To the supporters, left and right, of repealing DADT, answer me this

so other than openly flaunting and politicizing homosexuality in the military what real reasons are there for repealing DADT?

There are none.

I served in the Corps for 31 years and I can tell you this. Repealing DADT would be a very bad thing. DADT is in place for their protection and to negate harrassment. If gays serve openly harrassment and discrimination incidents would sky rocket.

DADT needs to stay in place.

While I agree that there will be harassment and discrimination because humans are involved, it should not be tolerated and today's Corps isn't the same as the one you joined. They even let women shoot these days.
Why are these Marines allowed to flaunt their sexuality....on the news/youtube no less!!!!?
Hugging your children is not flaunting your sexuality.
Ya' have to forgive Butch, she spent her entire military career living a lie......Nothing worse than a liar in unform!

if you are referring to me, I still ended up head and shoulders over you...tho, I must admit, that wasn't hard to do.

Hugging your children is not flaunting your sexuality.
Ya' have to forgive Butch, she spent her entire military career living a lie......Nothing worse than a liar in unform!

if you are referring to me, I still ended up head and shoulders over you...tho, I must admit, that wasn't hard to do.

You lied!......Not much worse then a liar in uniform. Honor and duty. There is no honor amongst liars....Liars can't be trusted......Liars can get people killed:evil:.....Deal with it!
Ya' have to forgive Butch, she spent her entire military career living a lie......Nothing worse than a liar in unform!

if you are referring to me, I still ended up head and shoulders over you...tho, I must admit, that wasn't hard to do.

You lied!......Not much worse then a liar in uniform. Honor and duty. There is no honor amongst liars....Liars can't be trusted......Liars can get people killed:evil:.....Deal with it!

Oh, I don't know if I agree with that.......

Me: "Officer, I need to you turn over those Lance Corporals to me."

Police Officer: "Why should I do that Corporal?"

Me: "Because we're deploying tomorrow morning and a simple barfight isn't grounds to have them court-martialed for missing movement. My Commanding Officer sent me directly."

---a bit more negotiation, but I took them back to base at midnight---

CO: "Anyone get into trouble last night?"

Me: "No Sir"

I lied in uniform twice.
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if you are referring to me, I still ended up head and shoulders over you...tho, I must admit, that wasn't hard to do.

You lied!......Not much worse then a liar in uniform. Honor and duty. There is no honor amongst liars....Liars can't be trusted......Liars can get people killed:evil:.....Deal with it!

Oh, I don't know if I agree with that.......

Me: "Officer, I need to you turn over those Lance Corporals to me."

Police Officer: "Why should I do that Corporal?"

Me: "Because we're deploying tomorrow morning and a simple barfight isn't grounds to have them court-martialed for missing movement. My Commanding Officer sent me directly."

---a bit more negotiation, but I took them back to base at midnight---

CO: "Anyone get into trouble last night?"

Me: "No Sir"

I lied in uniform twice.
Like I said, no honor amongst liars!
Gays who are serving under DADT are not denied promotions and awards and special duty assignments, command positions nor are they restricted to certain jobs, duty stations and duties, so other than openly flaunting and politicizing homosexuality in the military what real reasons are there for repealing DADT?

Because with DADT valuable military personnel are being removed from duty and aren't able to be replaced, thereby hampering the military's ability to accomplish its mission.

EXCLUSIVE: Lack of translators hurts U.S. war on terror - Washington Times

The military looses valuable military personnel every years to reasons other than homosexuality, so that is no excuse, the military is not going to fail to operate without those who openly engage in homosexual behavior.
If homo's are allowed to serve, they should be separated the same way women and men are

Seperated? Tell them to grow up and serve together. Just another example of christian moralists taking control of the military. What ever happend to seperation of church and state??

When "Christians" preach against committing murder, stealing, adultery and fornication they're being be moralist, but when they preach against homosexual behavior which is strictly forbidden by the Bible who are you to question their religion as wrong simply because a morally degenerate society has said homosexuality is ok? Those of us who are of God follow His Word which does *NOT* change based on what man says is acceptable. You are no better than those rightwing monkeys who questioned Obama as his religion.

We are saying that if has no bearing on your performance as a soldier, the military has no business getting involved with who you choose to love as long as it is legal.

There are no laws against homosexuality in this country, the military has no business enforcing unequal treatment on gays

If thats what you're saying I can say with total confidence that most soldiers don't support gay behavior and it would be wrong for the military to endorse it.

Apparently, you're full-o'-shit......​

"The Washington Post reported Thursday the survey of service members included in the report found 70 percent saying changing the "don't ask, don't tell" policy to allow homosexuals to serve openly would make no difference to them.."

Yeah sure, most troops support homosexual behavior, how many dorms have you been around?
OH you were an officer. So you never slept with the men in the barracks did you?

Come on man, are you really suggesting that homosexuals have no self control and if they are in the barracks with another man they will be compelled to fuck them in the ass, whether the other man wants it or not?

Are you going to tell me that gays are not going to be attracted to the asses of heterosexual men? They already are.

Right you are, most of the readership of Playgirl magazine are homosexual men, even though the magazine is intended to be for straight women, thats blows up the theory that gay men are not going to be attracted to straight naked men if they showered together.
If a heterosexual is in a relationship or talks about who they like or who they are dating, are they flaunting their heterosexuality?

If the military repeals DADT its effectively saying that the military supports homosexuality and homosexual behavior.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....kinda like how they support Blacks & Black-behavior, right?​

Thats whats you're asking the military to do, to make homosexuality the equal of heterosexuality, which it isn't.
Seeing as how heteros are constantly causing problems....asking for special-consideration, because of their sexual-preferences....who's really negatively-affecting unit-cohesion?????


The segregation and discrimination of blacks had nothing to do with so called "black-black" behavior so thats a bankrupt and bogus comparison. Blacks were allowed to openly serve[they can't covertly serve, blacks can't hide that they're black] but were racially segregated, segregation and discrimination are not the same thing so comparing blacks to homosexuals is again, a bankrupt and bogus situation because the two situations are not the same.
That's got to be the lamest argument for DADT that I have ever heard.

I mean, there are some good for it, but that's just fucking retarded.

No it isn't lame, I'm just presenting an example situation where a troop could be put in a position where he/she could be forced into something. I know you only see things one way because in your mind everybody is a homophobe if they don't see it your way.
Troops are put in a position where they can be forced into something all the time. :lol: You think E-1s and -2 LIKE cleaning latrines?

Good order and discipline says you do what you're ordered, smartly and professionally.

Stupid monkey, thats a poor example, cleaning latrines, which doesn't go against any religion.
While I agree that there will be harassment and discrimination because humans are involved, it should not be tolerated and today's Corps isn't the same as the one you joined. They even let women shoot these days.

I only retired recently (2004). I'm well aware of how the Corps is today.
What I know about the military is what I observed as an Infantry Officer.

Again, what military did you serve in?

OH you were an officer. So you never slept with the men in the barracks did you?

Come on man, are you really suggesting that homosexuals have no self control and if they are in the barracks with another man they will be compelled to fuck them in the ass, whether the other man wants it or not?

That wasn't the issue being discussed in this section of replies. Blanket party's was the subject.
I definitely wouldn't shower with men who have openly proclaim themselves as homosexuals, there is no guarantee they're not going to look at my ass, thats like saying the military should let men and women shower together and any woman who opposes it is a feminist bigot because they feel heterosexual men would get aroused.
What will happen to your ass if a homosexual looks at it? :confused:

You don't have a problem with a homosexual looking at your ass? You must like it. The point is that no gay should be looking at my ass since I'm not gay.
You know what? Tough shit. Suck it up, Buttercup. The military's full of doing things you don't want to do.

You don't give a damn about good order and discipline or what's best for the military. You want official policy to backstop your hatred.

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