. Mostly from Trump supporters.

But I agree with you that it works.
no one has any idea it works. There is no evidence to support it does. You don't have two points of data to determine that. You know, that is necessary for every scenario.
There’s plenty of doubt. Mostly from Trump supporters.

But I agree with you that it works.
Yet when Trump was president, swearing they'd never trust it was the battle cry of the left.

they would refuse to take it.

now with Biden in, suddenly it's fine and everyone's duty to take it.

same vaccine.

We really need to stop seeing shit in Trump vs not Trump eyes.
Only a weak mind grabs at the idea of a conspiracy theory when it doesn't understand something.

Could it be that the overall death rate didn't increase because of other factors? Such as improvements in medicine for other illnesses? Such as the fact less people were driving or flying or traveling in general so there were less deaths associated with that? There are all kinds of things to factor in. But no, people with simple, weak minds grab onto a conspiracy whenever they don't understand something. Sad.

What is really insane is to think an entire world is in cahoots with someone in the US, apparently Democrats, to kill off millions of people, or pretend to, just to gain some kind of political ground. It is insane to think the entire world is in on a conspiracy that affects only the US. Have you never traveled? Have you never seen the rest of the world? Do you not realize they don't give a flying fuck about what goes on here, that they have their own countries and their own problems. Are you that limited?

Get the jab, wear a mask...and don't worry what others do
what would help society is to realize where we are, where we want to be, and stop doing the things that keep us from getting there. we're far stronger when we work together than when we do whatever it is we're doing right now. but that sounds like a bad politician making shitty promises or a crap campaign slogan people say to cover the fact they're still pieces of political shit.
I agree. have to agree on the goal/ objective. demofks can't do it. it isn't within their skin. Use to be, let's get here and each side presents how to achieve it. Work towards it. Most times concessions are needed by each side to reach a quality resolve. Taking a good point from one side and one from the other. not pulling down one's drawers and pooping on the other side's point. I have never seen it the other way, ever.
I agree. have to agree on the goal/ objective. demofks can't do it. it isn't within their skin.
you kinda gotta try.

there ARE some reasonable dems. out there despite my not agreeing with their views.

tulsi gabnard comes to. mind. she's a Democrat, not a socialist that the dems are turning into.

a. couple of other Ds are all that stands in the way of spending $3.5 trillion
who is?

every time I suggest we try, I get told by conservatives to not bother cause they won't.

just wondering how we get off this crazy train.
I agree. deny, deny, deny.

Let's start hearing, let's look into that and then give a reason to rule it out.
I agree. deny, deny, deny.

Let's start hearing, let's look into that and then give a reason to rule it out.
I agree that won't happen for awhile, but if we keep chasing idiots, all we will have are more idiotic conversations.
not many I have found, I give you that.

but it's still where I start.
I keep trying. I haven't found one yet. I have never seen a demofk in here post something outside the talking points of the MSM. ever.

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