To the ones who just don't get it and think Obama should negotiate~

Obama delayed parts of the bill. That's ok, even if it's law?

The silence from the totalitarian Obamacult fanatics is deafening!!
Interesting that the GOP passed a bill that delayed parts of the bill, but Reid and Obama WON"T negotiate because, "ITS THE LAW!"
There is a difference between the republican delay and the Democrats delay. The republicans have NO reason for a delay other than it would give them more time to kill the bill. The Democratic delay was to give small businesses more time to comply with the bill.

So suppose the 2004 Republican congress authorized spending in the 2013 budget to fight a war in Iraq, does that work for you?

I'm going to keep asking liberals that until you answer it.
Obama delayed parts of the bill. That's ok, even if it's law?

The silence from the totalitarian Obamacult fanatics is deafening!!
Interesting that the GOP passed a bill that delayed parts of the bill, but Reid and Obama WON"T negotiate because, "ITS THE LAW!"
There is a difference between the republican delay and the Democrats delay. The republicans have NO reason for a delay other than it would give them more time to kill the bill. The Democratic delay was to give small businesses more time to comply with the bill.

But it's the law, you can't change the law, unless your a fanatic!!
Obamabots are indeed fanatics.
Want to kill the babies of NRA members !
ACA was passed in a shitty manner by bending congressional rules so I don't really get the whining about how they are trying to defund it.

It was passed by a vote of the majority of Congress

What is shitty is Republicans shutting down government in retaliation

Shitty begets shitty eh?

Q: Might it have gone differently if Congress passed health care reform that had support from both parties?

A: Yup.

Yep and if they had the support majority of the people.

What part does the Dem's not get?
You can't pass a bill that takes over 1/6 th of the economy, passed by one party and without the majority support of Americans and then expect there not to be one heck of a fight.

Republicans did not shut down the Government.
Senator Reid did and he blamed it on the Tea Party.
Never mind that the Tea Party did not get elected until 2011 and that all of the Republicans voted against the bill, one year before the election of the Tea Party Representatives.

Tea Party happened because of the Dem's who voted for the Health Care Bill and rammed it down the throats of the majority of Americans.

Democrats have never learned the lesson of -Your actions have consequences. :lol:
Yes. Both the House and the Senate passed a budget. Take a wild guess as to who is blocking the forming of a conference committee to iron out the difference.

Hint: It's the same party that just forced the Feds to shut down.

GOP. :lol:

The current congress doesn't have the votes to fund obamcare. Who gets a vote on the 2013 budget? Do congressmen from the two thousand naughts? The 1950s? Where do we draw the line?

I say the congress elected to serve in 2013 gets to vote on the 2013 budget, period.
You don't negotiate with terrorists

They will only ask for more next year

That's it. Anyone who uses terms like terrorists or nazis to describe their opposition is going straight to the ignore list. You people are too fucking stupid to bother talking to.
Laws get appended, amended, repealed and superseded ALL THE TIME.

And there is no such thing as an immutable law. Any Law, any Constitutional Amendment can be appended, amended, repealed or superseded.

Republicans are using a process that dimocrap scumbags don't like. Tough shit.

They used a process we didn't like in order to PASS the piece of shit ACA.

And, has anybody noticed?

The rollout is, in typical dimocrap fashion..... A Cluster Fuck.

Anybody surprised? Me neither.

If dimocraps would quit crying long enough, they could see their way clear to get out of this mess.

But they won't. They never do. They'll cry and moan, and bitch and yell and throw temper tantrums and yell names and hold their breath until they turn and expect US to be the Adults in the room and pat them on the back saying, "There, there little dimocrap crybabies. it's gonna be okay."

Fuck 'em. Let them cry themselves to sleep.

The first days will belong to dimocraps. After that, after the smoke and the lies clear, we clean the floor with them if we hang tough.

Which I do NOT have high hopes for
So I don't have to keep repeating myself, I decided to make a thread.

ObamaCare has already been set in place, and the supreme court made into a law.

It is a Law!

Sad that people are looped into the idea that there Is room to negotiate.

Sorta like trying to negotiate with the president on the grounds of drinking while driving,
driving without insurance, driving without a license, or the thousand other Laws we have.

Millions already have signed up, and it is now in effect.

1) Supreme court or the Judicial Branch CANNOT MAKE LAW
2) There is no constitutional charge for the government to be a healthcare provider, an insurance broker, a price negotiator, or a marketplace
3) The judicial cannot grant constitutional power to other branches
4) The house controls the purse strings
5) Stop with the party line talking points

There is no charge for the government to be involved with a national highway system, air traffic controlers, food and drugs, or EPA. None of these government charges are mentioned in the Constitution, however we have them. The reason we have them is because of a little clause that appears in the Preamble of the Constitution. That Preamble says the following: We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. The clause you need to look at is the one that says "promote the general welfare." THAT is why those government programs exist and it is why the ACA exists! Get over it! If the people didn't want it they would have voted for romney.
1) We have plenty of revenue
2) We have tons of overspending, including but not limited to Obamacare
3) It is greed when you think the government owes you something or should be the agent to make the marketplace come to you
4) Millions could already buy insurance as it is a service that is on the open marketplace...
5) You nor anyone else is owed subsidized insurance or care

I own my business and pay over $30,000 a year plus $5,000 deductible, it is kicking my ass.
Why would you ASSUME that I am looking for a handout.

What is going on is the Big Bucks in the medical world is going to change, the rip offs in the insurance companies aren't going to kick you off because of having a disease.

Anyone supporting anything with Obamacare is supporting the handout for others or for themselves.. by definition not looking for equal treatment across the board

In a free society, government does not get to dictate that the medical companies or medical employees get to give their services, research, efforts, etc away for nothing

There were other way to go about ensuring that insurance was a product all would be free to purchase regardless of condition without making it a government mandate, without a government pool of services, without a government based marketplace, etc... and nobody is guaranteed an equal rate for unequal situation or risk.. nor is anyone guaranteed a cheap rate at the expense of someone else

Blah Blah Blah I just hope that you nor you family gets sick. Sometimes it takes someone to get a disease, get sucked through the fraudulent medical system. Sucking as much money out with only what the FDA approves. Something needs to be done. So many have their eyes closed to it until they or a loved one get sick.
Yes there are those that take advantage of the system on all sides, mostly I do not feel people are looking for free handouts. Just affordable healthcare.
You don't negotiate with terrorists

They will only ask for more next year

That's it. Anyone who uses terms like terrorists or nazis to describe their opposition is going straight to the ignore list. You people are too fucking stupid to bother talking to.

in fairness, any idea that government is going to stop paying bills for him does terrorize him...
I own my business and pay over $30,000 a year plus $5,000 deductible, it is kicking my ass.
Why would you ASSUME that I am looking for a handout.

What is going on is the Big Bucks in the medical world is going to change, the rip offs in the insurance companies aren't going to kick you off because of having a disease.

Anyone supporting anything with Obamacare is supporting the handout for others or for themselves.. by definition not looking for equal treatment across the board

In a free society, government does not get to dictate that the medical companies or medical employees get to give their services, research, efforts, etc away for nothing

There were other way to go about ensuring that insurance was a product all would be free to purchase regardless of condition without making it a government mandate, without a government pool of services, without a government based marketplace, etc... and nobody is guaranteed an equal rate for unequal situation or risk.. nor is anyone guaranteed a cheap rate at the expense of someone else

Blah Blah Blah I just hope that you nor you family gets sick. Sometimes it takes someone to get a disease, get sucked through the fraudulent medical system. Sucking as much money out with only what the FDA approves. Something needs to be done. So many have their eyes closed to it until they or a loved one get sick.
Yes there are those that take advantage of the system on all sides, mostly I do not feel people are looking for free handouts. Just affordable healthcare.

I hope nobody's family gets sick... but I do not hope that someone else is forced to pay for your family if they are sick, just as I hope you are not forced to pay for someone else's family when that family is sick

You are not owed affordable anything... you have the freedom to participate in the free market system where others offer their services for compensation.. if you wish to be a doctor or medical device manufacturer and give away your products and services for free, you are free to do so.. you do not get to force others to subsidize your use of goods and services
Yes. Both the House and the Senate passed a budget. Take a wild guess as to who is blocking the forming of a conference committee to iron out the difference.

Hint: It's the same party that just forced the Feds to shut down.

GOP. :lol:

The current congress doesn't have the votes to fund obamcare. Who gets a vote on the 2013 budget? Do congressmen from the two thousand naughts? The 1950s? Where do we draw the line?

I say the congress elected to serve in 2013 gets to vote on the 2013 budget, period.

Then Boehner needs to let the House vote on the clean budget bill, with obamacare funding in it.
Yes I do remember when the Repubs loved the Patriot Act and the Dems hated it. Mostly.
Then the Dems won the WH and as I said they would, fell absolutely in love with that Patriot Act on steroids. Dems learned from watching Repubs.

And now history is repeating itself.

Dems hate the procedure of shutting down the government to get you parties way. And the Repubs love using a government shut down as a legislative "tool". And the Dems are watching to see how this plays out cause one day, it will be the Dems doing the same thing.

How are you Repubs gonna like it then? About as much as you like warrant less wiretapping?
What goes around comes around.

We Americans are sure lucky to have such wisdom in our elected leaders. lmao.
Yes. Both the House and the Senate passed a budget. Take a wild guess as to who is blocking the forming of a conference committee to iron out the difference.

Hint: It's the same party that just forced the Feds to shut down.

GOP. :lol:

The current congress doesn't have the votes to fund obamcare. Who gets a vote on the 2013 budget? Do congressmen from the two thousand naughts? The 1950s? Where do we draw the line?

I say the congress elected to serve in 2013 gets to vote on the 2013 budget, period.

Then Boehner needs to let the House vote on the clean budget bill, with obamacare funding in it.

night is day, up is down, inside is out, dirty is clean. got it
I own my business and pay over $30,000 a year plus $5,000 deductible, it is kicking my ass.
Why would you ASSUME that I am looking for a handout.

What is going on is the Big Bucks in the medical world is going to change, the rip offs in the insurance companies aren't going to kick you off because of having a disease.

Anyone supporting anything with Obamacare is supporting the handout for others or for themselves.. by definition not looking for equal treatment across the board

In a free society, government does not get to dictate that the medical companies or medical employees get to give their services, research, efforts, etc away for nothing

There were other way to go about ensuring that insurance was a product all would be free to purchase regardless of condition without making it a government mandate, without a government pool of services, without a government based marketplace, etc... and nobody is guaranteed an equal rate for unequal situation or risk.. nor is anyone guaranteed a cheap rate at the expense of someone else

Blah Blah Blah I just hope that you nor you family gets sick. Sometimes it takes someone to get a disease, get sucked through the fraudulent medical system. Sucking as much money out with only what the FDA approves. Something needs to be done. So many have their eyes closed to it until they or a loved one get sick.
Yes there are those that take advantage of the system on all sides, mostly I do not feel people are looking for free handouts. Just affordable healthcare.

Yes, something does need to be done.

But not by idiots like you.

Had your ignorant, back-stabbing, dishonest, corrupt party allowed Republicans in on the deal, we'd have a working solution by now.

Where's Tort Reform in the ACA? Where is it?

We've had ignorant, lying scumbags in here quoting other ignorant, lying scumbags about how Tort Reform would only save a small precentage and the whole fucking world KNOWS it's a lie.

Every watch TV? Ever read a News Paper? Ever look at the back of a Phone Book? Ever listen to the Radio?

You can't go 5 minutes on any of the broadcast mediums without hearing some scumbag lawyer saying, "Hyah. I'm Rubinoff Goldberg of Goldberg, Goldberg, Goldberg, Goldberg and Rubinstein. If you took a medication for Dandruff and your dick fell off, call GGGG and R at 1-800 - CHEATERSANDLIARS.

Where is it?

Know why dimocrap scum wouldn't touch Tort Reform? Because their number one, Numero Uno, Top-Of-The-List Campaign Contributors are (If you guessed scumbag lawyers, you might still have a future)

Republicans saw that and said, "Guys, you're not serious about Health Care Reform and we're not going to sign on to a health bill that is sure to fail."

dimocrap scumbags don't care. They're professional liars anyway. It's all they do. It's all they EVER do.

More Republicans than you can possibly imagine want Health Care reform. It goes back to Teddy Roosevelt. Richard Nixon proposed it in 1947. Nixon also made it a keynote of his 1973 State of The Union Address.

Tens of Thousands.... More like HUNDREDS of Thousands of Medicare recipients were losing everything they owned because Medicare didn't pay for Prescriptions.

Some of those prescriptions can easily EASILY exceed a thousand dollars a Month. Easy.

Know who had to fight, tooth and nail, to get Medicare Part D passed and through Congress a very few years ago? UNDER A REPUBLICAN HOUSE, SENATE AND PRESIDENT


And you know what else? It is the only Medicare Program in HISTORY to ever come in cheaper than the CBO estimated. It is a SMASHING Success.

And dimocraps fought it the whole way.

Republicans WANT Health Care Reform. What we don't want, frankly, is idiots like you running it.

It is doomed for that reason.

Quite honestly, your side is just not very bright.

Dishonest, sneaky, clever, conniving, scheming.....?

Yes, but only an idiot confuses those traits for intelligence.
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Liberals have been trying to get a national health program for over a hundred years.

If conservatives think that they can force liberals to give it up, they are outta their freakn' minds!
The republicans have backed themselves into a corner and are trying to "negotiate' their way out of it, with nothing to put on the table. It is kind of like me trying to negotiate with my mortgage lender after they have already forclosed on my mortgage and thrown me out of my house. ACA is already implemented, and is NOT going to be unimplemented. If they drop all references to that issue, and try to save face by just asking that the government stop subsidizing congressional health premiums, then they might have a something that is doable, but, of course, that would personally cost them thousands of dollars as well. This whole thing was a false issue that was created by the republicans, and it has turned around and bit them in the ass. Personally, I don't care iif Obama decides that now would be a good time to take a week or so off and go golfing in Hawaii.
Anyone supporting anything with Obamacare is supporting the handout for others or for themselves.. by definition not looking for equal treatment across the board

In a free society, government does not get to dictate that the medical companies or medical employees get to give their services, research, efforts, etc away for nothing

There were other way to go about ensuring that insurance was a product all would be free to purchase regardless of condition without making it a government mandate, without a government pool of services, without a government based marketplace, etc... and nobody is guaranteed an equal rate for unequal situation or risk.. nor is anyone guaranteed a cheap rate at the expense of someone else

Blah Blah Blah I just hope that you nor you family gets sick. Sometimes it takes someone to get a disease, get sucked through the fraudulent medical system. Sucking as much money out with only what the FDA approves. Something needs to be done. So many have their eyes closed to it until they or a loved one get sick.
Yes there are those that take advantage of the system on all sides, mostly I do not feel people are looking for free handouts. Just affordable healthcare.

Yes, something does need to be done.

But not by idiots like you.

Had your ignorant, back-stabbing, dishonest, corrupt party allowed Republicans in on the deal, we'd have a working solution by now.

Where's Tort Reform in the ACA? Where is it?

We've had ignorant, lying scumbags in here quoting other ignorant, lying scumbags about how Tort Reform would only save a small precentage and the whole fucking world KNOWS it's a lie.

Every watch TV? Ever read a News Paper? Ever look at the back of a Phone Book? Ever listen to the Radio?

You can't go 5 minutes on any of the broadcast mediums without hearing some scumbag lawyer saying, "Hyah. I'm Rubinoff Goldberg of Goldberg, Goldberg, Goldberg, Goldberg and Rubinstein. If you took a medication for Dandruff and your dick fell off, call GGGG and R at 1-800 - CHEATERSANDLIARS.

Where is it?

Know why dimocrap scum wouldn't touch Tort Reform? Because their number one, Numero Uno, Top-Of-The-List Campaign Contributors are (If you guessed scumbag lawyers, you might still have a future)

Republicans saw that and said, "Guys, you're not serious about Health Care Reform and we're not going to sign on to a health bill that is sure to fail."

dimocrap scumbags don't care. They're professional liars anyway. It's all they do. It's all they EVER do.

More Republicans than you can possibly imagine want Health Care reform. It goes back to Teddy Roosevelt. Richard Nixon proposed it in 1947. Nixon also made it a keynote of his 1973 State of The Union Address.

Tens of Thousands.... More like HUNDREDS of Thousands of Medicare recipients were losing everything they owned because Medicare didn't pay for Prescriptions.

Some of those prescriptions can easily EASILY exceed a thousand dollars a Month. Easy.

Know who had to fight, tooth and nail, to get Medicare Part D passed and through Congress a very few years ago? UNDER A REPUBLICAN HOUSE, SENATE AND PRESIDENT


And you know what else? It is the only Medicare Program in HISTORY to ever come in cheaper than the CBO estimated. It is a SMASHING Success.

And dimocraps fought it the whole way.

Republicans WANT Health Care Reform. What we don't want, frankly, is idiots like you running it.

It is doomed for that reason.

Quite honestly, your side is just not very bright.

Dishonest, sneaky, clever, conniving, scheming.....?

Yes, but only an idiot confuses those traits for intelligence.

Yes I hate those stupid ass commercials, that is why our medication is so high.

You don't think the Republicans get funded by the big Pharma companies?

Doctors are wined and dined to get them to write out unnecessary prescriptions to their newest FAD approved poison pill.

They have shut down any alternative drugs that could actually help us, but there is no money in it.

Perhaps this is the start to overhauling it.
Liberals have been trying to get a national health program for over a hundred years.

If conservatives think that they can force liberals to give it up, they are outta their freakn' minds!

That's a lie.

liberals have been trying to get SOCIALISM for the last hundred years. Republicans have been trying to get an Intelligent, reasonable Health Care reform since Teddy Roosevelt.

If you are going to chime in on a very important debate and make assertions, you should at least know some of your history.

I'm just telling you flat-out.... Republicans have ALWAYS wanted Health Care reform

Nixon's Plan For Health Reform, In His Own Words - Kaiser Health News


Early last year, I directed the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to prepare a new and improved plan for comprehensive health insurance. That plan, as I indicated in my State of the Union message, has been developed and I am presenting it to the Congress today. I urge its enactment as soon as possible.

Know who killed it?

scumbag dimocraps.

Know why?

Because they couldn't give a fuck less about Health Care Reform.

They want socialism.

The ACA was designed to fail and lead to a single payer program.

I hope you like socialism because you're gonna get it
Wacky Quacky posted:
The individual mandate is so bad I can hardly describe it. To think that the government can punish people, through taxes, because they don't do something should be abhorrent to everyone. What's next, a tax penalty for not voting republican or democrat? According to Roberts, that would be constitutional because it's just a tax.
Ron sez:
So you are good with people behaving irresponsibly. You have no problem paying the medical bills of those who don't have medical insurance. I'm NOT good with having to pay the medical bills of others.
Consider the following; When a person who is ill goes to the emergency room the hospital has to treat them. IF that person cannot pay their bill they have two choices. They can (1) eat the bill and write off the money owed or (2) they can raise their rates of those who can pay. As hospitals are in business to make money they choose option #2. When hospitals raise their rates insurance companies are forced to follow. WHAT THAT MEANS IS THAT THOSE WHO ARE BEHAVING RESPONSIBILITY AND WHO HAVE MEDICAL INSURANCE WILL SEE THEIR RATES RISE TO PAY FOR THE DEADBEAT WHO IS TO CHEAP TO BUY INSURANCE. Are you still good with people behaving irresponsibily? If you have any brains you arn't.

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