To the "Anti-vaxxers"

As I have pointed out. That is only part of the argument for getting vaxxed.
Other than immunity to the virus, what other reason can there be?
I have noticed a pattern here. When those of us advocating for the vaxx do not have an answer, or when we learn somthing new which alters our position we admit it.
Then you turn around and use that against us, like your doing right now.
Not having an answer to the question I asked -should- make you question the validity of what you said.
Why doesn't it?
Why didn't you ask the question yourself?
Other than immunity to the virus, what other reason can there be?

Not having an answer to the question I asked should make you question the validity of what you said.
Why doesn't it?
Why didn't you ask the question yourself?
OUTSTANDING :clap: :clap: :clap:
Every time you are exposed to it, your immune system gets stronger -- just like for every other illness you've ever caught, or been vaccinated for.
There you go again with your dogmatic appeal to authority logical fallacy which say" I know this. Trust me" while proving no actual evidence. So tell us. How do you explain reinfections? How many people will have to die before we reach natural herd immunity? And, why the fuck not just get the vaxx?
There you go again with your dogmatic appeal to authority logical fallacy which say" I know this. Trust me" while proving no actual evidence. So tell us. How do you explain reinfections? How many people will have to die before we reach natural herd immunity? And, why the fuck not just get the vaxx?
would be due to a variant. that's why. You should keep up. if all you vaxxed fkers would stop getting a shot, the variants wouldn't fester. you should learn how it all happens.
There you go again with your dogmatic appeal to authority logical fallacy which say" I know this. Trust me" while proving no actual evidence. So tell us. How do you explain reinfections? How many people will have to die before we reach natural herd immunity? And, why the fuck not just get the vaxx?
what's your evidence? you bark a lot and show nothing.
Not having an answer to the question I asked should make you question the validity of what you said.
Why doesn't it?
Why didn't you ask the question yourself?
I have made an overall valid and cogent case for getting the vax. The fact that I might not have all the pieces of the puzzle does not change that . You on the other hand have NOT argued effectively for not getting it. All that you have done is case vague doubts about it's effectivness and ignored most of the poits that I made while obfuscating the wider issue with a focus which way of getting immunity is better. It appears that you are just playing games now
I have made an overall valid and cogent case for getting the vax. The fact that I might not have all the pieces of the puzzle does not change that . You on the other hand have NOT argued effectively for not getting it. All that you have done is case vague doubts about it's effectivness and ignored most of the poits that I made while obfuscating the wider issue with a focus which way of getting immunity is better. It appears that you are just playing games now
so you have no idea why you took it.

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