To the ones who just don't get it and think Obama should negotiate~

good. Then I will have to only repeat this one more time.

The SCOTUS ruled it as a tax. Taxes are changed all the time.

In addition....

If this was a law that is immutable (look it up), then how is it that you have not been screaming at the top of your lungs and blaming Obama for the waivers and changes he has made (illicitly at that) to the law to protect his cronies?

At least try to think critically before posting nonsense.

Taxes are changed by a bill being introduced to amend a law, which is then passed by one or the other chamber, and then the second chamber adopts or modifies the passed bill, and then it goes to committee or the potus. Taxes are NOT changed specifically to defund a law that the minority party lacks the votes to amend.


In 1977 the government shut down three different over Medicaid funding for abortions. This happened even though Democrats controlled both houses and the presidency.

In 1981 the government shutdown because the Democrats didn't want to accept the cuts proposed by Reagan, and passed by the Senate.

In 1982 the government shutdown because 1 person didn't want the MX missile program proposed by Reagan.

In 1990 one man shut down the government because everyone else refused to do anything about the deficit.

In 1995 the government shutdown because one man didn't want to balance the budget.

What's your point?
night is day, up is down, inside is out, dirty is clean. got it

The Senate has the votes to pass the spending bill, the House has the votes to pass the spending bill;

Boehner has invented a veto power for himself that he is not entitled to have by any reasonable measure.

yeah, that's the thing. A maj of the gop house would have avoided this, and according to the Hassert Rule, that's enough for Boehner to have brought up a clean CR for a vote

Hastert Rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Excellent point :thumbup:

Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 4
The Senate has the votes to pass the spending bill, the House has the votes to pass the spending bill;

Boehner has invented a veto power for himself that he is not entitled to have by any reasonable measure.

yeah, that's the thing. A maj of the gop house would have avoided this, and according to the Hassert Rule, that's enough for Boehner to have brought up a clean CR for a vote

Hastert Rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Excellent point :thumbup:

Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 4

So..... You guys are just now discovering politics and the American Parliamentary System?

Seriously? You're here, in front of God and the whole world admitting..... That you're so stupid that you don't think this has been done on many occasions by both parties for various reasons....

And you're giving each other reach-arounds instead of Civics Lessons?

The below-room-temperature IQs of liberals never ceases to amaze me.

Read this.... Slowly:

Parliamentary procedure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I wonder how many other places that has held...

Once you could say "IT'S THE LAW" :

Slavery was legal
Women couldn't vote
Interracial marriages, let along gay marriages, were not allowed.
Only White men who owned property could vote.
There was a Poll Tax.
Non-Whites had to sit at the back of the bus.
Shooting a man who was having sex with your wife/girlfriend was legal.
Shooting your wife/girlfriend who was having sex with someone else was legal.
You could carry a loaded gun in Washington DC, New York, Detroit, the entire country in fact, without a permit.
If you could afford the gun, you could own it.
Abortion was illegal

Do you really want me to go further with was used to be legal and has been made illegal or changed over the years?

Remember, Obama-care wasn't supposed to be a tax when it was voted on in Congress, otherwise it would have had to had started in the House, which it didn't. It only became a Tax when Obama was about to lose in the SCotUS. That was the only way they could make the individual mandate legal.
Yup. Remember how they refused to call it a 'Tax' until it came out of the Supreme Court? In fact, they still don't like to call it a 'tax'.

This whole thing has been one big lie from beginning to end
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.

Laws can and have been repealed. And not all laws are enforced.

Hell, remember when Obama said he was not going to enforce DOMA and refuse to defend the law before the SCotUS?
Health care reform became a major issue in America when Bill Clinton was elected and Hillary decided to put it on the front burner. That was in 1992, or 21 years ago. The answer from the Republicans was a resounding "NO!"

That is how long the republicans have had to put together a plan of reform that they like.

And that plan is, obviously, still "NO!"

So, we can not really fault the republicans too much for flaws in ACA. But we sure as hell can tell them that their obstructionism has come to an end.

I guess I can go on living without the pandacam in the National Zoo for as long is it takes for them to finish alienating their last moderate supporter.
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Taxes are changed by a bill being introduced to amend a law, which is then passed by one or the other chamber, and then the second chamber adopts or modifies the passed bill, and then it goes to committee or the potus. Taxes are NOT changed specifically to defund a law that the minority party lacks the votes to amend.


In 1977 the government shut down three different over Medicaid funding for abortions. This happened even though Democrats controlled both houses and the presidency.

In 1981 the government shutdown because the Democrats didn't want to accept the cuts proposed by Reagan, and passed by the Senate.

In 1982 the government shutdown because 1 person didn't want the MX missile program proposed by Reagan.

In 1990 one man shut down the government because everyone else refused to do anything about the deficit.

In 1995 the government shutdown because one man didn't want to balance the budget.

What's your point?

That you are dumb enough to believe the guy that told you you could keep you doctor.

In 1977 the government shut down three different over Medicaid funding for abortions. This happened even though Democrats controlled both houses and the presidency.

In 1981 the government shutdown because the Democrats didn't want to accept the cuts proposed by Reagan, and passed by the Senate.

In 1982 the government shutdown because 1 person didn't want the MX missile program proposed by Reagan.

In 1990 one man shut down the government because everyone else refused to do anything about the deficit.

In 1995 the government shutdown because one man didn't want to balance the budget.

What's your point?

That you are dumb enough to believe the guy that told you you could keep you doctor.

Somehow that does't seem like an answer, could you clarify?
Yes. Both the House and the Senate passed a budget. Take a wild guess as to who is blocking the forming of a conference committee to iron out the difference.

Hint: It's the same party that just forced the Feds to shut down.

GOP. :lol:

See if the mods will let you change your user name to blindpartisan instead of blindboo. Harry Reid shut down the gubmint. That's a fact.


Sorry, but we are dealing in reality here. Republicans repeatedly stated that they did not want the government to shut down. While they were working, the senate was out doing whatever. They brought several plans that were rejected and Reid refused to negotiate and compromise. Plans were on the table. Reid rejected them and the government shut down because he didn't get his way. Any way you want to slice it and dice it, those are the cold hard facts. This shutdown is on Harry and Barack and it will cost them in 2014 and 2016.
See if the mods will let you change your user name to blindpartisan instead of blindboo. Harry Reid shut down the gubmint. That's a fact.


Sorry, but we are dealing in reality here. Republicans repeatedly stated that they did not want the government to shut down. While they were working, the senate was out doing whatever. They brought several plans that were rejected and Reid refused to negotiate and compromise. Plans were on the table. Reid rejected them and the government shut down because he didn't get his way. Any way you want to slice it and dice it, those are the cold hard facts. This shutdown is on Harry and Barack and it will cost them in 2014 and 2016.


And if the polls coming out at the moment are any indication, a lot more Americans besides me disagree with your assertion, too.
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

[U]It is a Law![/U]

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.

So are the immigration laws but the dems and this administration has chosen to ignore those, haven't they?

Your logic, as well as the administration's, is flawed.
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

[U]It is a Law![/U]

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.

So are the immigration laws but the dems and this administration has chosen to ignore those, haven't they?

Your logic, as well as the administration's, is flawed.

Turn off your AM radio and read the truth about what the Obama administration is doing about illegal immigrants:

'Operation Streamline' takes hard line on illegal border crossers
Health care reform became a major issue in America when Bill Clinton was elected and Hillary decided to put it on the front burner. That was in 1992, or 21 years ago. The answer from the Republicans was a resounding "NO!"

That is how long the republicans have had to put together a plan of reform that they like.

And that plan is, obviously, still "NO!"

So, we can not really fault the republicans too much for flaws in ACA. But we sure as hell can tell them that their obstructionism has come to an end.

I guess I can go on living without the pandacam in the National Zoo for as long is it takes for them to finish alienating their last moderate supporter.

The Government does not belong being in controll of your health care.
so i don't have to keep repeating myself, i decided to make a thread.

Obamacare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

it is a law!

sad that people are looped into the idea that there is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.
good. Then i will have to only repeat this one more time.

The scotus ruled it as a tax. Taxes are changed all the time.

In addition....

If this was a law that is immutable (look it up), then how is it that you have not been screaming at the top of your lungs and blaming obama for the waivers and changes he has made (illicitly at that) to the law to protect his cronies?

At least try to think critically before posting nonsense.

if republicans had even made an attempt, at some point, to make positive changes to the aca to make it better rather than constantly trying to repeal the entire thing while knowing that they had no chance of repealing it, then maybe i could look at republicans in some other way than just as complete obstructionists.

Negotiate? What have the Republicans offered to negotiate?

All they negotiate is what the Democrats should give them

That is not negotiation, that is extortion
That you are dumb enough to believe the guy that told you you could keep you doctor.

Somehow that does't seem like an answer, could you clarify?

Not for you

Actaully, you just did. You made clear you got nothin'.

Negotiate? What have the Republicans offered to negotiate?

All they negotiate is what the Democrats should give them

That is not negotiation, that is extortion

I wasn't aware that the Democrats even attempted to negoatate.

They simply said "No" and walked away.. Went home in fact and didn't even return to work to until 2 pm.
Negotiate? What have the Republicans offered to negotiate?

All they negotiate is what the Democrats should give them

That is not negotiation, that is extortion

I wasn't aware that the Democrats even attempted to negoatate.

They simply said "No" and walked away.. Went home in fact and didn't even return to work to until 2 pm.

Negotiation implies I give you something and you give me something. All Republicans have done is make demands as they hold the government hostage.

Obama is correct not to negotiate with terrorists.

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