To the Jews on this forum, whats your opinion of this guy's breakdown of why Jews are entitled to Israel, and all have a connection?


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2014
Its a pretty good explanation he gives to this U.C. Berkeley girl, it seems to me that the takeaway is that Jewish culture has always been about returning to the ancestral homeland, and it was only that the region was in constant control of one empire after another, that it never came to happen. The more I think about what he's saying , it makes sense to me that every distinct nationality does have a homeland, and the Jews being a distinct Nationality (as he described, it is not just a religion)... Israel seems to be the only place in the world a Jewish state should exist.

Its about the 14 minute mark that he made some points I hadnt quite heard before.

Do you all agree with this guy? its a long video to watch but the conversation is interesting enough to be worth watching.

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I didn't watch this video today, but I'm familiar with Rudy and all his work and agree with (nearly) everything he says.

"L'Shana Haba'ah B'Yerushalayim (Next Year in Jerusalem)" as a phrase for the desire to return to homeland has been recorded since at least the 9th century CE.
I didn't watch this video today, but I'm familiar with Rudy and all his work and agree with (nearly) everything he says.

"L'Shana Haba'ah B'Yerushalayim (Next Year in Jerusalem)" as a phrase for the desire to return to homeland has been recorded since at least the 9th century CE.
Yeah, he mentioned that same phrase as well
While I agree with the Jewish connection to the land (and as well, the Palestinian’s connection) and the Jewish right to a state that they fought for, developed and have maintained … what does “entitled” mean?

Every people is “entitled” to a state, most do not and will not get one. States seem to come into existence through warfare rather than a consensus of the regional peoples. Have any states come into being through peace?

“Entitled” strikes me as the wrong term.

They’ve earned their right to their state, like any other state.
Its a pretty good explanation he gives to this U.C. Berkeley girl, it seems to me that the takeaway is that Jewish culture has always been about returning to the ancestral homeland, and it was only that the region was in constant control of one empire after another, that it never came to happen. The more I think about what he's saying , it makes sense to me that every distinct nationality does have a homeland, and the Jews being a distinct Nationality (as he described, it is not just a religion)... Israel seems to be the only place in the world a Jewish state should exist.

Its about the 14 minute mark that he made some points I hadnt quite heard before.

Do you all agree with this guy? its a long video to watch but the conversation is interesting enough to be worth watching.

Jews haven't been a majority in Palestine since the 4th century.

Irrelevant. In most places in the world, the indigenous peoples have been colonized and are a minority population. The whole point of indigenous self-determination is to reconstitute sovereignty in your homeland despite this.

They are all Canaanites. Jews, Palestinians and Phoenicians have all been in the Levant for 4 thousand years.

It's wrong-headed to think you can purge Arabic speaking Christians and Muslims from Palestine and make it a Jewish state. The whole idea is insane and immoral . There's just no way to do such an ugly thing successfully.
They are all Canaanites. Jews, Palestinians and Phoenicians have all been in the Levant for 4 thousand years.

It's wrong-headed to think you can purge Arabic speaking Christians and Muslims from Palestine and make it a Jewish state. The whole idea is insane and immoral . There's just no way to do such an ugly thing successfully.
The Canaanite peoples no longer exist. Their culture is lost to history. Again, it's not about DNA or ancestry. It is the reconstitution of a people and their cultural inheritance in their homeland.

No one is trying to make the Arab Israelis leave Israel. Note that the reverse is NOT true. The only ones talking about "purge" are those who are trying (still, again!) to remove the Jewish people from their homeland. And I agree entirely that this is insane and immoral. You are blaming the wrong side, just denying reality in order to demonize the Jewish people.

And don't be silly. 143 new countries have come into being since 1920. Many of these are countries that were conceived and formed around a specific cultural, ethnic, or tribal group. To say that 142 other countries can do this perfectly legitimately, but Israel can't is the most ridiculous of double standards. Also, note: too late!
Its a pretty good explanation he gives to this U.C. Berkeley girl, it seems to me that the takeaway is that Jewish culture has always been about returning to the ancestral homeland, and it was only that the region was in constant control of one empire after another, that it never came to happen. The more I think about what he's saying , it makes sense to me that every distinct nationality does have a homeland, and the Jews being a distinct Nationality (as he described, it is not just a religion)... Israel seems to be the only place in the world a Jewish state should exist.

Its about the 14 minute mark that he made some points I hadnt quite heard before.

Do you all agree with this guy? its a long video to watch but the conversation is interesting enough to be worth watching.

Read the bible. Jews have lived on that land for 3000 years. Jesus was a Jew. King Solomon and King David were Jews and rulers in ancient Israel.
The state of Israel was created so that any Jew from anywhere can live in peace free of persecution there. Many countries restrict immigrants to certain religions. Saudi Arabia and Iran do it.
The Canaanite peoples no longer exist. Their culture is lost to history. Again, it's not about DNA or ancestry. It is the reconstitution of a people and their cultural inheritance in their homeland.

No one is trying to make the Arab Israelis leave Israel. Note that the reverse is NOT true. The only ones talking about "purge" are those who are trying (still, again!) to remove the Jewish people from their homeland. And I agree entirely that this is insane and immoral. You are blaming the wrong side, just denying reality in order to demonize the Jewish people.

And don't be silly. 143 new countries have come into being since 1920. Many of these are countries that were conceived and formed around a specific cultural, ethnic, or tribal group. To say that 142 other countries can do this perfectly legitimately, but Israel can't is the most ridiculous of double standards. Also, note: too late!

They didn't disappear.. They are Palestinians and Lebanese.

Read the Likud charter.

Theocracies historically claim entitlement from whatever God they uphold

Which places them beyond reproach....

There's just no way to do such an ugly thing successfully.
Yet the Jews have

Israel exists in spite of every effort since 1948 to destroy the Jewish state

Which fits my criteria for “successfully”
They didn't disappear.. They are Palestinians and Lebanese.
Your own words betray you. If the Canaanite people still existed they would be Canaanite. They would not be Palestinian. They would not be Lebanese. They would not be Jewish. They would have defining cultural features of being Canaanite. We would be able to distinguish them from other cultural or ethnic groups by defining the features that distinguish them from other groups.
Irrelevant. In most places in the world, the indigenous peoples have been colonized and are a minority population. The whole point of indigenous self-determination is to reconstitute sovereignty in your homeland despite this.

Great, so you forward that the "indigenous" people have been colonized and are a minority population.
Well exactly that happened after the 4th century to the remaining Jews, via the Arabs taking control of Palestine both in government and population count and later followed on by the Ottomans.

And if a minority takes on a majority to take away the latter's lands - it usually doesn't bode well for the minority.
And to claim territory that has been under the control and populated in majority by other people for 1600 years - is plain insanity and pure arrogance = Zionists

Furthermore it's neither archeologically nor historically proven, that the Israelite's are SUPPOSEDLY the indigenous population. Even their own self-written fantasy book - states; to go, conquer and suppress (even kill) the Canaanites and others.

Egyptian records clearly show that this area was CONQUERED and settled upon by the Hyksos from 1600B.C. onward - how did they know this? because 300 years before that, the Egyptians under Senusret III had already expanded into that territory.

Archeological digs have clearly proven that this area was already settled in 5000 B.C. aka Jericho - the city attacked an destroyed by the Israelite's according to their own booklet - 4000 years after it had been settled and build.

You want to talk about indigenous people? and their "right" (given by whom?) to reconstitute sovereignty of a supposedly former homeland? tell me and proof - who were these people that had settled in Canaanite since at least 5000 B.C.

You mean that today's Bavarian's (being Celtic people) have a RIGHT to claim former territory in today's Germany, Britain, France, etc since they had been driven out by those mean Germanic folks form 2000 B.C, onward?? - you are nuts.
Its a pretty good explanation he gives to this U.C. Berkeley girl, it seems to me that the takeaway is that Jewish culture has always been about returning to the ancestral homeland, and it was only that the region was in constant control of one empire after another, that it never came to happen. The more I think about what he's saying , it makes sense to me that every distinct nationality does have a homeland, and the Jews being a distinct Nationality (as he described, it is not just a religion)... Israel seems to be the only place in the world a Jewish state should exist.

Its about the 14 minute mark that he made some points I hadnt quite heard before.

Do you all agree with this guy? its a long video to watch but the conversation is interesting enough to be worth watching.

The Bible says when Israel becomes a nation that will be the last generation. But it doesn't say how long a generation is. The Bible says pound for pound Israel fighting force there is no match and that has been proven. Matter of fact the 2,000 plus years Israel's history is all there. Believe it.
I didn't watch this video today, but I'm familiar with Rudy and all his work and agree with (nearly) everything he says.

"L'Shana Haba'ah B'Yerushalayim (Next Year in Jerusalem)" as a phrase for the desire to return to homeland has been recorded since at least the 9th century CE.
Why did they wait 2000 years? Why were more Jews living outside of Israel by the birth of Christ?

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