To the ones who just don't get it and think Obama should negotiate~

Nevertheless the GOP house passed three separate bills that would keep those 800,000 (your number) loyal workers on the job. The President and Democrats said nope. It's our way or nothing. End of story.

And like petulant children they are now shutting down facilities that have NEVER been closed in previous government shutdowns and doing their damndest to inflict maximum pain on as many people as possible.

Yet people like you keep defending them to the hilt.

Here's Harry Reids response to a CNN reporter's question re closure of a cancer facility. Her question, "If you can help one child with cancer, why wouldn't you do that?" His response, "Why would we want to do that?" I don't think he really intended it the way it came across--even Harry Reid isn't THAT dumb or probably not THAT cold blooded--but how hard of heart do people have to be to intentionally hurt people when there is absolutely no reason to do so?

Harry Reid 'Why Would We Want To' Help One Kid With Cancer - YouTube


They passed three bills to defund Obamacare knowing full well they would result in 800,000 workers being sent home

Perhaps, but it didn't have to. None of the bills defunded Obamacare or even tried to kill it. They just didn't provide funding for it right now when the government is broke and they are all pledged to reduce the size and scope and expense of government. The last two bill suggested that Obamacare just be delayed for now until the rules and regs are all written, the exchanges are ready to run, and all the other glitches can be worked out. It is NOT an unreasonable request.

It is not the GOP's responsibility that the President and Harry Reid will not negotiate in any way or work with anybody on anything and are being unnecessarily vindictive. It is the GOP's responsibility to represent the people who elected them. They have been doing that. Elections have consequences, remember? You Democrats have been telling us that over and over again.

"what right do they have (the house) to decide which parts government can be funded"

a 100 percent of the right harry

crony harry needs to go home
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.

Gee, maybe people got that idea when they saw Obama pick and choose the parts of it that he wants to uphold. He and congress chose not to participate in the law. Obama arbitrarily allowed the wealthiest companies to kick the can down the road for one year while imposing the oppressive law on the rest of us. They are not prepared to implement the law and it's a huge mess. Rather than delaying it for everyone until they can figure out something better, they are forcing people to participate in commerce whether they want to or not.

Obamacare is not a tax. The punishment for not buying insurance is being called a tax, but we all know it's a fine. They lied to SCOTUS and it was upheld.

Income tax being used as a punishment is a new low.
Last edited:
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.
good. Then I will have to only repeat this one more time.

The SCOTUS ruled it as a tax. Taxes are changed all the time.

In addition....

If this was a law that is immutable (look it up), then how is it that you have not been screaming at the top of your lungs and blaming Obama for the waivers and changes he has made (illicitly at that) to the law to protect his cronies?

At least try to think critically before posting nonsense.

Okay, I've thought critically. Hence, you are either a liar or an ignorant partisan. There is only one other conclusion - you're both.

Your allegation of "illicitly" is bull shit. Here's is why:

Now, thank me for educating you and apologize for your lie.

The notion of you thinking critically is a laugh and a half. You didnt even respond appropriately to his post.
Obama illegally changed the law. He also illegally decided which laws he wanted to enforce. That isn't his job. That is a violation of his oath of office. You remember an oath of office, right?
The only one who needs education is you. The only one who needs to apologize is you. Instead you'll just go out and suck more Dem cock.
By the way

Have any of you had a money making disease ?

They made over $500.000 on me after hearing the word cancer.

1 bag of chemo is over $10,000

Why do you think the big Pharma doesn't want this to go through?

Or why big pharma does everything they can to make sure that no natural treatments ever see the light of day? Yeah.
By the way

Have any of you had a money making disease ?

They made over $500.000 on me after hearing the word cancer.

1 bag of chemo is over $10,000

Why do you think the big Pharma doesn't want this to go through?

Or why big pharma does everything they can to make sure that no natural treatments ever see the light of day? Yeah.

Because people who used natural treatments in the old days all lived much longer than people do today, right?
Gawd, the stupidity of people is amazing.
Wacky Quacky posted:
The individual mandate is so bad I can hardly describe it. To think that the government can punish people, through taxes, because they don't do something should be abhorrent to everyone. What's next, a tax penalty for not voting republican or democrat? According to Roberts, that would be constitutional because it's just a tax.
Ron sez:
So you are good with people behaving irresponsibly. You have no problem paying the medical bills of those who don't have medical insurance. I'm NOT good with having to pay the medical bills of others.
Consider the following; When a person who is ill goes to the emergency room the hospital has to treat them. IF that person cannot pay their bill they have two choices. They can (1) eat the bill and write off the money owed or (2) they can raise their rates of those who can pay. As hospitals are in business to make money they choose option #2. When hospitals raise their rates insurance companies are forced to follow. WHAT THAT MEANS IS THAT THOSE WHO ARE BEHAVING RESPONSIBILITY AND WHO HAVE MEDICAL INSURANCE WILL SEE THEIR RATES RISE TO PAY FOR THE DEADBEAT WHO IS TO CHEAP TO BUY INSURANCE. Are you still good with people behaving irresponsibily? If you have any brains you arn't.

3) They can set up a payment plan with the person who received treatment. They did that with me after my son was born.

So now that everyone will have health insurance, hospitals will be lowering their rates, followed by insurance companies. Right?

I hope the rates lower its crazy.

About making payments ~ getting something like cancer will bring you down so fast as far as the high costs.

Fortunately I have insurance which is sooo very expensive. I would have lost everything.

I got a bill for 3 months of chemotherapy and it was $64,000.

I went through a year and a half of that, not including the multiple surgeries as well as many unnecessary things.

Total of my treatment was over $300.000

I would not do that again if I had known

People lose their houses and life saving because of getting sick.

Hard working people should not have to go through that.

Wait. So you got cancer, got state of the art treatment presumably with a cure or remission, insurance paid for a large chunk of it so you didnt go bankrupt, and you want to change this system??
By the way

Have any of you had a money making disease ?

They made over $500.000 on me after hearing the word cancer.

1 bag of chemo is over $10,000

Why do you think the big Pharma doesn't want this to go through?

Or why big pharma does everything they can to make sure that no natural treatments ever see the light of day? Yeah.

Because people who used natural treatments in the old days all lived much longer than people do today, right?
Gawd, the stupidity of people is amazing.

Obama compromised on certain delays because that's who he is. He actually didn't have to. But after getting new information, he decided to change his mind.

That's what reasonable people do.

He already agreed to a delay.

Obama already compromised when he didn't have to. So I don't know why Republicans are bitching now, some 3 years after Obamacare passed.

Maybe they should have accepted all of Obama's invitations for breakfast and lunch after all instead of giving Obama the middle finger when health care was being debated?

Stupid cons.
Obama compromised on certain delays because that's who he is. He actually didn't have to. But after getting new information, he decided to change his mind.

That's what reasonable people do.

He already agreed to a delay.

Obama already compromised when he didn't have to. So I don't know why Republicans are bitching now, some 3 years after Obamacare passed.

Maybe they should have accepted all of Obama's invitations for breakfast and lunch after all instead of giving Obama the middle finger when health care was being debated?

Stupid cons.

Idiot. He didnt compromise. He made unilateral changes in the law that he was not allowed to. That is not his job. He is not the Dictator of the U.S.
All they are asking is to have the delay extended for everyone.


The employer mandate is a minor part of the law....effecting only 1% of businesses. In fact....there is bi-partisan agreement that it may not be necessary at all. It may be removed altogether.

The individual mandate is the core of the law. This latest attempt to kill the law is disguised as a simple request to delay. The nutters know tht to delay the individual mandate is to kill the law.

"All they are asking"............please.
Obama compromised on certain delays because that's who he is. He actually didn't have to. But after getting new information, he decided to change his mind.

That's what reasonable people do.

He already agreed to a delay.

Obama already compromised when he didn't have to. So I don't know why Republicans are bitching now, some 3 years after Obamacare passed.

Maybe they should have accepted all of Obama's invitations for breakfast and lunch after all instead of giving Obama the middle finger when health care was being debated?

Stupid cons.

You need to tend to your unicorn and feed it another bucket of glitter. Dumbass.
3) They can set up a payment plan with the person who received treatment. They did that with me after my son was born.

So now that everyone will have health insurance, hospitals will be lowering their rates, followed by insurance companies. Right?

I hope the rates lower its crazy.

About making payments ~ getting something like cancer will bring you down so fast as far as the high costs.

Fortunately I have insurance which is sooo very expensive. I would have lost everything.

I got a bill for 3 months of chemotherapy and it was $64,000.

I went through a year and a half of that, not including the multiple surgeries as well as many unnecessary things.

Total of my treatment was over $300.000

I would not do that again if I had known

People lose their houses and life saving because of getting sick.

Hard working people should not have to go through that.

Wait. So you got cancer, got state of the art treatment presumably with a cure or remission, insurance paid for a large chunk of it so you didnt go bankrupt, and you want to change this system??

No the complete opposite~ I saw what really was going on by getting cancer~ The way they bloodsuck $$$ out of you when the word is out and let the ones who don't have insurance go through all of their savings, and once these people are drained, they drop them. Very common story~

I find that very very corrupt and something needs to be done, at least this is a start.

Not only is the medical part of it way over the top, so it the medication.

The politicians are in bed with our medical world, and have been since the first multimillionaire gave money to the medical school back in the 1800's

Most people don't know that until they get sick.

And most of us are going to get old and sick so its not like your going to walk away from it unless if you die a faster kind of death.
The last two bill suggested that Obamacare just be delayed for now until the rules and regs are all written, the exchanges are ready to run, and all the other glitches can be worked out. It is NOT an unreasonable request.

1) Glitches would happen a year from now just as they are happening now. No time like the present to start working them out.

2) The Republicans know that it will be harder to campaign against the ACA once it's up and running and people are enrolled, even if there are glitches they can point to.

On those two points alone, it is most definintely an unreasonable request.

I'd like to say it will ultimately be turned down, too, but I'm not quite that confident.
I hope the rates lower its crazy.

About making payments ~ getting something like cancer will bring you down so fast as far as the high costs.

Fortunately I have insurance which is sooo very expensive. I would have lost everything.

I got a bill for 3 months of chemotherapy and it was $64,000.

I went through a year and a half of that, not including the multiple surgeries as well as many unnecessary things.

Total of my treatment was over $300.000

I would not do that again if I had known

People lose their houses and life saving because of getting sick.

Hard working people should not have to go through that.

Wait. So you got cancer, got state of the art treatment presumably with a cure or remission, insurance paid for a large chunk of it so you didnt go bankrupt, and you want to change this system??

No the complete opposite~ I saw what really was going on by getting cancer~ The way they bloodsuck $$$ out of you when the word is out and let the ones who don't have insurance go through all of their savings, and once these people are drained, they drop them. Very common story~

I find that very very corrupt and something needs to be done, at least this is a start.

Not only is the medical part of it way over the top, so it the medication.

The politicians are in bed with our medical world, and have been since the first multimillionaire gave money to the medical school back in the 1800's

Most people don't know that until they get sick.

And most of us are going to get old and sick so its not like your going to walk away from it unless if you die a faster kind of death.

Let me tell you a true story.....

I had a Lady walk into my Office one time, and she started complaining about a Cancer Policy (not one of ours) she'd had for 30 years and about what a rip-off it was.

I said, "How do you mean, ma'am."

She replied, "I've had this Policy for thirty years and I've never gotten one penny from it."

I politely threw her out of the Office.

I'm calling you out.

I was an Insurance Agent for 25 years and I never saw anything even remotely similar to what you're describing.

OTOH, you had the right to die instead.

They're curing people today that, as little as twenty years ago, would have had to live with a Death Sentence over their heads for the next few years.

I'm old enough. I remember.

They're transplanting hearts, curing cancer, solving mysteries, inventing incredible machines and coming up with treatments unheard of in the world of medicine before five years ago.

And you know what? They work.

Think about this, hard-luck-sam......

It costs a LOT more money to keep someone alive than it does to let them die.

A lot more.

And here's something else you can stick in your pipe and puff on....

You know who's coming up with 99% of the new drugs and the new treatments and the new machines for the Medical Practice in this World?

American Companies.

Then; other Countries simply steal the drug recipes (after our Company spent BILLIONS bringing it to market) and sell them or give them away on the cheap and backwards-engineer our machines and steal them too.
Wait. So you got cancer, got state of the art treatment presumably with a cure or remission, insurance paid for a large chunk of it so you didnt go bankrupt, and you want to change this system??

No the complete opposite~ I saw what really was going on by getting cancer~ The way they bloodsuck $$$ out of you when the word is out and let the ones who don't have insurance go through all of their savings, and once these people are drained, they drop them. Very common story~

I find that very very corrupt and something needs to be done, at least this is a start.

Not only is the medical part of it way over the top, so it the medication.

The politicians are in bed with our medical world, and have been since the first multimillionaire gave money to the medical school back in the 1800's

Most people don't know that until they get sick.

And most of us are going to get old and sick so its not like your going to walk away from it unless if you die a faster kind of death.

Let me tell you a true story.....

I had a Lady walk into my Office one time, and she started complaining about a Cancer Policy (not one of ours) she'd had for 30 years and about what a rip-off it was.

I said, "How do you mean, ma'am."

She replied, "I've had this Policy for thirty years and I've never gotten one penny from it."

I politely threw her out of the Office.

I'm calling you out.

I was an Insurance Agent for 25 years and I never saw anything even remotely similar to what you're describing.

OTOH, you had the right to die instead.

They're curing people today that, as little as twenty years ago, would have had to live with a Death Sentence over their heads for the next few years.

I'm old enough. I remember.

They're transplanting hearts, curing cancer, solving mysteries, inventing incredible machines and coming up with treatments unheard of in the world of medicine before five years ago.

And you know what? They work.

Think about this, hard-luck-sam......

It costs a LOT more money to keep someone alive than it does to let them die.

A lot more.

And here's something else you can stick in your pipe and puff on....

You know who's coming up with 99% of the new drugs and the new treatments and the new machines for the Medical Practice in this World?

American Companies.

Then; other Countries simply steal the drug recipes (after our Company spent BILLIONS bringing it to market) and sell them or give them away on the cheap and backwards-engineer our machines and steal them too.

That's all fine and wonderful~

Let me tell you a story, even a pediatrician doesn't have a clue until they have had a baby themselves.

They understand just how hard it is and become more compassionate.

There was a group of us in a room getting chemo and the one screaming from being scared had a masters in psychology.

So there you have it, your eyes don't open until its happened to you. Why, because its our survival mechanism in our brains.

Sure there are many advances to our machines and medications, did I say that there wasn't.
But on the other token, most drugs and machines have side affects.

The insurance companies won't pay for alternative medicine, why because many things don't make the money.

For instance try looking up iodine vs. the drug femara..

Femara is Full of side affects, while iodine will do the same thing for $1.00 ..Femera is Very expensive and is a strongly needed drug for 75% of the women with breast cancer.
No the complete opposite~ I saw what really was going on by getting cancer~ The way they bloodsuck $$$ out of you when the word is out and let the ones who don't have insurance go through all of their savings, and once these people are drained, they drop them. Very common story~

I find that very very corrupt and something needs to be done, at least this is a start.

Not only is the medical part of it way over the top, so it the medication.

The politicians are in bed with our medical world, and have been since the first multimillionaire gave money to the medical school back in the 1800's

Most people don't know that until they get sick.

And most of us are going to get old and sick so its not like your going to walk away from it unless if you die a faster kind of death.

Let me tell you a true story.....

I had a Lady walk into my Office one time, and she started complaining about a Cancer Policy (not one of ours) she'd had for 30 years and about what a rip-off it was.

I said, "How do you mean, ma'am."

She replied, "I've had this Policy for thirty years and I've never gotten one penny from it."

I politely threw her out of the Office.

I'm calling you out.

I was an Insurance Agent for 25 years and I never saw anything even remotely similar to what you're describing.

OTOH, you had the right to die instead.

They're curing people today that, as little as twenty years ago, would have had to live with a Death Sentence over their heads for the next few years.

I'm old enough. I remember.

They're transplanting hearts, curing cancer, solving mysteries, inventing incredible machines and coming up with treatments unheard of in the world of medicine before five years ago.

And you know what? They work.

Think about this, hard-luck-sam......

It costs a LOT more money to keep someone alive than it does to let them die.

A lot more.

And here's something else you can stick in your pipe and puff on....

You know who's coming up with 99% of the new drugs and the new treatments and the new machines for the Medical Practice in this World?

American Companies.

Then; other Countries simply steal the drug recipes (after our Company spent BILLIONS bringing it to market) and sell them or give them away on the cheap and backwards-engineer our machines and steal them too.

That's all fine and wonderful~

Let me tell you a story, even a pediatrician doesn't have a clue until they have had a baby themselves.

They understand just how hard it is and become more compassionate.

There was a group of us in a room getting chemo and the one screaming from being scared had a masters in psychology.

So there you have it, your eyes don't open until its happened to you. Why, because its our survival mechanism in our brains.

Sure there are many advances to our machines and medications, did I say that there wasn't.
But on the other token, most drugs and machines have side affects.

The insurance companies won't pay for alternative medicine, why because many things don't make the money.

For instance try looking up iodine vs. the drug femara..

Femara is Full of side affects, while iodine will do the same thing for $1.00 ..Femera is Very expensive and is a strongly needed drug for 75% of the women with breast cancer.

That's idiotic and childish on your part. Not to mention stupid.

No Company in their right mind pays for treatments that aren't approved.


How many times a day do you sit in front of your TV and hear, "Hyah, I'm Irving Goldblatt of Goldblatt, Goldberg, Rubenstein and Silver, and if you were treated with XYXYZ Drug for cancer and your Dick fell off, call us at 1-800-SUCKIT"

Grow up dewd. Stop blaming everybody else for you misfortune.

The VAST majority of Insurance Companies are more than happy to pay legitimate claims.

Do you know what a Million Dollars is to an Insurance Company that pays out BILLIONS every year in Claims?

Nothing. Less than nothing. It's like pennies to them.

They don't mind paying claims, it's what they're in business to do.

It's the charlatans, liars, connivers, frauds, snake-oil salesmen, the AMA, Insurance Departments and MOST OF ALL -- scumbag lawyers that make their lives difficult.

Not you. Not your miniscule claims.
No the complete opposite~ I saw what really was going on by getting cancer~ The way they bloodsuck $$$ out of you when the word is out and let the ones who don't have insurance go through all of their savings, and once these people are drained, they drop them. Very common story~

I find that very very corrupt and something needs to be done, at least this is a start.

Not only is the medical part of it way over the top, so it the medication.

The politicians are in bed with our medical world, and have been since the first multimillionaire gave money to the medical school back in the 1800's

Most people don't know that until they get sick.

And most of us are going to get old and sick so its not like your going to walk away from it unless if you die a faster kind of death.

Let me tell you a true story.....

I had a Lady walk into my Office one time, and she started complaining about a Cancer Policy (not one of ours) she'd had for 30 years and about what a rip-off it was.

I said, "How do you mean, ma'am."

She replied, "I've had this Policy for thirty years and I've never gotten one penny from it."

I politely threw her out of the Office.

I'm calling you out.

I was an Insurance Agent for 25 years and I never saw anything even remotely similar to what you're describing.

OTOH, you had the right to die instead.

They're curing people today that, as little as twenty years ago, would have had to live with a Death Sentence over their heads for the next few years.

I'm old enough. I remember.

They're transplanting hearts, curing cancer, solving mysteries, inventing incredible machines and coming up with treatments unheard of in the world of medicine before five years ago.

And you know what? They work.

Think about this, hard-luck-sam......

It costs a LOT more money to keep someone alive than it does to let them die.

A lot more.

And here's something else you can stick in your pipe and puff on....

You know who's coming up with 99% of the new drugs and the new treatments and the new machines for the Medical Practice in this World?

American Companies.

Then; other Countries simply steal the drug recipes (after our Company spent BILLIONS bringing it to market) and sell them or give them away on the cheap and backwards-engineer our machines and steal them too.

That's all fine and wonderful~

Let me tell you a story, even a pediatrician doesn't have a clue until they have had a baby themselves.

They understand just how hard it is and become more compassionate.

There was a group of us in a room getting chemo and the one screaming from being scared had a masters in psychology.

So there you have it, your eyes don't open until its happened to you. Why, because its our survival mechanism in our brains.

Sure there are many advances to our machines and medications, did I say that there wasn't.
But on the other token, most drugs and machines have side affects.

The insurance companies won't pay for alternative medicine, why because many things don't make the money.

For instance try looking up iodine vs. the drug femara..

Femara is Full of side affects, while iodine will do the same thing for $1.00 ..Femera is Very expensive and is a strongly needed drug for 75% of the women with breast cancer.

Kindly ignore the post above mine, the poster appears to be unhinged.
Let me tell you a true story.....

I had a Lady walk into my Office one time, and she started complaining about a Cancer Policy (not one of ours) she'd had for 30 years and about what a rip-off it was.

I said, "How do you mean, ma'am."

She replied, "I've had this Policy for thirty years and I've never gotten one penny from it."

I politely threw her out of the Office.

I'm calling you out.

I was an Insurance Agent for 25 years and I never saw anything even remotely similar to what you're describing.

OTOH, you had the right to die instead.

They're curing people today that, as little as twenty years ago, would have had to live with a Death Sentence over their heads for the next few years.

I'm old enough. I remember.

They're transplanting hearts, curing cancer, solving mysteries, inventing incredible machines and coming up with treatments unheard of in the world of medicine before five years ago.

And you know what? They work.

Think about this, hard-luck-sam......

It costs a LOT more money to keep someone alive than it does to let them die.

A lot more.

And here's something else you can stick in your pipe and puff on....

You know who's coming up with 99% of the new drugs and the new treatments and the new machines for the Medical Practice in this World?

American Companies.

Then; other Countries simply steal the drug recipes (after our Company spent BILLIONS bringing it to market) and sell them or give them away on the cheap and backwards-engineer our machines and steal them too.

That's all fine and wonderful~

Let me tell you a story, even a pediatrician doesn't have a clue until they have had a baby themselves.

They understand just how hard it is and become more compassionate.

There was a group of us in a room getting chemo and the one screaming from being scared had a masters in psychology.

So there you have it, your eyes don't open until its happened to you. Why, because its our survival mechanism in our brains.

Sure there are many advances to our machines and medications, did I say that there wasn't.
But on the other token, most drugs and machines have side affects.

The insurance companies won't pay for alternative medicine, why because many things don't make the money.

For instance try looking up iodine vs. the drug femara..

Femara is Full of side affects, while iodine will do the same thing for $1.00 ..Femera is Very expensive and is a strongly needed drug for 75% of the women with breast cancer.

That's idiotic and childish on your part. Not to mention stupid.

No Company in their right mind pays for treatments that aren't approved.


How many times a day do you sit in front of your TV and hear, "Hyah, I'm Irving Goldblatt of Goldblatt, Goldberg, Rubenstein and Silver, and if you were treated with XYXYZ Drug for cancer and your Dick fell off, call us at 1-800-SUCKIT"

Grow up dewd. Stop blaming everybody else for you misfortune.

The VAST majority of Insurance Companies are more than happy to pay legitimate claims.

Do you know what a Million Dollars is to an Insurance Company that pays out BILLIONS every year in Claims?

Nothing. Less than nothing. It's like pennies to them.

They don't mind paying claims, it's what they're in business to do.

It's the charlatans, liars, connivers, frauds, snake-oil salesmen, the AMA, Insurance Departments and MOST OF ALL -- scumbag lawyers that make their lives difficult.

Not you. Not your claims.

Miniscule is spelled Minuscule

The FDA is forcing our American doctors to sign legal documents to only prescribe FDA approved medications. They haven't even been trained in any other method expect what is approved by the FDA.

Our FDA is fucking us over, we see that with our food, water, medications.
Many a times horrid drugs are given knowing it has already been on the commercials making money by suing.

It doesn't mean that alternative medicine is bad, it just means that it doesn't make enough money.

Its all about money.

The Big Pharma's wine and dine the doctors , catering lunch in several times a week to sell their product.

Most oncologist are so busy with the current FDA approved drugs they don't have time to see if there is a better less expensive way.

If you want to remain clueless and know it all go ahead. Most know it alls are so busy thinking that they are right, they miss so much.

No one is blaming anyone, most people are trying to make it better for the next guy.
It all needs a complete overhaul, and this may be the first step of many.
That's all fine and wonderful~

Let me tell you a story, even a pediatrician doesn't have a clue until they have had a baby themselves.

They understand just how hard it is and become more compassionate.

There was a group of us in a room getting chemo and the one screaming from being scared had a masters in psychology.

So there you have it, your eyes don't open until its happened to you. Why, because its our survival mechanism in our brains.

Sure there are many advances to our machines and medications, did I say that there wasn't.
But on the other token, most drugs and machines have side affects.

The insurance companies won't pay for alternative medicine, why because many things don't make the money.

For instance try looking up iodine vs. the drug femara..

Femara is Full of side affects, while iodine will do the same thing for $1.00 ..Femera is Very expensive and is a strongly needed drug for 75% of the women with breast cancer.

That's idiotic and childish on your part. Not to mention stupid.

No Company in their right mind pays for treatments that aren't approved.


How many times a day do you sit in front of your TV and hear, "Hyah, I'm Irving Goldblatt of Goldblatt, Goldberg, Rubenstein and Silver, and if you were treated with XYXYZ Drug for cancer and your Dick fell off, call us at 1-800-SUCKIT"

Grow up dewd. Stop blaming everybody else for you misfortune.

The VAST majority of Insurance Companies are more than happy to pay legitimate claims.

Do you know what a Million Dollars is to an Insurance Company that pays out BILLIONS every year in Claims?

Nothing. Less than nothing. It's like pennies to them.

They don't mind paying claims, it's what they're in business to do.

It's the charlatans, liars, connivers, frauds, snake-oil salesmen, the AMA, Insurance Departments and MOST OF ALL -- scumbag lawyers that make their lives difficult.

Not you. Not your claims.

Miniscule is spelled Minuscule

The FDA is forcing our American doctors to sign legal documents to only prescribe FDA approved medications. They haven't even been trained in any other method expect what is approved by the FDA.

Our FDA is fucking us over, we see that with our food, water, medications.
Many a times horrid drugs are given knowing it has already been on the commercials making money by suing.

It doesn't mean that alternative medicine is bad, it just means that it doesn't make enough money.

Its all about money.

The Big Pharma's wine and dine the doctors , catering lunch in several times a week to sell their product.

Most oncologist are so busy with the current FDA approved drugs they don't have time to see if there is a better less expensive way.

If you want to remain clueless and know it all go ahead. Most know it alls are so busy thinking that they are right, they miss so much.

No one is blaming anyone, most people are trying to make it better for the next guy.
It all needs a complete overhaul, and this may be the first step of many.

What a load of shit you fall for.

No wonder you're a dimocrap.

If homeopathic medicine is so great, give me some examples of Countries in which it's perfectly legal (about 120) and how it works so fucking good.

It doesn't.

The reason it's mostly illegal in this Country is because it's BULLSHIT.

I'm done with you.

And, OBTW.... 'miniscule' is an accepted variant spelling of minuscule.

Look it up, genius.

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