To the ones who just don't get it and think Obama should negotiate~

So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.

So if a law is passed it is automatically funded? Or does it need to be added to a future budget that then gets voted on?

Have there been any budgets passed since 2009?

Yes. Both the House and the Senate passed a budget. Take a wild guess as to who is blocking the forming of a conference committee to iron out the difference.

Hint: It's the same party that just forced the Feds to shut down.

GOP. :lol:

So the answer is no.
Isn't it amazing how some will demand that smething IS THE LAW!!!! and therefore everybody should obey it. . . .

. . . .UNLESS. . . .

it is a law they don't like such as DOMA or the strict stipulations of Roe v Wade that are routinely ignored by the abortion worshippers or campaign laws that seem to favor large corporations, or right to work laws that are opposed by pro-unionists, etc.

When the Democratic minority opposed laws passed under a Republican administration, they were acclaimed patriots and the loyal opposition faithfully carryng out the convictions of those who elected them.

When a Republican majority in the House and a Republican minority in the Senate oppose a law passed under a Democratic administration, they are excoriated as spoiled brats, extremists, anti-American, obstructionists, etc. No quarter is given them who are faithfully carring out their campaign promises and are being faithful to those of us who elected them to do just that.

And who among our Obama worshippers and loyal fans of the ACA will acknowledge their dishonesty in those assessments?
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Isn't it amazing how some will demand that smething IS THE LAW!!!! and therefore everybody should obey it. . . .

. . . .UNLESS. . . .

it is a law they don't like such as DOMA or the strict stipulations of Roe v Wade that are routinely ignored by the abortion worshippers or campaign laws that seem to favor large corporations, or right to work laws that are opposed by pro-unionists, etc.

When the Democratic minority opposed laws passed under a Republican administration, they were acclaimed patriots and the loyal opposition faithfully carryng out the convictions of those who elected them.

When the Republicans oppose a law passed under a Democratic administration, they are excoriated as spoiled brats, extremists, anti-American, obstructionists, etc. No quarter is given them who are faithfully carring out their campaign promises and are being faithful to those of us who elected them to do just that.

Having a memory? Isn't that against the law?
Edgetho posted:
Had your ignorant, back-stabbing, dishonest, corrupt party allowed Republicans in on the deal, we'd have a working solution by now.

Ron sez:
I don't think so. The truth is republicans were allowed to submit amendents to the ACA. When you are being told they were shut out they are lying to you. Of the 788 amendments filed, 67 came from Democrats and 721 from Republicans. Only 197 amendments were passed in the end—36 from Democrats and 161 from Republicans. And of those 161 GOP amendments, Senate Republicans classify 29 as substantive and 132 as technical. BOTTOM LINE: REPUBLICANS HAD A SAY IN THE WRITING OF THE ACA AND THEY ARE LYING WHEN THEY SAY THAT THEY WERE SHUT OUT. Now, who are the "lying scumbags" again?
(The information I posted was from Slate.)
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.
The fact that It is a Law! does not make it a good thing and does not negate the harmful effects it is having on the people that THOUGHT they were going to be able to keep what they had.

Pelosi lied, Obama lied...the requirements of "the law" are ruining the healthcare system we once had...while too expensive itself...was the best in the world.

Bear in mind...SEGREGATION WAS THE LAW until enough people protested it and changed it.

Just because Obamacare is now THE LAW doesn't mean it is a good law.

It is too bad that Obama sees himself the supreme ruler of the United States and not open to negotiate with the know...the one that determines what money should be spent.

Screw Obama and his childish fucking attitude!
Yes. Both the House and the Senate passed a budget. Take a wild guess as to who is blocking the forming of a conference committee to iron out the difference.

Hint: It's the same party that just forced the Feds to shut down.

GOP. :lol:

The current congress doesn't have the votes to fund obamcare. Who gets a vote on the 2013 budget? Do congressmen from the two thousand naughts? The 1950s? Where do we draw the line?

I say the congress elected to serve in 2013 gets to vote on the 2013 budget, period.

Sure they do. Bring up a Clean CR on the House floor and it will pass with bipartisan support.
Yes. Both the House and the Senate passed a budget. Take a wild guess as to who is blocking the forming of a conference committee to iron out the difference.

Hint: It's the same party that just forced the Feds to shut down.

GOP. :lol:

The current congress doesn't have the votes to fund obamcare. Who gets a vote on the 2013 budget? Do congressmen from the two thousand naughts? The 1950s? Where do we draw the line?

I say the congress elected to serve in 2013 gets to vote on the 2013 budget, period.

Sure they do. Bring up a Clean CR on the House floor and it will pass with bipartisan support.

A "clean" bill would be to fund only those things there are the votes to fund
Liberals have been trying to get a national health program for over a hundred years.

If conservatives think that they can force liberals to give it up, they are outta their freakn' minds!

Nixon was a liberal? Who knew?
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.

The great thing about our country and our constitution is the fact we do have midterm elections to vote out the ones the people feel are not doing their job. And any law can be repealed.

What's funny is how the democrats feel the need to change the law concerning the second amendment, but when it comes to Obamacare it's hands off? :lmao:
Liberals have been trying to get a national health program for over a hundred years.

If conservatives think that they can force liberals to give it up, they are outta their freakn' minds!
It turns out that the first attempt to establish National Health Care occurred in 1912 and the President who introduce it was Theodore Roosevelt. Teddy Roosevelt was a Republican back in the day they had concern for All Americans and not just the rich.
National health care debate goes back to Theodore Roosevelt plan in 1912: Analysis |
Wacky Quacky posted:
The individual mandate is so bad I can hardly describe it. To think that the government can punish people, through taxes, because they don't do something should be abhorrent to everyone. What's next, a tax penalty for not voting republican or democrat? According to Roberts, that would be constitutional because it's just a tax.
Ron sez:
So you are good with people behaving irresponsibly. You have no problem paying the medical bills of those who don't have medical insurance. I'm NOT good with having to pay the medical bills of others.
Consider the following; When a person who is ill goes to the emergency room the hospital has to treat them. IF that person cannot pay their bill they have two choices. They can (1) eat the bill and write off the money owed or (2) they can raise their rates of those who can pay. As hospitals are in business to make money they choose option #2. When hospitals raise their rates insurance companies are forced to follow. WHAT THAT MEANS IS THAT THOSE WHO ARE BEHAVING RESPONSIBILITY AND WHO HAVE MEDICAL INSURANCE WILL SEE THEIR RATES RISE TO PAY FOR THE DEADBEAT WHO IS TO CHEAP TO BUY INSURANCE. Are you still good with people behaving irresponsibily? If you have any brains you arn't.

Don't assume you know my stance on health care. I support single payer, as long as it's done at a state level. Everyone in, including politicians and unions.

But penalizing people through taxes is just wrong. The government's been doing it for a long time though. You get penalized for not getting married, or not having kids, or not donating to charities. I think all of those taxes should be scapped.
The current congress doesn't have the votes to fund obamcare. Who gets a vote on the 2013 budget? Do congressmen from the two thousand naughts? The 1950s? Where do we draw the line?

I say the congress elected to serve in 2013 gets to vote on the 2013 budget, period.

Then Boehner needs to let the House vote on the clean budget bill, with obamacare funding in it.

night is day, up is down, inside is out, dirty is clean. got it

The Senate has the votes to pass the spending bill, the House has the votes to pass the spending bill;

Boehner has invented a veto power for himself that he is not entitled to have by any reasonable measure.
Yes I do remember when the Repubs loved the Patriot Act and the Dems hated it. Mostly.
Then the Dems won the WH and as I said they would, fell absolutely in love with that Patriot Act on steroids. Dems learned from watching Repubs.

And now history is repeating itself.

Dems hate the procedure of shutting down the government to get you parties way. And the Repubs love using a government shut down as a legislative "tool". And the Dems are watching to see how this plays out cause one day, it will be the Dems doing the same thing.

How are you Repubs gonna like it then? About as much as you like warrant less wiretapping?
What goes around comes around.

We Americans are sure lucky to have such wisdom in our elected leaders. lmao.

You only have to go back to when there was talk of Democrats merely filibustering Bush's Supreme Court nominees to find the conservative hypocrisy.
Our progressive brethren are so gung ho to lay all the blame for the mess we are in at the feet of the Republicans, that they seem to have lost all perspective.

You know it is no mystery that Congress is supposed to pass a budget by October 1 of EVERY year and Harry Reid refused to do so with nary a murmer from our fearless leader. But failure to pass a budget now is the fault of the Republicans?

It was no mystery that this show down was coming up, but once again the Senate waited until the eleventh hour to reject the work of the House and refused to negotiate on ANYTHING. But failure to get it done is the Republicans' fault?

It is no secret that our President really REALLY likes his beer. Maybe that explains his sometimes incoherence when he is without his teleprompter? But apparently our other elected leaders do a lot of drinking on the job too.

From last night:

With just hours to go until a government shutdown, Congressmen couldn't seem to agree on much except the fact that drinks were in order.

Reporters tweeted Monday night that they could smell booze on the lawmakers working to strike a last-minute spending deal on Capitol Hill:

HuffPost asked one tired-looking House lawmaker if he planned to go get a drink while the Senate took the lead on the government-funding bill for a while. He begrudgingly said no.

"I can't," he grumbled. "I have to be back in two hours."

But Capitol Hill boozing is becoming a trend. Reporters shared stories of seeing and smelling alcohol-fueled lawmakers Saturday night.

Congressmen Still Boozing As Government Shuts Down

We the people, who they are sworn to represent, deserve better.
Our progressive brethren are so gung ho to lay all the blame for the mess we are in at the feet of the Republicans, that they seem to have lost all perspective.

You know it is no mystery that Congress is supposed to pass a budget by October 1 of EVERY year and Harry Reid refused to do so with nary a murmer from our fearless leader. But failure to pass a budget now is the fault of the Republicans?

It was no mystery that this show down was coming up, but once again the Senate waited until the eleventh hour to reject the work of the House and refused to negotiate on ANYTHING. But failure to get it done is the Republicans' fault?

It is no secret that our President really REALLY likes his beer. Maybe that explains his sometimes incoherence when he is without his teleprompter? But apparently our other elected leaders do a lot of drinking on the job too.

From last night:

With just hours to go until a government shutdown, Congressmen couldn't seem to agree on much except the fact that drinks were in order.

Reporters tweeted Monday night that they could smell booze on the lawmakers working to strike a last-minute spending deal on Capitol Hill:

HuffPost asked one tired-looking House lawmaker if he planned to go get a drink while the Senate took the lead on the government-funding bill for a while. He begrudgingly said no.

"I can't," he grumbled. "I have to be back in two hours."

But Capitol Hill boozing is becoming a trend. Reporters shared stories of seeing and smelling alcohol-fueled lawmakers Saturday night.

Congressmen Still Boozing As Government Shuts Down

We the people, who they are sworn to represent, deserve better.

That's been proven false.
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.

You just can't talk to idealogue party hacks. Thus the reason WHY Barry and his cronies won't negotiate.

A clear MAJORITY of Americans do not want this monstrosity!

I realize that the key piece of the progressive agenda is CONTROL. Simply because you have to keep people in line and under control to enact those type of laws. Do what we tell you, when we tell you, how we tell you to do it, where we tell you. Now see there, you're so much better off. Don't think about it, just do it and everything will be so much better. Let's remember, it takes a village!

Uh, no. How many times do I have to tell you? I am an AMERICAN! I go where I want, do what I want, when I want. All you hand-holding, koombaya singing, finger-pointing, shrieking, European Democratic Socialist wanna-be's can whine all you want. The Republican House is doing EXACTLY what I elected them to do.

The OP is doing his best impression of Chernobyl...
Then Boehner needs to let the House vote on the clean budget bill, with obamacare funding in it.

night is day, up is down, inside is out, dirty is clean. got it

The Senate has the votes to pass the spending bill, the House has the votes to pass the spending bill;

Boehner has invented a veto power for himself that he is not entitled to have by any reasonable measure.

yeah, that's the thing. A maj of the gop house would have avoided this, and according to the Hassert Rule, that's enough for Boehner to have brought up a clean CR for a vote

Hastert Rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Our progressive brethren are so gung ho to lay all the blame for the mess we are in at the feet of the Republicans, that they seem to have lost all perspective.

You know it is no mystery that Congress is supposed to pass a budget by October 1 of EVERY year and Harry Reid refused to do so with nary a murmer from our fearless leader. But failure to pass a budget now is the fault of the Republicans?

It was no mystery that this show down was coming up, but once again the Senate waited until the eleventh hour to reject the work of the House and refused to negotiate on ANYTHING. But failure to get it done is the Republicans' fault?

It is no secret that our President really REALLY likes his beer. Maybe that explains his sometimes incoherence when he is without his teleprompter? But apparently our other elected leaders do a lot of drinking on the job too.

From last night:

With just hours to go until a government shutdown, Congressmen couldn't seem to agree on much except the fact that drinks were in order.

Reporters tweeted Monday night that they could smell booze on the lawmakers working to strike a last-minute spending deal on Capitol Hill:

HuffPost asked one tired-looking House lawmaker if he planned to go get a drink while the Senate took the lead on the government-funding bill for a while. He begrudgingly said no.

"I can't," he grumbled. "I have to be back in two hours."

But Capitol Hill boozing is becoming a trend. Reporters shared stories of seeing and smelling alcohol-fueled lawmakers Saturday night.

Congressmen Still Boozing As Government Shuts Down

We the people, who they are sworn to represent, deserve better.

That's been proven false.

What has been proven false? That the people deserve better? You better have a link for that.
night is day, up is down, inside is out, dirty is clean. got it

The Senate has the votes to pass the spending bill, the House has the votes to pass the spending bill;

Boehner has invented a veto power for himself that he is not entitled to have by any reasonable measure.

yeah, that's the thing. A maj of the gop house would have avoided this, and according to the Hassert Rule, that's enough for Boehner to have brought up a clean CR for a vote

Hastert Rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The House voted a clean bill. THREE clean bills in the last 48 hours to be exact. The Senate rejected each one.

All the Senate had to do was agree to fund the government by passing any one of the three bills the House passed on condition that funding Obamacare would be addressed as a separate issue--something the House offered them. The Senate refused to do that because NO DEMOCRAT--got it? No DEMOCRAT--wanted to be on the record as funding Obamacare on a stand alone vote.
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.

You just can't talk to idealogue party hacks. Thus the reason WHY Barry and his cronies won't negotiate.

A clear MAJORITY of Americans do not want this monstrosity!

I realize that the key piece of the progressive agenda is CONTROL. Simply because you have to keep people in line and under control to enact those type of laws. Do what we tell you, when we tell you, how we tell you to do it, where we tell you. Now see there, you're so much better off. Don't think about it, just do it and everything will be so much better. Let's remember, it takes a village!

Uh, no. How many times do I have to tell you? I am an AMERICAN! I go where I want, do what I want, when I want. All you hand-holding, koombaya singing, finger-pointing, shrieking, European Democratic Socialist wanna-be's can whine all you want. The Republican House is doing EXACTLY what I elected them to do.

The OP is doing his best impression of Chernobyl...

So, have the gop introduce a bill to change what they don't like about obamacare. The dems want to get reelected, so they're not going to oppose getting rid of provisions people don't like.

Now, getting rid of letting our college kids stay on our HC till they get out of grad school, or not letting my insurace company collect deductables and co-pays for preventative care, thereby forcing them to save money by keeping us healthy rather than saving money by not paying for care in the first place .... I don't think you'll have much luck there, if that's something you want to get rid of.

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