To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Half the people working at McDonald's are now adults over 50 so raise it!


Even if what you say were true, those people are just retirees looking for something to occupy their time. My employer hires retirees for the same reason. I ask them why they are still working, and most of them tell me because their wives are still working and they have nothing to do at home by themselves during the day.

Jobs are not assigned to people, they electively choose those jobs. If you need government to make you worth more money to an employer, chances are you're a real loser and nothing can help you.
Looks like it's probably about 37%... And only getting worse...
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. ...
Bureau of Labor Statistics (.gov) › opub

In 2016, 78.2 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly ... who usually work fewer than 35 hours per week) were paid the federal minimum wage or less ...

I'm quite experienced with that leftist trick of posting a link hoping nobody would read it. So let me highlight the most important part of YOUR link:

"Among those paid by the hour, 701,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.5 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers."

Get that? Less than 3% of our workforce works for (or below) minimum wage.
And the average age minimum wage earners is 35... And 35% would gain from a rise to $10.

And you form that average just how? By using the age of kids working part-time jobs and seniors working full or part-time for extra money or to kill time?

Irrelevent to the fact that only a little over 2.5% of our workforce works for minimum wage. And for that small percentage of people, we are to turn our industries upside down and possibly have places close down? Ridiculous.
“Prosperity Through Lower Wages!”

No, prosperity through trying harder, working more hours, investing your money instead of buying the newest I-phone and video game system, learning a skill that pays much more than minimum wage.

Investing? You mean the 2 Trillion dollar loss in retirement accounts due to BushCo?

You mean Amazon that pays $15.75/hr to managers and requires a Bachelor's degree which costs $50k?

My retirement account did just fine during the recession; in fact better. The company that manages my account quit buying shares when the market started to tank, but my employer kept sending them contributions. When the market showed some signs of growth, the investment company put all that money into the market. It was like buying three shares for the price of one.

I invested in real estate. It took 10% down to buy a rental home. As time went on, so did rent increases, and now I collect five times what I pay in mortgage.

If you don't want to work at Amazon, then don't. Become a truck driver instead. You'll make a hell of a lot more than fifteen bucks an hour. You can see the country for free, and always have a career in dire need. In fact, we are short over 30,000 drivers right now industry can't find.
The best thing a worker can do is work hard then move out from his or her ray will attest no worker should be loyal to ones employer....ever.
Half the people working at McDonald's are now adults over 50 so raise it!


Even if what you say were true, those people are just retirees looking for something to occupy their time. My employer hires retirees for the same reason. I ask them why they are still working, and most of them tell me because their wives are still working and they have nothing to do at home by themselves during the day.

Jobs are not assigned to people, they electively choose those jobs. If you need government to make you worth more money to an employer, chances are you're a real loser and nothing can help you.
Looks like it's probably about 37%... And only getting worse...
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. ...
Bureau of Labor Statistics (.gov) › opub

In 2016, 78.2 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly ... who usually work fewer than 35 hours per week) were paid the federal minimum wage or less ...

I'm quite experienced with that leftist trick of posting a link hoping nobody would read it. So let me highlight the most important part of YOUR link:

"Among those paid by the hour, 701,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.5 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers."

Get that? Less than 3% of our workforce works for (or below) minimum wage.
And the average age minimum wage earners is 35... And 35% would gain from a rise to $10.

And you form that average just how? By using the age of kids working part-time jobs and seniors working full or part-time for extra money or to kill time?

Irrelevent to the fact that only a little over 2.5% of our workforce works for minimum wage. And for that small percentage of people, we are to turn our industries upside down and possibly have places close down? Ridiculous.
And 32% work for a little tiny bit more so you can say that LOL. And it just keeps getting worse see the tax cut the GOP hypocrites are working on, dupe.
The middle class will never get ahead....70 grand per year is almost poverty. Drive truck for that?
The middle class will never get ahead....70 grand per year is almost poverty. Drive truck for that?

The middle class is not supposed to get ahead, they are either supposed to move up or move down. Both parties have had it out for the middle class for decades.

It took me getting my masters and my wife becoming a Nurse and a shit ton of hard work for us to finally break out of the "middle class". And we just barely are not in the class anymore.
The middle class will never get ahead....70 grand per year is almost poverty. Drive truck for that?

I make less than that and I"m doing fine. WTF do you live where 70K is almost poverty?????

Because of the wages I make, you pay less for those products you buy in the store. Industries who have to consider whether to stay here or not also have to weigh in transportation costs.

We make a new millionaire every day in this country. If you can't step out of middle-class to a higher level in the United States, you won't be able to do it anywhere in the world. That's why people are constantly trying to get into this country.
So Reagan and Daddy Bush were leftist, why those shady bitches....Better tell the historians that the GOP and the righties are always innocent of what they already are know to have done...
They were global-elite authoritarian statist not much different than Hillary.

Reagan gets way too much credit. Jimmy was just so fucking bad, a dead goat would have been an improvement. The one thing Reagan did right is get lower taxes on businesses down from 75%.
It was 70%...
Sure? That was the individual Tax rate on the richest. A damn good idea by the way...
They still had plenty of tax write offs to lower it...
I see the effective tax rate on corporate tax rate was like 40% in the 60s and now is 12%.
Thanks GOP... Now the non Rich pay too much and the rich and corporations giant corporations pay too little and the middle class in the country are slowly going to hell.

Even if what you say were true, those people are just retirees looking for something to occupy their time. My employer hires retirees for the same reason. I ask them why they are still working, and most of them tell me because their wives are still working and they have nothing to do at home by themselves during the day.

Jobs are not assigned to people, they electively choose those jobs. If you need government to make you worth more money to an employer, chances are you're a real loser and nothing can help you.
Looks like it's probably about 37%... And only getting worse...
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. ...
Bureau of Labor Statistics (.gov) › opub

In 2016, 78.2 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly ... who usually work fewer than 35 hours per week) were paid the federal minimum wage or less ...

I'm quite experienced with that leftist trick of posting a link hoping nobody would read it. So let me highlight the most important part of YOUR link:

"Among those paid by the hour, 701,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.5 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers."

Get that? Less than 3% of our workforce works for (or below) minimum wage.
And the average age minimum wage earners is 35... And 35% would gain from a rise to $10.

And you form that average just how? By using the age of kids working part-time jobs and seniors working full or part-time for extra money or to kill time?

Irrelevent to the fact that only a little over 2.5% of our workforce works for minimum wage. And for that small percentage of people, we are to turn our industries upside down and possibly have places close down? Ridiculous.
And 32% work for a little tiny bit more so you can say that LOL. And it just keeps getting worse see the tax cut the GOP hypocrites are working on, dupe.

I did see what it says. Did you?

The middle-class (for this legislation) is anywhere from just out of poverty well into six figure salaries. The upper part of this so-called middle-class will see a tax increase; about 35% of this group. The rest of us will see a tax decrease.

So if you are making 180K a year, yes, you will pay more in taxes. If you make 50K, you will get a tax break.
The middle class will never get ahead....70 grand per year is almost poverty. Drive truck for that?

What a load of nonsense. The median household income in the US is $55K if you are earning $70K you are solid upper middle class and any talk of that being poverty is just ridiculous.

Not being able to live within your budget doesn't make your income poverty level.
View attachment 164037

Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.
Prices go up even when wages don't..Derp...

Umm...there are many other costs that go into running a business....Derp.
Oh really tell me all about it, I must have missed something in the 30 years I ran mine and others...

No kidding, employees were the only cost your business had? Let me guess, you're the one that sat in the corner with his thumb up his ass.
Looks like it's probably about 37%... And only getting worse...
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. ...
Bureau of Labor Statistics (.gov) › opub

In 2016, 78.2 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly ... who usually work fewer than 35 hours per week) were paid the federal minimum wage or less ...

I'm quite experienced with that leftist trick of posting a link hoping nobody would read it. So let me highlight the most important part of YOUR link:

"Among those paid by the hour, 701,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.5 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers."

Get that? Less than 3% of our workforce works for (or below) minimum wage.
And the average age minimum wage earners is 35... And 35% would gain from a rise to $10.

And you form that average just how? By using the age of kids working part-time jobs and seniors working full or part-time for extra money or to kill time?

Irrelevent to the fact that only a little over 2.5% of our workforce works for minimum wage. And for that small percentage of people, we are to turn our industries upside down and possibly have places close down? Ridiculous.
And 32% work for a little tiny bit more so you can say that LOL. And it just keeps getting worse see the tax cut the GOP hypocrites are working on, dupe.

I did see what it says. Did you?

The middle-class (for this legislation) is anywhere from just out of poverty well into six figure salaries. The upper part of this so-called middle-class will see a tax increase; about 35% of this group. The rest of us will see a tax decrease.

So if you are making 180K a year, yes, you will pay more in taxes. If you make 50K, you will get a tax break.
Only the richest get a big tax break... And there are Cuts in Aid for going to college and cuts in property tax write-offs and mortgages. It's a mess for the not rich.
The middle class will never get ahead....70 grand per year is almost poverty. Drive truck for that?

I make less than that and I"m doing fine. WTF do you live where 70K is almost poverty?????

Because of the wages I make, you pay less for those products you buy in the store. Industries who have to consider whether to stay here or not also have to weigh in transportation costs.

We make a new millionaire every day in this country. If you can't step out of middle-class to a higher level in the United States, you won't be able to do it anywhere in the world. That's why people are constantly trying to get into this country.

Actually that is not really true. The US is one of the worst of all industrialized nations for economic mobility. The old myth of the rags to riches American dream do not hold as much hope these days. So, while there are a few here and there that do it, mostly people stay in the class they were born into.
I'm quite experienced with that leftist trick of posting a link hoping nobody would read it. So let me highlight the most important part of YOUR link:

"Among those paid by the hour, 701,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.5 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers."

Get that? Less than 3% of our workforce works for (or below) minimum wage.
And the average age minimum wage earners is 35... And 35% would gain from a rise to $10.

And you form that average just how? By using the age of kids working part-time jobs and seniors working full or part-time for extra money or to kill time?

Irrelevent to the fact that only a little over 2.5% of our workforce works for minimum wage. And for that small percentage of people, we are to turn our industries upside down and possibly have places close down? Ridiculous.
And 32% work for a little tiny bit more so you can say that LOL. And it just keeps getting worse see the tax cut the GOP hypocrites are working on, dupe.

I did see what it says. Did you?

The middle-class (for this legislation) is anywhere from just out of poverty well into six figure salaries. The upper part of this so-called middle-class will see a tax increase; about 35% of this group. The rest of us will see a tax decrease.

So if you are making 180K a year, yes, you will pay more in taxes. If you make 50K, you will get a tax break.
Only the richest get a big tax break... And there are Cuts in Aid for going to college and cuts in property tax write-offs and mortgages. It's a mess for the not rich.
We are already by far the worst modern country in inequality and this will make it even worse...
The middle class will never get ahead....70 grand per year is almost poverty. Drive truck for that?

I make less than that and I"m doing fine. WTF do you live where 70K is almost poverty?????

Because of the wages I make, you pay less for those products you buy in the store. Industries who have to consider whether to stay here or not also have to weigh in transportation costs.

We make a new millionaire every day in this country. If you can't step out of middle-class to a higher level in the United States, you won't be able to do it anywhere in the world. That's why people are constantly trying to get into this country.

Actually that is not really true. The US is one of the worst of all industrialized nations for economic mobility. The old myth of the rags to riches American dream do not hold as much hope these days. So, while there are a few here and there that do it, mostly people stay in the class they were born into.

Out of convenience or out of failure?

Most of the people that are hell bent wealth haters are those who have never invested a dime of their own money in their life outside of a house or perhaps an IRA. Instead of trying to become like one of them, their jealousy brings them to hatred for the people that pay most of the income taxes for the rest of us and provide us most of the jobs either directly or indirectly.

The percentage of those who became wealthy grew nearly every year since the early 80's. It's never been a better time to invest and bring in more money. With the convenience and information provided by the internet, the stock market going crazy, and an array of other investments, now is the time to think about investing especially if you are a young person.

Nobody is going to come knocking on your door with a million dollars they wish to give you, but nobody is stopping you from getting that million dollars yourself. This is the greatest country in the world.
View attachment 164037

Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.
But then we give illegal aliens top dollar cause' they are "immigrants'.They are neither, and we better think this trough a little better. I see these huge numbers of displaced Americans and the rich people that don't have to face the reality they profit from. Call it cognitive dissonance.
I'm quite experienced with that leftist trick of posting a link hoping nobody would read it. So let me highlight the most important part of YOUR link:

"Among those paid by the hour, 701,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.5 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers."

Get that? Less than 3% of our workforce works for (or below) minimum wage.
And the average age minimum wage earners is 35... And 35% would gain from a rise to $10.

And you form that average just how? By using the age of kids working part-time jobs and seniors working full or part-time for extra money or to kill time?

Irrelevent to the fact that only a little over 2.5% of our workforce works for minimum wage. And for that small percentage of people, we are to turn our industries upside down and possibly have places close down? Ridiculous.
And 32% work for a little tiny bit more so you can say that LOL. And it just keeps getting worse see the tax cut the GOP hypocrites are working on, dupe.

I did see what it says. Did you?

The middle-class (for this legislation) is anywhere from just out of poverty well into six figure salaries. The upper part of this so-called middle-class will see a tax increase; about 35% of this group. The rest of us will see a tax decrease.

So if you are making 180K a year, yes, you will pay more in taxes. If you make 50K, you will get a tax break.
Only the richest get a big tax break... And there are Cuts in Aid for going to college and cuts in property tax write-offs and mortgages. It's a mess for the not rich.

It isn't exactly rocket science to figure out that when there is a tax cut, those who are paying the most in taxes are going to get the biggest cuts. No different than our system where those who pay the most pay a higher tax rate to begin with.
I'm quite experienced with that leftist trick of posting a link hoping nobody would read it. So let me highlight the most important part of YOUR link:

"Among those paid by the hour, 701,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.5 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers."

Get that? Less than 3% of our workforce works for (or below) minimum wage.
And the average age minimum wage earners is 35... And 35% would gain from a rise to $10.

And you form that average just how? By using the age of kids working part-time jobs and seniors working full or part-time for extra money or to kill time?

Irrelevent to the fact that only a little over 2.5% of our workforce works for minimum wage. And for that small percentage of people, we are to turn our industries upside down and possibly have places close down? Ridiculous.
And 32% work for a little tiny bit more so you can say that LOL. And it just keeps getting worse see the tax cut the GOP hypocrites are working on, dupe.

I did see what it says. Did you?

The middle-class (for this legislation) is anywhere from just out of poverty well into six figure salaries. The upper part of this so-called middle-class will see a tax increase; about 35% of this group. The rest of us will see a tax decrease.

So if you are making 180K a year, yes, you will pay more in taxes. If you make 50K, you will get a tax break.
Only the richest get a big tax break... And there are Cuts in Aid for going to college and cuts in property tax write-offs and mortgages. It's a mess for the not rich.

Ignoring the FACT that the only people who will lose their mortgage interest deduction are those who have over a 500K mortgage in the first place?
I'm quite experienced with that leftist trick of posting a link hoping nobody would read it. So let me highlight the most important part of YOUR link:

"Among those paid by the hour, 701,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.5 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers."

Get that? Less than 3% of our workforce works for (or below) minimum wage.
And the average age minimum wage earners is 35... And 35% would gain from a rise to $10.

And you form that average just how? By using the age of kids working part-time jobs and seniors working full or part-time for extra money or to kill time?

Irrelevent to the fact that only a little over 2.5% of our workforce works for minimum wage. And for that small percentage of people, we are to turn our industries upside down and possibly have places close down? Ridiculous.
And 32% work for a little tiny bit more so you can say that LOL. And it just keeps getting worse see the tax cut the GOP hypocrites are working on, dupe.

I did see what it says. Did you?

The middle-class (for this legislation) is anywhere from just out of poverty well into six figure salaries. The upper part of this so-called middle-class will see a tax increase; about 35% of this group. The rest of us will see a tax decrease.

So if you are making 180K a year, yes, you will pay more in taxes. If you make 50K, you will get a tax break.
Only the richest get a big tax break... And there are Cuts in Aid for going to college and cuts in property tax write-offs and mortgages. It's a mess for the not rich.

If you were paying more you would be getting a bigger tax break.
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