To the supporters, left and right, of repealing DADT, answer me this

Gays who are serving under DADT are not denied promotions and awards and special duty assignments, command positions nor are they restricted to certain jobs, duty stations and duties, so other than openly flaunting and politicizing homosexuality in the military what real reasons are there for repealing DADT?

I'll try..

Other service members are allowed to openly show their love. Heterosexuals are allowed to openly display pictures of their loved ones, have their loved ones greet them when they return from a long deployment, designate their loved ones for survivor benefits, have their loved ones visit them in the hospital.

Homosexuals must hide it

Just like I said, other than openly flaunting their homosexuality there is no real reason to repeal it.

Why are these Marines allowed to flaunt their sexuality....on the news/youtube no less!!!!?


Or theses flaunting their sexuality:

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Just like I said, other than openly flaunting their homosexuality there is no real reason to repeal it.

If a heterosexual is in a relationship or talks about who they like or who they are dating, are they flaunting their heterosexuality?

If the military repeals DADT its effectively saying that the military supports homosexuality and homosexual behavior.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....kinda like how they support Blacks & Black-behavior, right?​

Thats whats you're asking the military to do, to make homosexuality the equal of heterosexuality, which it isn't.
Seeing as how heteros are constantly causing problems....asking for special-consideration, because of their sexual-preferences....who's really negatively-affecting unit-cohesion?????

If the military repeals DADT its effectively saying that the military supports homosexuality and homosexual behavior. Thats whats you're asking the military to do, to make homosexuality the equal of heterosexuality, which it isn't.

No, we are not! And the 25 other countries seem to be having no real problem with the gays in their military. How about you not try to force your bigoted views on me.

Believing something is a sin, is NOT being bigoted; so stop with that.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight....and, who'd BETTER KNOW what's "sinful", than you Keepers O' The BOOK??

I'm against it for example, because when there's change of commands a troop normally hands flowers to the spouses of the outgoing and incoming commander and what if that troop doesn't agree with homosexuality on religious grounds, are you going to tell him to ignore it and make him a pariah and a homophobe for not doing it?

That's got to be the lamest argument for DADT that I have ever heard.

I mean, there are some good for it, but that's just fucking retarded.

No it isn't lame, I'm just presenting an example situation where a troop could be put in a position where he/she could be forced into something. I know you only see things one way because in your mind everybody is a homophobe if they don't see it your way.
Hear!! Hear!!


Believing something is a sin, is NOT being bigoted; so stop with that.

That being said, as I have told on here before, my opinion on this changed forever when I learned that my buddy is gay. His loved one had to stay at home and not be part of our celebration upon returning from Iraq as a unit? How is that right? My friend had to choose between us and him. We as his friends lost out on years of getting to know his partner, who by the way is a nice guy I just don't think about that part of their relationship.

I find homosexuality to be a disgusting sin but I just can't look at my friend and say gays should have to live a lie.

Disapproving of the lifestyle does not have to mean demanding that they deny who they are.

Bass is a bigot! So I will not stop. Calling gays faggots and child molesters just because they are gay, is being a bigot. So, I will call Bass a bigot all day long, so how about you stop and wake up.

I was in NO WAY referring to Bass, the dude's a moron. I was referring to the way people lump everyone who thinks homosexuality is a sin into one big bucket and call us all bigots, it's not true.
Yeah.....where would anyone get such an idea??????

If the military repeals DADT its effectively saying that the military supports homosexuality and homosexual behavior. Thats whats you're asking the military to do, to make homosexuality the equal of heterosexuality, which it isn't.


We are saying that if has no bearing on your performance as a soldier, the military has no business getting involved with who you choose to love as long as it is legal.

There are no laws against homosexuality in this country, the military has no business enforcing unequal treatment on gays

If thats what you're saying I can say with total confidence that most soldiers don't support gay behavior and it would be wrong for the military to endorse it.

Apparently, you're full-o'-shit......​

"The Washington Post reported Thursday the survey of service members included in the report found 70 percent saying changing the "don't ask, don't tell" policy to allow homosexuals to serve openly would make no difference to them.."
What the fack are you talking about you stupid ass woman? I have never forced a gay to do anything except to follow and obey all regulations and lawful orders and even then I don't force them to do anything but as a NCO it is my job to enforce the regulations otherwise I wouldn't be doing my job.

You don't have to. The UCMJ does that for you. I would rightfully expect you to enforce DADT, even though I think it's an idiotic policy.

This isn't about you, it's about the policy and that is much bigger than any individual serviceman.

The policy isn't causing any problems in the military, its been a non-issue for soldiers, its those outside of the military stirring up shat and fanning the flames. If you repeal DADT certain articles of the UCMJ have to be changed because homosexual conduct violates the UCMJ. Change those articles and the military is facking cosigning homosexual conduct which goes against the Good order and Discipline of the military.
Yeah.....ya' gotta watch-OUT for that homosexual conduct!!!!! :eek:

"Fehrenbach said he has nine Air Medals, including one for valor for assaulting an Iraqi ambush position while under heavy anti-aircraft fire during the first days of the invasion. He told Maddow that he and his wingman spotted a dozen armored personnel carriers laying in wait for advancing U.S. troops on their way to Baghdad.

The wingman's plane suffered a malfunction which made it impossible for him to accurately fire his weapons
, Sarvis said, so in addition to unleashing his own he guided the wingman so that he could fire on target, as well, all while under fire.

The two knocked out the ambush
, he said."
Letting homosexual men shower with straight men is the same as letting straight men shower with homosexual women.

"Kopay agrees that sports still lag behind the rest of society in its acceptance of gays, “ but that we are making progress.” He is blunt when asked how straights could co-exist with openly gay teammates in locker-rooms: “We’ve been trained since we’re very young to not pay attention to other men …. Why is it that every heterosexual man thinks every gay man wants his ass?”
Letting homosexual men shower with straight men is the same as letting straight men shower with homosexual women.

You are like a broken record of all the most idiotic talking points for DADT that keeps skipping.

I definitely wouldn't shower with men who have openly proclaim themselves as homosexuals, there is no guarantee they're not going to look at my ass
Your ass is pretty concerned, about that, huh??


Maybe you could convince your ass to "flag" you, and fart, twice.....thereby offering you the opportunity to tell the other-dude your ass finds it embarrassing.​
Shaman, you are the most irritating poster I've ever seen. You do realize that hardly anyone reads your drivel because of your stupid use of fonts and paragraphing don't you?
Homosexual men are to straight men, what straight men are too women.

I don't have a problem with homo's serving in the military, but homo's should be separated as are men and women.
Gays who are serving under DADT are not denied promotions and awards and special duty assignments, command positions nor are they restricted to certain jobs, duty stations and duties, so other than openly flaunting and politicizing homosexuality in the military what real reasons are there for repealing DADT?

Because with DADT valuable military personnel are being removed from duty and aren't able to be replaced, thereby hampering the military's ability to accomplish its mission.

EXCLUSIVE: Lack of translators hurts U.S. war on terror - Washington Times
If they can't even cooperate with the law of DADT, how valuable could they be?
If homo's are allowed to serve, they should be separated the same way women and men are

Seperated? Tell them to grow up and serve together. Just another example of christian moralists taking control of the military. What ever happend to seperation of church and state??
so other than openly flaunting and politicizing homosexuality in the military what real reasons are there for repealing DADT?

There are none.

I served in the Corps for 31 years and I can tell you this. Repealing DADT would be a very bad thing. DADT is in place for their protection and to negate harrassment. If gays serve openly harrassment and discrimination incidents would sky rocket.

DADT needs to stay in place.

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