To those who support anti-gunners wanting mental health checks for your Rights? Homesickness reason to deny 2nd Amendment Rights...this is why.....

How you going to "eliminate" people who disagree with you?
I never said eliminate who disagree with me, you lying leftist pos! I refer to traitor scum like you! All of you traitor lying filth.
Evolution is in the science journals because it is a popular theory. Kind of like the popular scientific theories of a flat earth and tiny little men inside ppl operating their bodily functions and emotions.
So you maintain that Christians should allow people to kill them, and not speak against fascism?

Just telling you what the Bible says. You're pretty hot to trot livin' by the sword. Takin' out the baddies and the crazies.

"Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." (another 5,000 free guesses who that quote is attributed to.)

Still not speaking to the topic.

It was in direct response to your point. So I guess, as usual, the hypocrite is finding motes in other eyes and ignoring the beam in their own.

How telling.

I can't help it if I know you by the fruit you bear.

But don't worry, when you post everyone can see your Bible Signature so everyone knows you are a good person.

Ever hear of Matthew 7:21? Yeah, might wanna check that one out. Just a helpful tip.
OK, let me explain it to you. The Creationists ALWAYS claim that the reason evolution is in the science journals and NOT creationism is because Creationists who do really good science work get denied access to publishing or lose their jobs because they don't toe the Evolution line.

They even made an entire documentary called "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" (Mainly around "Intelligent Design Advocates" who are, effectively, just Creationists in disguise.

And of course most of the stories in that "documentary" were bullshit. But the argument ALWAYS goes that the reason the stupid bad science isn't allowed is because the scientists are paid to lie, even when they know better.

You just made the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT.

If you don't know any of these topics, why do you hold forth on them?
Cool story. I think if you think that my disagreeing with AGW makes me a creationists you are dumber than I thought.
Cool story. I think if you think that my disagreeing with AGW makes me a creationists you are dumber than I thought.

No, dimbulb, saying that the scientists are "paid to be wrong" is what makes you a Creationist. :)

(I honestly thought you were a bit smarter than this, but it appears I was wrong.)
OK. May I ask how many people you, personally, have shot and killed? I ask because I assume most people who talk a big game about defending their homes with a gun probably have not shot and killed someone. Some might be former military, but for the most part I assume you are just another American man-boy who saw one too many John Wayne movies and fancies himself capable of taking a human life.

From what I understand police and even military people often have a great deal of difficulty killing someone. Apparently it kind of "sticks" with you...even if you did it in self defense.

But, again, I could be wrong about you, Tex.
Again... I have never had a fire in my home but I still have a fire extinguisher. If you choose to not mitigate the risks for your family, that's on you.
No, dimbulb, saying that the scientists are "paid to be wrong" is what makes you a Creationist. :)

(I honestly thought you were a bit smarter than this, but it appears I was wrong.)
Actually the two have nothing to do with each other, dummy, but you keep pushing that bad hand.
I noted you didn't answer the difficult question in that post. I understand.
I did answer it. Do you believe a hammer is the same as a screwdriver?

A gun is a tool just like a fire extinguisher is and it has its own purpose just as a fire extinguisher does just as a hammer is a tool like screwdriver and has its own purpose.
Again... I have never had a fire in my home but I still have a fire extinguisher. If you choose to not mitigate the risks for your family, that's on you.

OK, let's talk risk. The USA has the highest per capita gun ownership rate in the entire developed world. AND we have NUMEROUS studies such as THIS ONE which find:

"Case-control studies, ecological time-series and cross-sectional studies indicate that in homes, cities, states and regions in the U.S., where there are more guns, both men and women are at a higher risk for homicide, particularly firearm homicide."

And then there's THIS STUDY which finds:

" Gun ownership was a significant predictor of firearm homicide rates (incidence rate ratio = 1.009; 95% confidence interval = 1.004, 1.014). This model indicated that for each percentage point increase in gun ownership, the firearm homicide rate increased by 0.9%."

Basically, the presence of guns is a good predictor of increased risk of someone in that home being shot or killed or committing suicide successfully.

So, DO TELL about risk!

Actually the two have nothing to do with each other, dummy, but you keep pushing that bad hand.

You think scientists lie for money when you don't agree with them.

As I said either you are a creationist or you are someone who lies for money and thinks that's how everyone does it.

I'm actually being KIND in assuming you are a Creationist. But if you want to fight me on it I can easily change my assumption.

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