To those who support anti-gunners wanting mental health checks for your Rights? Homesickness reason to deny 2nd Amendment Rights...this is why.....

What kind of leftist double talk babble bullshit is this?
Just more craziness. They are incapable of anything else. Apparently they think Christians should not be allowed to have the basic human right of self defense against violent criminals that they refuse to restrain.
What kind of leftist double talk babble bullshit is this?

It's just funny to see someone call the mentally ill "crazies" and then see them quote the Bible. It's a great demonstration of someone who appears to READ the Bible but not really for CONTEXT.

Hypocrisy is fun, especially the religious variety. :)
Just more craziness. They are incapable of anything else. Apparently they think Christians should not be allowed to have the basic human right of self defense against violent criminals that they refuse to restrain.

LOL. Hypocrites think Jesus would approve of them denigrating the mentally ill by calling them "crazies".

That's because for SOME "Christians" Jesus is more or less kind of a joke they use to make themselves feel like better people than they REALLY are.
It's just funny to see someone call the mentally ill "crazies" and then see them quote the Bible. It's a great demonstration of someone who appears to READ the Bible but not really for CONTEXT.

Hypocrisy is fun, especially the religious variety. :)
Lying leftist hypocrites like you are perfect example why monkeys should not breed with savants.
LOL. Hypocrites think Jesus would approve of them denigrating the mentally ill by calling them "crazies".

That's because for SOME "Christians" Jesus is more or less kind of a joke they use to make themselves feel like better people than they REALLY are.
Again the liar vomits.
Actually, my grasp of history (particularly of this topic) is EXCELLENT and nothing in my previous post shows a lack of understanding.

You simply want to "institutionalize" when American LONG AGO destroyed that ability. I'd say your post shows a SEVERE lack of knowledge of history.

How many institutions do you think still exist? LOL.

I know why thd crazies are in the streets. The leftists determined that crazy could be cured by drugs

Wow. You really DON'T know this topic at all well!

and so the APA launched a movement to shut down the mental hospitals


and treat all the nuts as outpatients. It was a complete and total racket meant to bring them a LOT if money. Except they released the loons and then didn’t pay up.

WHO didn't pay up? LOL. Yeah, the communities, states and cities. They saw shuttering the institutions as a cost savings and they refused to vote in the funds to actually take care of the other part.

The "APA" didn't do this.

That and oh yeah the meds don’t cure crazy, and crazy people wouldn’t have the sense to consistently take them if they did.

What a heartless and viciously stupid view of a complex problem. You better go blathering on about JESUS some more, hypocrite.
You simply want to "institutionalize" when American LONG AGO destroyed that ability. I'd say your post shows a SEVERE lack of knowledge of history.

How many institutions do you think still exist? LOL.

Wow. You really DON'T know this topic at all well!


WHO didn't pay up? LOL. Yeah, the communities, states and cities. They saw shuttering the institutions as a cost savings and they refused to vote in the funds to actually take care of the other part.

The "APA" didn't do this.

What a heartless and viciously stupid view of a complex problem. You better go blathering on about JESUS some more, hypocrite.
Pukes the leftist liar.
LOL. Hypocrites think Jesus would approve of them denigrating the mentally ill by calling them "crazies".

That's because for SOME "Christians" Jesus is more or less kind of a joke they use to make themselves feel like better people than they REALLY are.
They are crazies. One word is as good as another. Christ sent their demons into pigs, and drowned them. I like how you avoid the subject by obsessing over my faith, which you brought into the convo. It’s kind of like maybe you have a demon or two. Do you object to Christ and the term “crazy” because you are a demon possessed crazy yourself?
They are crazies. One word is as good as another. Christ sent their demons into pigs, and drowned them. I like how you avoid the subject by obsessing over my faith, which you brought into the convo. It’s kind of like maybe you have a demon or two. Do you object to Christ and the term “crazy” because you are a demon possessed crazy yourself?
Most leftist vermin are the epitomy of crazy.
You simply want to "institutionalize" when American LONG AGO destroyed that ability. I'd say your post shows a SEVERE lack of knowledge of history.

How many institutions do you think still exist? LOL.

Wow. You really DON'T know this topic at all well!


WHO didn't pay up? LOL. Yeah, the communities, states and cities. They saw shuttering the institutions as a cost savings and they refused to vote in the funds to actually take care of the other part.

The "APA" didn't do this.

What a heartless and viciously stupid view of a complex problem. You better go blathering on about JESUS some more, hypocrite.
That’s funny because the researchers who endorsed it admitted this is exactly what happened. They thought they were going to get big money from the feds. And they didn’t. They also admitted they didn’t do enough research before suggesting the closure of mental hospitals, and that they should never have given the go ahead to close hospitals before infrastructure was in place.
That’s funny because the researchers who endorsed it admitted this is exactly what happened. They thought they were going to get big money from the feds. And they didn’t. They also admitted they didn’t do enough research before suggesting the closure of mental hospitals, and that they should never have given the go ahead to close hospitals before infrastructure was in place.

It's almost as if you didn't read my original post. LOL.
It's almost as if you didn't read my original post. LOL.

“''Extravagant claims were made for the benefits of shifting from state hospitals to community clinics,'' Dr. Smith said. ''The professional community made mistakes and was overly optimistic..”
''Yes, the doctors were overpromising for the politicians. The doctors did not believe that community care would cure schizophrenia, and we did allow ourselves to be somewhat misrepresented.''
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America's 2nd. amendment can apply in Hawaii still, but relaxing restrictions on high risk individuals who are wishing to have a handgun for suspicious purposes, can't be tolerated.

What can and must be the rules on gungoonery must be applicable to the majority of people in Hawaii that are not Americans.

If Hawaii forfeits the safety of people on the streets then their tourism will quickly decline and safer tourist destinations will be chosen by tourists.

If the progun fraternity started to turn Honolulu into another shithole US city. (their description for cities) then Honolulu will become a ghost town overnight!

Logical consequences will come home with the guns and the chickens at the same time for the gunners. Let this one go 2A.
Are there any other violent acts that can be used against a person, other than gun
They are crazies. One word is as good as another.

Oh, OK. So I can call you "hypocrite"?

Christ sent their demons into pigs, and drowned them.

Is that your view of how mental health should be taken care of?

I like how you avoid the subject by obsessing over my faith,

Your faith seems like maybe you don't fully care about it. Not a lot of the compassion we are told you Jesus floggers have. Guess when it comes to folks who don't want to "put up again thy sword" you can't heap enough opprobrium on 'em or make up enough nasty words.

which you brought into the convo.

YOU post a sig that is a Bible quote. I found it ironic that you have such hatred for some who suffer. Makes you sound like you are the hypocrite who is in the public square so you can be seen by others praying.

Polishing your halo.

"Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward."

It’s kind of like maybe you have a demon or two.

Well, to be fair, I'm not advertising Jesus while simultaneously doing things that Jesus would find offensive.

Do you object to Christ and the term “crazy” because you are a demon possessed crazy yourself?

Wow. You really pulled out all the stops there.

I know you by the fruit you bear. You dress as a sheep but inside you are a ravening wolf.
“''Extravagant claims were made for the benefits of shifting from state hospitals to community clinics,'' Dr. Smith said. ''The professional community made mistakes and was overly optimistic..”

And, again, it's like you didn't even read my original post. LOL.


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