To those who support anti-gunners wanting mental health checks for your Rights? Homesickness reason to deny 2nd Amendment Rights...this is why.....

Oh, OK. So I can call you "hypocrite"?

Is that your view of how mental health should be taken care of?

Your faith seems like maybe you don't fully care about it. Not a lot of the compassion we are told you Jesus floggers have. Guess when it comes to folks who don't want to "put up again thy sword" you can't heap enough opprobrium on 'em or make up enough nasty words.

YOU post a sig that is a Bible quote. I found it ironic that you have such hatred for some who suffer. Makes you sound like you are the hypocrite who is in the public square so you can be seen by others praying.

Polishing your halo.

"Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward."

Well, to be fair, I'm not advertising Jesus while simultaneously doing things that Jesus would find offensive.

Wow. You really pulled out all the stops there.

I know you by the fruit you bear. You dress as a sheep but inside you are a ravening wolf.
You really don’t have much to offer, do you?
Ooooh, whatcha gonna do Big Mike? How you going to "eliminate" people who disagree with you?

Too bad you are locked into "Cancel Culture", but I understand.
Easy, elect people that actually love this country and round scum like you and throw away the key.
You really don’t have much to offer, do you?

And you do? Calling those in pain "crazies"? That your "witness"?

I know exactly how much YOU have to offer.

"Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit."

I see the fruit you bear. I know all I need to know about you.

Here's another verse you seem to have missed in your Bible:

"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise."

You call people in pain "crazies". I guess that means you want people to call you "hypocrite".
Because the anti-gun extremists will do anything to take our guns, we find it hard to support any measure they push...because any measure they push is done with the knowledge they will exploit it to ban and confiscate guns...

When the uninformed pro-2nd Amendment supporters nod their heads in agreement when anti-gun extremists talk about mental health exams before gun ownership is allowed......I have a strong suspicion they don't think being home sick is a mental illness......but the anti-gunners do.......

This is a lie.

No one is ‘anti-gun’; to advocate for firearm regulatory measures consistent with the Second Amendment is not to be ‘anti-gun.’

The Supreme Court has held that it is perfectly Constitutional to prohibit those mentally ill from possessing firearms – the Hawaii measure therefore does not violate the Second Amendment.

The issue concerns whether the sailor was afforded due process in determining him to be a prohibited person – therefore, the conflict involves the Fifth Amendment right to due process, not the Second.

This is yet another example of how dishonest conservatives truly are.
Don't forget, back in 2016 Obama signed an executive order to have disabled people with phobias and eating disorders considered mentally ill and blocked from having guns.

One of the first thing the Mr. Trump did in 2017 was sign legislation putting a stop to that.
Another lie from the dishonest right – the 2016 SSA EO authorized no such thing.

Those receiving Social Security benefits were afforded their comprehensive due process rights; no guns were ‘taken away.’
America's 2nd. amendment can apply in Hawaii still, but relaxing restrictions on high risk individuals who are wishing to have a handgun for suspicious purposes, can't be tolerated.

What can and must be the rules on gungoonery must be applicable to the majority of people in Hawaii that are not Americans.

If Hawaii forfeits the safety of people on the streets then their tourism will quickly decline and safer tourist destinations will be chosen by tourists.

If the progun fraternity started to turn Honolulu into another shithole US city. (their description for cities) then Honolulu will become a ghost town overnight!

Logical consequences will come home with the guns and the chickens at the same time for the gunners. Let this one go 2A.
In Florida if you have a concealed weapons permit you can carry a concealed firearm in most public places and over 2,000,000 Florida residents have that permit.

However in Florida you can also carry a loaded firearm in your car without a permit if it is securely encased (for example in a glove box.

Tourists still come to Florida. We call them “snowbirds” in the winter.

And you do? Calling those in pain "crazies"? That your "witness"?

I know exactly how much YOU have to offer.

"Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit."

I see the fruit you bear. I know all I need to know about you.

Here's another verse you seem to have missed in your Bible:

"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise."

You call people in pain "crazies". I guess that means you want people to call you "hypocrite".
You obsess over the irrelevant so that people won’t notice you have nothing intelligent to add to the convo. Funny how you quit talking about the issue...which is that disarming the population is not a reasonable response to the fact that we are overrun by violent, insane criminals and we have thd right to bear arms to protect ourselves.
You obsess over the irrelevant so that people won’t notice you have nothing intelligent to add to the convo.

Well, to be fair, at least I'm not a massive hypocrite.

Funny how you quit talking about the issue...which is that disarming the population

That isn't the issue, that's your paranoia. I'm just fascinated at people who are religious hypocrites.

is not a reasonable response to the fact that we are overrun by violent, insane criminals and we have thd right to bear arms to protect ourselves.

"But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." (I'll give you 5,000 guesses as to who this quote is attributed to.)
YOU were the one who said that the scientists are paid to be wrong. That's a creationist argument.

Maybe you shouldn't use Creationist arguments if you aren't a creationist.
A creationists argument is that the earth is ~6,000 years old, dummy.
YOU were the one who said that the scientists are paid to be wrong.
Actually I said climate scientists are paid to be wrong.

They wouldn't have a job unless they trumped up an imaginary crisis.

Now do you understand?
Why wouldn't they be :dunno:

Ask your buddies the gun fetishists. They see threats under their beds and in their closets.

The deterrent works!!!!!

In what world does that logic hold??? LOL.

I have a fire extinguisher I have never used too, but that doesn't mean I ignore the risk.

So you think a gun in the home is similar to a fire extinguisher? OK. May I ask how many people you, personally, have shot and killed? I ask because I assume most people who talk a big game about defending their homes with a gun probably have not shot and killed someone. Some might be former military, but for the most part I assume you are just another American man-boy who saw one too many John Wayne movies and fancies himself capable of taking a human life.

From what I understand police and even military people often have a great deal of difficulty killing someone. Apparently it kind of "sticks" with you...even if you did it in self defense.

But, again, I could be wrong about you, Tex.

Do I need to explain risk to you... again?

You never did that I saw. But by all means knock yerself out. Make sure it's couched in terms of "business risk".
Well, to be fair, at least I'm not a massive hypocrite.

That isn't the issue, that's your paranoia. I'm just fascinated at people who are religious hypocrites.

"But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." (I'll give you 5,000 guesses as to who this quote is attributed to.)
So you maintain that Christians should allow people to kill them, and not speak against fascism?
Still not speaking to the topic. How telling.
A creationists argument is that the earth is ~6,000 years old, dummy.

LOL. So you haven't spoken to any Creationists, eh?

OK, let me explain it to you. The Creationists ALWAYS claim that the reason evolution is in the science journals and NOT creationism is because Creationists who do really good science work get denied access to publishing or lose their jobs because they don't toe the Evolution line.

They even made an entire documentary called "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" (Mainly around "Intelligent Design Advocates" who are, effectively, just Creationists in disguise.

And of course most of the stories in that "documentary" were bullshit. But the argument ALWAYS goes that the reason the stupid bad science isn't allowed is because the scientists are paid to lie, even when they know better.

You just made the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT.

If you don't know any of these topics, why do you hold forth on them?
Ask your buddies the gun fetishists. They see threats under their beds and in their closets.
That probably has to do with people like you making emotional arguments and not being able to take their beliefs to their logical conclusions.

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