To the ones who just don't get it and think Obama should negotiate~

So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.
good. Then I will have to only repeat this one more time.

The SCOTUS ruled it as a tax. Taxes are changed all the time.

In addition....

If this was a law that is immutable (look it up), then how is it that you have not been screaming at the top of your lungs and blaming Obama for the waivers and changes he has made (illicitly at that) to the law to protect his cronies?

At least try to think critically before posting nonsense.

If Republicans had even made an attempt, at some point, to make positive changes to the ACA to make it better rather than constantly trying to repeal the entire thing while knowing that they had no chance of repealing it, then maybe I could look at Republicans in some other way than just as complete obstructionists.
not letting my insurace company collect deductables and co-pays for preventative care, thereby forcing them to save money by keeping us healthy


the arrogance of the left. damn. insurance companies are being forced to save money by liberal lawyers. it's not like they don't have armies of actuaries. lawyers are making them even more profitable. that's just hysterical.
It a suicide mission!

Polls consistently show that Americans aren’t happy with Obamacare. They think the law will make health care more expensive, and decrease its quality. But a new survey of 1,976 registered voters finds that only 33 percent believe that the health law should be repealed, delayed, or defunded. 29 percent believe that “Congress should make changes to improve the law,” 26 percent believe that “Congress should let the law take effect” and see what happens, and 12 percent believe that the law should be expanded. The bottom line? Voters are skeptical that Obamacare will live up to Democrats’ hype. But they also believe that it should be given a chance to succeed.

New Poll: Only One-Third Of Americans Support Repealing, Defunding Or Delaying Obamacare - Forbes
Republicans in Congress have rallied toward the medical device tax as the ultimate shiny object of repeal.
Republicans couldn't come up with alternative revenue sources. Their only proposals are to let the deficit go up a little, or to cut Obamacare’s subsidies and Medicaid expansion.

Millions have already bought their health insurance, and the republicans greed can go cower in the corner.

1) We have plenty of revenue
2) We have tons of overspending, including but not limited to Obamacare
3) It is greed when you think the government owes you something or should be the agent to make the marketplace come to you
4) Millions could already buy insurance as it is a service that is on the open marketplace...
5) You nor anyone else is owed subsidized insurance or care

I own my business and pay over $30,000 a year plus $5,000 deductible, it is kicking my ass.
Why would you ASSUME that I am looking for a handout.

What is going on is the Big Bucks in the medical world is going to change, the rip offs in the insurance companies aren't going to kick you off because of having a disease.
You know you could have had 1950s treatment for your disease and paid 1950s prices for it. Then again, if you did that, you'd be dead.
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.

Laws can and have been repealed. And not all laws are enforced.
It a suicide mission!

Polls consistently show that Americans aren’t happy with Obamacare. They think the law will make health care more expensive, and decrease its quality. But a new survey of 1,976 registered voters finds that only 33 percent believe that the health law should be repealed, delayed, or defunded. 29 percent believe that “Congress should make changes to improve the law,” 26 percent believe that “Congress should let the law take effect” and see what happens, and 12 percent believe that the law should be expanded. The bottom line? Voters are skeptical that Obamacare will live up to Democrats’ hype. But they also believe that it should be given a chance to succeed.

New Poll: Only One-Third Of Americans Support Repealing, Defunding Or Delaying Obamacare - Forbes

Fortunately we arent governed by stupid polls. Especially ones that over sample Democrats.
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.

So if a law is passed it is automatically funded? Or does it need to be added to a future budget that then gets voted on?

Have there been any budgets passed since 2009?

Yes. Both the House and the Senate passed a budget. Take a wild guess as to who is blocking the forming of a conference committee to iron out the difference.

Hint: It's the same party that just forced the Feds to shut down.

GOP. :lol:

Btw, isn't it kinda funny how are so-called Liberal mainstream media doesn't mention that little fact when reporting on this crisis? Kinda ruins the "both sides are guilty" narrative, I guess.
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.

All laws are laws until they are repealed, altered, or added to by the congress and signed by the President. So sad that our community organizer fails to realize that fact. He has been changing the ACA at his whim, and I have yet to see any reaction from the left wing loonies.

Your idiotic contention that congress has no business messing with a law that has already been passed is so ignorant as to be laughable. That is what they do. They change the law everytime they pass a new piece of legislation.
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.

Laws can and have been repealed. And not all laws are enforced.

Like Obamacare and the employer mandate?
You don't negotiate with terrorists

They will only ask for more next year

That's it. Anyone who uses terms like terrorists or nazis to describe their opposition is going straight to the ignore list. You people are too fucking stupid to bother talking to.

You don't negotiate with terrorists

They will only ask for more next year

You call Republicans terrorists and what they're doing an "act of terror". You call Nadal Hassan is disgruntled employee and what he did was "workplace violence". Maybe this is why you moonbats have no credibility? ......... :eusa_whistle:
It a suicide mission!

Polls consistently show that Americans aren’t happy with Obamacare. They think the law will make health care more expensive, and decrease its quality. But a new survey of 1,976 registered voters finds that only 33 percent believe that the health law should be repealed, delayed, or defunded. 29 percent believe that “Congress should make changes to improve the law,” 26 percent believe that “Congress should let the law take effect” and see what happens, and 12 percent believe that the law should be expanded. The bottom line? Voters are skeptical that Obamacare will live up to Democrats’ hype. But they also believe that it should be given a chance to succeed.

New Poll: Only One-Third Of Americans Support Repealing, Defunding Or Delaying Obamacare - Forbes

This is mainly because - once again - if you break down the "disapproving" numbers you find that a good portion of them disapprove because they'd like to see something even closer to single-payer and don't think the law is "socialistic" enough.

Put those together with people who actually approve of the law and you actually have a majority who don't agree with the Repubs' view.
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.

What's your point?
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.

What's your point?


So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.

So if a law is passed it is automatically funded? Or does it need to be added to a future budget that then gets voted on?

Have there been any budgets passed since 2009?

Yes. Both the House and the Senate passed a budget. Take a wild guess as to who is blocking the forming of a conference committee to iron out the difference.

Hint: It's the same party that just forced the Feds to shut down.

GOP. :lol:

See if the mods will let you change your user name to blindpartisan instead of blindboo. Harry Reid shut down the gubmint. That's a fact.
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.
good. Then I will have to only repeat this one more time.

The SCOTUS ruled it as a tax. Taxes are changed all the time.

In addition....

If this was a law that is immutable (look it up), then how is it that you have not been screaming at the top of your lungs and blaming Obama for the waivers and changes he has made (illicitly at that) to the law to protect his cronies?

At least try to think critically before posting nonsense.

Taxes are changed by a bill being introduced to amend a law, which is then passed by one or the other chamber, and then the second chamber adopts or modifies the passed bill, and then it goes to committee or the potus. Taxes are NOT changed specifically to defund a law that the minority party lacks the votes to amend.


In 1977 the government shut down three different over Medicaid funding for abortions. This happened even though Democrats controlled both houses and the presidency.

In 1981 the government shutdown because the Democrats didn't want to accept the cuts proposed by Reagan, and passed by the Senate.

In 1982 the government shutdown because 1 person didn't want the MX missile program proposed by Reagan.

In 1990 one man shut down the government because everyone else refused to do anything about the deficit.

In 1995 the government shutdown because one man didn't want to balance the budget.
So if a law is passed it is automatically funded? Or does it need to be added to a future budget that then gets voted on?

Have there been any budgets passed since 2009?

Yes. Both the House and the Senate passed a budget. Take a wild guess as to who is blocking the forming of a conference committee to iron out the difference.

Hint: It's the same party that just forced the Feds to shut down.

GOP. :lol:

See if the mods will let you change your user name to blindpartisan instead of blindboo. Harry Reid shut down the gubmint. That's a fact.


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