To the "Anti-vaxxers"

it's pretty clear he pushes what he believes to be true.

who in here doesn't? myself included.

Fair enough, but it's clear when one is and isn't following the science. That means our views are backed up by actual studies and data. Democrats have this stupid shit going that science just means polling scientists. That isn't science. Studies are science. Any real scientist would tell you their opinion isn't science
It doesn’t.

But since I’m not a medical expert, I’d rather listen to what the vast majority of the medical community thinks.

I don’t think that’s unreasonable.
You know that with this experimental treatment each shot instructs your body to make trillions of foreign spike proteins and that there are no mid-long term studies on the effects of doing that. We are effectively in the middle of the most massive study ever undertaken for any treatment. You know that plenty of medical professionals, including the creator of mRNA vaccine technology, warn against these mRNA treatments. Those are facts. It is certainly is no less reasonable to be very wary of the vaccine.
it's pretty clear he pushes what he believes to be true.

who in here doesn't? myself included.
It's an interesting subject. I can agree with that to an extent, but then focus on the unreasonableness of some. Doesn't help us as a society. When defeat is all one is interested in, it's sad.
You know that with this experimental treatment each shot instructs your body to make trillions of foreign spike proteins and that there are no mid-long term studies on the effects of doing that. We are effectively in the middle of the most massive study ever undertaken for any treatment. You know that plenty of medical professionals, including the creator of mRNA vaccine technology, warn against these mRNA treatments. Those are facts. It is certainly is no less reasonable to be very wary of the vaccine.
I challenge any effort of force.
It's an interesting subject. I can agree with that to an extent, but then focus on the unreasonableness of some. Doesn't help us as a society. When defeat is all one is interested in, it's sad.
there's the rub. i'm willing to put down what i believe if i see the "other side" willing to do the same and explore the issue, not slam each other.

to me that is an adult rational approach.

i believe xyz because of 123. if you believe 123 because of xyz, can i ask why?

i asked white6 to prove what he said and that pissed him off royaly and the attacks followed. he demanded i provide proof for "MY SIDE" like he says he did for HIS SIDE.

only i never said shit about my side so his entire argument is an assumption designed to pull away from the fact he made a very stupid statement. if you stick to the topic, when people get pissed and emotional, i know i can't take them seriously so ignore they go.

eventually. :)

what would help society is to realize where we are, where we want to be, and stop doing the things that keep us from getting there. we're far stronger when we work together than when we do whatever it is we're doing right now. but that sounds like a bad politician making shitty promises or a crap campaign slogan people say to cover the fact they're still pieces of political shit.

but i do believe it. we've accomplished a ton when we worked together. we're tearing it all up now that we don't.
there's the rub. i'm willing to put down what i believe if i see the "other side" willing to do the same and explore the issue, not slam each other.
well the reason to debate is to prevent info from each side. There is never an actual debate in here. There is the demofks side and then the insults from them to the other point of view. excluded without a debate. Then the fun in here begins, to show how ignorant demofks truly are. You and I even disagree at times and debate each other.
well the reason to debate is to prevent info from each side. There is never an actual debate in here. There is the demofks side and then the arguments and insults from them to the other point of view. excluded without a debate. Then the fun in here begins, to show how ignorant demofks truly are. You and I even disagree at times and debate each other.
I'd rather focus on the issue than ensuring I get name calling in.
i asked white6 to prove what he said and that pissed him off royaly and the attacks followed. he demanded i provide proof for "MY SIDE" like he says he did for HIS SIDE.
because to them, there is no such thing as the other side or questioning them. They say so and you are to accept it as fact or pay the consequence of insults as I stated. they're all small.
I'd rather focus on the issue than ensuring I get name calling in.
Actually, I enjoy a challenge, it makes me smarter. Increases my experience and knowledge. I just go by this one thought, no evidence means one does not know. To mandate from a position there is just master/ slaving.
Most do. That’s good enough for me.
you have no idea that count!!! To assume such a thing and ignore the other side makes you uncooperative to a discussion. That's what this forum is supposed to be for. you decline every time. no consideration to the other point of view. ignored outright. It seems you do it cause the demofks told you to.
because to them, there is no such thing as the other side or questioning them. They say so and you are to accept it as fact or pay the consequence of insults as I stated. they're all small.
and I proved the living shit out of that.
you have no idea that count!!! To assume such a thing and ignore the other side makes you uncooperative to a discussion. That's what this forum is supposed to be for.

I posted links. I don’t care if you follow them or not.

I’ve stated before that I think you’re mentally retarded. I wasn’t lying about that. I actually mean that.

It’s not my job to make sure that you understand everything I post.

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