To the ones who just don't get it and think Obama should negotiate~

Negotiate? What have the Republicans offered to negotiate?

All they negotiate is what the Democrats should give them

That is not negotiation, that is extortion

I wasn't aware that the Democrats even attempted to negoatate.

They simply said "No" and walked away.. Went home in fact and didn't even return to work to until 2 pm.

Negotiation implies I give you something and you give me something. All Republicans have done is make demands as they hold the government hostage.

Obama is correct not to negotiate with terrorists.

Oh, that's not entirely true.

They did back off and demand less from the Dems in exchange for nothing from them.

According to the GoOPers, that's compromise.
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I wasn't aware that the Democrats even attempted to negoatate.

They simply said "No" and walked away.. Went home in fact and didn't even return to work to until 2 pm.

Negotiation implies I give you something and you give me something. All Republicans have done is make demands as they hold the government hostage.

Obama is correct not to negotiate with terrorists.

Oh, that's not entirely true.

They did back off and demand less from the Dems in exchange for nothing from them.

According to the GoOPers, that's compromise.

Why don't Republicans offer up background checks in exchange for a one year delay in Obamacare?

That is what negotiation is......not negotiating how much of Obamacare you get to kill
Health care reform became a major issue in America when Bill Clinton was elected and Hillary decided to put it on the front burner. That was in 1992, or 21 years ago. The answer from the Republicans was a resounding "NO!"

That is how long the republicans have had to put together a plan of reform that they like.

And that plan is, obviously, still "NO!"

So, we can not really fault the republicans too much for flaws in ACA. But we sure as hell can tell them that their obstructionism has come to an end.

I guess I can go on living without the pandacam in the National Zoo for as long is it takes for them to finish alienating their last moderate supporter.

The GOP produced several plans. So you're either lying or stupid. Likely both.
The truth is the Dems produced this monstrosity without consulting the GOP, rammed it through using questionably legal means, and now whines the GOP doesn't support it.
Had they worked towards consensus, like every other major bill, this wouldn't have happened.
Negotiation implies I give you something and you give me something. All Republicans have done is make demands as they hold the government hostage.

Obama is correct not to negotiate with terrorists.

Oh, that's not entirely true.

They did back off and demand less from the Dems in exchange for nothing from them.

According to the GoOPers, that's compromise.

Why don't Republicans offer up background checks in exchange for a one year delay in Obamacare?

That is what negotiation is......not negotiating how much of Obamacare you get to kill

Its the I will scratch my back if you scratch my back republican way of doing things.
This shutdown has nothing to do with The Afforable Healthcare Act. That is just an easy excuse. This was planned by Republicans BEFORE the 2010 elections.

Rachel Maddow explained it brilliantly last night on her show. If you didn't see it, here is the link to the transcript and a little of what she said:

When President Obama was first elected in 2008, he, of course, came to
Washington with something every president wants, a House and a Senate
controlled by his own party. And in the two years where the Democrats had
the White House, the House and the Senate, we got Wall Street reform,
student loan reform, credit card reform, health care reform, obviously, the
Fair Pay Act, expanding of the G.I. Bill, they reauthorized the Children`s
Health Insurance Program, expanded national service programs.

They fixed the disparity between crack versus powdered cocaine. We
got the 9/11 First Responders Bill. We got the Hate Crimes Act. They
ratify the START Treaty between us and Russia on nuclear weapons.

They repealed "don`t ask, don`t tell". They did the cash for
clunkers. They did the stimulus, which included the greatest middle class
tax cuts ever.

That was all done by the Congress that was elected at the same time as
President Obama in 2008. They were elected in November of 2008. They were
sworn in in January of 2009, and in the next two years, they got all of
those things done.

Then the Republicans did really well in the midterms, and the
Republicans took control of the House for the first time in years, and John
Boehner became speaker. And since then, there has not been a single
significant piece of legislation enacted into law.

The Republicans won the elections in November 2010. They were sworn
in in January 2011. Since then, zero, zip, nothing in terms of legislative
accomplishment. And that, of course, is because they have been otherwise

After getting sworn in in January, by April, they threatened to shut
down the government. That was April.

By July, Republicans had forced the first ever debt ceiling crisis in
American history. We got our national credit rating downgraded for that
one until they eventually blinked and decided they didn`t want to keep

By September of that same year, Republicans were threatening another
government shutdown.

By April of the following year, more threats from Republicans of
another government shutdown.

By December, by this past December, happy New Year! Republicans were
pushing us over the fiscal cliff!

By January, this past January, congressional Republicans were talking
about forcing another debt ceiling crisis before again backing down.

And now, happy September 30th, we are due for that often threatened
Republican shutdown before tonight is through.

In September 2010, just a few weeks before the midterm elections,
where the House Republicans won their majority and won back control of the
House, a Republican congressman from Georgia, Lynn Westmoreland, spoke
to a conservative audience at a Christian Coalition event, the Faith and
Freedom Conference. And he told that conservative crowd that the
Republicans were going to need their support when they moved to shut down
the government.

That`s how they campaigned for office in 2010. That`s what they
promised they would do if they were elected in 2010. And that is what they
started to do as soon as they were elected in 2010.

And so, within a matter of weeks after they were sworn in, in January
2011, Republicans were giving John Boehner a standing ovation in their
caucus meeting when he said, yes, we are preparing for a shutdown. That
was the first time. Hooray, a shutdown! Because this is what they

They weren`t promising a specific result. They were just promising to
use this tactic. And I think this is crucial, the tactic itself is the
point. The shutdown may or may not accomplish anything.

It`s the shutdown itself that is the point. It demonstrates a
willingness to go to extremes, which is fun and ideologically desirable,
and it shows a decisive lack of respect for what government is. It is a
tactical insult to the whole idea of governance. So, it`s just perfect for
the American right, no matter what it accomplishes, even if it accomplishes

They knew that ahead of the election. And then they got elected. And
now we`ve got, this is this week, House Republicans coming out of their
closed-door meeting on Saturday when they decided to vote for a shutdown,
and they did not see this as a somber thing, a sober thing that they were
taking on reluctantly, a bad thing that they were reluctant to do?

When they came out of that conference meeting, having just decided to
shut down the government, they were psyched!

REP. MICHELE BACHMANN (R), MINNESOTA: This is exactly what we hoped
for. We`re all getting behind leadership. We think we`re going to get
every vote!! We`re excited. We`re united.


REPORTER: How`d it go in there?

REP. TOM COLE (R), OKLAHOMA: Very good. It went very well.

They see this as great news. Representative John Culberson of Texas told reporters that as he and
his colleagues were clamoring for a vote, he shouted out his own
encouragement, "I said, like 9/11, let`s roll!"

There is nothing about the last few weeks of political back-and-forth
that explains why this is happening. There is nothing about health reform
specifically that explains why this is happening. In 2011, they didn`t
bother making it about health reform, they made it about the budget back
then. Or maybe it will be Planned Parenthood funding or maybe it will be

Let`s just pick something. What we want is a shutdown. What is
happening tonight is happening tonight because this is what Republicans
want to do. This is what they promised to do.

This tactic, let`s roll, this tactic is an end in and of itself, and
that is why there is no talking them out of it.

Elect Republicans and they will burn the place down and they will
laugh while they do it and have a great time. And then what?
Let`s roll! Let`s bring the U.S. government to its knees, just like
on 9/11, except the other way. Yes.

There`s a kind of palpable glee on the Republican side about this
accomplishment they are bringing about tonight. They are psyched.

This is NOT about The Affordable Healthcare Act. It's about Republicans being sore losers.

Monday, September 30 - msnbc - Rachel Maddow show | NBC News
This shutdown has nothing to do with The Afforable Healthcare Act. That is just an easy excuse. This was planned by Republicans BEFORE the 2010 elections.

Rachel Maddow explained it brilliantly last night on her show. If you didn't see it, here is the link to the transcript and a little of what she said:

Why am I not surprised you follow that ugly dyke?

Rachel Maddow might be the last liberal in media to still think Obama is doing a great job.
Let`s just pick something. What we want is a shutdown. What is
happening tonight is happening tonight because this is what Republicans
want to do. This is what they promised to do.

This tactic, let`s roll, this tactic is an end in and of itself, and
that is why there is no talking them out of it.

Elect Republicans and they will burn the place down and they will
laugh while they do it and have a great time. And then what?
Let`s roll! Let`s bring the Yes.

Saddening that 9/11 was even brought up or compared to by any party.
Let`s just pick something. What we want is a shutdown. What is
happening tonight is happening tonight because this is what Republicans
want to do. This is what they promised to do.

This tactic, let`s roll, this tactic is an end in and of itself, and
that is why there is no talking them out of it.

Elect Republicans and they will burn the place down and they will
laugh while they do it and have a great time. And then what?
Let`s roll! Let`s bring the Yes.

Saddening that 9/11 was even brought up or compared to by any party.

Isn't that the truth?? It's disgraceful.
This shutdown has nothing to do with The Afforable Healthcare Act. That is just an easy excuse. This was planned by Republicans BEFORE the 2010 elections.

Rachel Maddow explained it brilliantly last night on her show. If you didn't see it, here is the link to the transcript and a little of what she said:

Why am I not surprised you follow that ugly dyke?

Rachel Maddow might be the last liberal in media to still think Obama is doing a great job.

Do you really think your comments are in the least bit valuable?? You hate Rachel because she is eloquent in showing the republican party leaders for the losers that they are. Every word she says is true and you know it. Quit making a fool of yourself.
Negotiate? What have the Republicans offered to negotiate?

All they negotiate is what the Democrats should give them

That is not negotiation, that is extortion

You have to be braindead to actually believe what you just wrote. Republicans were elected by their constituants, just like the Democrats were. Politics is a give and take game where the results fall somewhere in the middle. Our future is not something that Democrats have to give, or not to give. Take your my way, or the highway, arrogance back to the hole you pulled it out of.
You tellum, Bubba!!!

Bill Clinton Shatters the Republican Attempts to Blame Obama For a Government Shutdown

Former President Clinton made two points that the media is overlooking. The Republicans aren’t negotiating. They issued a series of public demands. Public ultimatums and demands are not the characteristics of a serious negotiation. The second point is critical. While Republicans have been complaining in the media that the president won’t negotiate with them, they haven’t asked for any negotiations. In fact, they aren’t speaking to the White House at all.

The idea that Obama is to blame for something that is the constitutional responsibility of the House Republicans would be laughable if it didn’t demonstrate an ignorance on the part of both the media and the public that the Republicans are happily exploiting. The reality is that Democrats have to stand up to the tea party extremists in the House and Senate. One compromise will only lead to more demands. Their crisis inducing behavior isn’t going to stop.

It is insane to assume that the group steering the House Republican caucus is composed of reasonable people who will sit down and fairly negotiate solutions to our problems. Instead of flexibility and reason, the Democrats are being opposed by inflexible ideologues. Ideologues don’t compromise. House Republicans don’t want to negotiate. They are trying to conqueror.

This is why all Democrats must stand united, and say no. Appeasement will only embolden those who won’t stop until they get 100% of what they are demanding. The House Republicans will only back down when they are defeated. Toughness and resolve will triumph over extremism. Obama is doing the right thing, and Democrats need to show their support.

Bill Clinton Shatters the Republican Attempts to Blame Obama For a Government Shutdown
You tellum, Bubba!!!

Bill Clinton Shatters the Republican Attempts to Blame Obama For a Government Shutdown

Former President Clinton made two points that the media is overlooking. The Republicans aren’t negotiating. They issued a series of public demands. Public ultimatums and demands are not the characteristics of a serious negotiation. The second point is critical. While Republicans have been complaining in the media that the president won’t negotiate with them, they haven’t asked for any negotiations. In fact, they aren’t speaking to the White House at all.

The idea that Obama is to blame for something that is the constitutional responsibility of the House Republicans would be laughable if it didn’t demonstrate an ignorance on the part of both the media and the public that the Republicans are happily exploiting. The reality is that Democrats have to stand up to the tea party extremists in the House and Senate. One compromise will only lead to more demands. Their crisis inducing behavior isn’t going to stop.

It is insane to assume that the group steering the House Republican caucus is composed of reasonable people who will sit down and fairly negotiate solutions to our problems. Instead of flexibility and reason, the Democrats are being opposed by inflexible ideologues. Ideologues don’t compromise. House Republicans don’t want to negotiate. They are trying to conqueror.

This is why all Democrats must stand united, and say no. Appeasement will only embolden those who won’t stop until they get 100% of what they are demanding. The House Republicans will only back down when they are defeated. Toughness and resolve will triumph over extremism. Obama is doing the right thing, and Democrats need to show their support.

Bill Clinton Shatters the Republican Attempts to Blame Obama For a Government Shutdown

Very true

Republicans need to be slapped down and slapped down hard. There has to be a price to be paid for their abusive tactics

Otherwise, the Government Shutdown/Debt default will become an annual event as Republicans fill out their Christmas list of demands
You tellum, Bubba!!!

Bill Clinton Shatters the Republican Attempts to Blame Obama For a Government Shutdown

Former President Clinton made two points that the media is overlooking. The Republicans aren’t negotiating. They issued a series of public demands. Public ultimatums and demands are not the characteristics of a serious negotiation. The second point is critical. While Republicans have been complaining in the media that the president won’t negotiate with them, they haven’t asked for any negotiations. In fact, they aren’t speaking to the White House at all.

The idea that Obama is to blame for something that is the constitutional responsibility of the House Republicans would be laughable if it didn’t demonstrate an ignorance on the part of both the media and the public that the Republicans are happily exploiting. The reality is that Democrats have to stand up to the tea party extremists in the House and Senate. One compromise will only lead to more demands. Their crisis inducing behavior isn’t going to stop.

It is insane to assume that the group steering the House Republican caucus is composed of reasonable people who will sit down and fairly negotiate solutions to our problems. Instead of flexibility and reason, the Democrats are being opposed by inflexible ideologues. Ideologues don’t compromise. House Republicans don’t want to negotiate. They are trying to conqueror.

This is why all Democrats must stand united, and say no. Appeasement will only embolden those who won’t stop until they get 100% of what they are demanding. The House Republicans will only back down when they are defeated. Toughness and resolve will triumph over extremism. Obama is doing the right thing, and Democrats need to show their support.

Bill Clinton Shatters the Republican Attempts to Blame Obama For a Government Shutdown

Very true

Republicans need to be slapped down and slapped down hard. There has to be a price to be paid for their abusive tactics

Otherwise, the Government Shutdown/Debt default will become an annual event as Republicans fill out their Christmas list of demands

Agreed. Their thuggish tactics cannot be allowed to stand :mad:

Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 4
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Negotiate? What have the Republicans offered to negotiate?

All they negotiate is what the Democrats should give them

That is not negotiation, that is extortion

You have to be braindead to actually believe what you just wrote. Republicans were elected by their constituants, just like the Democrats were. Politics is a give and take game where the results fall somewhere in the middle. Our future is not something that Democrats have to give, or not to give. Take your my way, or the highway, arrogance back to the hole you pulled it out of.

Its a simple question

If politics are "give and take"...What have Republicans offered to "give"?
Health care reform became a major issue in America when Bill Clinton was elected and Hillary decided to put it on the front burner. That was in 1992, or 21 years ago. The answer from the Republicans was a resounding "NO!"

That is how long the republicans have had to put together a plan of reform that they like.

And that plan is, obviously, still "NO!"

So, we can not really fault the republicans too much for flaws in ACA. But we sure as hell can tell them that their obstructionism has come to an end.

I guess I can go on living without the pandacam in the National Zoo for as long is it takes for them to finish alienating their last moderate supporter.

The GOP produced several plans. So you're either lying or stupid. Likely both.
The truth is the Dems produced this monstrosity without consulting the GOP, rammed it through using questionably legal means, and now whines the GOP doesn't support it.
Had they worked towards consensus, like every other major bill, this wouldn't have happened.

Again this is a complete untruth.

This was the Republican plan they put into law.

Liberals wanted Single Payer or a Government Option. Republicans vehemently opposed both and suggested this plan be used instead. They had input in committee.

They then tried to kill this before it got a vote.

That's not operating in good faith at all.
Health care reform became a major issue in America when Bill Clinton was elected and Hillary decided to put it on the front burner. That was in 1992, or 21 years ago. The answer from the Republicans was a resounding "NO!"

That is how long the republicans have had to put together a plan of reform that they like.

And that plan is, obviously, still "NO!"

So, we can not really fault the republicans too much for flaws in ACA. But we sure as hell can tell them that their obstructionism has come to an end.

I guess I can go on living without the pandacam in the National Zoo for as long is it takes for them to finish alienating their last moderate supporter.

The GOP produced several plans. So you're either lying or stupid. Likely both.
The truth is the Dems produced this monstrosity without consulting the GOP, rammed it through using questionably legal means, and now whines the GOP doesn't support it.
Had they worked towards consensus, like every other major bill, this wouldn't have happened.

Again this is a complete untruth.

This was the Republican plan they put into law.

Liberals wanted Single Payer or a Government Option. Republicans vehemently opposed both and suggested this plan be used instead. They had input in committee.

They then tried to kill this before it got a vote.

That's not operating in good faith at all.

This excuse baffles me. Are you saying the Democrats were tricked into passing a Republican law?
The GOP produced several plans. So you're either lying or stupid. Likely both.
The truth is the Dems produced this monstrosity without consulting the GOP, rammed it through using questionably legal means, and now whines the GOP doesn't support it.
Had they worked towards consensus, like every other major bill, this wouldn't have happened.

Again this is a complete untruth.

This was the Republican plan they put into law.

Liberals wanted Single Payer or a Government Option. Republicans vehemently opposed both and suggested this plan be used instead. They had input in committee.

They then tried to kill this before it got a vote.

That's not operating in good faith at all.

This excuse baffles me. Are you saying the Democrats were tricked into passing a Republican law?

Damn those crafty Republicans! Damn them I say! :lol:
A very poorly written bill that fails to address the stranglehold state insurance regulators have over the industry. Until such time national portability and ability to adopt a free market based insurance industry is realized one will never realize the savings open competition can bring to the consumer. Hold on to your hats insurance rates are going to launch and government health care expense will blast the budget out of orbit.

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